Nail fungus varnish – is there any effect from the product? (Reliable)

Symptoms of the disease

Healthy nails have a pink color and a smooth, shiny surface. The presence of health problems is indicated by a change in one or more signs.

According to statistics, about half of all nail diseases are fungal infections.

Many patients believe that this is nothing more than an aesthetic defect. In fact, the pathology not only spoils the appearance of the nail plates, but also poses a danger to the entire body.

To eliminate the disease, long-term professional treatment will be required.

The first symptoms of the disease appear in the interdigital folds. In this area, peeling is observed, which is accompanied by itching and pain.

After this, blisters appear on the skin, which burst over time, leading to the formation of cracks and ulcers.

You shouldn’t assume that you just need to be patient a little and everything will go away on its own. If measures are not taken in time, the infection affects the nails and spreads to healthy tissue.

Dermatologist Samir Bashey

The main signs of fungus include:

  • damage to the skin between the fingers;
  • coarsening of the epidermis;
  • severe itching, burning;
  • fragility, thickening or thinning of the nail plates;
  • skin redness, inflammation.

You can only get a fungal infection from an infected person. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the body through microcracks in the skin.

The reasons for their appearance are sand getting between the toes while on vacation, or the use of tight or uncomfortable shoes.

At risk are people with foot deformities, poor circulation in the lower extremities, excessive sweating of the feet, and excess weight.

The development of the disease can be caused by factors that reduce immunity, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and frequent stressful situations.

The greatest likelihood of infection is typical for public places: baths, showers, locker rooms, swimming pools. Increased humidity levels promote the proliferation of microorganisms. The infection is transmitted by shoes, manicure accessories, socks, and remains active in the beach sand for a long time.

Plastic surgeon Michael Sullivan

The disease significantly reduces the quality of life. Patients' nails crumble and change color, making it impossible to wear open sandals.

The skin between the fingers is constantly itching, which interferes with personal life, sports activities, proper rest, and communication with people. Suitable varnishes for nail fungus will help you get rid of negative symptoms.

Rules for applying products

Before applying varnish, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Steam your feet and keep them in a basin of warm water for half an hour. You can add various herbal infusions to the bath.
  2. Dry your feet well.
  3. Use a file and nippers to remove dead particles of nails and skin.
  4. At the end, lubricate the nail plate with iodine or a water-alcohol solution, which will help dry and kill bacteria. After this, the nail plate is ready for treatment.

Each varnish is applied a certain number of times a day according to the instructions. The set includes a special brush for application.

Nail fungus varnish: features of action

Unlike solutions, ointments, patches and other topical agents, varnish is able to penetrate into the deep layers of nails, killing pathogens.

After a course of use of the drugs, the destruction of the nail plate stops, and the risk of the return of signs of pathology is reduced.

The effectiveness of the compositions is explained by a number of features:

  1. Thanks to their liquid texture, the varnishes penetrate into microcracks located on the nails. Active substances destroy infection deep in the tissues, the keratin layer.
  2. The ingredients that make up the medicine destroy enzymes and cell membranes of pathogenic microbes. Due to oil extracts and alcohol, nails become dry, which disrupts the favorable environment for the spread of fungus.
  3. After the varnish dries, a thin film is formed on the nail plates, resistant to moisture. The surface does not allow air to pass through, prevents the penetration of infection and stops the spread of damage.

Reviews about the use of varnishes against nail fungus indicate the high effectiveness of modern drugs.

For a speedy recovery, experts recommend using complex therapy supplemented with systemic agents.

Top 5 nail polishes for nail fungus

Antifungal varnishes are a common dosage form that is popular among patients.

Such drugs are produced by many pharmaceutical companies, Russian and foreign. A description of the means, their advantages and disadvantages will help you make your choice.

Oflomil (5 pluses)

The medicine has a powerful destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Active substances suppress the activity of the fungus and stop the spread of infection.

Among the advantages of the product are:

  • liquid texture that penetrates deep into the nail plates;
  • a protective film is formed on the treated surface, which blocks the proliferation of microbes;
  • accelerated damage recovery;
  • quick drying after application;
  • Thanks to local application, the possibility of overdose is eliminated.

