Chinese ointment for psoriasis - a review of popular remedies

Chinese medicine has long gained well-deserved popularity. Many diseases that domestic doctors are unable to cope with can be quickly and easily treated using various remedies created on the basis of ancient recipes. Any Chinese remedy for psoriasis that eliminates symptoms, gels, sprays give a quick positive, lasting therapeutic effect. And these are not just words; reviews from grateful patients clearly demonstrate this.

Treatment of psoriasis with Chinese creams and ointments: features, general characteristics

Most Chinese medicines contain only herbal ingredients. Traditional medicine of the Celestial Empire excludes the use of chemicals at all. But in severe cases, a hormonal Chinese cream for psoriasis may be recommended. There are no chemical compounds or their content is minimal.

It is not difficult to purchase any Chinese medicine for psoriasis today; there are enough of them in every pharmacy. Modern treatment according to Chinese methods is carried out using two types of means:

  • corticosteroid drugs for psoriasis, but have many contraindications;
  • non-hormonal ones have a mild effect and do not cause side effects.

They have a number of positive parameters:

  • prevent the development of infection;
  • quickly cleanse the skin at any stage of psoriasis;
  • do not have a negative effect on blood composition;
  • do not affect the functioning of organs;
  • are not addictive;
  • have a lasting effect.

Such data cannot be addressed to hormonal and corticosteroid drugs for psoriasis. Among the most popular are the following Chinese remedies for eliminating psoriasis:

  • King of leather;
  • Chinese cream Yiganerjing;
  • Psoriasis cream;
  • Viganerjing (ointment);
  • Fufan lotion;
  • patch to eliminate psoriasis;
  • Nano-gel;
  • SHANGHAI Sulfu soap;
  • tablets for psoriasis.

It is important that any Chinese medicine for psoriasis is agreed with your doctor before starting its use. Some components included in the composition may cause side effects.

Application results

Regular use of Chinese ointment restores the color and structure of the skin, completely removes or reduces the appearance of the rash. After treatment, the restoration of the dermis occurs at an accelerated rate and the skin soon takes on a clean, moisturized and healthy appearance.

Most patient reviews are positive; many note a significant reduction in discomfort and intense hydration after 2-3 procedures. During the procedures, natural protective reactions are activated, protecting the epidermis from the harmful effects of the external environment. By increasing local immunity, it is possible to achieve long-term remission of the disease.

Chinese ointments significantly improve the condition of the skin, slow down the progression of the disease and relieve discomfort. Correct use of the ointment makes it possible to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect and stimulates the restoration of affected epithelial cells.

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The main effect of the ointment on psoriasis is the destruction of fungus, hydration and healing of damaged areas. Psoriasis is a chronic, serious disease that causes severe discomfort to the patient due to constant itching and peeling. A cosmetic defect deprives you of a normal, fulfilling lifestyle. Psoriasis forces the patient to hide from people.

Dermatologists often prescribe hormonal drugs, which have many side effects. Ointments from domestic manufacturers do not cope well with psoriasis, but Chinese ones are much more effective. They almost instantly relieve unpleasant symptoms and restore the skin to a healthy appearance. Among the large range of drugs, ointments are especially popular. They quickly relieve characteristic symptoms and eliminate visible traces of the disease.


For modern Chinese medicine, there are practically no problems associated with any skin pathologies, such as psoriasis. Viganerjing is one of the popular products containing only natural ingredients. Thanks to its composition and high efficiency, it occupies a leading position among other products. All components are collected in environmentally friendly places in China, these are:

  • zhgun-root;
  • holly (extract);
  • Japanese sophora (extract);
  • Amur velvet; kochia.

Viganerjing quickly restores the skin at any stage of psoriasis, eliminates traces of peeling, and stops itching. Does not pose a danger to pregnant and lactating women. But, in order to avoid allergies, it is better to consult a dermatologist before starting use.

The cream is applied to the surface of the affected skin in small portions 2 times a day. The course of treatment is a month. After completing the course, you must take a two-week break, after which you can resume treatment.

