Creams with panthenol: instructions for use


The tablets contain 0.1 g of active substance.
As auxiliary components they contain sorbitol (filler) and magnesium stearate (anti-caking agent). The Panthenol aerosol, which is a skin foam, contains the active substance at a concentration of 50 mg/g. Excipients: cetyl stearyl alcohol, liquid wax, liquid paraffin, peracetic acid, water, propellant from a mixture of gases - n-butane, isobutane and propane.

Panthenol ointment: dexpanthenol at a concentration of 50 mg/g, potassium sorbate, lanolin alcohol, lanolin , white soft paraffin, isooctadecanol diglycerol succinate, sodium citrate, medium chain triglycerides, citric acid in the form of monohydrate, purified water.

Panthenol spray dexpanthenol at a concentration of 46.3 mg/g. The action of the active substance is enhanced by allantoin , which is an intermediate product of uric acid oxidation (anti-inflammatory, astringent and local anesthetic), and vitamin E.

The auxiliary components of the spray include: white medical petroleum jelly, beeswax, water, cellulose, crystalline talc and other substances.

Drugs from different manufacturers may have different compositions of auxiliary components.

Release form

  • Tablets 100 mg No. 20 or No. 50.
  • Solution for injection 250 mg/ml (ampoules 2 ml, package No. 10).
  • Aerosol 5% 58 or 116 g (aluminum containers).
  • Ointment 50 mg/g (tubes of 30 g).
  • Skin foam (spray) 46.3 mg/g (pressure containers 130g, package No. 1).
  • Gel 7% 75 ml.
  • Lotion 10% 200 ml.
  • Panthenol cream 5% (46 ml tubes).
  • Gelatin capsules 40 mg.
  • Body milk 3% 200 ml.

In addition, suppositories with Panthenol are produced for rectal and vaginal use and a nasal spray with dexpanthenol (the drug Moreal-plus ).

Dexpanthenol can be found not only in medicines, but also in cosmetics - in creams for face and body care, milk, serums, balms, shampoos, hair masks, caring and decorative varnishes.

Use of D-panthenol for nail care

D-panthenol is actively used for nail care. It provides additional strength and hydration to the nail plate, protects it from possible mechanical and chemical damage, general fragility, dryness and delamination.

All Rebis face creams contain D-panthenol

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Dexpanthenol - what is it?

Dexpanthenol is an alcohol analogue of pantothenic acid , which, when biotransformed in the body, provides the same effects as pantothenic acid ( pantothenate or vitamin B5 ).

When it comes into contact with the skin, the substance is quickly absorbed into the tissues, turning into its active form - vitamin B5 (water-soluble in group B itamin ).

The latter, in turn, is part of the specific coenzyme CoA, which is the main regulator of metabolic processes (Krebs cycle, metabolism of fatty acids, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, phospholipids, etc.), ensures the acetylation of choline and the formation of corticosteroids.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pantothenate , dexpanthenol and their anhydrous salts are water-soluble vitamins . They actively participate in fat, carbohydrate and energy metabolism, and also perform an important function in the processes of oxidation and acetylation.

During metabolic processes, it interacts with B-group vitamins . Participates in the formation of epithelial tissue and ensures its normal functioning, reduces itching and exhibits weak anti-inflammatory activity.

When applied topically, the drug allows you to compensate for the increased need of damaged skin and/or mucous membranes for pantothenic acid.

The active substance is absorbed by the skin.

pantothenate entering the body with food is 50%. In the body, the substance is transported through the formation of bonds with plasma proteins (mainly albumin and β-globulins ).

In healthy adults, the concentration of pantothenic acid in the blood when applied topically is 0.5-1 mg/ml, in the blood serum - 0.1 mg/ml.

The active substance is not metabolized in the body (exception is inclusion in Co-A). About ⅔ of pantothenic acid entering the body unchanged (about 70%) is excreted by the kidneys, the remaining amount is excreted in feces.

The mechanism of action of D-panthenol in the body

In every living organism, D-panthenol is synthesized independently in a certain amount, but its deficiency leads to a malfunction of all body systems, especially vitamin deficiency affects lipid metabolism, which leads to a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails. D-panthenol is an important element in the processes of hair growth and skin regeneration. A lack of panthenol in the body can provoke premature aging of the facial skin, lead to the appearance of unwanted pigmentation, cause hair loss and early gray hair. Panthenol regulates the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins, promotes better absorption of other vitamins by the body.