Oflomil is optimal for therapy and prevention, suitable for people who often visit public places where the risk of infection is especially high.

After one application of the product, the therapeutic effect lasts for 14 days.

The main disadvantage of varnish against nail fungus is the price, reaching up to 1200 rubles. The composition contains toxic ingredients, but in small quantities.

If the product accidentally comes into contact with the skin, irritation or allergies may occur.

The drug is not suitable for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under 5 years of age. It is prohibited to use Oflomil together with other medications of similar effect.

Lamisil and its features

The varnish is suitable for the prevention and treatment of onychomycosis. Active components destroy pathogenic microflora, fight unpleasant odors, and restore attractiveness to the nail plates.

Among the advantages of the product are:

  1. A wide range of varnishes with different colors, which makes affected nails more aesthetically pleasing during the treatment and recovery period.
  2. The product includes alcohol-soaked tampons and nail files, which facilitate daily care procedures and prevent the addition of other infections.
  3. Convenient use and storage.
  4. The minimum number of contraindications, the drug is not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

Among the disadvantages is the long period of use. To treat nail fungus on the hands, you need to use varnish for about 6 months, on the feet – up to 1 year.

The cost of the drug varies from 1200 to 1900 rubles. To obtain a pronounced positive effect, you will have to treat the affected areas with the composition at least 2 times a week.

Loceryl (7 benefits)

One of the most common remedies for the treatment of onychomycosis. Loceryl contains active substances that destroy different strains of fungi.

The advantages of the drug include:

  • wide spectrum of action, high efficiency against all types of infection;
  • The product includes files and discs necessary for the hygienic treatment of diseased nails;
  • convenient use, protection against overdose;
  • It will take no more than 7 minutes to dry completely;
  • after using the medicine, you can apply decorative varnish to the nail plates;
  • the effect of the active components lasts for 2 weeks;
  • the drug is suitable for prophylactic purposes.

User reviews of this varnish for nail fungus indicate a high price in pharmacies - up to 2,700 rubles.

Disadvantages include the duration of therapy, pain when the product gets on the skin.

Loceryl is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients included in the composition, as well as for women who are carrying or breastfeeding a child.

Batrafen - what's the point?

Antifungal agent with a wide spectrum of action and high penetrating properties.

The active substance ciclopirox is destructive for various types of fungi, quickly penetrates deep into tissues, and destroys the structure of pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug suppresses the spread of pathogenic bacteria and infectious agents. The advantages of Batrafen include:

  • additional disinfecting effect;
  • the liquid form of the drug allows the active ingredients to penetrate deep into the nail;
  • Ease of use.

The use of Batrafen is advisable only in the initial stages of the development of pathology. After applying the product, do not use decorative varnish.

The composition has side effects: peeling, redness, burning of the skin next to the affected nail, the risk of allergic reactions.

Aflubin (4 clear advantages)

One of the most inexpensive and effective varnishes against nail fungus. Active substances affect fungal membranes and help reduce the activity of microorganisms.

Aflubin is detrimental to many common and rare infectious agents. Significant advantages of the drug include:

  1. The varnish blocks the access of oxygen to the fungus, which contributes to its rapid death.
  2. The product is suitable for the treatment and prevention of infection.
  3. Guaranteed destruction of fungi, including during deep spread of infection.
  4. Disinfecting effect.

Aflubin will not help get rid of advanced onychomycosis. In this case, complex therapy prescribed by a specialist will be required.

The varnish contains alcohol, which makes the drug unsuitable for treating children and women during pregnancy.

The drug can be used with caution by people suffering from alcoholism and epilepsy. Side effects include peeling, itching, and irritation of the skin near the treated nail.

Reviews from patients indicate that analogues of expensive varnishes for nail fungus cope with the disease no worse, but are distinguished by an affordable price.

The most effective are Demicten (from 350 rubles), Mycostop lotion (from 250 rubles), Belvedere varnish (from 100 rubles).

How to determine the need for treatment and choose a varnish?

It's easy to determine. Treatment with antifungal drugs is worth undergoing if the nails begin to peel off, emit an unpleasant odor, and the plates become loose, swollen, and deformed.