King of leather

This cream is hormonal. Therefore, its use must be coordinated with your doctor. The composition contains natural and chemical components. This treatment of psoriasis using this ointment quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease. Already in the first days, itching and burning disappear. The basis is ketoconazole, which helps destroy painful fungi. Among the hormonal components is clobetasol propionate, which blocks inflammatory processes.

It also contains plant components that were collected in high mountain, clean areas in China. This:

  • tulasi;
  • sandalwood;
  • turmeric;
  • margosa;
  • kapoor kachari.

This composition provides skin hydration, stops inflammatory processes, destroys fungi, microbes, and removes toxins from the surface of the skin. Turmeric provides an analgesic and disinfecting effect.

Skin King cream is applied to the cleansed surface affected by psoriasis in a thin layer 2 times a day. Do not allow components to come into contact with mucous membranes. The effect becomes noticeable on the third day. Itching and burning disappear, peeling disappears. The positive dynamics persist for quite a long period. After three weeks of daily use, skin condition noticeably improves. The process of regeneration of the dermis starts.

Psoriasis cream

The ointment was developed by Chinese scientists based on ancient traditions and recipes. This drug is used not only for the treatment of psoriasis. It provides effective assistance in the fight against eczema, dermatitis, and lichen. After just a few doses, the butt disappears, the burning sensation disappears, and the damaged areas of the skin begin to recover. The cream has a delicate texture and is quickly absorbed without leaving an unpleasant shine on the surface.

The cream contains extracts of the following plant components:

  • Oak bark;
  • sparrow root;
  • white oil;
  • Gouwu;
  • Osthole Cnidium Frui and others.

In addition to the rich herbal mix, the composition contains camphor, liquid paraffin, deionized water, and vitamin A. Regular use of the ointment not only allows you to get rid of severe symptoms of the disease. Provides assistance in eliminating the pathology itself.

It has a delicate texture and is quickly absorbed. Easily apply a thin layer to the surface of the affected areas 3 times a day. Does not cause side effects, but is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, or individuals with individual intolerance.


The ointment has a delicate texture with a pinkish tint and a delicate aroma. It has a fairly wide range of applications in the treatment of skin diseases without causing side effects. When applied to the skin, a slight tingling sensation is felt due to the presence of menthol in the composition.

The product is not hormonal and contains only natural ingredients. Easy to apply, quickly absorbed. Under the influence of the product, keratinized tissue softens, inflammatory processes disappear, blood circulation is normalized, and the process of skin regeneration begins. The ointment has no contraindications, so it can be used even when treating children, but do not exclude mandatory consultation with a dermatologist.

The medicine is applied to the skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. Absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy sheen. The skin clears up within 3-4 days, and after two weeks the painful plaques disappear completely. To consolidate the effect, you can repeat the course after two weeks.

What is psoriasis, its signs

The main characteristic of psoriasis is that it significantly accelerates cell division: this occurs 6-10 times more intensely than is normally required. Because of this, chronic inflammation of the epidermis and its peeling occurs. Often the disease worsens and becomes acute.

The reasons for this may be:

  • skin injury;
  • stress;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • viral diseases;
  • streptococci.

The severity of psoriasis is no less diverse: the affected surface can be dry or weeping; its localization either on certain parts of the body or on a significant part of the epidermis.

The main locations are as follows:

  • knees and elbows;
  • palms and soles;
  • large skin folds;
  • nail plates and mucous surfaces.

Psoriasis is considered one of the mysterious diseases. There are 4 theories to explain the reasons for its occurrence, the emergence of which was contributed by Winston Churchill. He promised that he would erect a gold monument to the doctor who would find out what the problem was.

AutoimmuneThis theory is based on the assumption that psoriasis sufferers have too many T-lymphocytes in their blood. Because of this, a certain part of the skin is subject to constant inflammation: the body at some point begins to perceive its largest organ, the skin, as an aggressor.
HereditaryThe disease is believed to be caused by a specific DNA defect.
EndocrineAccording to this theory, the reason is a disruption in the functioning of the organs responsible for internal secretion (thyroid gland, pituitary gland).
ExchangeThe theory is based on the fact that scientists have established: people with psoriasis have impaired nitrogen and lipid metabolism, and the content of toxins in their body exceeds the norm.

