Tsindol for chickenpox in children: instructions for use, advantages and disadvantages

Tsindol for chickenpox is an effective remedy that has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and drying effect. It is used in complex therapy of the disease. The effect of using the drug becomes noticeable within 2–3 days.

Tsindol is an effective external remedy for chickenpox

Chickenpox is a viral infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. The disease is highly contagious and spreads quickly; most people contract it during childhood. Therefore, a cure for chickenpox should not only be effective, but also safe.


Before applying the product, rinse the affected area of ​​skin with warm water and wait until it is completely dry. Before application, you need to shake the bottle a little so that the suspension becomes homogeneous. Then you need to evenly distribute a thin layer on problem skin. Leave the product for 2-3 hours, then remove the composition from the skin under warm water. A similar procedure can be carried out 4-5 times a day.

The duration of the treatment course depends on the severity of the lesion. May last from several days to several weeks.

Instructions for use for different conditions:

  • for serious skin lesions. For treatment, various masks based on the drug are used. It is spread over the skin, left to dry, after which it needs to be covered with cloth or gauze, fixed and left overnight;
  • for the treatment of burns and wounds. Apply a bandage to the problem skin, having previously treated it with a suspension. If necessary, you can change the bandage after a while;
  • for children. For preventive purposes, apply to those areas of the skin that come into contact with damp and wet clothing;
  • for sunburn, abrasions and scratches. Spread a thin layer over the surface of the skin. Can be covered with gauze;
  • for diaper rash in children. If your baby develops redness and skin irritation, you can treat the problem area of ​​skin 3 times a day after changing diapers.

When using the product, you should ensure that the drug does not get into your eyes and mouth. Tsindol is not a remedy that can fight purulent wounds, so it can only be used on those areas that are not infected.

There are no cases of drug overdose.

Instructions for newborns

A special feature of the drug is that it can be used even by newborns. The composition does not have any negative effect on the baby's skin. Do not apply the suspension to your face, as the skin may peel off.

From the very morning you need to bathe your baby in the bath with a solution of potassium permanganate (the water should have a light pink tint). Dry the body with a towel, apply the suspension to those areas where there is a rash. Allow the skin to dry, only then can you put on clothes.

Throughout the day, if necessary, you can repeat the procedure. In the evening, before going to bed, you also need to take a bath with potassium permanganate.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tsindol

Tsindol is a fairly popular remedy that has been used for a long time to treat chickenpox. According to reviews of people who have used the medicine, its advantages include:

  • fast action . The very next day after treatment, many elements of the rash become covered with crusts. Within three days, the number of rashes decreases significantly;
  • no coloring . Unlike brilliant green and Fukortsin, the drug does not have a coloring effect, so it does not stain clothes and bedding too much. A thin white film appears on the surface of the skin, which quickly wears off;
  • no greasy stains . The suspension dries quickly and, unlike ointments, does not leave greasy stains on clothes;
  • availability . The cost of the drug is low, and it can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • shelf life . After opening the package, the drug can be used for a long time, until the expiration date.

According to patient reviews, the disadvantages of the drug are not so significant. The main ones include a slight burning sensation when applied to open wounds, so some children tolerate treatment very poorly. If the suspension applied to the skin does not dry, it leaves white stains on clothes (usually they wash off well and do not leave marks).

Another disadvantage, according to customer reviews, is that the drug dries the skin very much; after its use, peeling often occurs, which disappears after applying nutrients.

Other disadvantages:

  • the possibility of an allergic reaction. Minor manifestations often occur in the form of redness in the area of ​​application;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • high consumption, although they note that the low cost compensates for this.

What is better for chickenpox – Tsindol or Calamine? According to reviews of people who compared these two drugs, after using Calamine, the itching disappeared very quickly. At the same time, Tsindol does not have such an antipruritic effect, but it dries out the vesicles faster.

In childhood, chickenpox is quite easily tolerated, while in adults the rash lasts longer and there is a risk of developing complications. Therefore, promptly started treatment makes it possible to cure the disease without negative consequences.

Despite the fact that Tsindol is a fairly safe drug, you should consult your doctor before using it.

special instructions

There is no data on the interaction of Tsindol with other drugs.

You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy; it is available without a doctor’s prescription.

It should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 18-25 degrees.

Shelf life – 24 months.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is effective for prickly heat, skin rashes, itching, redness of the skin, and allergies. During pregnancy, small pimples may appear, which Tsindol can fight.

While carrying a child, the expectant mother's skin may peel off, rashes, redness and other skin irritations may appear. The product can also be used for scratches, abrasions and insect bites.


The medicine is used for superficial skin damage, including inflammatory processes. In addition to chickenpox, it is prescribed for diaper rash, dermatitis, cuts, burns, eczema, bedsores, herpetic rashes and streptoderma, insect bites.

The medicine is prescribed from infants to adults and is used exclusively for external use.

Reviews about the drug

Tsindol is available to everyone due to its reasonable price, and it is also quite effective. This is why it has many rave reviews. The product copes well with various skin problems and can be used by both adults and children. Moreover, the drug has a minimum of contraindications and causes almost no side effects.

Many note the main property of the suspension - it relieves irritation after shaving, eliminates redness, and prevents the appearance of small pimples.

