How to choose the best concealer for dark circles under the eyes: types, colors and brands?

Dark circles under the eyes are something that many people experience and are not necessarily a consequence of injury. Often such a defect occurs due to pathological and non-pathological reasons , but in any case, in addition to measures aimed directly at eliminating the bruise, it can also be disguised.

One of the products that can be used to cover up bruises is concealer . Below we will try to figure out which model and color is best to choose the product for the best effect.

What is concealer and how does it work?

Concealer is a modern cosmetic product that can be purchased today in any perfumery department.

This product is widely used - it
helps to cope with any defects in color and texture of the skin , and it is often used for bruises.
Technically, the product is an improved cosmetic pencil for spot application.

But if it is necessary to mask bruises, this product is simply shaded after application at several points.

This pencil has a dense and thick structure, so it lays on the skin in an even layer and does not crumble.

Keep in mind! This product is not used on its own: it requires prior application of foundation.

This way you can achieve a more natural skin color, while the concealer needs to be selected not strictly to match your skin color, but a couple of shades lighter.

Types of correctors

Most of the cosmetic products under consideration perform only camouflage tasks, but there are also medicinal properties depending on the composition:

  • Skin disinfection.
  • Nutrition.
  • Hydration.

Correctors are divided into several types, which are recommended for use in certain situations:

  1. Pencil. Indispensable for spot masking problems such as pimples or pigmentation.
  2. Liquid consistency. An excellent choice for covering up bruises, but if applied incorrectly, the skin under the eyes will look unnatural.
  3. Stick. A dry look that is indispensable for spot masking or extensive coverage.
  4. Corrector for skin hydration. This product does not adequately hide bruises, but it perfectly moisturizes the skin, making problems almost invisible.

How to use concealer and what colors to use for different bruises?

The products also come in different colors and shades, and they must be selected according to the color of the bruise in order to achieve the best camouflage effect:

  • It is better to paint over blue-green bruises with orange concealers to even out the skin tone;
  • purple and dark bruises are well eliminated with blue concealers ;
  • On the contrary, it is better to mask healing yellow bruises with dark-colored products .

It is important not only to choose the right shade, but also to use the concealer correctly :

  1. The skin must first be cleansed of cosmetics.
  2. Five to ten minutes before application, apply moisturizer to the skin and apply foundation.
  3. When applying concealer and blending it, you do not need to go beyond the boundaries of the bruise.
  4. It is better to blend with a brush - this way you can achieve a more uniform layer.

Remember! Sometimes concealer on the face looks unnatural and gives the impression of a “doll face”. Additional use of powder, which hides shine well, will help to avoid this effect.

How to choose a face corrector by color

So, you have become the happy owner of a face corrector palette. Let's figure out which corrector is needed for what.

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As noted earlier, all correctors work on the principle of the color wheel, where the opposite color, applied on top of its “opponent,” neutralizes its manifestation. Let's take a closer look at what color corrector is needed for what.

  • Green corrector is the most popular and most in demand. It is no coincidence that it is often produced as a stand-alone product, while correctors of other colors are most often included in the kit. Well, who among us has not encountered troubles in the form of a popped up pimple, redness and irritation on the skin of the face. The red inflamed areas are just covered with a green corrector. The localization area of ​​the green corrector on the face is extensive - forehead, cheeks, chin, i.e. those places where acne has formed. Well, the most vulnerable part of the face to redness is the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. The corrector can be applied either spot-on, say, to disguise a pimple, or over a large area of ​​the face, when you need to hide a large area of ​​inflammation, redness, or an unsuccessful tan. In the latter case, it is better to use concealer; it will solve the problem softer and more delicately, and will not show through foundation and powder.

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Photo from the site:

  • Similar in function to green, the correct one is the blue tint. It perfectly hides redness and inflamed skin. But it is more suitable for less pronounced redness.

Photo from the site:

  • Pink corrector. Why is this shade needed in the corrector palette? It will help refresh your face and remove signs of fatigue. Answering the most painful question of most women - what color of corrector to cover up dark circles under the eyes - we will answer that one of such tint solutions will be pink pigment. It performs a brightening function. It will also help hide the bluish veins of nearby veins.

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Little trick

By adding a little highlighter or shimmer to the pink corrector, you can hide small wrinkles in the eyelid area and give your eyes a glow.

