Plasma facial rejuvenation using cosmetology devices - how to choose the best one

Many women begin to think about cosmetic procedures when the first wrinkles or age spots appear on the face, and the skin becomes flaccid. To maintain beauty, it is not necessary to undergo injections. For professional and home use there is Plasma Liner - a cosmetology device, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness. However, there are other devices with a similar effect. Find out what their features and differences are, as well as who is suitable for plasma facial skin rejuvenation.

Description of the procedure

Non-surgical plasma lifting technology is a new step in the development of cosmetology. You don't have to donate blood or overcome your fear of injections. Special devices painlessly affect the skin using plasma current, which starts the process of renewal of the dermis.

Externally, the devices resemble compact pens. Argon plasma is formed at their tips (as a result of a gas flash). Under the influence of high temperature, ionization of gaseous substances begins. Compounds that are safe for humans appear and penetrate deep into the dermis. In this case, the skin is not damaged, and the plasma works in several directions:

  • acts with light waves that contain a minimal amount of destructive ultraviolet radiation;
  • has a thermal effect, stimulating collagen production. Where plasma acts, the dermis instantly warms up to 40 °C. Its outer layer is not damaged, and the patient feels warm within a few seconds;
  • has a laser peeling effect.

Thus, plasma promotes the regeneration of the deep layers of the skin and smoothes the epidermis. Thanks to the versatile effects, the result is noticeable even after the first procedure. The skin looks more youthful and well-groomed.

2) Plasma devices are not even a household device that can be used in cosmetology.

There is a loophole in the law that allows the use in medical practice of devices that are household, and not medical. The border between these two categories is very thin; it is generally accepted that everything that does not violate the dermal layer and does not affect the skin and subcutaneous tissues can be classified as household appliances. As an example, various electromechanical simulators are often cited, which are used for all kinds of massages and weight loss in beauty salons.

Household appliances do not need to be registered with Roszdravnadzor, but it is necessary to obtain an expert opinion that the device is a household appliance.

As we understand, plasma-liners damage at least the surface layer of the skin, so they cannot be classified as household products at all! There is no point in further discussion.

Indications for use

Typically, plasma rejuvenation is required for women who have reached the “Balzac age” - have crossed the 30-year mark. It is in the 4th decade that the first skin changes usually become visible. However, everything is individual, so you can use a plasma liner at an earlier age. After all, it is effective not only for rejuvenation. There are no contraindications from device manufacturers in this regard.

Plasmajet will help cope with the following problems:

  • drooping skin of the upper eyelids, bruises and bags under the eyes (non-contact blepharoplasty);
  • wrinkles between the eyebrows, around the mouth, in the corners of the eyes;
  • freckles and age spots;
  • scars;
  • eczema, rosacea;
  • blackheads, acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • psoriasis;
  • keratosis.

Attention! The plasma rejuvenation method is not universal. It will not help get rid of too deep wrinkles, very sagging skin, or age spots that appear with age.

Can I do it at home?

The device should only be used by a person with specialized education who knows the anatomy of the face and the features of the plasma rejuvenation technique.

For this reason, companies that sell plasma liners offer preliminary training in how to operate the device. Some distributors do not even sell devices to customers who have not completed a special course.

If you invite a qualified cosmetologist who performs procedures at home, he will be able to carry out the necessary manipulations. But remember: mistakes during plasma lifting are fraught with health problems. Therefore, take the time to go to the clinic, where an experienced professional will supervise all stages of the process.

There are relatively inexpensive devices for home use - for example, the Beauco Plasma Pen (costing about 10 thousand rubles). However, their use, as in the case of a plasma liner, also requires special knowledge.

7) Plasma is an alternative to CO2 laser. But why?

Well, and most importantly: there is ablative laser cosmetology that has been proven for decades - resurfacing and peeling on proven devices, with well-known protocols and results.

