How often should I use a body scrub? Types of body scrubs: exfoliating, Brazilian, warming, coconut, ice, sugar, cinnamon

The article talks about how to use a body scrub. Recommendations are given on how often to use the scrub and the benefits of the scrub for the body are explained.

Body scrub is the best way to cleanse your skin. With its help, you can improve the condition of your skin: remove dead particles, improve blood circulation, and reveal a healthier and more youthful layer of skin. After the scrub, the skin looks healthy

benefits of scrub

How to use body scrub?

The scrubbing procedure completely opens the pores. The skin gets rid of dead particles, which significantly increases its sensitivity. It is recommended to carry out the peeling procedure in the evening so that street dirt and dust do not get into the open pores after cleansing.

General recommendations for using the scrub

Scrubbing is preceded by complete cleansing of the skin with warm water and the use of a small amount of cosmetic cleanser (soap or gel). It is ideal if the skin has been previously steamed (after a bath). The procedure will require a small amount of scrub. Apply the product with your fingers, as if massaging the body, for 5-7 minutes

how to make a scrub

  • If the slightest discomfort occurs, the procedure should be stopped and the scrub replaced with another cleanser. Discomfort may be caused by large abrasive particles.
  • Sometimes unpleasant sensations (tingling, itching, rash, redness) are associated with manifestations of an allergic reaction to the components contained in the scrub
  • Small particles of scrub should be washed off the body under a warm shower. The final chord of the scrubbing procedure should be skin hydration. To do this, use a nourishing cream and lotion suitable for your skin type. The nutrients in a cream or other nourishing product penetrate easily into the skin thanks to the cleansing procedure
  • Even the slightest degree of exfoliation (exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the skin) is a strong stress for the skin. If you do not attach importance to proper care, drying and flaking of the skin cannot be avoided.

scrubs and oils

On the thigh area

Scrubbing this area is very important. This cosmetic procedure not only removes dead skin cells, but also fights the signs of cellulite.

The product is applied as follows:

  1. ​It is necessary to steam the skin well in advance to open the pores and easily remove the roughened elements. A sea salt bath or a warm shower is suitable for this.
  2. The scrub is rubbed into the thighs and legs in circular, even movements from bottom to top. Such manipulations accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  3. ​At the end of the procedure, the feet are rinsed with warm water to cleanse any residual product. Afterwards, take a short contrast shower.

How often should you do a body scrub?

It is recommended to use the scrub for dry skin 2 times a month. For those with oily skin, scrubbing is recommended 4 to 5 times a month.

Manufacturers indicate information on the frequency of use on the scrub packaging. It cannot be ignored, because a scrub, if used too often, can not only help get rid of old dead cells, but also cause irreparable harm

Facial scrub

After washing your face with warm water and a small amount of cleanser, apply the scrub with your fingertips. The skin around the lips and eyes is very sensitive, so the scrub should not be used here.

You need to start distributing the scrub over your face from the center, moving to the middle of the forehead, temples, chin, nose. You need to finish applying the scrub again at your temples. Apply the scrub for no longer than 3 minutes, then rinse. Finish cleansing your face with moisturizer applied lightly.

face scrub

Skin care after scrubbing and possible side effects

After the scrub, the skin does not require a rehabilitation period, so it does not need special care. If you have sensitive epidermis, it is advisable not to sunbathe for 24 hours after the procedure.

When used correctly, the product rarely causes side effects, but in rare cases the following are possible:

  • allergies - if you are intolerant to the components of the composition, if a rash, irritation, redness and other undesirable reactions appear - consult a doctor;
  • skin injuries - when using products with too coarse hard particles, it is necessary to treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide or another antibacterial drug;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin to external factors (ultraviolet radiation, frost, etc.) - if scrubbing is abused, the skin loses its natural protective layer, in this case you need to stop using scrubs for at least a month.

What are the benefits of body scrub?

  • A scrub is a cosmetic product with abrasive particles, thanks to which you can regularly deep clean the skin. The procedure helps exfoliate old skin microscales and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Peeling, if carried out correctly, provides the skin with a more fresh appearance, matte, and smoothness. Scrubbing or peeling reduces wrinkles and saturates the skin with oxygen.
  • The scrub contains natural or artificial abrasive particles and a base: cream, gel. During the procedure, impurities and cosmetic residues are removed from open pores. The scrub also enhances the effectiveness of other cosmetics that are applied after peeling.

Why is it necessary?

Periodically, the skin undergoes renewal. This leads to the fact that the keratinized layers come off on their own and are easily washed off with water during the washing process. However, not all areas of the body can exfoliate without outside help. For more thorough cleansing, a scrub is required. Due to the content of abrasive particles, such manipulation has the following effects:

  1. ​Smoothes out unevenness of the epidermis.
  2. ​Cleanses pores from fat and various impurities.
  3. Helps improve the penetration of medicinal and cosmetic products into the skin.
  4. ​Helps eliminate rashes.