  • Orange and peach corrector serve the same purposes as pink face corrector. However, it is contraindicated for fair-skinned girls. Dark-skinned beauties are more free to decide what color corrector to use to remove dark circles under their eyes? Pink and peach shades suit them equally well. The main guideline is that the pigment should not be darker than your natural complexion. After all, it should specifically brighten the area under the eyes.

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  • What is yellow corrector used for? The main area for using yellow corrector is the area around the eyes. Yellow color perfectly covers blue-violet shades. Those. yellow corrector, like its pink and orange counterparts, will be the solution to the question - what color corrector for dark circles under the eyes. It will also help hide the capillary mesh. But if the pink corrector copes better with bluish shades, then the yellow one covers up more serious solutions. For example, he is able to remove even bright bruises resulting from injuries. Often, yellow corrector is used to mask imperfections not only on the face, but also on the body. Yellow concealer is also often applied to the eyelids as a replacement for eyeshadow base.

Photo from the site:

  • What is purple corrector used for? The purple corrector, as well as its closely related pink corrector, helps to give freshness to the face and hide signs of fatigue. Unless the pink shade will look better on fair-skinned girls, and purple is more suitable for dark-skinned young ladies. It masks yellowness and brown spots in the eye area well. Also, the purple shade perfectly covers age spots, freckles and traces of poorly applied self-tanning.

Photo from the site:

  • A lilac corrector close to the previous version. What is it for? Lilac corrector, like violet, well masks traces of unevenly applied tanning, yellowed bruises, freckles and age spots. Often, a lilac corrector is applied under the eyebrow, so it serves as a highlighter; this technique helps to lift the eye and remove signs of fatigue.

Photo from the site: m.history-of-beauty.ko

  • White corrector. What is this shade for? White corrector, like lilac, is used to highlight the sub-brow area. But unlike the lilac shade, it is more versatile and suitable for all areas of the face that need to be highlighted. At its core, it is the same as a highlighter and is great for sculpting the face. The main areas for its application are the forehead, the bridge of the nose, the “Cupid’s bow”, the dimple above the chin, cheekbones, the inner corner of the eye, etc. Using a white shade in makeup allows you to add expressiveness to your face and serve as a visual lift.

Photo from the site:

As you can see, many corrector colors are interchangeable. You probably noticed that the purpose of the purple face corrector is similar to the functions of the lilac corrector. Orange and peach shades solve the same problems that pink concealer is needed for - hiding dark circles under the eyes. What other color corrector can cope with this problem? These are correctors from a neutral palette. But more on that below.

On a note

Do you think that the corrector does not cover your “color” problem well enough? Then mix it with another shade to achieve the desired in-between look. So, for example, if you need a soft lilac shade, use blue and pink correctors. Or dilute the existing lilac shade with pink or white to achieve the desired color. If you need a darker option, add more pigmented shades.

What is the best concealer for dark circles under the eyes?

In each specific case, it is necessary to select a concealer based on the color of the bruise, the shade and condition of the skin, so it is difficult to name any universal and best products.
However, we can recommend several popular concealers, which in most cases can achieve a satisfactory effect:

  1. Perfect Teint Concealer (ARTDECO). A lightweight concealer that does not clog skin folds or wrinkles and does not emphasize them. One of the few products that stays on the skin for a long time.
  2. La touche magique from (L'OREAL). The product looks natural and natural, and in addition to the coloring effect, it provides the skin with additional care and hydration, preventing its aging.
  3. DermaBlend Cosmetique Corrective (VICHY). The product is well absorbed, so after application there are no traces left on the skin. The product contains nutrients that moisturize the skin and smooth out fine wrinkles.
  4. Dior Diorskin Nude Skin Perfecting Hydrating Concealer (DIOR). A high-density concealer that covers the skin evenly. In addition to bruises, the product also covers up age spots that tend to appear under softer cosmetics.

How to do makeup to distract attention from your eyes

The ability to hide bruises under the lower eyelid is not only about painting over the darkening

You need to learn how to apply makeup all over your face, so as to divert attention from problem areas and highlight other worthy points.

First of all, you need to apply a high-quality moisturizer to a completely clean face.