A procedure with an experienced cosmetologist who gets good results with CO2 lasers is more expensive than a dubious burning with strange devices. Although we found a couple of “masters” performing the plasma blepharoplasty procedure for 20,000+ rubles. In our clinic, this procedure on a professional laser device costs 15,000 rubles.

PS. Perhaps this method of influence is working; foreign colleagues have illustrated examples of the procedures performed, where (judging by the photo) a good result is shown.

Pay attention to the density of points in the work of foreign colleagues.

However, in our realities, we do not advise either specialists to use this discredited method, or patients to run under the magic plasma, the consequences of which are unclear, and the specialists performing the procedure may turn out to be crooks.

Types of devices

The most popular models of devices for plasma manipulations:

  • Plasmajet Derma . A device produced by the English company Plasma Surgical heats the lower layers of the dermis to 50 °C. The patient does not feel pain, but a pleasant breeze of a light breeze. No anesthesia is required. Plasmajet m103 improves skin tone, improves its color and stimulates collagen production - this process actively continues for a year after the procedure. Ions destroy pathogens and have a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation. In addition to cosmetology, the device is used in surgery, dermatology, and gynecology.

  • PlasM . The German device makes the skin fresher and younger, removes the consequences of unsuccessful tattooing, tightens the lips, chin, cheeks, performs a mini-lift, and eliminates wrinkles. The buyer receives free training. The company provides service during the warranty period and after it.

  • JETT PLASMA LIFT or Jet plasma lift medical . The Czech device enhances the skin's immunity and strengthens it. Effective against expression lines and age wrinkles. Helps reduce stretch marks, scars, age spots, rosacea, acne. JET medical is used on the face, chest, hands. The effect of application is noticeable already on the 2nd day and increases over the course of six months. About a week should pass between procedures (between the 1st and 2nd - 3 days).

  • PLAXPOT . It has increased electrical safety and a color display that expands the viewing angle. Does not damage tissue and triggers skin renewal mechanism. Provides long-term results and fights wrinkles, freckles, acne, seborrheic warts and other blemishes. Removes tattoos and tightens eyelid skin. The device is assembled in Korea. It is considered multifunctional because it is also used in dentistry.

  • Plasma liner . One of the most popular devices for contactless rejuvenation using plasma. Manufactured in Germany and has certificates of conformity relevant for Europe and Russia. Unlike inexpensive devices, Plasma Liner does not burn the skin, but synthesizes collagen production. The result lasts about 2 years. When using, an anesthetic cream must be applied. The patient feels an instant surge of warmth in the place where the cosmetologist works with the plasma liner. The dermis is immediately cooled, so the device does not harm its deeper layers. The range of applications of the plasma liner is wide: from smoothing wrinkles and tightening the skin on the face, chest, and abdomen to eliminating papillomas and safe blepharoplasty.

You can purchase any plasma lifting device via the Internet on the official website of the distributor, as well as on online platforms that sell laboratory and medical equipment. The cost is clarified after submitting an application or calling the manager, often after registering for training. Not every person will be able to find out the amount of the plasma liner, but only a professional who has confirmed his qualifications.

Advantages of working with plasma

As we see, almost all procedures that can be done today using plasma are performed using other types of cosmetology equipment or without it at all. What advantageous differences does this technique have?

When compared with laser ablation (correction of wrinkles, removal of scars and stretch marks, neoplasms), the advantage here is:

  • skin rehabilitation time after the procedure (about half as long as, for example, with ablative laser technologies);
  • guaranteed safe tightening of the eyelid skin (plasma blepharoplasty does not have such high risks when working with thin eyelid skin as, for example, some ablative lasers);
  • uniform heating of tissues by plasma without an “explosion” in chromophores, since it does not require chromophores;
  • plasma (high-energy) transforms the treated tissue microzones immediately into a gaseous state, bypassing the liquid state, and thus prevents the formation of weeping wounds and prevents the development of infections (in fact, this process is called sublimation);
  • completely tolerable sensations during the procedures (as a rule, only local anesthesia is used);
  • the cost of plasma procedures (as a rule, it is lower than similar laser procedures due to the lower cost of plasma devices).