The drug for chickenpox in children has received a lot of reviews. Many parents use Tsindol for rashes in babies. After taking it, there are no traces left, which cannot be said about other means, for example, brilliant green. The drug dries out the rash perfectly and helps the wounds heal faster, without leaving any scars. For chickenpox, the suspension does not sting the skin, so it can be used to safely treat children's skin.

There are many reviews about the effect of Tsindol on acne, which are also positive. The suspension relieves inflammation and eliminates rashes.

There are very few negative reviews about the drug. All of them are due to the fact that people do not have enough time to use it several times a day due to which no visible results are observed.

Principle of action for chickenpox

The drug is used topically to reduce the intensity of pathological processes. The medicine has a wide range of healing effects on the skin:

  • anti-inflammatory effect allows you to quickly remove swelling and redness;
  • absorbent properties help draw toxins out of the skin;
  • the mash dries up the bubbles and reduces their size until they disappear completely;
  • the drying effect prevents the bursting of bubbles and subsequent painful sensations;
  • the antiseptic disinfecting properties of the drug help destroy pathogenic cells and disinfect the skin;
  • after application, a barrier layer is formed on the surface, protecting against further infection.

Doctors' opinion

Diagnosis of chickenpox, as well as treatment, should be carried out by a doctor of appropriate qualifications. Each case of chickenpox requires a thorough and individual approach; only a professional can assess the advisability of using Tsindol (as well as any other medications).

One of the main tasks of parents is to prevent a secondary infection from occurring on the child’s skin and, if possible, to avoid the formation of scars.

To do this, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene - wash the child’s skin with clean water at least once a day, without rubbing it with a washcloth, then blot thoroughly. Trim your nails, which provide excellent conditions for the development of pathogens. And of course you need to minimize the amount of scratching.

Distract your child during the day from realizing the desire to “scratch” the rash. To do this, you can play your favorite games, read, watch cartoons together, and if possible, go for walks in uncrowded places. Apply local products with an antiseptic and antipruritic effect, such as “Tsindol” 2-6 times a day, on previously cleansed and dried skin. After applying the product, it is recommended to dry the emulsion for 10-15 minutes, and then you can get dressed. Antihistamines will worsen the antipruritic effect of the zinc-containing emulsion.


Tsindol is not available as an ointment. However, for ease of use, you can get the product in this consistency. To do this, the suspension is left to stand in a lighted room until sediment forms. Then the liquid is drained, and the thick sediment is mixed with baby cream in equal proportions. The resulting zinc ointment is easier and more convenient to apply pointwise to damaged areas.

You can also buy ready-made zinc oxide-based ointment at the pharmacy; use it in the same way as a suspension.

Side effect

When the bubbles are lubricated, the medicine is absorbed by the surface of the skin. If parents smear the child much more often than indicated in the instructions, an overdose effect may occur. Side effects can also occur with normal dosage, as an individual reaction of the body.

The following side symptoms were noted : increased itching and redness, urticaria, rash. If such symptoms appear, the use of Tsindol should be stopped, as well as the use of other drugs with zinc oxide.


Studies have proven the safety of the drug, so it is recommended for use even for newborns and during pregnancy. However, like any medicine, Tsindol should be used with caution:

  • do not allow the suspension to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, make sure that the child does not rub the eyes with lubricated hands;
  • the suspension is not intended for oral administration, so keep it out of the reach of children;
  • remember that Tsindol is not intended for lubricating blisters on mucous membranes, for example, in the mouth;
  • if you notice that zinc has dried out your skin too much, use a moisturizer after washing off the remnants of the drug;
  • It is not recommended to use other local agents on the same skin area simultaneously with Tsindol.

What to replace the product with?

There are no 100% analogues of Tsindol, but there are preparations containing zinc:

  • zinc ointment;
  • Diaderm;
  • Desitin;
  • Calamine.

The difference between the drugs lies in the percentage of zinc oxide. Tsindol is the most effective remedy, since zinc is the most active in it, so its effect on relieving the inflammatory process is much stronger.

A brilliant green solution is often used to dry chickenpox ulcers, but this remedy does not have a therapeutic effect.

Drugs for the treatment of skin rashes - table

NameRelease formActive substanceIndicationsContraindicationsFrom what age is it used?Price in rublesZinc oxide content
Zinc ointmentOintmentZinc oxide
  • Acne;
  • dark spots;
  • bedsores;
  • dermatitis;
  • Diaper rash.
Individual intoleranceFrom birth32–3610%
DiadermCreamZinc oxide
  • Diaper rash on the feet;
  • fungus;
  • calluses;
  • corns.
DesitinOintmentZinc oxide
  • Diaper rash;
  • skin damage;
  • burns;
  • cuts;
  • scratches.
  • Cream;
  • lotion.
  • Calamine;
  • zinc oxide.
Dermatological diseases, including infectious:
  • chicken pox;
  • hives;
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen;
  • herpes;
  • acne;
  • rubella.

Products based on zinc oxide in the photo

Calamine - a remedy for treating skin rashes

Desitin is an antiseptic drug for the treatment of superficial wounds

Diaderm is indicated for the treatment of skin diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus

Zinc ointment is a universal remedy for the treatment of skin diseases.

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