This cream will tighten the epidermis, the surface of the skin will be smoother and corrective products will be easier to apply. It is better to choose creams with vitamins “E” and “K” or caffeine; they tone the skin, reduce the permeability of vascular walls, and increase their density. They also protect pores from contamination with decorative products.

Then manipulations are carried out to retouch the bruises: covering them with a corrector and evening out the tone using foundation and powder

It is important that the transition of the foundation from the site of the disguised bruise to the skin color of the cheekbones and cheeks is smoothed as much as possible. This will reduce the contrast of dark spots on a light background.

After these steps have been completed, you can begin decorative makeup.


The lower eyelid should not be highlighted with dark tones. The emphasis should be placed on the upper part. To do this, use shadows of bright, but not aggressive colors. If you have dark circles, you should not choose purple, brown, or blue tones. Preference is given to gray, green, turquoise shadows, which are carefully distributed over the entire upper eyelid.

It is better to abandon the arrows altogether, or make them barely noticeable. To highlight the contour of the eyes, pencils that match the color of the iris are suitable. Mascara should also not be black or dark blue, such colors visually make the look heavier. If your eyes are light in color, brown or gray mascara will look great.

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Here you should pay special attention: beautiful and neat eyebrows will attract the eye, moving it away from the eye sockets. The pencil should be exactly the same color as your eyebrows.

And under the hairs you can make light strokes with highlighter or shiny shadows, this will give the look lightness and openness.


You don’t need to highlight them too much, just lightly touch your cheekbones with a brush. And even if the blush is not bright, it is better to choose delicate pastel shades, one or two shades richer than the foundation and powder.

The best budget solution

In cosmetology there is a rule: “ the more expensive the product, the better quality it is .”

You should know! There are also budget products that are no worse than luxury ones, and at the same time cope with their task just as well. One of the best concealers in the low price segment is Radiant (VIVIENNE SABO).

The only drawback of this product, like any other inexpensive product, is that it is clearly visible if you look at the face at close range , although it masks bruises well.

The composition of this cosmetic product includes:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins C and E;
  • chamomile extract;
  • beeswax.

Together, these components provide the skin with hydration, have an antioxidant effect, smooth out wrinkles and even out the texture of the skin.

Night sneezer on Tuesday

On Tuesday, most often you sleep quite soundly. Fatigue has not accumulated much since it is the beginning of the week. And the problems at work have not yet had time to shake my nerves. Sneezing on Tuesday at night should be taken seriously.


00.00–01.00. Time to experiment with your appearance

Perhaps such experiments will help you improve your relationship with your lover or attract the attention of a new boyfriend

01.00–02.00. It is better to spend this day in peace and quiet. Don’t fill your head with thoughts about your loved one and don’t stress yourself out. You are the architect of your own happiness; it is not people’s fault that they did not live up to your expectations.

02.00 – 03.00. Pay attention to the brunettes in your environment. Among them there is a person who can become your chosen one

03.00 – 04.00. A man you know has warm feelings for you. You should not reject his advances. This man is a good match. He can become a caring husband.

04.00 – 05.00. Today you will be filled with emotions and positive feelings. The day promises to be romantic and eventful. You will spend time moving and laugh a lot.

05.00 – 06.00. You will have to make every effort to attract a man. Be sure to do this. This union can lead to marriage for life.

06.00 – 07.00. Your relationship with your loved one will improve. With a woman you will become closer, and a man can become your chosen one.

Don't ignore the clues of fate. Perhaps, with the help of a sneezer, you can solve some problems and make difficult choices.

Here you can find sneezers by day of the week:

  • On Monday
  • For Wednesday
  • Sneezer for Thursday
  • Sneezer for Friday
  • Sneezer for Saturday
  • Sneezer for Sunday

Useful video

This article provides an overview of the best concealers for covering under-eye circles:

When bruises appear on the skin, it is necessary to deal with the problem , and not only at the level of masking defects.

If the reason for the appearance of such disorders lies in illness, concealer will not help , moreover, long-term and constant use of such products can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Since the substances contained in cosmetics can, over time, replace and displace natural microelements that the body itself produces.

What is concealer for?

The modern rhythm of life dictates its own conditions: long hours of work, travel, meetings, lack of sleep. Sooner or later, the face will show signs of fatigue, bruises, swelling, and facial wrinkles will appear under the eyes. It will be impossible to look in the mirror without sadness.