None of the theories is conclusively proven, so modern therapy for psoriasis does not involve addressing the cause. It is aimed at making life as easy as possible for the patient, reducing the severity of the symptoms from which he suffers.

Psoriasis does not discriminate between genders: the incidence statistics for men and women are approximately the same. Typically, the peak of the disease occurs between 15 and 25 years of age. If the disease manifests itself at the age of 50-60, then it is less pronounced than in young patients.

As for heredity, then:

  • if one of the parents has psoriasis, the risk that the child will have it is 14%;
  • if both parents suffer from it, the risk level rises to 41%;
  • if parents have never encountered psoriasis, the child can still get sick, especially if his skin is thin, dry and light - the statistics for such people are disappointing.

The symptoms of psoriasis manifest themselves as follows: at first, the affected areas appear only in small areas of the epidermis, usually on the den or bends of the limbs. Sometimes they manifest themselves where clothing presses and rubs: in places where the skin is subject to constant mechanical damage.

At first there is a feeling of tightness and itching, then redness appears, and skin scales begin to separate. If the psoriasis is dry, they simply fall off like wax shavings, and if it is wet, the skin comes off in plate-like scales, and bleeding areas may appear.

At first, the plaques are small, but gradually they grow and cover a significant area of ​​the skin.

Psoriasis has several types:

SeborrheicMost often appears in the area behind the ear and along the hairline, characterized by itching and flaking
ExudativeWith this type of psoriasis, the affected parts always become wet
Children'sSometimes it is confused with diaper rash, since the plaques peel slightly, but become very red and can become wet
PlantarExpressed as thickening of the skin and cracks
ObsoleteIt assumes not only a significant area of ​​plaques, but also the appearance of warts and papillomas on them
Psoriatic onychiaOccurs in a quarter of patients and manifests itself as deformation of the nail plate
Mucosal psoriasisUsually localized in the oral cavity
teardrop-shapedCharacterized by small papules

The course of the disease is cyclical:

  1. Progressive stage . At this stage, all the plaques merge into a single spot that itches.
  2. Stationary stage . It occurs after a certain period of time from the onset of the disease (from a week to a month). The growth of plaques stops and peeling begins.
  3. Regressive stage . It involves rest, since the plaques disappear for a while.
  4. Chronic stage . When plaques appear and disappear regularly and in different places of the epidermis.

Patients who experience psoriasis for the first time rejoice at the regressive stage of recovery, but without treatment, all stages will be repeated more and more often, and exacerbation will occur almost every month. The main thing is to take measures in time so that the disease does not become chronic.

Psoriasis is treated in a variety of ways, including medications, physiotherapy and local remedies that are highly effective - ointments and creams. All Chinese, European and domestic products must be prescribed by a doctor.

When you suspect that your body is affected by psoriasis, you should seek help. It is best to find a clinic that has the appropriate capabilities and a staff of qualified doctors.

Yiganerjing Cream

Iganerzhing product with a wide range of actions. Helps in the treatment of psoriasis and can be used in complex therapy to treat:

  • seborrhea;
  • depriving;
  • eczema;
  • baby heat rash;
  • fungal nail diseases;
  • staphylococcal rashes;
  • acne;
  • candidiasis.

The attached instructions indicate that Viganerjing can be used as an intimate hygiene product. The composition of the ointment is capable of destroying pathogenic microflora, killing candida fungus, relieving itching, and eliminating irritation.

The cream contains only natural ingredients:

  • Japanese sophora (extract);
  • zhgun root;
  • mulberry root;
  • Chinese lotus;
  • mint;
  • holly.

Also contains petroleum jelly, purified water, and chlorhexidine is used as an antiseptic. There are no alcohol, fragrances, dyes, or hormones.

The cream is applied in a thin layer to the affected area 3 times a day. Use until the characteristic symptoms disappear completely and the skin is cleansed. If necessary, treatment can be repeated after a month.

