Honey massage of the whole body - technique, indications and contraindications

One of the most effective anti-cellulite procedures is specialized professional massage. It is significantly safer than most other cosmetic procedures, but is no less effective. The International Center for Health Protection employs the best specialists in Moscow who use proven modern anti-cellulite massage techniques.

The benefits of honey massage

  • increasing the elasticity of the skin of the face and body
  • getting rid of the problem of “orange peel”, cellulite
  • improving blood circulation, accelerating lymph flow in the body
  • strengthening general immunity, preventing frequent colds
  • relieving nervous tension
  • reducing the appearance of age spots on the face and body
  • normalization of blood pressure
  • improvement of skin appearance
  • relief from migraines, headaches, back and neck pain
  • cleansing, achieving a peeling effect on the skin of the face and body
  • treatment and prevention of bone diseases of the body (osteochondrosis, radiculitis)
  • reducing the appearance of age-related skin changes, stretch marks, scars

10 myths about cellulite

After studying research and the opinions of top doctors, here are 10 myths about cellulite:

  1. Cellulite appears only with age. Unfortunately, orange peel can also form at 15-18 years of age. And if a girl does not lead an active lifestyle or has bad habits, then the risk of cellulite increases.
  2. This problem only affects obese women. This is wrong. Cellulite can also appear on the body of thin girls, and even photos of stars on the Internet prove this.
  3. Proper nutrition will get rid of orange peel. It is not possible to completely remove cellulite. Diet will only help improve skin condition.
  4. Cellulite is a pathology. A huge number of doctors do not classify the occurrence of orange peel as a disease. It appears due to the hormone estrogen, that is, it is a female secondary sexual characteristic.
  5. Cellulite is swelling, so you need to review your water regime and consume less liquids. If you drink more water, blood circulation improves, congestion decreases, which, of course, will reduce the severity of cellulite.
  6. You can remove cellulite with massage. Through this procedure, you can achieve excellent results, as blood circulation improves and lymph stagnation is eliminated. But if you stop doing the massage, the skin condition will return to its previous state. To maintain the effect, you need to regularly conduct massage courses.
  7. You can protect yourself from cellulite. This is also a misconception. Cellulite is associated with a genetic predisposition. Therefore, many people cannot avoid its appearance. But if you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and exercise, this problem will be less noticeable. But it requires constant work on yourself.
  8. Anti-cellulite creams can remove cellulite forever. This is just a marketing ploy. Creams improve the condition of the skin, masking the problem, but do not remove the orange peel.
  9. Using hormonal contraception can make the situation worse. No, such products do not affect cellulite.
  10. Liposuction can help. This is an operation to remove excess fat. But it does not change the structure of tissues.

Contraindications for honey massage sessions

  • allergy to sweet product
  • inflammation on the skin of the face, body, inflammatory processes in the body, fever
  • phlebeurysm
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the body
  • respiratory system diseases, asthma
  • thyroid diseases
  • too thick hair (in this case, it is recommended to carry out a depilation procedure first)

Even if the client’s body does not suffer from allergies to bee products, the patient does not have the listed contraindications, honey should still not be applied to the following areas:

  • Popliteal, axillary hollows;
  • Groin;
  • Neck;
  • Breast.

Skin after massage

In the first sessions, massage manipulations using honey can bring discomfort and sometimes even pain.

Many people note that bruises and hematomas remain on the skin. This is explained by the fact that the skin in problem areas is not elastic and elastic enough, so it is easy to injure the capillaries here.

To prevent soreness and bruising after anti-cellulite massage procedures, you need to first prepare the skin.

For example, massage problem areas with light movements every day for 5 to 7 days.

Indications for honey massage sessions for the body and face:

  • age-related changes in the skin of the face, body, wrinkles
  • osteochondrosis, pain in the back, neck
  • frequent stress
  • reduced immunity
  • unhealthy skin appearance
  • headaches, migraines
  • “orange peel”, cellulite, unwanted fat deposits in the legs, arms, buttocks, abdomen

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

It is useful to perform manipulations after a shower.
To make the skin elastic, firm, and moisturized, it is recommended to lubricate it daily with nourishing lotions or natural oils used for massage. Of course, it is worth remembering that honey massage manipulations will not help you lose weight and get rid of cellulite if a person does not follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, does not eat a balanced diet, or leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Proper nutrition, physical activity and anti-cellulite massage are the main weapons in the fight for a slim, beautiful, toned figure.