An antifungal nail polish with local application will help:

  • eliminate roughness and brittleness of nail plates;
  • provide a disinfectant and antiviral effect;
  • suppress pathogenic flora of viruses and bacteria;
  • remove massive accumulations of fungus from under the nail cuticles;
  • relieve itching, burning, pain in the part of the nail fold.

Antifungal varnish is effective at stages 1-2 of onychomycosis. If an advanced form is detected, a complex effect on the affected areas and systemic administration of drugs are required. Before use, it is better to consult your doctor.

The choice of varnish must be made individually. Self-medication is excluded. It is important to have the maximum therapeutic effect on the nail plates affected by mycosis.

You should choose only safe varnishes that have a small number of contraindications. It also quickly penetrates the nail plates and is effective against any type of fungus.

Question answer

Yes, they are great for preventative purposes. It is useful to use varnishes after treatment, this way you protect yourself from secondary infection. You can even paint your nails with regular polish on top.

Such varnishes cost a lot. For example, the price of ointments or various gels is much lower. This is perhaps the only negative.

It is worth consulting a doctor. But most varnishes are allowed during gestation. In this situation, when a fungus appears, doctors prescribe external remedies (ointments, creams and also varnishes).

Features of using varnishes

Before using the medications, you need to steam your feet and perform a hygienic pedicure.

It is useful to use baths with sea salt, which disinfect the skin and help prepare the nails for subsequent manipulations.

Next you need to follow the instructions:

  1. The skin is carefully wiped, the nail plates are trimmed short.
  2. Nails are treated with a file for deep penetration of drugs.
  3. The affected areas are wiped with cotton wool soaked in an alcohol solution to degrease the surface.
  4. The varnish is carefully distributed over the nail plates.

Some drugs can be applied only to diseased nails, others - to healthy ones, to ensure complete prevention.

Information about the features of use is always indicated in the instructions. For therapeutic purposes, the varnish is used in a course that lasts 3 months.

The frequency of use depends on the composition and manufacturer's recommendations. Consumer reviews will help you figure out which of the lags for toenail fungus is better.

Antifungal agents are medicinal, so they are used only after consulting a doctor.

Dermatologist Brian Chen

Varnishes have a liquid structure, so they are able to penetrate into the nail plate, destroying the infection deep in the tissues.

After drying, a protective thin film forms on the surface, blocking the access of oxygen, which negatively affects the life of fungi.

Most drugs not only fight the disease, but also improve the condition of the nails, giving them strength and a healthy appearance.

The applied medications are invisible, so they are suitable for prevention when visiting gyms, swimming pools, saunas and other public places.

Additional measures and tips

The use of antifungal compounds requires compliance with additional precautions and recommendations:

  • For prevention, you can use Belvedere varnish - it protects against fungal infection, gives a well-groomed appearance and prevents delamination of the nail plate.
  • It is better to start working off the plates at an early stage , when the mycelium has not yet penetrated deep into the tissue;
  • When carrying out manual homework, it is better to wear rubber gloves and prevent nail files from coming into contact with fungal infections;
  • Do not allow varnish to get into your eyes or mouth. If contact occurs, rinse the mucous membranes generously with clean water;
  • It is not recommended to wear false nails during therapy to avoid reducing the supply of oxygen to the affected areas of the nails. An artificial manicure may contain chemicals, which can cause even more harm and reduce the effectiveness of the antifungal varnish.

Side effects after using antifungal varnishes are rare. But there is a change in the color of the nail plate, increased fragility, burning, itching around the nail, and signs of contact dermatitis.



“Demikten, the most inexpensive and good varnish, helped me cope with toenail fungus. The medicine is convenient to use; one bottle is enough for the entire course of treatment. After a couple of weeks I noticed the first improvements.”


“I encountered a fungus a few months ago when I started taking classes in the pool.
After some time, I noticed the first signs: cracks in my skin, an unpleasant odor, my nails looked terrible. I didn’t know which remedy would best treat the disease, so I consulted a doctor. He recommended Lamisil varnish.

I read reviews on the Internet about the quality, found out the price, then bought it and started using it. After a course of treatment, all symptoms of toenail fungus completely disappeared, hopefully forever.”

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