White pimple on the eyelid - what is it, how to get rid of it

A stye
is a swelling on the eyelid, usually with a white or yellow pus-filled head. From a medical point of view, barley is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelash or the mouth of the sebaceous gland.

Barley is a popular name, but when a doctor makes a diagnosis, he will write it as hordeolum .

There are external and internal barley. External stye

- This is a classic situation when the stye is on the outside of the eyelid.
Internal stye
is located on the mucous membrane of the eyelid; in this case, a lobe of the meibomian gland (the fatty gland of the cartilaginous plate of the eyelid) becomes inflamed.


There are main reasons that can cause formation on the inside of the eyelid:

  • Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane. These could be scratches, cuts, blows. As a result of these actions, fluid accumulates inside the cavity of the mucous membrane. A small pimple forms, which may resolve over time. If this does not happen, the doctor will remove it painlessly.
  • Allergy. Most often, this condition occurs when using low-quality cosmetics. The condition is easily eliminated with the help of antihistamines and the abolition of the cause that caused it.
  • Infection. It may be the result of a complication from a viral disease or due to the introduction of multiplying bacteria during poor-quality cosmetic procedures in the eye area.
  • Gastrointestinal disease. Many digestive tract problems are accompanied by a rash on the body. One of the places for such formation is the inner side of the eyelids.
  • Inflammation, irritation. Such a reaction can be caused by negative environmental factors that affect the sensitive area of ​​the mucous membrane of the eyes and eyelids. Such factors include smoke, smog, and chemicals.
  • Hormonal fluctuations. After adolescence or menopause, the amount of hormones in the human body changes dramatically. This causes pimples to form on various parts of the body.
  • Aging process. If a person is over 60 years old, inevitable aging of the conjunctiva, cornea, and eyelid skin occurs. Pimples filled with clear fluid may form.

The doctor must identify the cause of the condition in order to know whether to provide treatment or not. Some pimples resolve on their own over time. If they are caused by a pathological process, treatment is required.

Pimple on the eyelid

Chalazion is an inflammatory disease in which the ducts of the meibomian glands become blocked and secretions accumulate in the thickness of the eyelid. Sometimes a chalazion is called a hailstone. This disease looks very similar to barley, but in reality they are completely different. So, for example, with a chalazion, the compaction has nothing to do with the skin, but with barley, it’s the opposite.

The main function of the meibomian glands is the production of a special fatty secretion, which is part of tears. This secretion performs a protective function; it lubricates the mucous membrane of the eye, protecting it from drying out. When the ducts of the meibomian gland are blocked, the secretion continues to be released and accumulates in the gland. This is how a compaction forms, which gradually increases.


Most often, when pimples appear on the inside of the eyelid, the following clinical symptoms form:

  • the formation of only a pimple without additional signs;
  • pain, itching, burning in the eye area;
  • increased pain, discomfort when turning the eyeballs;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • increased sensitivity to bright light;
  • inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the eyelid;
  • redness of the conjunctiva.

Additionally, there may be symptoms of a systemic disease that caused the pimple to appear.

A person exhibits one or more symptoms. Based on them, the doctor may order other tests to make a diagnosis.

Methods to combat secondary acne on the eyelid

It is much easier to get rid of single millet lesions than secondary ones, that is, those that arise as a result of an inflammatory process on the skin of the face. Cosmetologists recommend fighting them with salicylic ointment or a special bodyagi. This helps to gradually exfoliate acne. In addition, they are perfect for sensitive skin, as they contain a small amount of allergen.

Before starting the procedure, you must first prepare your facial skin. Wash it with running water and gentle baby soap, wipe with lotion, and take a steam bath.

Let's start preparing a special mask. You will need: glass or ceramic dishes; freshwater; 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. So, we combine the bodyaga with hydrogen peroxide so that we get a homogeneous mushy mass. Apply it to areas where whiteheads accumulate. After 20-25 minutes, wash off the mask with warm running water.