There is no need to put up with the problem; concealer helps hide all imperfections in a matter of seconds. Safe composition and pleasant texture make the skin ideal. The product is hypoallergenic and belongs to caring cosmetics.

Foundation, highlighter, powder are not the same. The texture of the concealer is thick and the color is rich. In order to disguise dark circles and bruises under the eyes, it is applied when imperfections need to be hidden and the tone needs to be evened out.

How and when the first formula of the product was developed is unknown. The main thing is that women no longer need to apply a layer of foundation, because visible imperfections can be hidden with a few “strokes.”

Getting rid of the problem without makeup

Sometimes it happens that there are no means of concealment at hand: rollers, foundation, concealer. Simple and reliable folk remedies will help.

One of them is regular tea. A tea bag (preferably cold) should be applied to the eyes for 5-10 minutes. This will help relieve swelling and reduce blue discoloration.

Chamomile decoction, infusion of birch leaves, ice from these decoctions - all this also helps to reduce bags under the eyes. It is enough to make lotions from cotton pads for 10 minutes.

Possible Causes of Dark Circles

The thin skin of the eyelids contains very few sebaceous and sweat glands and has no subcutaneous tissue, so it is susceptible to drying out and fading quickly. Various factors contribute to the deterioration of the eyelids:

  1. Congenital anatomical features, when the venous network is located superficially, creates strong shadows.
  2. General fatigue. Bruises occur from fatigue and usually appear in the morning. On weekdays, you may experience bruises from sitting for a long time in front of the computer at work. If blueness is detected after sleep, this may be due to incorrect head position or insufficient blood supply to the face. After giving birth, a young mother may not sleep at all.
  3. Diseases. Dark circles can signal problems with the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart and vascular system. May be a symptom of anemia.
  4. Mechanical impact on the periorbital area. This can be either a blow inflicted by a hard blunt object or a blow to the head, for example, on the floor at the time of loss of consciousness. After an injury, the eye area may have different shades, because larger vessels are damaged by the impact and hematomas develop, which gradually fade.
  5. Poor nutrition. The female sex loves to go on diets. By depriving themselves of valuable food components, they get dark circles under their eyes.
  6. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking impair blood circulation, dilate the subcutaneous veins of the lower eyelids and cause black shadows to appear. After excessive drinking, every second woman experiences bruises.
  7. Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. Causes aging of the skin, especially its thinned areas. The skin of the eyelids becomes dry, wrinkled and dark circles appear faster. You shouldn't give up wearing sunglasses to protect yourself from sun rays.

A child may develop bruises for the same reasons. From childhood, you should find out the causes of dark circles and take timely measures to correct them.

How to quickly remove bruises at home

If the problem arose from lack of sleep and is accompanied by bags under the eyes, then you can help with folk remedies.

Tea bags for eyes

Pre-brew the tea, cool and lightly squeeze the bags. After this, put it on your eyes and lie with them for 15 minutes. Tea bags are great for eliminating puffiness of the eyelids.

Masks with grated potatoes

Potatoes contain starch, which has a bleaching property. It is also rich in antioxidants, which helps refresh the delicate skin of the eyelids. You will need 1 raw tuber, which must be grated on a coarse grater and the resulting pulp should be placed on the eye area. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Refreshing mask with cucumber

It is necessary to cut the cucumber into slices. It’s better to pre-cool them in the freezer; you can add a drop of Visine to each slice. Place cucumber discs on your eyelids and wait 15-20 minutes.

Recipe with toothpaste

Apply evenly to the periorbital area. Aged for 10 minutes, brings a cooling effect. These methods constrict the blood vessels and the blue color becomes smaller. Teenagers are often prohibited from using cosmetics and are forced to use homemade recipes.


To protect yourself from meibomitis and its dangerous consequences, it is worth observing prevention. It will help prevent the development of unpleasant symptoms, which often cause severe discomfort. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Be sure to maintain hygiene when instilling drops or using ointments.
  2. There is no need to constantly rub or scratch your eyes, especially with dirty hands.
  3. Before contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, you must wash your hands.
  4. It is worth ensuring proper nutrition.
  5. Start taking vitamins to increase and strengthen immunity;
  6. No need to overwork yourself;
  7. It is imperative to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  8. Visit an ophthalmologist regularly.

