pimples on forehead
Pimple on the forehead: interpretation of signs for women and men, the meaning of dreams
Skin rashes on any part of the body are evidence of health problems. It could be
Laser removal of lipoma (fat) on the neck
Quite often, patients avoid the surgeon because they are afraid of a painful operation and visible scars,
Tsindol is an effective external remedy for chickenpox
Tsindol for chickenpox in children: instructions for use, advantages and disadvantages
Tsindol for chickenpox is an effective remedy that has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and drying effect. His
What is vitamin C
Mesotherapy for the face: universal beauty injections?
From this article you will learn: how vitamin C acts on facial skin, how to properly
Scabies, treatment and prevention
Scabies, treatment and prevention Any person can become infected with scabies, even clean people, although clean people
Papillomas in the mouth: a simple solution to a “complex” problem
When children get sick often, this is a sure sign that the immune system is not working properly.
examination of moles in a pregnant woman
Melanoma - causes, symptoms and treatment. Why do you need to remove moles?
Melanoma is a malignant disease that affects the pigment cells of the skin - melanocytes. Conducted studies prove that
Cream "Burenka" for face
Cream "Burenka" for face: composition, benefits and consumer reviews
What are the benefits of Burenka cream? "Burenka" for the face is a multifunctional cream that has earned recognition
Chinese ointment for psoriasis - a review of popular remedies
Chinese medicine has long gained well-deserved popularity. Many diseases that cannot be dealt with
Purulent pimples - how to quickly and effectively get rid of them at home. Tips and recommendations from dermatologists for treatment (115 photos)
Problems with skin rashes are often associated not only with adolescence in adolescents.
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