If you feel a slight tingling or burning sensation, don't worry - this is a signal that everything is going according to plan. Don’t worry if the skin on your face doesn’t look very beautiful after the procedure. Redness and peeling are a normal course of events. Otherwise, you simply will not get rid of such hated water pimples on the eyelid. With the exfoliated epidermis, the millet grains will also go away.


There is a set of diagnostic measures to identify the patient’s condition:

  • Anamnesis collection. This is data obtained from the words of the patient or his close relatives. Based on them, the doctor may prescribe additional tests.
  • General examination of surface tissues. When you pull back the upper and lower eyelids, the doctor will immediately see a pimple, which should normally be absent. Additionally, the doctor observes clinical symptoms that manifest from the underlying disease.
  • Eye swab. A virological and bacteriological study is carried out to confirm or exclude a viral or bacterial infection.
  • Fundus examination. To do this, a solution is instilled into the eyes, which temporarily disrupts the process of pupil accommodation. The doctor performs a procedure to prevent the disease from spreading to the internal structures of the eyeball. These include the lens, camera, retina, microcirculation vessels.

By receiving data from diagnostic tests, the doctor can make a reliable diagnosis. To eliminate the disease, complex therapy is carried out.

Features of white acne on the eyelid

Milia can be either primary, that is, those that appear unexpectedly, for no particular reason, or secondary, which are the result of an inflammatory skin process or damage to it. Pimples rarely appear on the eyelid one at a time, often after the first one, and more appear almost immediately. They are all located close to each other.

This rash is not at all characterized by an inflammatory process. Milium is more of an aesthetic problem. A transparent pimple on the lower eyelid, just like a pimple on the upper eyelid, cannot cause severe harm or discomfort. But cosmetologists strongly recommend not to delay removing them.


Therapeutic measures are carried out comprehensively. This reduces the risk of developing complications from the disease. Antibiotics, antiviral agents, compresses, and drying agents are used.

Antibacterial drugs

To identify the pathogen that caused the disease, culture is carried out on a nutrient medium. The laboratory technician determines the exact microbe that caused the pimple. Additionally, an antibacterial drug to which bacteria are sensitive is identified. Most often, broad-spectrum drugs are used. They are prescribed in two forms:

  • drops (Vigamox, Tobrex, Levomycetin);
  • ointment (Erythromycin, Tetracycline).

Drops are used during the daytime. The ointment is applied before bedtime so that pathogenic microorganisms do not have time to multiply overnight.

Antiviral agents

A drug is used that eliminates the virus from a person’s blood. If you act only locally, the disease will develop again, since the eyelids are well supplied with blood. Viferon, Genferon, Acyclovir are used.


The drugs are used to eliminate allergies. If the patient knows about its approach, it is necessary to use the remedy 2-3 days before the onset of symptoms. It can be instilled into the eyes or taken in tablets. Prescribed Erius, Suprastin.

Drying agents

To apply the products, the skin of the eyelids is carefully pushed back and cauterized using a cotton swab. When using the method, the mucous membrane of the eyes should not be involved. Otherwise, a sharp burning sensation and pain will form. Apply salicylic ointment, alcohol, iodine.

What to do if a white pimple appears on your eyelid

Any pimples need to be examined by a dermatologist or qualified esthetician. It is strictly not recommended to treat rashes on the eyelids at home. There is a serious risk of damage to the delicate mucous membrane and the spread of bacteria. Even if there is no inflammation and the pimple is small, you cannot get rid of it on your own.

Pus entering the eye orbit spreads the infection. The result may be a sharp deterioration of the condition - extensive inflammation of the eye, fever, infection of the ENT organs or brain. Sometimes small pimples do not cause discomfort and go away on their own.

But if there is a purulent head, pain, swelling or redness, you should immediately contact a specialist. Consultation is also necessary if a pimple reappears. A timely visit to a specialist will solve the problem quickly and painlessly, with the help of available medications and simple procedures.

By ignoring the situation, you can turn almost harmless acne into a chronic disease. If they appear regularly, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination to identify and eliminate the cause.

Do not heat any rashes on the eyelids, apply hot salt, egg, sand. Especially if there are signs of inflammation or wen. Heat creates excellent conditions for the spread of bacteria; it is possible that pus can penetrate into the brain or blood, which can lead to meningitis or sepsis.

