Tingling all over the body, like needles

A person can experience a wide variety of sensations. Tingling like needles all over the body: arms, legs, back and other parts of the body is one of the most unusual and unpleasant. This may be a signal of health problems, following which you need to contact a professional.

The mechanism of stabbing sensations in the limbs and causes

Each person experienced a feeling of piercing goosebumps throughout the body. There is a clinical term for this sensation - paresthesia. It is often accompanied by a number of additional symptoms:

  • the skin becomes numb and cold temperatures appear in the hands and feet;
  • muscle weakness;
  • joint mobility decreases;
  • itches and burns the skin;
  • skin sensitivity decreases;
  • there is a feeling of slight tickling or sharp pain.

Almost always, such symptoms are associated with poor circulation or decreased sensitivity of the nerves. Such, at first glance, not bright symptoms can be signs of serious illnesses.

Paresthesia can be chronic. In older people, blood circulation naturally slows down and the tingling condition is normal for them. In other people, it occurs when the functioning of nerve cells is disrupted. Paresthesia can also be caused by:

  1. monotonous and long-term physical activity;
  2. fungal infections;
  3. skin diseases;
  4. allergies;
  5. animal and insect bites;
  6. the presence of parasites;
  7. hypothermia or heat stroke;
  8. lack of vitamins (sodium, vitamin B12, potassium and calcium);
  9. poisoning (alcohol, food, mercury, arsenic, lead).

Latent diseases are characterized by such degrees of paresthesia as numbness, itching and prickling throughout the body. If the symptoms progress, the sting becomes more acute and turns into pain, and the numbness does not occur often and does not go away for a long time, you should immediately take therapeutic measures.

Signs of diseases

An unpleasant sensation in the interscapular space occurs immediately after exposure to adverse factors or is delayed after 5-7 days. Pain syndrome is associated with muscle strain, compression of nerves, and insufficient blood supply to tissues. As the pathological process progresses, a burning sensation in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades is accompanied by:

  • Difficulty in adopting a comfortable body position - the patient cannot sit or stand for more than 3-5 minutes.
  • The feeling of a spasm in the back muscles, when everything is seized by a spasm, and then gradually releases.
  • Decreased sensitivity, numbness of the skin (a sign determined by a tactile test).
  • Tingling and itching of the skin above the lower back.
  • Limitation of mobility.
  • The appearance of crunching, clicking, friction or other sounds when changing body position.

Additional signs are an increase in local temperature, difficulty in straightening the back and bending the body. During an exacerbation of discomfort, the patient finds it difficult to raise his arms, and suffers from dizziness, insomnia, decreased appetite and other asthenovegetative disorders. The severity of the listed symptoms differs; the general condition may improve for a short time, but then the set of symptoms repeats – sometimes, with increasing force.

Danger signs: when to see a doctor

You need to make an appointment with a specialist when the burning sensation in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades reaches a high degree of intensity, occurs regularly, and is accompanied by heart pain. If you underestimate the importance of early consultation with a doctor, the acute phase of the emerging pathology takes a chronic course, which contradicts the possibility of a quick recovery. When the disease becomes protracted, treatment may take up to 3 weeks.

If burning sensations near the spine become the reason for regular use of analgesics, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor and undergo diagnostic procedures. The systematic use of painkillers leads to intoxication of the body, is addictive, and has adverse health consequences. To avoid this, you need to stop the main cause of muscle discomfort and burning sensations in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

What diseases can cause tingling?

This unusual sensation can be caused by a number of medical conditions. The important thing is that stabbing sensations throughout the body can be both a primary sign and an additional symptom. Diseases that cause itching:

  • Kidney disease and kidney failure
    . Tingling occurs mainly in patients with uremia, most often at the terminal stage. The stronger the impairment of kidney function, the more intense the symptom manifests itself. Dialysis helps reduce tingling sensations, but it is not able to completely get rid of them.

  • Diseased liver and bile ducts
    . Severe skin itching, as the main symptom, manifests itself in cirrhosis, cancer of the head of the pancreas, hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, Giardia infection, obstruction of a large bile duct and large duodenal papilla, and cholestasis. Tingling occurs due to disturbances in the functioning of the liver and related organs. The indications are localized either at the site of the projection of the liver itself, or throughout the body.
  • Disorders of the functioning of the thyroid gland
    . Persistent generalized itching occurs in approximately 10% of patients with thyrotoxicosis. The appearance of stabbing itching in patients with endemic goiter, which is not treated for a long time, is also characteristic. According to experts, the appearance of a stabbing sensation is due to the fact that blood begins to flow to the tissues, resulting in an increase in temperature. Also, with hyperthyroidism, chronic urticaria can develop, the essence of which is the appearance of itching, it occurs due to dry skin.
  • Diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system (cardiovascular system)
    . These include the following pathologies: lymphomas, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia, mastocytosis, Waldenström macroglobulinemia, paraproteinemia, polycythemia vera, myelomas.

