Instructions for use of Panthenol spray for diaper rash in newborns

More information about the composition of the drug

Panthenol spray is an effective drug for the treatment of diaper rash in infants. The active component is dexpanthenol. Once in the human body, it is converted into vitamin B5. This is the so-called pantothenic acid. Under its influence, regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes occurs.

The active substance relieves inflammation, thereby healing the affected area of ​​the skin. Immediately after application, it soothes the skin, softens and nourishes it.

Panthenol base

The main components of the drug are:

  • vitamin E;
  • allantoin;
  • dexpanthenol.

Depending on the release form, it may contain additional components such as beeswax, water, petroleum jelly, talc and more.


Acts as a pain reliever. Begins to act immediately after application. Relieves redness on the skin. Acts as a binder.


Very effective for diaper rash. During contact with the skin, it tends to be converted into pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5, which has managed to be produced, regulates metabolic processes.

Vitamin E

Responsible for the reduction-oxidative function of cells. Corrects the functioning of natural substances in the human body. Its functionality is carried out at the cellular level (membranes are involved).

Based on the fact that the drug is developed exclusively from natural ingredients, it can be used by almost everyone. We are talking about children and pregnant women. In this case, the goal can be both therapeutic and preventive.

Panthenol spray for burns

In achieving a quick and maximally positive effect in the treatment of burns, an important role, along with the chosen method of therapy, is played by the correctly selected drug for burns with the main active component. Using the wrong drug, even with minor damage to the skin, can cause complications in the form of infection, inflammation, formation of pus, and significantly prolonging the healing period.

Self-treatment of burns with Panthenol No. 1

Combustiologists (representatives of burn medicine) around the world use Panthenol spray for burns for primary care and in a therapeutic complex for the treatment of this type of skin lesions. In independent, everyday practice, experts recommend treating only first- and second-degree burns; in more complex cases, you should always go to the hospital.

There are 3 groups of drugs for local burn therapy:

Group 1 – antibacterial agents: iodine-containing, with ammonium salts, with silver

Group 2 – compositions of a compositional nature (levomekol, etc.)

Group 3 – drugs that stimulate healing.

The last group of drugs includes Panthenol spray for burns , both thermal and solar. Original Panthenol No. 1 contains dexapanthenol in large quantities (10%) - a substance that, when exposed to the body, forms an active metabolite called pantothenic acid.

The dosage form of this drug for burns (a can of Panthenol in the form of an aerosol) is by far the most modern, convenient and effective for independent local external use. The action of the drug Panthenol spray for burns is complex: it relieves inflammation of the burned area, protects and stimulates the regeneration of the skin.

Groups of anti-burn drugs

Panthenol No. 1 is classified as a preparation containing dexpanthenol. Other medications for burns are divided into the following groups:

* preparations with antiseptic(s) . They exist in different dosage forms, the most convenient of which is aerosol. Most of these drugs are multi-effective, simultaneously providing regenerative, wound healing and pain relief at the local level. The use of antiseptic drugs is possible not only in case of burn injuries to the skin, but also in case of eczema of microbial origin, ulcers and similar wounds. As a rule, nonspecific preparations with antiseptics are inexpensive.

* preparations with dexpanthenol. Products, the active substance of which is dexpanthenol, are aimed at the active synthesis of bioactive substances, accelerating metabolism in damaged cells and regenerating new integuments. They also have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The original Panthenol No. 1 spray, which is produced in convenient aerosol cans, especially stands out among those containing dexpanthenol. The drug is sprayed onto the thermally affected area of ​​the skin, it instantly relieves inflammation, significantly reduces pain, and starts the process of cellular regeneration.

* preparations based on vegetable oil . The basis of natural preparations are vegetable oils. The most common form of release of natural preparations against burns is also sprays. This group of anti-burn agents acts as a restorer of the functions of the dermis and metabolic processes, an activator of regeneration processes.

Spray is the best dosage form for burns

The most popular form of preparation for skin burns is a spray (aerosol). The main advantage of the spray over other forms of products is the exclusion of direct contact of hands with the affected areas of the skin. This significantly reduces the risk of burn infection and reduces the pain the victim may experience when treating the wound. The world-famous burn spray Panthenol No. 1 acts on the burned area of ​​the skin as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating drug. The skin area treated with Panthenol No. 1 receives comprehensive protection from bacteria and the negative effects of the environment. Dexpanthenol in the spray stimulates the renewal of skin cells, accelerates the healing process and prevents the formation of scar tissue at the site of the healed area.

For babies

Despite the many advantages of Panthenol, in some cases it is not recommended to use it. This phenomenon is mainly due to the body’s individual intolerance to certain specific substances. For example, this may be increased sensitivity to individual components, or to the drug as a whole.