Internal stye is a serious and unpleasant disease that can occur in anyone. It is important to carefully monitor your condition and, if you notice any suspicious symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. This disease should not be neglected, otherwise it can cause serious health complications.

If you follow preventive measures, you can completely avoid this disease.

What should men do?

In terms of masking the dark spot around the eye, it is much easier for men. The stronger sex can hide this problem in many ways, but the most popular of them are glasses and adhesive tape.

Sunglasses are the simplest option that you will have to spend a little money on if you don’t have the glasses you need in your own collection of accessories. You should find regular summer glasses that are as dark in color as possible and large enough to cover the bruise completely.

Another good way is a patch. Any bruise on a man’s face can be covered with a band-aid, which will look more brutal and dignified.

How to cover up a bruise on your face in Photoshop

If it was not possible to properly disguise the area of ​​damage, and you have to attend an important event, then in the photographs taken during the celebration you will not look your best. However, you can correct the photos that remain with you using Photoshop or another similar program.

There are several ways to cover up a bruise on the face in Photoshop; we will look at the simplest, most effective, and, most importantly, universal. It is suitable for correcting close-up images as well as full-length portraits. And it does not require you to know Photoshop or have skills in working in this program.

The tool we will be using is called the Healing Brush. You need to act in this way:

  1. Make a copy of the photo you are going to edit. This is necessary in case you accidentally ruin the photo while adjusting it in Photoshop.
  2. Open a copy of the photo in the program, enlarge the image so that it is convenient to work with it.
  3. Select the Healing Brush from the toolbar.
  4. Hold down the Alt key while pointing the mouse cursor at the place on the photo from which the program will take data. In this case, this is the area under the lower eyelids, on the cheeks or in another area where there are no defects in the skin. The main condition is that the place in the image from which the sample for replacement will be taken must be as close as possible to the place that requires correction. This will allow you not to worry about the fact that there will be significant differences in skin tones.
  5. Release the Alt key and start covering the bruise by moving the mouse cursor. You will see how the image changes and will be able to cover up exactly the area that needs correction without affecting neighboring areas.

After this treatment, which will only take a couple of minutes, the bruise on your face will disappear from your photo, and you will only have beautiful pictures for pleasant memories of the festive evening.

Application order

If you need to hide unattractive blue under your eyes, you need to consistently perform these steps.

Preparatory activities

Before using the product, apply moisturizer to your eyelids. If foundation is applied, regular cream may not be used. The first thing that is used is tone. Then a concealer product.

Concealer cannot be applied “dry”!

Applying concealer

It is advisable to carry out this process with a special brush. Duofiber is perfect, allowing you to apply the product as delicately as possible and shade the boundaries.

At the same time, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The product should be distributed not in a semicircle, but in a triangle. Bruises are masked most effectively this way.
  2. Concealer should be added to the corners of the eyes. This makes the look attractive, lively, shining.
  3. The product can be added to other areas if you want to lighten them.

Finishing touches

When completing applications, it is important to take care of smooth blending of the product. If after applying the product, boundaries are visible, they should be softened with the help of your fingertips. To make the concealer last longer, it should be set with a transparent finishing powder.

Neutrogena Concealer

If you have very sensitive skin, this concealer from Neutrogena will do wonders for you! Its non-greasy, lightweight formula glides onto skin for silky-smooth, natural-looking coverage. It is designed to quickly moisturize dry and dehydrated skin. The biggest plus? This under eye concealer is perfect for makeup!


  • Low-fat
  • Lasts a long time
  • Easy
  • Non-comedogenic

A little history

The prototype of concealer, or color corrector, was first introduced in 1928, when one of the best students at New York College, Lydia O'Leary, decided that she needed to hide a red mole that was disfiguring her attractive features. This is how the first concealer was invented, called Covermark. It was this product that became the ideological basis for the entire line of foundation and concealer products.

Later, in 1942, Helena Rubinstein expanded the palette of concealer shades, which would make it easy to hide even the consequences of severe burns and injuries.

The final version of the product was introduced to the cosmetic market by Max Factor in 1954. All Hollywood stars used his product.

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