Release form

Various forms of topical medications are available for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • creams - made on the basis of 3-4 or more components, have a wide spectrum of action: cope with fungal infections, eliminate miliaria in children, some drugs actively fight staphylococcal infections, acne;
  • ointments - copes well with fungus, intensively moisturizing flaky skin, and helps restore the epidermis. Domestic products have little effect on the processes occurring in psoriasis. But products from China are made from unique plants that quickly and effectively help relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease;
  • gels - this form of remedy is very popular for psoriasis, especially in women. This is due to the pleasant, delicate aroma of the gel and its composition, which contains no chemical elements. Gels soothe irritated skin, penetrating inside to improve blood circulation and eliminate unpleasant burning sensations. With long-term use, psoriatic rash is reduced or completely eliminated;
  • lotions - effectively eliminates signs of psoriasis and other dermal diseases. With daily use, after 3-5 procedures, irritation decreases and inflammation goes away. All Chinese lotions have disinfectant properties and promote healing of the epidermis;
  • tablets - patient reviews indicate the strong effect of the tablet form of Chinese remedies. The course of therapy is quite long, 1-1.5 months. The results become visible already on the 5-7th day of use: discomfort, itching and burning disappear. After 2-3 weeks, the rash begins to disappear, body temperature normalizes;
  • patches are an excellent addition to traditional methods of therapy. After attaching the patch to the affected area, after a few hours the discomfort and swelling decrease, and with regular use the rash disappears. Thanks to the composition of the patches, there is a pronounced calming, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.
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Lotion Fufan

A lotion that helps in the treatment of not only getting rid of psoriatic rashes, but also most dermatological diseases. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching, burning, and disinfects. With regular use, it restores the skin regeneration process by restoring blood flow in the dermis. The patient quickly feels the beneficial effects of the components of the product.

The lotion has a rich composition of natural ingredients.

  1. Artesian water regulates cell division, restores blood circulation in the dermis, and restores skin regeneration.
  2. Ethanol in the lotion is an antiseptic, destroys pathogenic microbes, and relieves inflammation. The presence of this component in the drug guarantees the absence of relapse.
  3. The fluocinonide hormone provides anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic effect, relieves itching and burning. This is a component that stops the metabolic process in infected cells, which ensures rapid restoration of the skin.
  4. Acetic acid destroys pathogenic organisms and relieves inflammation.
  5. Fluoric acid provides a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. A large composition of medicinal herbal extracts provides nutrition to healthy cells, starts the regeneration process, and saturates the skin with useful substances.
  7. Camphor relieves burning, itching, improves the healing and recovery process.

Using the drug is not difficult. Using a cotton pad, apply the lotion to the affected areas of the skin. Absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue. The duration of treatment is no more than ten days. If you use it longer, side effects may appear. Not recommended for use by children, pregnant and lactating women.


Treatment of psoriasis is a complex, lengthy process that does not always give the desired result. The patient often despairs when trying to find real help from medical professionals. Chinese traditional medicine has come to the rescue, offering various remedies created based on ancient recipes for the treatment of this pathology.

The appearance of Chinese patches made a big breakthrough in this area of ​​medicine. In a short period of time, the patient can eliminate the psoriatic rash and get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Reviews from many people confirm the positive effect of the patches. This effect is explained by the unique composition contained in the patches:

  • borneol provides a calming effect;
  • flucinoid stops the inflammatory process;
  • camphor oil – antiseptic;
  • eucalyptus oil disinfects wounds;
  • Methyl citate normalizes blood circulation in the dermis.

This is a composition that is present in every type of Chinese patches. For a higher therapeutic effect, each type is enriched with plant components from the pure regions of the Middle Kingdom.

Soft skin

This type of patch has undergone serious clinical trials. More than 3 thousand people with various types of this pathology took part in them. The subjects used the patch for three weeks as recommended by doctors. Efficiency and lasting effect were obtained in all patients. More severe types of the disease were cured after four weeks.

This product does not contain hormones. Side effects are excluded. Apply externally, stick directly to the diseased area, do not remove for 2-3 days. After removal, the patient finds that the plaques soften, become smaller, and eventually disappear altogether. A similar therapeutic effect is ensured by the composition of the patch.