Self-squeezing pimples can lead to similar consequences, which is also not recommended, especially if sterility is not maintained. When there is pain around the eyes, it is better to consult a dermatologist or ophthalmologist.


To prevent the development of the condition, the following methods are used:

  • timely treatment of all viral and infectious diseases that have developed in other areas of the body;
  • periodic examination by an ophthalmologist for timely detection of minor deviations or serious diseases;
  • hardening procedures to strengthen the immune system in the form of visiting the pool, walking barefoot at home, drinking cold water;
  • daily hygiene procedures in the eye area.

If a pimple appears on the inside of your eyelids, you should not be alarmed. You must consult a doctor immediately. These may be minor lesions or signs of a serious illness. In any case, it is recommended to carry out timely diagnosis to prevent complications.

Methods for dealing with primary whiteheads on the eyelid

Dealing with millet grass is no more difficult than dealing with ordinary acne or “blackheads”. You can get rid of them in a specialized cosmetology salon, where they will be removed with a very thin needle intended for this purpose. You can also remove whiteheads from your eyelid at home without any special equipment. It is more advisable to use a needle from a new syringe at home, which should be boiled beforehand.

In order to avoid infection, cosmetologists recommend preparing your face for the procedure. The first step is to wash your face with running water, wipe your face dry, and wipe with an alcohol-containing tonic or lotion. Then, steam your face so that the skin becomes softer and all the pores open. It is best to take a steam bath with decoctions of medicinal herbs.

When all the necessary preliminary procedures have been completed, you can proceed directly to the process of removing the transparent pimple. So, using a needle, very carefully, we pierce the very center of the millet head. After this, press two fingers on its base and squeeze out all the contents. Then lightly sprinkle the resulting wound with xeroform - this will help avoid infection on open areas of the skin.

If you do everything correctly and do not injure the skin around the pimple, the procedure will not cause any pain or discomfort. Everything is extremely simple. But you should understand that the most important thing is to avoid side effects, inflammation or irritation, you need to sterilize everything: treat the skin of your face, your hands, and the needle.

What not to do?

Only a qualified ophthalmologist can treat acne on the upper eyelid. It is impossible to get rid of such rashes on your own. Very often, patients strive to eliminate pimples at home as soon as possible. More often than not, this only leads to worsening the situation. If purulent or watery formations appear on the eyelid, under no circumstances should you take the following actions:

  1. Apply hot compresses with egg, sand and salt. Heat cannot stop inflammation. It only contributes to the spread of infection. Such compresses are especially dangerous for barley, blepharitis and blockage of the sebaceous and meibomian glands. As a result of such self-medication, bacteria can enter the blood, which leads to the development of meningitis and sepsis.
  2. Squeeze pimples. It is impossible to completely remove the contents of ulcers at home. Pressing on the affected area in most cases only leads to the spread of inflammation and the formation of a large abscess.
  3. Prick watery pimples. It is impossible to properly sterilize a needle at home. Puncture of pimples most often ends in infection of the cavity. In addition, this procedure leads to the formation of wounds and ulcers on the edges of the eyelids.
  4. Touch pimples with your hands. It is better not to touch the affected areas to avoid infection.
  5. Use eye cosmetics. During the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, it is necessary to stop using eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. The use of cosmetics can provoke an allergic reaction or blockage of the sebaceous glands.

If you have any rashes on your eyes, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Cosmetology procedures

Conservative treatment of bumps on the sclera and milia has not been developed. If such neoplasms do not cause inconvenience to the patient, then doctors offer dynamic observation. In this case, the patient must undergo periodic preventive examinations.

If pimples on the eyelid cause discomfort, then they must be removed. For skin rashes, cleanse the face. This procedure is carried out in beauty salons. It consists of several stages:

  1. First, the facial skin is steamed and treated with antiseptics.
  2. Then they puncture the abscess. Its contents are removed using a special spoon.
  3. After this, the affected area is wiped again with a disinfectant solution.