Selecting and preparing honey for the honey massage procedure

  1. The most important condition is a natural product! Cream honey, mousses are the wrong choice. If you often do a healthy honey massage, then it is best to negotiate with sellers and buy the product directly from the apiary, and not from store shelves.
  2. Liquid honey The fresh product is ideal for performing the honey massage technique. If the product is candied, it can be kept in a water bath.
  3. Warm honey If you heat the product, monitor its temperature, there is a risk of burns!
  4. To enhance the effect of the session, you can make a healthy mixture by adding a little sea salt or a drop of natural essential oil (eucalyptus, lavender, orange - for use during anti-cellulite massage procedures) to honey.

Fighting excess weight

A thin waist and elastic skin are every girl’s dream. Along with physical activity, proper nutrition and a contrast shower, honey abdominal massage is used for weight loss. The procedure requires 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and 5 drops of essential oil of your choice.

A sticky mass is applied to the prepared skin of the abdomen and sides. Since the skin of this area is quite thin and sensitive, at first only movements with the fingertips are used. After 1-2 minutes, when the body has become accustomed to the new sensations, they move on to a full weight loss massage.

The palms move in two directions: a circle and a zigzag. This way you can cover the entire problem area. It is necessary to perform gluing and tearing of brushes from the skin.

The first session lasts no more than 5 minutes in order to adapt and prevent the appearance of bruises. The following days the duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Don't worry if your first belly slimming honey massage was unpleasant. By the third session, the skin will get used to it and the sensations will change. A minimum of 15 procedures will be required to reduce waist size. How many centimeters will be lost depends on the intensity of movement, individual characteristics of the body, physical activity and diet. To maintain the result, you can repeat sessions 1-2 times a month.

Stages of the honey massage procedure

  1. Check with the client about possible contraindications for the session.
  2. Ventilate the room. The correct temperature conditions are 23-25 ​​degrees. The effectiveness of a session in a stuffy room decreases, since in such conditions the pores become clogged.
  3. Cleanse your skin, remove makeup from your face, take a shower. It is useful to steam the skin before the procedure so that the beneficial substances of honey can penetrate deep into the epidermis. You can use the bathhouse or sauna.
  4. Perform movements using the stroking technique, 10-15 times.
  5. Apply honey correctly: in a thin layer, using active rubbing techniques. The “more is better” condition does not work here, so it is wrong to apply the product in a thick layer, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.
  6. Increase strength and speed of movements.
  7. If honey sticks to your hands during the procedure, you should hold it in this state for one or two seconds, and then sharply jerk it with your palm (but not with your fingers). This technique creates a vacuum, which enhances the effect.
  8. Observe the color of the honey. It is necessary to massage a part of the body until the honey acquires a grayish tint, which indicates that toxins and impurities are leaving the body and you have chosen the right technique. Follow the conditions and do not reuse honey!
  9. Rinse the honey off the client's skin.
  10. After the skin is dry, pat it dry with a dry towel.
  11. Use moisturizer.
  12. Allow the client to lie on the table for 3-5 minutes after finishing the procedure, especially if wide areas of the body were involved during the session (back massage, anti-cellulite massage). If you are performing the procedure at home, rest on the sofa for a few minutes and do not make sudden movements immediately after the session.

How to make the procedure even more effective?

The causes of cellulite are a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, swelling, hormonal imbalances, stress, varicose veins, etc. First of all, you need to try to influence the root causes.

Treatment of cellulite should be comprehensive and multidirectional. If you want to get rid of the “orange peel” faster, in addition to massage, follow these recommendations:

  • Eat right . It is not necessary to go on a strict diet and eat only vegetables and chicken breast, but it is advisable to reduce the consumption of baked goods, sweets, give up strong coffee in favor of green tea, and do not eat later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Don't forget about the drinking regime . You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. Oddly enough, it is dehydration that often provokes swelling, slows down metabolism and contributes to weight gain.
  • Avoid alcohol and nicotine . Ethanol and nicotine worsen metabolism in the body, retain fluid and lead to swelling. Regular drinking and smoking lead to slower lymph flow and blood circulation.
  • Don't forget about physical activity . You can choose any option: dancing, cardio training, power yoga for weight loss.
  • Get enough sleep . If you don't sleep enough, you get tired, and your stress levels increase. The body begins to accumulate fat and excess water. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a night.