If there is a suspicion of an inadequate reaction of the body to Panthenol during use, it is better to conduct a test. Apply a small amount to the skin area and leave for a while. If the newborn develops itching or burning, Panthenol is not recommended to be used. In addition, redness and other signs such as rash may appear.

Milk, cream or spray must be applied to cleansed skin. Each new application should be carried out after changing the diaper or swaddling.

Adults are recommended to use the spray. The number of treatments depends on the severity of the disease and skin type. The maximum number of applications per day should not exceed 6 times.

How to use

If the drug is used to treat infants, precautions must be taken. Apply panthenol carefully so as not to get on the mucous membranes. Apply to damaged skin with each new swaddling, about 5 times a day. As a rule, improvement occurs already on the second day after using D-Panthenol. To prevent diaper rash from making itself felt again, the cream is applied to clean skin as a preventive measure.

In this case, the places can be very different - the area of ​​​​the buttocks and the inguinal folds. Apply to affected areas after every bath and change of underwear.

Panthenol is used not only in children. Mothers who have experienced symptoms of cracked nipples during breastfeeding know a little trick. In the first month after the birth of the child, they apply Panthenol to the chest and over time the unpleasant symptoms disappear. You should not treat nipples before breastfeeding, only after it.

The faster the better

It is best to treat diaper rash in a child at the first stage of the disease. Usually at this time small red spots appear on the skin. In this case, therapeutic measures will give maximum effect. The deterioration of the situation stops and diaper rash with its unpleasant symptoms no longer bothers the baby. You can use special baths and ensure good skin hygiene. If the skin is significantly damaged, you may need to take antibiotics.

Sunburn remedy PANTHENOL No. 1

Many people like to relax in hot countries or sunbathe in the country when sunny days come. However, exposure to UV rays often has negative effects on your skin and overall health. Long-term exposure to them can lead to decreased immunity, accelerated skin aging and, in some cases, to cancer (melanoma). That's why it's so important to apply sunscreen if you're going to be in the sun for a long time. However, in some cases, people still notice redness, which causes discomfort. In such situations, you need to use a sunburn remedy , which will help the epidermis recover from exposure to UV rays. “Panthenol No. 1” is a spray that is convenient and safe to use for both adults and children. The product contains a high concentration of dexpanthenol (10%), which promotes the production of pantothenic acid in the body. It is necessary for cellular nutrition and skin regeneration. Dexpanthenol is also distinguished by its ability to retain water, so the use of Panthenol No. 1 spray moisturizes and softens the skin, making it more elastic.

Symptoms of sunburn.

The first sign is redness of the skin a few hours after exposure to UV rays. The affected area feels like it is burning and it hurts to touch it. In the following days, blisters, crusts, or rashes appear on the skin. Sometimes symptoms are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which can lead to dehydration. These signs reach their maximum extent of manifestation 12-24 hours after the lesion; after a few days (usually from 4 to 7) the skin begins to peel off. The severity of sunburn depends on several factors. First of all, it depends on your skin type. Pale people with blond or red hair are known to burn faster and therefore need stronger protection. Also, the severity of symptoms is influenced by the duration of exposure to UV rays, medications taken, and the SPF used to protect the cream.

What to do in case of burns?

First of all, you need to eliminate pain, and then prepare the skin for treatment. First, the affected area needs to be cooled using a compress with clean water. Instead, it is allowed to use cucumber or tomato juice, cold black tea with ice. The fabric needs to be wetted as it heats up. You can also treat the affected area with an antiseptic (weak solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin). After these procedures, it is necessary to immediately moisturize the skin, otherwise it will dry out, which will lead to even more severe inflammation. You can use “grandmother’s” methods: applying raw egg white, milk, kefir, sour cream. But it is better to use a special spray for these purposes.

"Panthenol No. 1" is quickly absorbed by the skin without forming a greasy film or shine on it. You can treat the affected area up to four times a day, avoiding getting the spray into your eyes. Since the active ingredients disperse during application, their activity increases. Also, the particles of the product are small in size, so they quickly penetrate the skin. As a result, restoration of the epidermis occurs faster and at lower cost. Another plus is the convenient form of application. When using the spray, hand contact with the affected area is avoided, which can lead to unpleasant sensations. Also, this product does not clog pores, which is very important for people with problem skin.

This is the best option for moisturizing burns, since in such cases you cannot use alcohol-containing products or overly greasy creams. After moisturizing, you need to eliminate the pain. To do this, it is recommended to take an aspirin or ibuprofen tablet, and also take a cool bath. It is better to avoid showers, since jets of water under pressure will cause microcracks and only increase the pain.