Indications for use

What are external dosage forms of Panthenol intended for?

Panthenol ointment, aerosol and spray (cutaneous foam) are used in the following cases:

  • to accelerate healing and epithelization of the skin in case of microtraumas, skin irritation (for example, due to exposure to UV rays, photo or radiotherapy), bedsores , chronic skin ulcers , cervical erosion , anal fissures , after skin grafts;
  • for the treatment mild burns
  • for the treatment and prevention of roughness and cracking of the skin;
  • for preventive care of the mammary glands in breastfeeding women, as well as to reduce nipple irritation and treat cracks on them;
  • for regular skin care of babies and treatment of erythema of the buttocks ( diaper dermatitis );
  • for treating the skin of patients during and after topical application of GCS.

Panthenol tablets - what is it?

The tablet form of Panthenol is a remedy used as a supplement to the main treatment for inflammatory diseases of the throat ( laryngitis , tracheitis , etc.) and the oral cavity ( stomatitis ) and conditions after surgery to remove the tonsils .

The drug is prescribed for vitamin B5 deficiency when it is impossible to compensate for it with diet (for example, patients who are on chronic dialysis ).

It is also effective for nutritional melalgia ( Gopalan syndrome ), which is manifested by excruciating burning pain in the feet, acrocyanosis and paresthesia of the legs .

When is parenteral administration of Panthenol indicated?

The injection form of the drug is used for the prevention and treatment of postoperative paralytic obstruction and intestinal atony , as well as to compensate for pantothenic acid (pain in the feet and toes, numbness and tingling in the lower extremities).

Effects of the drug

The main effect of the drug is to help in tissue regeneration. The medication also has the following positive effects:

  • relieves inflammation at the site of violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • reduces irritation, including after cosmetic procedures;
  • restores and moisturizes the skin, fights peeling;
  • helps wounds heal faster;
  • promotes faster renewal of the skin in case of burns;
  • relieves chafing and redness.


Intolerance to dexpanthenol or the auxiliary components contained in the drug.

Parenteral administration and taking tablets are contraindicated in cases of mechanical intestinal obstruction and hemophilia .

Additional contraindications for the tablets are childhood, glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome , fructosemia , sucrose-isomaltase deficiency .

Instructions for use of Panthenol (Method and dosage)

Instructions for tablets

For inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, take one tablet 2 to 4 times a day at regular intervals (the highest dose is 500 mg/day). To achieve the expected effect, it is recommended to dissolve the tablet slowly in the mouth.

The course of treatment usually lasts 7 days. The advisability of further use of the drug is agreed with the doctor.

To compensate for the deficiency of vitamin B5 , take one tablet 1 time per day with water (a small amount).

Spray Panthenol: instructions for use

The spray is used once or, if necessary, several times during the day, spraying it evenly onto the affected surface (so that it is completely covered with foam) from a distance of 10-20 cm.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

burn spray can be used up to six times a day. When treating wounds, cutaneous foam is applied to the wound surface in the form of a thin film 1-5 times a day.

When spraying the spray, the container must be held vertically, with the valve up. To obtain high-quality foam, it is recommended to shake the container vigorously before each use (especially if it has not been used for a long time).

If the spray is used for the first time before foam has formed, only the propellant may be sprayed initially.

If it is necessary to use it on the face area, Panthenol should be sprayed onto the hand and the resulting foam should be distributed to the sore spot.

Panthenol ointment: instructions for use

To prevent roughness and dryness of the skin, as well as to treat superficial wounds of any origin, the ointment can be applied one or several times during the day.

To reduce irritation and treat cracked nipples in nursing women, the drug should be applied to damaged areas of the skin after each feeding.

To treat defects of the cervical mucosa, the ointment is used under the supervision of a doctor. Frequency of applications - from one or several times a day.

To prevent gluteal erythema and diaper rash , the ointment is applied to the skin after each diaper/diaper change.

Aerosol Panthenol: instructions for use

The aerosol is sprayed onto the affected area in a thin layer one to four times a day. Before applying Panthenol to the wound surface, it is pre-treated with an antiseptic .