It is important to choose the types of physical activity that will help burn calories. Stretching and yoga are also useful. They stretch muscles, increase blood flow to problem areas, and improve the condition of joints. Together with a massage this will give a good result. To maintain it for a long time, stick to proper nutrition and move more.

To enhance the effect of the massage , do not eat for an hour before the procedure, drink more water, and also take a warm shower. You can use a light scrub to remove impurities from the skin.

Technique for performing homemade honey anti-cellulite self-massage

If you want to postpone going to a specialist, you can do a honey anti-cellulite massage at home. Anti-cellulite fat-burning home massage is indicated for the skin of the legs, thighs, buttocks, arms, and abdomen. Read the list of contraindications before starting the session.

At the beginning of the anti-cellulite procedure, use the technique of stroking dry skin 10-15 times. Then add honey (about 5 tablespoons, depending on the area being treated). Honey should be heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature if the product has already become candied. For an anti-cellulite massage, you should not take any old honey that is lying around in your home cupboard. It is better to specifically purchase a useful product, the quality of which you are absolutely sure of.

During the home anti-cellulite procedure, perform movements using the intensive rubbing technique. The skin should acquire a red tint, but bruises or hematomas should not form - this indicates an incorrect choice of technique or its execution. The scarlet tint indicates that the process of burning fat cells and launching an “anti-cellulite program” has begun, which works not only during the session, but also after, therefore it is not recommended to eat for 2 hours after the procedure.

If honey sticks to your hands, you should hold it in this state for one or two seconds, and then sharply jerk it with your palm (but not with your fingers). This technique creates a vacuum, which enhances the beneficial anti-cellulite effect.

Apply anti-cellulite cream.

A properly performed honey massage will help not only get rid of cellulite, but also achieve overall weight loss. The session is performed at a fairly intense pace, so the effect of relaxation of the body after such a procedure is impossible.

Home sessions should be carried out once every 2 days, lasting 15-20 minutes. The course should consist of 10-15 sessions.

How to carry out the procedure at home?

As mentioned above, massage at home should be done carefully. If you are not a specialist, do not try to pinch, press or press too hard on the skin . It is better to get a small effect, but not harm the skin.

  1. Buy fresh natural honey from a trusted manufacturer. You shouldn’t take any old jar lying around in the closet. There will be little benefit from such honey.
  2. Choose a natural product , essential oils and do an allergy test. To warm up the problem area, start stroking it without applying honey. When you feel that the skin has warmed up enough and is slightly red, apply a little warmed honey and oil to your palm.
  3. Heat the honey to a comfortable temperature and liquid consistency. Before applying, be sure to touch it with your finger to avoid burns. Apply honey first with rubbing movements, and then begin to “glue” your palm to the skin and sharply tear it off. If we are talking about the buttocks, then you won’t be able to carry out such a massage yourself; you will need someone’s help. Redness of the skin and slight bruising are normal, but monitor how you feel. If you experience a burning sensation or severe pain, you should stop.
  4. After the procedure, you can apply anti-cellulite cream to enhance the effect. This massage is performed on dry skin that has not been steamed after a sauna or bath. Sweat will reduce the effectiveness of the honey.

Many people talk about the benefits of a contrast shower. It does help strengthen the skin, but do not shower immediately after a honey massage . Temperature changes after massaging will only harm the skin.

You cannot use the same mixture twice, even if it is not very grey. Honey quickly absorbs toxins, sweat, dirt; after use, the mixture must be thrown away.

If you want to enhance the effect, add a little natural ground coffee to the shower gel before the procedure. Carefully work out all problem areas. Don't rub the skin with the towel, just blot away the moisture.

The anti-cellulite massage technique is usually manual, but you can also try a soft silicone jar. Vacuum massage is always performed towards the heart. That is, you apply a thin layer of honey to the skin of the thighs, suck the jar just above the bend of the knee and move it only upward, towards the buttocks. Avoid a strong vacuum inside the jar, do not squeeze it with all your might, this will lead to the appearance of bruises.

You should not exercise immediately after a massage. You need to rest and lie down for 30-60 minutes. Do not work with your hands or a silicone cup on the same area of ​​skin for more than 15 minutes and do not try to treat the entire body at once. Any massage is a burden on the body. An excess of even beneficial substances can be harmful.