Other methods of removing acne are also used:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • darsonvalization;
  • laser therapy.

The choice of treatment method depends on the location of the rash and its spread.


The cause of stye is infection in the follicles of the eyelashes. At the initial stage, a slight swelling and redness appears at the edge of the eyelids. Itching and pain occur. Then the rash festeres. A yellow head appears on the barley. This pimple looks like an abscess on the eyelid. After some time it breaks through and the contents come out.

Most often, barley forms on the outside. However, there are times when a pimple appears under the upper eyelid. This type of abscess causes the patient severe pain when blinking and moving the eyes. Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out the stye. This will lead to the spread of infection to healthy tissue. As a result, a large abscess may form on the eyelid.

An abscess on the eyelid itself is not dangerous. However, the infection can penetrate the cranial cavity and lead to inflammation of the brain. Therefore, barley is subject to mandatory treatment.

Blepharitis rashes

Pimples on the outside of the upper eyelid may be a sign of blepharitis. This is a rather dangerous disease. It is accompanied by inflammation and redness of the eyelids. The pathology has an infectious etiology.

If blepharitis is caused by bacteria, then acne looks like pustules. If the inflammation is provoked by the herpes virus, then a rash forms in the form of blisters filled with liquid.

With blepharitis, there is always not only the appearance of individual pimples, but also redness of the entire eyelid. The eyes look puffy. Other signs of the disease are also observed:

  • eye fatigue;
  • photosensitivity;
  • sticking of the eyelids in the morning due to the discharge of pus;
  • itching and soreness in the eyelid area;
  • blurred vision due to increased production of tears.

Without treatment, blepharitis can lead to inflammation of the cornea (keratitis), scarring of the eyelid skin, abscesses, and dryness of the eye mucosa.

Prosyanki (miliums)

Small white pimples on the upper eyelid are called milia, or pimples. They can occur spontaneously, for no apparent reason, or after trauma to the skin. First, a single white pimple appears on the eyelid, and subsequently multiple rashes form. They look like small white balls. People with oily and combination skin are prone to such rashes. Milia usually do not cause inflammation or pain.

Millet is a small cyst on the sebaceous gland. It can form on any part of the body, but most often such pimples appear on the thin skin of the eyelids. Women and young children are more susceptible to this pathology.

Why do small white pimples form on the eye on the upper eyelid? Doctors identify the following causes of milia:

  1. Hormonal imbalances. Millet grains often appear in people with high androgen levels.
  2. Minor skin injuries. Bacteria penetrate the epidermis through microtraumas.
  3. Poor nutrition. Patients who abuse fatty foods are prone to such rashes. Such food promotes increased functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Milia are not dangerous to health and do not cause discomfort to a person, it is just a cosmetic defect. Multiple rashes spoil the patient’s appearance and can cause psychological discomfort.

How to get rid of small white pimples on the eye on the upper eyelid? If a single milia appears on the skin, it does not require special treatment. Typically, such formations resolve on their own within a few months.

The alarm should be sounded if multiple spots appear on the skin of the eyelids. This indicates oily seborrhea or hormonal disorders. The patient needs to consult a dermatologist and endocrinologist. Multiple rashes do not disappear on their own. With seborrhea, these formations are filled with a thick secretion of the sebaceous glands, which cannot come out. Therefore, multiple milia require special cosmetic treatment.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine can be used to treat acne on the eyelids as an additional method of therapy. Before using them, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

Such remedies are indicated for acne on the eyelids and grass. It is recommended to use the following types of therapeutic masks.

  1. With cucumber. This vegetable perfectly cleanses and disinfects pores. You need to take 2 tablespoons of cucumber juice and mix with cottage cheese. The mask is applied to the affected areas and kept for 30 minutes. Then the composition is washed off and the skin is lubricated with cream.
  2. With aspirin. You need to crush 10 tablets of the drug, mix with 1 teaspoon of honey and antibacterial cream. The composition is kept on the face for 10 minutes.
  3. Aloe. The leaf of the plant should be attached to the lesion with a plaster and left overnight. This will help draw out the contents from the pimple.
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