Before using the aerosol, shake the container.

Panthenol for burns

For minor burns (1-2 degrees), lotion, spray, aerosol or cream with panthenol is used. At the early stage of treatment, preference is given to dosage forms with a light texture; ointment with Panthenol for sunburn is indicated at later stages of treatment.

It is most convenient to use a spray (foam) or aerosol for burns . The product is applied to burned skin immediately after injury and then as needed (1 to 4 times a day). It is recommended to rub the ointment a little.

Wound surfaces should be disinfected before using the drug.

The optimal remedy for burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth and head is Panthenol solution for external use. In the first case, it is used in the form of rinses, in the second - in the form of irrigation. If necessary, the solution can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 for the oral cavity, and in a ratio of 1:3 for the head.

There is no need to cover the burned skin with a bandage after applying the cream, foam, ointment or solution.

dexpanthenol- based products is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. According to most people, Panthenol is an indispensable remedy for household and sunburn.

Panthenol for face

One of the important properties of dexpanthenol is its hygroscopicity. The substance, like a sponge, attracts water molecules and holds them. The tiny size of the molecules of dexpanthenol allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, transporting water there.

The substance is a precursor to vitamin B5 , which, like all B vitamins , helps eliminate hypovitaminosis of the skin , its excessive dryness, sagging and roughness, and treats acne.

For this reason, cosmetics manufacturers often add it to moisturizing gels, serums, emulsions and creams for the face and body (cream for 911 Panthenol, body milk Avanta Panthenol-EVO, etc.). At home, women use Panthenol as part of face masks against wrinkles and as a remedy for acne.

According to cosmetologists, the effect of the drug on the skin is comparable to the effect of hyaluronic acid. When used systematically, it gives the skin smoothness and makes it more elastic.

Panthenol cream has an emulsion base, so its use is preferable for dry skin types. It is also good for skin prone to irritation. For oily and problem skin, it is recommended to use a spray.

The cream is applied to the face in the morning and evening instead of the usual care product, the spray is sprayed onto the hand, and then the resulting foam is distributed on the skin of the face and neck. The frequency of applications can vary from one to several times a day.

The products are equally effective on both healthy skin and damaged skin.

With frequent use of dexpanthenol, peeling may occur, which goes away over time.

The ointment is not suitable for facial skin care. The use of Pantexol in this form can cause blockage of pores and oxygen starvation of skin cells.

camphor and tea tree ( melaleuca helps well against acne . Camphor disinfects, deodorizes, cleanses and whitens the skin, reduces oiliness and increases elasticity. Melaleuca oil relieves inflammation well, has antifungal , antibacterial and antiseptic effects .

To prepare the mask, add a few drops of essential oils to a small amount of cream. The composition should be applied to cleansed (preferably with a scrub) skin of the face and neck. Exposure time is 20 minutes.

After washing off the mask, the skin can be wiped with alcohol-free lotion.

To treat acne , blackheads and pustular rashes, you can use milk or cream in its pure form. However, you should not count on quick results. The drug “works” with regular use.

Application of Panthenol for hair

The use of Panthenol for hair helps to normalize the condition of the epidermis, restore dry hair, reduce hair loss and accelerate growth. The drug is considered one of the best remedies for treating damaged epidermis.

The concentration of dexpanthenol in cosmetic care products usually does not exceed 5%; in medicinal cosmetics it can contain up to 75%.

After using the drug, a thin protective film is formed on the hair, protecting the hair from UV rays, exposure to high temperatures and other aggressive factors.

Hair after Panthenol remains smooth, light and fresh. In addition, they become more manageable (which greatly facilitates styling) and look thicker and denser (the use of dexpanthenol allows you to increase the thickness of the hair by up to 10%.

Penetrating deep into the hair, it fills all microcracks and damage, moisturizes and smoothes the hair, making it smoother, more elastic and shiny.

By nourishing and soothing the scalp, Panthenol prevents dandruff and reduces hair loss.

Gel, cream and hair spray can be used in their pure form. The spray and cream are applied to clean, damp hair along its entire length, slightly moving away from the roots, and the gel is rubbed into the roots.