Technique for performing honey hand massage

Honey massage of hands can be safely performed at home. Apply a thin layer of honey to the skin of your hands and massage for 3-5 minutes. Read the list of contraindications before starting the session. This procedure is indicated for those who want to get rid of age-related skin changes, joint pain, and improve the appearance of their hands. It is useful to do a homemade honey massage before going to bed, then apply moisturizer after it and wear cotton gloves to improve the effect. Honey massage is also used to achieve the effect of slimming the inner part of the arms.

Corrective anti-cellulite massage

Patients enjoy the opportunity to relax during the procedure and improve their figure. The doctor uses special techniques aimed at gently correcting the contours of the body. The session is accompanied by pleasant relaxation and has a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state.

The recommended course is 6-10 procedures, at least 1 session per week. Please check the price of corrective anti-cellulite massage at your appointment. Session duration: 50 minutes. (thighs and buttocks 20 min.).

Honey back massage

Honey back massage is a popular technique that has multidirectional effects:

  • relaxing effect for the whole body
  • helps get rid of back pain
  • helps in the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, myositis
  • Helps achieve a general boost in immunity
  • helps fight frequent colds
  • improves blood circulation, lymph flow
  • fights unwanted fat deposits in the back area
  • improves mood

Back massage is a useful, serious and difficult technique to perform, which is not recommended to be done independently at home, unlike anti-cellulite or facial massage.

How does anti-cellulite massage work?

First of all, it is worth saying that the procedure is as individual as possible. The massage therapist works based on the specific characteristics of the patient: constitution (physique), problem areas, skin type, thickness and characteristics of the subcutaneous fat layer, and so on.

During the anti-cellulite massage, a carefully dosed load is applied to the skin and various levels of the subcutaneous layers. Thanks to special techniques, the result is not relaxation, as with conventional techniques, but, on the contrary, an increase in tone. Fat cells are broken down, and stagnant fluid is distributed among the cells of the upper layer of skin. This is the first stage of anti-cellulite massage.

During the second stage, the remains of split fat cells, waste and toxins are removed. The specialist directs them along the lymph flow, which carries harmful substances beyond the skin layers and then processes them.

At the final stage of the anti-cellulite massage, blood circulation is stimulated: this improves nutrition and breathing of the outer layers of the skin. As a result, cellulite is completely destroyed, muscle tone increases, and the skin in problem areas is noticeably rejuvenated. And all this is done in an absolutely natural way, by the forces of the body itself.

Technique for performing honey facial massage

You can do a honey facial session at home or contact a professional cosmetologist at a beauty salon or spa.

Benefits of honey facial massage:

  • reducing the manifestation of age-related changes
  • face oval correction
  • increased tone
  • improvement of complexion
  • smoothing skin texture
  • improving blood circulation and lymph flow throughout the body
  • getting rid of facial swelling
  • treatment of sinusitis
  • pore cleansing
  • peeling effect
  • increasing general immunity, preventing colds
  • relief from migraines and headaches
  • relief from nervous tension

If you choose the option of a honey massage performed at home, then make a mixture with cream in a one-to-one ratio to facilitate the process and prevent drying of the skin.

Honey facial massage is done using fingertips. If honey sticks to your hands, you should hold it in this state for one or two seconds, and then sharply tear your fingers away from the skin. This technique creates a vacuum, which enhances the effect.

At home, the procedure should be done after taking a bath or shower to achieve the best effect.

Honey procedure training

Massage at home is great, but it is not enough to achieve the best effect! If you want to learn how to do an effective honey healing, aesthetic, anti-cellulite massage for yourself or your clients, the teachers of the School of Massage Masters are waiting for you! Save on salon sessions or increase your income by providing a new procedure for your clients!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

Question answer

Before you start an anti-cellulite honey massage, you must first prepare the skin. To do this, you should take a shower, during which, using a special brush or washcloth, rub the skin well in the places where you plan to massage. After water procedures, the surface of the epidermis should turn slightly red. After this, you can proceed directly to the massage procedure.

If after the procedure extensive hematomas, bruises, or bruises appear on the skin, it is better to stop doing the massage and seek advice from a specialist. The fact is that such consequences indicate increased sensitivity of the skin and excessive fragility of the capillaries. Therefore, you will have to abandon this type of massage, choosing a less traumatic and safe option.