If a child suffers from a sunburn, give him a cool bath with oatmeal (put it in a cloth bag and put it in water). You can take it from five minutes to a quarter of an hour. After this, lightly blot the child’s skin with a towel (do not rub under any circumstances), and then apply Panthenol No. 1 spray to the affected areas. Make sure your child drinks plenty of clean water for several days after the burn. It is also a good idea to give your child vitamin C (liquid or powder). It can be added to various drinks (fruit drink, juice, compote). If you notice that blisters have formed on your baby's body or the temperature does not go away, be sure to consult a doctor.

Using spray "Panthenol No. 1"

The product has been produced in Germany for more than forty years, which says a lot about its high quality. Despite the large number of analogues containing dexpanthenol, “Panthenol No. 1” enjoys continued popularity. This is due to the fact that a significant part of such products are produced in the form of creams and ointments, which are significantly inferior to the spray in ease of application. Also, “Panthenol No. 1” contains the maximum concentration of the active substance among analogues.

The advantage of this spray is also that it can be used for various purposes, not just in the treatment of burns. "Panthenol No. 1" successfully copes with diaper rash in babies, exposure to frost and high temperatures, and prevents irritation after depilation. It will help nursing mothers with the formation of cracked nipples, in addition, the spray can be used in daily skin care procedures as a moisturizer.

Of course, for your own safety, you must follow the rules for using the spray and store it at a temperature of 5 to 25 degrees Celsius. Carefully monitor the expiration date of the product (it is three years) and do not use it after it expires.

Since the aerosol is highly flammable, it is necessary to avoid exposing the can to high temperatures, open flames, and direct sunlight. It is recommended to use the product in well-ventilated areas, spraying from a distance of 10-20 centimeters from the skin. It is necessary to prevent the product from entering the respiratory tract.

Treatment and preventive measures

The best treatment is prevention and timely skin care. Special attention must be paid to hygiene measures. So, what rules must be followed when treating with Panthenol:

  1. After changing diapers and underwear, be sure to rinse your skin with clean running water. You can also use a mild soap solution.
  2. Disposable diapers can cause diaper rash, so it is better to avoid wearing them.
  3. After each bath, pat your skin dry with a soft towel. It is very important not to injure the skin.
  4. If parents use an aerosol, then swaddling the baby is not very tight.
  5. Change wet diapers and diapers in a timely manner.
  6. Let the skin breathe as often as possible, arrange so-called air baths.
  7. Thoroughly rinse baby's underwear to remove powder and other similar substances so as not to cause unpleasant allergic reactions.
  8. Give your baby baths with the addition of medicinal herbs. This could be chamomile, calendula, lavender or sage.

Panthenol cream foam

PANTHENOL Vialine cream foam

PANTHENOL Vialine cream-foam with dexpanthenol (5%), chamomile, calendula and comfrey - a cream that effectively protects the skin from negative influences and promotes its rapid recovery. Thanks to herbal extracts, it has a soothing effect on the skin and prevents irritation. Forms a light, quickly absorbing foam.

Composition and release form Dexapanthenol 5%, chamomile extract, calendula extract, comfrey extract.

Directions for use The cream foam is applied in an even layer on the surface of the skin and rubbed in with light movements of the fingertips. Can be used for daily care of the skin of the face and body, especially during prolonged exposure to the sun.

Description Cream-foam PANTHENOL Vialine is used as an adjuvant for various skin lesions, sun and thermal burns; to protect the skin from the negative effects of environmental factors (wind, temperature fluctuations, ultraviolet radiation). Cream foam Panthenol Vialine as an adjunct promotes healing and restoration of the skin in case of superficial skin damage (abrasions, cracks, inflammation, etc.) The effect of cream foam PANTHENOL Vialine is due to the properties of the main component - dexpanthenol (5%) . Easily penetrating the epidermis, dexapanthenol is converted into pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5). Pantothenic acid is a vital element for the metabolism of skin cells, as it is involved in many cellular processes (at least 100 metabolic pathways!), mainly in the energy metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Thanks to the presence of dexpanthenol in its composition, PANTHENOL Vialine cream foam protects the skin from the negative effects of the environment, stimulates the process of formation of new cells (regeneration), has a calming and softening effect on the skin, and improves cellular nutrition. As a result of dexpanthenol's ability to retain water, the skin is effectively moisturized, soft and elastic. The composition includes extracts of medicinal herbs - chamomile, comfrey, calendula. Calendula is an effective anti-inflammatory agent for various skin lesions, thermal and sunburn. Chamomile and comfrey have a calming effect, relieve pain, redness and itching.

Contraindications : individual intolerance to the components, hypersensitivity. - In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with water.

Shelf life and storage conditions Shelf life 36 months. Store in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight and out of reach of children, at a temperature not higher than + 25 C and not lower than + 5 C.

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