To prepare a nourishing hair mask, mix the yolk of one egg with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive and the same volume of castor oil. The mixture is heated in a water bath and then 1 tbsp is added to it. a spoonful of Panthenol gel or cream and, if desired, a little kefir.

The composition is applied to damp hair, after which the hair is covered with polyethylene and insulated with a towel. Exposure time: 60 minutes. The mask should be washed off with shampoo.

Taking tablet forms of Panthenol also helps improve the condition of hair and scalp. The course lasts 2-3 months. Daily dose 240-300 mg (6 capsules 40 mg or 3 tablets 100 mg). It must be divided into three doses.


Panthenol, produced by different manufacturers, is used according to the same scheme. That is, the instructions for Panthenol-ratiopharm ointment are similar to the instructions for Panthenol-Teva ointment.

The choice of dosage form is determined by the nature of the lesion. In case of dry skin, it is recommended to use ointment, since it contains a high percentage of fat; the cream is more suitable for open areas of the body and wet wounds. For painful sunburns, it is advisable to use an aerosol or spray.

How to use, what is best to use

Instructions for use of D-Panthenol ointment and cream contain recommendations to use the product 2-4 times a day or more often. Apply the required amount of the substance with light rubbing movements to the affected area of ​​dry skin.

If the application site is infected, then pre-treatment with an antiseptic - Miramistin or Chlorhexidine - is required; it is not advisable to use hydrogen peroxide.

Ointment and cream differ in their texture: the ointment is based on fatty components that create a protective film on the surface that softens and nourishes the skin. Therefore, it is better to use the ointment to prevent diaper rash, frostbite, and dermatitis in infants.

The cream is more liquid because it contains water. It is absorbed easier and faster, therefore it is indicated for mild frostbite, thermal burns, and for protection from harmful weather factors.


When used locally according to indications, interaction with other drugs is unknown.

When applying the spray to the anal area or genitals in the case of using condoms, it reduces the strength of the latter when breaking. This is due to the fact that this dosage form of the drug contains mineral oil.

There is evidence that dexpanthenol, when taken orally and parenterally, prolongs the effects of succinylcholine .

The use of an injection solution in combination with general anesthesia, barbiturates and antibacterial drugs increases the risk of developing hypersensitivity reactions.

Analogues of Panthenol

Level 4 ATC code matches:

Kalanchoe juice

Aloe liniment







Analogs of cream and ointment: Bepanten , Panthenol Vialine cream-foam 150 ml, Panthenol 911 , Panthenol-ratiopharm , D-Panthenol , children's after-sun cream Panthenol ambulance.

Analogues of the spray: Panthenol-spray Vial and Panthenolspray from the German company Chauvin Ankerfarm GmbH.

The price of Panthenol analogues is from 76 Russian rubles.

Panthenol or D-Panthenol - which is better?

D-Panthenol and Panthenol are trade names under which the same substance is produced - dexpanthenol or provitamin B5 .

Thus, the difference between Panthenol and D-Panthenol is only that these drugs are produced by different pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, the choice in favor of one or another remedy should be made based on subjective feelings.

Bepanten or Panthenol - which is better?

Bepanthen , like D-Panthenol, is synonymous with Panthenol. The drug is produced by the German company Bayer (BCC AG) in the form of a 5% cream and 5% ointment. The advantages of Panthenol are a larger number of dosage forms and a lower price than its analogue.

The clinical effectiveness of the drugs, according to consumer reviews, is comparable.

Which is better - Panthenol or Olazol?

The active components of the drug Olazol are chloramphenicol, boric acid, benzocaine and sea buckthorn fruit oil.

Thanks to this composition, Olazol has an antibacterial and local anesthetic effect , promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, reduces exudation and accelerates the epithelization of wounds.

The antibacterial activity of the drug is manifested against Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Escherichia coli , staphylococci , Proteus and a number of other pathogenic microorganisms commonly found in wounds.

The therapeutic effect of Olazol is ensured by the high dispersion of its constituent substances.

In dermatology, the product is used to activate sluggish granulation, improve the survival of skin grafts when transplanting skin onto burned surfaces of the body, remove necrotic masses and purulent discharge from wounds and ulcers, reduce the separation of exudate from non-healing trophic ulcers in patients with venous and arterial insufficiency of the lower extremities, accelerate healing of long-term non-healing chemical and thermal burns (Panthenol is more suitable for the treatment of thermal burns), treatment of post-traumatic wound infection, itchy dermatitis, microbial eczema, infectious dermatitis.