Body scrubbing is easy and simple to do at home. With regular use, results will be noticeable after 3-4 applications.

Warming body scrub

Warming scrubs can be purchased, or you can prepare them yourself immediately before performing home spa treatments. As a rule, warming scrubs include ginger powder and ground pepper.

warming scrub

RECIPE for making a warming scrub at home

Action: the scrub moisturizes and nourishes the skin. When using a warming scrub, pores are cleansed and skin tone is evened out. Thanks to ginger essential oil, blood flow improves and a slight warming sensation is achieved.


60 g blue clay 25 g henna 2 tbsp brewed coffee 1 tbsp sea salt 10 drops essential aroma oil

Application: All scrub components must be mixed, adding salt and essential oil last. In this case, the salt will not have time to dissolve, and the oil will not evaporate prematurely. The usual method of using the scrub is: apply to moisturized skin for a few minutes.

Exfoliating body scrub

Exfoliating scrubs contain ingredients that remove sebum and dead cells. The skin becomes radiant and youthful after using a scrub with brown sugar, coffee, healing clay, crushed rice, and honey. To avoid an allergic reaction, it is better to make your own exfoliating scrub.


Action : moisturizes and cleanses, removes dead cells. In just a few minutes, the skin turns from rough to soft, elastic and silky.


1 tbsp coffee grounds (can be replaced with ground coffee) 1 tsp sea salt 1 tbsp sour cream (if the skin is dry) or (if the skin is oily: 1 tbsp yogurt and a little boiled water) 1 tbsp milk 1 tsp olive oil

Application : mix all ingredients, adding salt last (so that it does not dissolve). Apply the scrub to your face and massage for 2-3 minutes, then rinse.

Composition of the product

One of the advantages of making homemade scarab is the ability to use any available ingredients available in the house. Natural ingredients are often used by many companies in the manufacture of cosmetic products.

The following are used as exfoliating agents:

  • coffee beans;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • cereals;
  • semolina;
  • sugar;
  • rice;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • ground apricot, grape seeds;
  • coconut flakes.

Acids are often added to the product. To do this, use the zest of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. All ingredients are ground in a coffee grinder or blender and mixed with the base.

The base for nourishing and moisturizing the skin may consist of:

  • olive, almond, coconut oils;
  • kefir, cream; yogurt, milk,
  • honey;
  • shower gel.

The ingredients used to make a homemade cleanser are quite affordable. The proportions of the components are selected depending on the quantity and consistency of the scrub.

Body scrub with cinnamon

The aroma of cinnamon brings back memories of childhood, sweet buns and buns. Cinnamon is used very often in facial cosmetics. It promotes skin rejuvenation and regeneration.

Cinnamon scrub recipe

Action : activates blood circulation, restores capillaries, removes excess fat, corrects age-related changes


2 parts natural honey 1 part cinnamon

Application : Apply the scrub with light massaging movements. After a few minutes, rinse with warm water.

Application and benefits of purchased body scrubs: tips and reviews

  • Store-bought body scrubs do not always contain information about what skin type they are suitable for. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a cleanser: take into account your skin type and for what purpose the scrub is needed
  • With the help of special scrubs, which contain tonic and fat-burning substances, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  • Modeling scrubs normalize lymph flow and improve metabolic processes and skin nutrition
  • Incorrect use of the scrub, as well as its too frequent use, can lead to microtraumas and ingrown hairs. The scrub should not be used if the skin has inflammation or acne.
  • Allergic rashes and redness can be avoided by preparing a scrub at home. The allergy-causing component can be easily replaced with another


Polina, 25 years old: I usually use salt scrubs. But recently I tried Brazilian coffee. The scrub has an amazing coffee and creamy smell. Scrubbing occurs effectively thanks to sugar and ground coffee particles.

Galina, 36 years old, cosmetologist: proper skin care is impossible without such an important procedure as skin exfoliation. When choosing a facial product, give preference to scrubs with abrasive particles without sharp edges. Avoid cleansers that contain ground seeds, nut shells, salt, or sugar (all of these ingredients are suitable for exfoliating the body). Gommages and scrubs with polyethylene particles gently cleanse the skin of the face.

Anastasia, 42 years old: “I usually make scrubs myself. Once a week you can pamper yourself. But if I don’t have time, then I use store-bought ones. The skin becomes soft and smooth. The aroma is usually relaxing and uplifting.”

Questions and answers

Will chemical peeling harm sensitive skin? Before starting the procedure, the specialist must conduct a test of the selected drugs. If the skin reacts poorly, becomes very red, or itches, the cosmetologist suggests less aggressive formulations.

Is there a danger of damaging the deep layers of the dermis with hardware peeling? There is no such risk. The devices are carefully cleaned, removing thin layers of keratinized particles. Our salon technicians have sufficient experience and qualifications, so mistakes are excluded.

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