So, with the help of plasma, it is possible to carry out many already known rejuvenating and corrective procedures with high efficiency, minimal damage to the skin, fairly short rehabilitation and at an affordable price. And plasma technologies today are the undoubted leader in non-surgical blepharoplasty.

Stages of the procedure

The device is used in the following sequence:

  1. The specialist carefully cleanses the skin and determines where to use the device.
  2. Apply anesthetic ointment to the selected area.
  3. The cosmetologist brings the device to the face and applies it precisely to the skin. The duration of influence of the Plasma liner pulse is less than one second. At the site of use of the device, the dermis instantly contracts.
  4. The patient feels warm. There is no pain due to the anesthetic drug.
  5. The specialist sequentially treats the targeted area with a plasma liner.
  6. The process lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. Depends on the complexity of the problem and the area of ​​the treated area.

Attention! The cost of one plasma lifting procedure ranges from 4,000 rubles for smoothing wrinkles to 15–20 thousand rubles for blepharoplasty. Moreover, in Voronezh or another regional city the price will be lower than in a Moscow clinic.

Cosmetology Procedures involving plasma

Procedures using high-energy plasma:

  • removal of excess volumes of skin (a particularly popular procedure today is blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids: using plasma sublimation, excess skin area is “excised”, forming drooping eyelids and the formation of wrinkles due to excess skin tissue in this area; plasmolifting is carried out not only in blepharoplasty procedures, but and to eliminate excess skin volume on other areas of the face and body that require a “lift”, but it gives its maximum effect on the skin around the eyes);
  • coagulation of vascular formations;
  • correction of hyperpigmentation;
  • removal of scars, scars, stretch marks;
  • removal of warts and other benign formations;
  • treatment of active acne and correction of post-acne;
  • removal of tattoos, permanent makeup.

Procedures using low-energy plasma:

  • skin disinfection and wound treatment;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • increasing skin turgor and improving general properties;
  • increasing skin permeability to active components; medicinal and cosmetic products.

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure, redness may appear on the face, which usually disappears within an hour. Sometimes swelling occurs. You'll have to wait a couple of days until it disappears. In the area where the cosmetologist worked with a plasma liner, small dots appear - in those places where the specialist applied an impulse to the skin. They become covered with thin crusts, which fall off on their own after 5–10 days. The redness also goes away after a few days.

The first 3–5 days after plasma lifting you need to properly care for your skin:

  • do not wet the treated area with water or special wound healing products;
  • temporarily abandon decorative cosmetics;
  • avoid visiting a solarium, bathhouse, beach, swimming pool - anything associated with high humidity and elevated temperature;
  • after the crusts fall off, use sunscreen with filter 50+ for 3 months;
  • wear sunglasses if you have undergone plasma blepharoplasty or smooth out wrinkles around the eyes.

Important! Mesotherapy, fillers, Botox - all this is possible, but only 1.5 months after rejuvenation with a plasma liner.

Depending on the complexity of the situation, 5–6 procedures may be required to eliminate defects. The break between them is usually 3 weeks. The first positive changes become noticeable after the first plasma lifting. A couple of weeks after the start of the procedures, the effect intensifies. The maximum result is observed after 3–4 months and lasts for 1–2 years.

Plasma facial rejuvenation – reviews with before and after photos

Reviews about the plasma facial rejuvenation procedure are mostly positive. Negative customer reviews are usually associated with the peculiarities of the skin (for example, very thin and dry skin), the expectation of an instant lifting effect after one procedure.

“I had the plasmaliner treatment done 2 weeks after the mechanical peeling. I liked the effect, despite the fact that redness, swelling, and severe flaking of the skin persisted for about 3 days. “I repeated the procedure and now I’m happy with my face: the crow’s feet near the eyes smoothed out, pigmentation went away, and my face began to look rested.” Irina Petrova, 34 years old.