Olazol , unlike Panthenol, has a wider therapeutic profile, which is due to the presence of anesthesin and antibiotic . In addition, Olazol can be used to treat profusely weeping wounds.

The disadvantages of this drug are the lack of different dosage forms (the product is available only in aerosol form), as well as the impossibility of use during pregnancy, lactating women and children. Olazol contains many more components than Panthenol, so the likelihood of developing allergic reactions during its use is higher than in the case of Panthenol.

Panthenol for children

There are no data on the safety and effectiveness of using Panthenol tablets in pediatrics. Spray and aerosol can be used in children as prescribed by a doctor and under the supervision of an adult.

Panthenol ointment can be used in children of different age groups, including newborn infants. The drug has shown high effectiveness for diffuse (scattered) neurodermatitis in children under 2 years of age.

Unlike corticosteroids for topical use, dexpanthenol does not suppress the production of glycosaminoglycans and collagen , as well as the process of cell division of the skin, and at the same time gently stimulates the function of the adrenal glands .

These properties, as well as good tolerability, absence of side effects and compatibility with other drugs, allow Panthenol to be used for the treatment and prevention of skin pathologies (skin irritation, gluteal erythema , disseminated neurodermatitis , intertrigo , etc.) in children under 2 years, including newborn babies.

Basic cosmetic properties of D-panthenol

D-panthenol has a wide range of medicinal and cosmetic properties, especially moisturizing, smoothing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, and conditioning.

  • In terms of its moisturizing effect on the skin, D-panthenol can be compared with hyaluronic acid. Possessing hydrophilicity (i.e. the ability to bind to water molecules), low molecular weight and low polarity, this vitamin is able to penetrate deeply into the upper layers of the skin, which ensures long-lasting and effective hydration of the skin.
  • D-panthenol also exhibits antioxidant properties on aging skin, stimulating collagen synthesis, which significantly increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, reducing the manifestations of facial and age-related changes.
  • D-panthenol is characterized by an effective wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect: it accelerates the rate of restoration of damaged skin after burns, cuts, cracks, as well as after traumatic cosmetic procedures.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, D-panthenol is actively used to care for problem skin prone to acne.
  • Panthenol has a calming effect on irritated and inflamed skin, relieves itching and burning sensations. In addition, D-panthenol minimizes the aggressive effects of UV radiation on the skin, can restore the skin, relieve redness and irritation of the skin due to sunburn.

Reviews about Panthenol

Panthenol is a universal assistant for injuries and burns.

Reviews of Panthenol cream allow us to conclude that this drug effectively helps not only against burns , but can also replace more expensive cosmetics. It can be used for the face in its pure form, or can be used as a base for masks.

There are also many good reviews about Panthenol spray for wrinkles and dry skin. According to women, it is best to apply it to a well-steamed face, since more beneficial elements are absorbed through the opened pores, which increases the effectiveness of the product.

The foam does not create a sticky film on the skin and, therefore, does not disrupt the air exchange process. Panthenol in the form of body milk gives the same effect.

Another category of product reviews is reviews of Panthenol hair spray. The product is applied to slightly dry hair after shampooing and is not washed off. As a result, the hair becomes thicker and shinier, hair falls out noticeably less, is easier to comb and is easier to style.

As for Panthenol ointment, this dosage form is ideal for caring for the delicate skin of infants under a diaper. Using the product after each diaper change helps prevent the appearance of gluteal erythema . For diffuse neurodermatitis, ointment (Panthenol-Teva, Panthenol-ratiopharm, etc.) very quickly eliminates cracks, itching and congestion of the skin with blood, as well as the release of exudate.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the drugs, according to most people, is comparable; a cheaper product (for example, 911 Panthenol-cream) is often not inferior to a more expensive analogue (for example, Panthenol-D cream from JGL).

Where is panthenol used?