Before using the patch, you must carefully remove the protective film and stick the patch directly onto each plaque. Leave for several days. Do not get it wet. Then change to a fresh one. Continue this way for 2-3 weeks. If the desired effect is not achieved, continue treatment further. To prevent relapse, treatment can be repeated after a month.

Quannaide Xinmeisu Tiegao

The composition of the patches from Chinese manufacturers is almost the same. This:

  • borneol;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • fluocinode;
  • camphor oil;
  • methylsacilite.

These components ensure normal blood flow in the damaged dermis, reduce pain and destroy plaques after a few days. The final effect is possible after 3-4 weeks of regular use. The patch is applied directly to the affected area, which is first washed and dried. It must be kept for at least 3 days, after which it is replaced with a new plate.

Before using the patch, you should consult your doctor, as some of its components may cause side effects.

Prevention of psoriasis

To avoid psoriasis, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try not to worry . People prone to psoriasis are also prone to strong emotional experiences. It is best to tune in to a positive mood; you can use sedatives to reduce worries.
  2. Wardrobe selection . Clothes should be made from soft, natural, light-colored fabrics. Synthetics should be excluded, the same applies to underwear. If items are made of wool, they should not be close to the body, and pillows filled with down and feathers should be replaced with hypoallergenic ones.
  3. Smart food consumption. Considering that psoriasis affects the liver, it is better to exclude fried, fatty and smoked foods from the diet. Do not consume foods that cause allergies.

  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle . For those suffering from psoriasis, regular rest and walks in the fresh air are important. It is recommended to do fitness, gymnastics, and visit the pool.
  5. Be careful when using medications . It is important to prevent chronic forms of even simple diseases, such as runny nose or colds.
  6. Skin care . In warm weather, it is necessary to take air baths and shower with cool water. At any time - take a bath and do massages.

Psoriasis is an unpleasant disease with an unknown etiology. To overcome the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor and use natural Chinese ointments for external use. These non-hormonal drugs will not harm the body and will effectively eliminate the problem.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky


The gel has a delicate texture, a pleasant aroma, and contains no fragrances or dyes. The product contains only natural ingredients that soothe irritated skin, restore blood circulation in the affected areas, relieve itching, burning and gradually completely remove plaques. The method of application is simple:

  • the gel is applied in small portions to dry, previously cleansed skin;
  • excess must be removed with a soft cloth or cotton pad;
  • carry out the procedure 3 times a day;
  • course of treatment - until the skin is completely restored.

To avoid relapse, you can repeat the weekly course in a month.

Skin care cosmetics

  1. Moisturizing. Such products protect the skin from excessive dryness, fight flaking and a feeling of tightness, and restore comfort. For psoriasis, you can use emollients - special pharmaceutical products with a complex effect. They deliver water to the deep layers of the skin, restore the lipid barrier and promote damage healing.
  2. Exfoliating (keratolytics). These products soften plaques and promote healthy skin. The composition may include urea, lactic acid, salicylic acid.

For psoriasis, it is useful to use skincare products containing vitamin D3[4]. This substance helps suppress inflammation and strengthen the skin barrier. Another form, vitamin D2, is synthesized inside the body under the influence of UV rays. The compound also accelerates healing, so experts recommend taking short (no more than 15-20 minutes) sunbathing for psoriasis. Despite the benefits of tanning, you should not ignore products with an SPF filter. They protect sensitive skin from burns, which in psoriasis are no less dangerous than mechanical damage.

Xiao yin Pian Tablets

When testing this drug, a positive result was obtained in all cases. The course of treatment lasted a little over 50 days. The resulting lasting effect lasts for a long period of time. To exclude relapse, doctors recommend repeating treatment at least a month after the previous one.

After taking the first tablet, the patient feels relief, as well as:

  • temperature normalizes;
  • itching and burning disappear;
  • the rash gradually disappears.

The manufacturer recommends taking 5-7 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month, after which you can take a break. There are no hormones in the composition, it contains only natural ingredients. There are no official contraindications, no side effects have been identified. Contains natural herbal ingredients and vitamins:

  • tree peony (bark and root);
  • Chinese angelica;
  • Japanese Sophora;
  • honeysuckle;
  • cicada larva (shell);
  • woad (leaves);
  • safflower

All plants are grown on specialized high-mountain farms.