  • Carcinoid syndrome
    . Tingling occurs due to intense hot flashes in the head and neck. This often occurs due to stress, excessive alcohol consumption and overeating.
  • Senile/senile itching
    . Appears mainly after 70 years. The skin does not retain moisture well and dries out. Old people often dress too warmly, and the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is disrupted.
  • For HIV
    . Itching develops due to infections resulting from a decline in the immune system. It is strongly manifested in the cold season.
  • For diseases of the nervous system/nervous itching
    . It is provoked by depression, stress, schizophrenia and others. At the same time, the level of serotonin and dopamine and internal opioids increases. Generalized itching may appear due to an illusory parasite that actually does not exist (parasitephobia).
  • Allergies
    . It may appear due to the application of specific ointments, taking certain medications, cosmetics or detergents. Itching appears in the form of allergic urticaria or eczema.

  • Skin fungi
    . Keratomycosis affects the skin of the arms, abdomen, buttocks, elbows, and mammary glands.
  • Vitamin deficiency
    . With it, the skin dries out due to a lack of vitamins A, B and C and zinc and a tingling sensation occurs.
  • Neglect of hygiene rules
  • Menopause in women
    . Tingling affects the groin area.
  • Neurodermatitis
    . There is generalized itching, accompanied by burning and redness.
  • Psoriasis
    . Tingling sensations appear as the disease progresses, and peeling also occurs.

  • Folliculitis
  • Insect bites
    , including fleas.
  • Spondylosis of the cervical vertebrae
    . The cervical vertebrae fuse together, causing the nerves to be compressed. Tingling is observed in the upper back and the back of the head and face.
  • Diabetes
    . Patients experience itching and tingling in the genital area. Appears due to candidiasis of the mucous membranes. With diabetic neuropathy, tingling sensations are localized in the head, since the nerve endings in this part of the body are most affected. Sensations throughout the body are very rare and occur against the background of disturbances in the processes in the kidneys.
  • Intervertebral hernia
    . Intervertebral nerves and blood vessels are pinched, stabbing in the legs and back.

  • Poor blood circulation in the brain
    . Tingling in the scalp area occurs due to a stroke, blockage or rupture of blood vessels. Accompanied by muscle paralysis, darkening of the eyes and dizziness.
  • Joint diseases
    . This means arthritis, gout, arthrosis. Due to the ongoing inflammatory process, the nerve roots are compressed. The sensation of goosebumps is localized in the legs.

How to deal with facial numbness syndrome due to osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the neck leads to irreversible changes in the vertebrae, which directly affect the general well-being of the patient and may manifest themselves in the form of symptoms that are similar to other pathologies. If discomfort occurs in the upper spine, or disruption of the normal movement of blood and lymph in the tissues of the head and face, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination.

Why does the face go numb with osteochondrosis?

Unpleasant sensations, pain in the back and neck may indicate the development of osteochondrosis, which is formed due to the load on the vertebrae when the spine is in an uncomfortable, static-vertical position for a long time.

If there is damage to the vertebrae, cartilage and ligaments in the cervical region, then disturbances in the sensitivity of the skin of the face may occur, the normal mechanism of blood circulation may change, resulting in increased swelling. These symptoms appear due to changes that occur in bone cells during the development of the disease. Osteochondrosis is characterized by a decrease in the normal thickness of cartilage tissue, which leads to contact and friction of adjacent vertebrae. This can subsequently cause the development of inflammation, pinching of blood vessels, spinal cord nerves, and arteries.

These changes in the circulatory and nervous system of the body affect not only the normal functioning of the spine, but also respond with a burning sensation, numbness of the facial muscles, changes in tissue structure, and symmetry.

Diagnostic examination for osteochondrosis

The dangerous fact is that numbness and a burning sensation in the facial muscles can symbolize the spread of other diseases, for example, the brain, so if unpleasant symptoms occur, it is necessary to conduct a neurological examination.

Headaches and migraines, impaired facial symmetry, numbness, burning, tingling sensation, decreased muscle mobility can be manifestations of impaired blood flow in the brain, the development of tumor growths under the cranial bone, hemorrhage, and stroke. The difference is that in the presence of these symptoms of osteochondrosis, unpleasant manifestations on the face can go away when performing physical activity or, on the contrary, occur when staying in a certain body position for a long time. Also, with diseases of the spine, there is no disruption of mental functions or changes in mental activity, the patient maintains concentration, attention and clarity of thought.

Unfortunately, diagnosing and treating numbness of the facial muscles at home can lead to the progression of the disease. Therefore, it is especially important to conduct an X-ray and tomographic examination of the brain and spinal cord. This will reduce the likelihood of an incorrect diagnosis and help avoid many problems and complications by starting treatment on time.