  • In cosmetics, Panthenol in cosmetics has earned a reputation as a powerful external restorative, healing, moisturizing agent. In cosmetic formulas, vitamin B5 is found in the form of pantothenic acid derivatives: D- and L-panthenols. Often used in soothing products for sensitive, dry, oily and problematic facial skin, as well as in after-sun formulas. Its ability to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, reduce facial wrinkles, and smooth out skin texture allows the use of panthenol as part of anti-aging corrective care. Shampoos, balms and masks with provitamin B5 for hair improve hair structure, stimulate growth, prevent irritation and dryness of the scalp.
  • In cosmetology Since the key function of dexpanthenol is the regeneration of the skin, in cosmetology products based on it are used mainly after traumatic aesthetic procedures, for example, chemical peels, photoepilation, laser resurfacing, during which the integrity of the epidermal layer of the skin is damaged. Panthenol-containing creams, gels, masks help quickly soothe and moisturize damaged skin, relieve swelling and swelling of tissues, shorten the rehabilitation period and prevent complications.

Panthenol price, where to buy

Cost of the drug in Ukraine

The average price of Panthenol ointment in Ukraine is 60 UAH (the cost of Panthenol-ratiopharm is 39-46 UAH, the drug from Hemofarm is about 87 UAH), you can buy Panthenol-cream in Kharkov or Kyiv for 32 UAH, tablets - for 200-220 UAH. Aerosol price - 30-35 UAH.

How much do spray, ointment and cream cost in Russia?

The cost of the cream is 85-200 rubles. (the price of 911 cream is 85 rubles, and the price of Panthenol Vialine cream is 180-190 rubles). The price of Panthenol spray is from 160 to 340 rubles. (depending on the manufacturer), aerosol - 315-320 rubles. Ointment for burns can be purchased for an average of 235 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Panthenol tablet
    100 mg 50 pcs 1590 rub. order


  • Wax Belweder (Belvedere) for nails and cuticles Panthenol forte 6 gBelweder France

    RUB 229 order

  • Moisturizing foot cream with silk proteins, panthenol and allantoin Marusya/Marussia 75ml LLC Nicole

    55 rub. order

  • Regenerating cream with panthenol and Aronyx peptides 50 ml MediFlowerCosmeticsCo., Ltd.

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  • Serum with panthenol Aronyx 50 mlMediFlowerCosmeticsCo., Ltd.

    RUB 812 order

  • Moisturizing facial wash with d-panthenol Vitex Aloe 97% 200mlVitex JSC

    99 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • D-panthenol-Nizhpharm ointment (tube 30g) Hemofarm LLC

    280 rub. order

  • D-Panthenol Novatenol ointment (tube 5% 25g) Jadran-Galenski

    RUB 285 order

  • D-Panthenol Novatenol ointment (tube 5% 50g) Jadran-Galenski

    476 rub. order

  • Tizin PANTHENOL (spray called dosage for children 0.05 mg + 5 mg/dose 10 ml (80 doses)) Famar Health Care Services Madrid S.A.U.

    RUB 281 order

  • D-Panthenol Novatenol cream (tube 5% 50g) Jadran-Galenski

    RUB 467 order

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  • Aqua Spray + D-Panthenol 45 ml spray PAT"Khimpharmzavod"Chervona Zirka",Kharkiv, Ukraine
    69 UAH.order
  • Bepanten dexpanthenol 5% 100 g cream GP Grenzach Products GmbH, Nimechchina

    355 UAH. order

  • “Children’s” with D-panthenol 100 ml cream OOO NPL Fitoprodukt, Ukraine

    15 UAH order

  • Panthenol 58 g aerosol TOV "Mikrofarm", Kharkov, Ukraine

    40 UAH order

  • Balm after intense tanning with panthenol 150 ml TOV"VKF"Bioton", Ukraine

    36 UAH order


  • Natura House Shampoo with D-panthenol for the sea and pool 250ml Italy, Natura House

    162 UAH order

  • Spray for safe tanning Biocon Sunscreen spray SPF50+ with panthenol Solar screen 160ml Ukraine, Biocon INPO LLC

    79 UAH order

  • Universal winter cream with panthenol 70ml Ukraine, Farmakom

    48 UAH order

  • PANTHENOL liquid Panthenol aerosol 130g Germany, Dr. Mann

    151 UAH order

  • Powder Panthenol 100g Ukraine, Farmakom PTF LLC

    47 UAH order

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