It is recommended to massage the body a couple of hours before bedtime.

Option with candied honey

The next option is vacuum anti-cellulite massage. Steam your body in a bath or under the shower, take the candied product, and begin to rub it into the skin of your stomach and thighs.

Now take the bowl and press it firmly against your body. Start making circular movements. When you press the bowl, the air is removed and the body is sucked into the bowl, creating a wonderful vacuum procedure. The bowl should slide easily over the body. The duration of the actions is 15 minutes twice a week.

What is good about vacuum massage? There are no bruises after it, the main thing is that you don’t have to torture yourself with painful pats.

If this gentle procedure is not enough for you, you can try a more harsh, but extremely effective manipulation - cupping massage.

Buy special jars equipped with a pump at the pharmacy, preferably silicone ones. Before starting the session, take a shower and thoroughly clean the skin of the problem area using a scrub.


Like any other procedure, honey massage has its limitations and contraindications:

  1. Honey can cause allergies, therefore, before starting the procedure, you need to make sure of individual tolerance - apply a small amount of honey to the skin of the elbow and leave for several hours. If there is no skin reaction, you can start the massage;
  2. Chronic diseases in the acute stage are contraindications to this massage;
  3. Massage is not recommended during menstruation;
  4. Hypertensive patients need to be especially careful, since blood pressure may increase during the procedure;
  5. Feverish conditions, high temperature are reasons to postpone the massage course for a more favorable time.


Yulia, 29 years old, Krasnoyarsk

“Overcoming cellulite is very difficult! “Orange peel” looks ugly and makes you feel complex - it seems like you don’t have excess weight, and you can’t look at your butt without crying. I adjusted my diet, practically eliminated sweets and starchy foods, chocolate, and switched to a healthy diet. But only massage can improve the condition of the skin, tighten and remove cellulite. I chose honey, and I don’t regret it! It smells great, the effect is noticeable after 5-6 procedures, you can do it yourself and don’t need to go to the salon. I repeat the courses once every 2 months, 10 procedures every other day. I recommend it to all women who care about the appearance and condition of their skin."

Honey massage is a simple and effective way to lose weight, cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, metabolic products, improve the condition of the skin and its tone. The main thing is to take into account possible contraindications and not to overdo it, so as not to harm your health.

Honey wrap for weight loss

An incredibly effective process for losing weight is honey wrap. It can be made at home.

The undeniable benefits of wrapping:

  1. Acceleration of blood circulation in the areas where the wrap is performed. Most often, this is the abdomen, the area of ​​the inner and outer thighs, lower legs, arms, and legs.
  2. When hot wrapped, narrow pores open. But when it’s cold, the enlarged pores close.
  3. Excess fluid leaves the body.
  4. Fat deposits disappear.
  5. The skin is smoothed, tightened, and restored.

Reviews from girls who received a honey wrap prove that you can get rid of 3-4 centimeters on the waist and hips, and your legs become perfectly smooth. Among cosmetic procedures, honey wrap is called the “king”.

See more recipes for effective home wraps for weight loss

So, let's prepare the mixture:

  • 4 tbsp. l. amber product,
  • 2 drops of fir, orange, lemon oil,
  • 2 tbsp. l. body milk

Then we do a 5-minute warming massage of the problem area. Then we cover the area of ​​the legs, abdomen, thighs with the mixture, then wrap it tightly with cling film and cover it with a blanket on top.

If your skin starts to “burn”, do not rush to run to the shower, this is normal. You need to lie down with a honey mask for about 1 hour, then go to the shower. After a few sessions you will get velvety, soft skin.

Important : you need to wrap the film in such a way as to prevent the limbs from being pulled, therefore, ask for help.

The wrap can be done with the addition of mustard, various oils, coffee grounds, and chocolate.

When not to massage for weight loss

Despite the effectiveness of the technique, in some cases it is better to refrain from massage for weight loss.

The procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and people with high blood pressure. And:

  • If there is a violation of blood circulation in the brain;
  • Tumors of soft tissues;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

It is better to avoid massage for people with blood clotting problems, a tendency to form blood clots, varicose veins, skin diseases - allergies, dermatosis, eczema, etc. The procedure should not be performed during menstruation.

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