“I can’t say that I’m directly delighted with the procedure, because I love instant results. After the plasma, temporary isolation was required, as there were unpleasant light brown marks on the face from the effects of the device. But after 5 days, the skin really evened out its tone, became younger, and refreshed. I’ll try again in a month, maybe the same effect will appear.” Yaroslava Isarov, 31 years old.

“I’ve done everything I can to my face, but I avoid beauty injections and any radical intervention. The cosmetologist advised me to try treating the skin with a plasmaliner. I completed one session and am satisfied. The only negative is redness and flaking for almost a week. I had to stay at home until it healed completely.” Olga Yashina, 36 years old.


Hardware plasma lifting is considered a safe procedure that does not harm the eyes and skin if everything is done by an experienced professional and the rules of rehabilitation are not neglected. However, the use of Plasma Liner has some health restrictions:

  • purulent wounds;
  • allergic rashes;
  • oncology;
  • acute inflammation of the skin at the site of the procedure;
  • the presence of a pacemaker or other built-in devices, metal implants in the plasma rejuvenation area;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, endocrine and respiratory systems;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation - hormonal changes can reduce the effectiveness of the Plasma Liner.

If you have been injected with Botox or fillers, wait until at least 3 weeks have passed and only then sign up for the procedure.

What aesthetic problems can plasma current blepharoplasty solve?

Blepharoplasty is indicated in the following cases:

  • scarring;
  • complicated acne;
  • genital warts;
  • calluses;
  • wrinkles;
  • atheromas;
  • hemangiomas;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • senile keratomas;
  • tattoos;
  • nevi;
  • seborrhea;
  • warts;
  • papillomas.

A cosmetic procedure with a plasma current device is contraindicated if the patient suffers from cardiovascular and oncological diseases, has a tendency to form colloidal scars, is intolerant to anesthetics, has a blood clotting disorder, or wears a pacemaker.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of plasma liner rejuvenation:

  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • noticeable effect after the first procedure;
  • lasting results;
  • painless use of the plasma liner;
  • wide range of uses;
  • prolonged effect.

The disadvantages include:

  • an impressive list of contraindications;
  • risk of complications;
  • the high cost of using a plasma liner, especially if you need to perform several procedures;
  • special care that a person needs after lifting.

Patient reviews

While the plasma liner is considered a new product, some users are skeptical about the information that the effect will be noticeable after the first use. The patient relies on the doctor's opinion.

There are doubts regarding the need for repeated procedures. The user believes that the plasma liner may not be very effective for blepharoplasty or wrinkle removal.

However, those who managed to evaluate the results on themselves or on loved ones speak enthusiastically about plasma rejuvenation.

At the same time, there are also negative opinions. The patient underwent non-surgical blepharoplasty at home. And although it was performed by a professional cosmetologist, it was not without pain during and after the process, as well as serious complications even after a repeat procedure.

To ensure that using the plasma liner leaves only positive impressions, do not experiment with the device at home. Trust the youth and beauty of your face to professionals. In this case, risks are minimized, since an experienced specialist controls the entire process. Do not forget about the importance of the rehabilitation period - here everything depends on how carefully you follow the recommendations of cosmetologists to consolidate a good result.

6) The results of the procedures performed are not obvious and hidden. Complications do occur.

The vast majority of before/after photographs show the patient “before” and “during” or “immediately after.” Where are the photographs of the result after the “convergence” of all the consequences of the procedure?

Moreover, there is a fairly large percentage of forgery and deception! Photos of the result after operations and after CO2 laser exposure are passed off as the results of plasma procedures.

Reported complications:

  1. Pigmentation
  2. Perforation of fabrics
  3. Micro scars
  4. Edema
  5. Long-term rehabilitation

These complications are nothing new for those who work with laser equipment, but the extent to which they can be corrected after exposure to plasma is unknown.

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