SHANGHAI Sulfur Soap

Fragrant, pleasant, alkali-, fragrance- and dye-free soap from a Chinese manufacturer for people with problem skin. Suitable not only for the treatment and prevention of psoriasis. Positive reviews are left by people who have had seborrhea, lichen, acne, dandruff, and allergic rashes.

Soap is used as an ordinary hygiene product during morning routines or showering. You should not allow other family members to use it; this personal hygiene product is only for a sick person. The product contains:

  • aloe vera:
  • dead sea minerals;
  • olive oil;
  • sulfur.

Take a shower using this soap, preferably 2 times a day. The soap is applied to the body, left for 5 minutes, and then washed off.

How to choose a remedy for psoriasis?

To choose the right Chinese ointment or other remedy, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with their pharmacological properties, which help eliminate the symptoms of psoriasis.

It is necessary to pay attention to the form of the drug - non-hormonal ones are prescribed in the early stages of the disease, while hormonal ones are used for extensive lesions of the body with psoriatic plaques.

It is equally important to select a remedy, taking into account the characteristics of the pathological process. Different stages of psoriasis require the use of an individual treatment regimen and the use of certain medications. Sometimes the use of treatment only reduces the manifestation of the disease for a short period of time, after which a relapse occurs and the symptoms increase again. There are certain features that need to be taken into account when choosing a product:

  • instructions for use (before starting therapy, it is important to familiarize yourself with possible limitations and complications);
  • constituent components (high-quality products contain only natural substances);
  • type of skin (some products contain potent components that can provoke allergic rashes in patients with sensitive skin types);
  • pharmacological action (broad-spectrum drugs have a stronger effect);
  • comparison of the properties of drugs (before purchasing a product, it is recommended to compare the characteristics of the products).


Doctors recommend using Chinese spray during remission. This allows you to relieve possible irritation, itching or burning. The liquid does not contain hormones, it contains only plant components. It is necessary to shake the can and apply the product to the problem area of ​​the skin. Leave until completely absorbed.


Chinese traditional medicine is deservedly popular. Created on the basis of ancient recipes using environmentally friendly plant ingredients, they are guaranteed to provide a lasting positive effect in the treatment of psoriasis.

“I once discovered that strange spots began to appear on my leg. They gradually increased in size and caused discomfort due to itching. I consulted a dermatologist, he diagnosed psoriasis. I'm shocked! How come, no one in my family has ever had anything like this. But there is nothing to do, you need to fight. The doctor recommended the “Skin King” ointment. I decided to buy it, there are a lot of these products in every pharmacy, it’s not difficult to purchase. Daily procedures got rid of the problem in two weeks. Now I apply it once a month for preventive purposes. Everything has returned to normal. Thank you to the Celestial Empire for a unique remedy!” Olga

“At three years old, my child began to develop strange spots on his stomach, which a little later became covered with some kind of scales. I suspected that it might be psoriasis, but I didn’t want to believe it. The pediatrician confirmed my fears. The diagnosis sounded like a death sentence. But the doctor reassured me and said that the process can be stopped by using Chinese non-hormonal soap “SHANGHAI Sulfur Soap” every day. You can buy it at any pharmacy, prices are affordable. I washed my child with this soap twice daily. I was afraid of an allergic reaction, but nothing like that happened. The problem was resolved in 10 days. The attending physician also recommended the spray, but I haven’t tried it yet.” Tatyana


The cost of Chinese ointments for the treatment of psoriasis is dynamic and may change over time.

The following are approximate prices for the drugs discussed in this article:

  • Pihuan Sedu - average cost 300 rubles ;
  • Basiangao - average cost 540 rubles ;
  • 999 Pianpin - average cost 250-300 rubles ;
  • King of leather - cost from 200 rubles ;
  • Psoriasis Cream - cost from 1000 rubles ;
  • Chinese Nano-Gel - average cost 900 rubles ;
  • Fufan - average cost 400 rubles ;
  • Yiganerjing - average cost 200-250 rubles .
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