Treatment of numbness of the facial muscles with osteochondrosis

The fight against the negative consequences of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is carried out by a neurologist or vertebrologist, who are specialists in the field of diseases associated with the nervous system. As a rule, medications are prescribed after a comprehensive diagnosis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

To combat disorders in muscle tissue and nerve endings on the face, it is first necessary to begin treatment for osteochondrosis:

  • With the help of medications that reduce inflammation in the vertebrae and nearby tissues;
  • Rubbing with ointments and creams that reduce pain;
  • Medicines that restore the cartilage layer and strengthen joints.

An effective remedy is also a back and neck massage, which improves blood circulation and lymph flow to the brain, saturating and nourishing muscle cells on the face.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Diagnosis of diseases

If the patient has been bothered by stabbing sensations for a long time, it is worth contacting a specialist at the clinic. This is especially true if tingling is observed in one part of the body and its intensity increases with any muscle activity. The doctor will be able to collect a general history, taking into account secondary symptoms (such as nausea, muscle spasms, dizziness, darkening of the eyes) and accurately determine the cause of the tingling sensation.

First of all, you should contact a therapist. He will prescribe a blood test to the patient, ask him about his general well-being, and based on this, refer him to a more specialized specialist. To diagnose diseases, the following series of procedures are prescribed:

  • heart electrocardiogram;

  • X-ray;
  • MRI (CT) of the spine and brain;
  • electromyogram;
  • Vascular ultrasound;
  • electroenteromyography;
  • blood analysis.

If necessary, refer to:

  • cerebrospinal fluid analysis;
  • skin or nerve biopsy.

Based on the test results, the therapist refers the patient to a psychotherapist, surgeon, cardiologist or neurologist.


A burning sensation in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades is a sign of osteochondrosis, muscle strain or strain, pinched nerves, or herniated intervertebral discs. Since discomfort is the main clinical manifestation of the listed pathologies, the patient undergoes a thorough differential (comparative) diagnosis. Causes that cause osteochondrosis, pinched nerve, intervertebral hernia, muscle sprain or strain:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Previous back injuries (regardless of the statute of limitations of the injury and their type).
  3. Alcohol abuse.
  4. Long-term use of medications.
  5. Hormonal imbalance (the disorder can be determined through laboratory blood tests).
  6. Obesity.
  7. Chronic endocrine diseases.
  8. Constantly staying near a source of toxic exposure (for example, working in hazardous conditions).

Doctors have established a relationship between spinal diseases and a hereditary predisposition to their development. Problems with the musculoskeletal part of the back are caused by hypothermia, exhausting physical labor, and a monotonous type of professional activity (performing the same type of movements).

Disease of the muscles, spine and ribs occurs primarily (unaccompanied by other diseases) or secondary (against the background of the underlying pathology).


Depending on the cause of the symptom, the doctor most often prescribes the following treatment options:

  • Allergic reaction - tingling is accompanied by itching, burning and redness of the skin. Antihistamines are prescribed.
  • Nervous disorders and mental stress - taking sedatives.
  • Short-term stabbing sensations are eliminated by using cooling ointments.
  • Tunnel syndrome - stabbing in the hands. Anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to improve blood circulation are prescribed.

  • Paresthesia - a complex of B vitamins and drugs to reduce blood viscosity and improve blood circulation are prescribed.
  • If tingling is observed throughout the body, they may prescribe drug therapy and prescribe medications with ginkgo biloba extract and antibiotics (Mexidol, Finlepsin, Cavinton, Actovegin, Magne B6, Trental, etc.).
  • Physiotherapy: diadynamic currents, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, mud therapy, darsonvalization, acupuncture, massage).

  • Among traditional medicines, it is recommended to drink infusions of goldenrod, willow bark, horse chestnut fruit, sweet clover herb, parsley and birch leaves.

Any therapeutic measures should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. All these procedures affect the circulatory system. An incorrectly selected treatment method or drug can worsen the situation.

Diagnostic methods

If the above measures do not help, the body still hurts, the symptoms recur, a diagnosis is necessary. So it will be for the exact cause of the ailments. Since the list of possible diseases is extensive, various types of diagnostic methods can be used to determine the source of the tingling sensation:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography to examine the brain or spine;
  • X-rays may also be ordered;
  • The heart is monitored by an electrocardiogram;
  • if vascularization is suspected, an ultrasound examination is prescribed;
  • The nervous system is examined using electromyography;

Prevention against tingling in the body

You can not only eliminate the unpleasant sensation with medications and procedures. To avoid unpleasant sensations, you can resort to the following preventive methods:

  1. Constantly monitor your posture and do not sit cross-legged for a long time.
  2. Do exercises to strengthen the paravertebral muscles.
  3. Get massages and do yoga. Exercising in the gym or swimming pool also helps a lot.

  4. Avoid hypothermia and dress warmly in bad weather.
  5. Do not sit constantly in one position (change it up to 20 times within an hour). When sitting for a long time, do small warm-ups.
  6. Don't wear clothes that are too tight. It should allow the body to move freely. It is better not to wear tight belts or narrow shoes.

These methods can promptly prevent the appearance of pins and needles sensations. The main thing is that you exercise regularly in your life and that clothes do not interfere with your ability to move freely.

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