9 Myths About Acne You Should Stop Believing

is it worth squeezing out pimples, photo: pixabay.com Pimples are an unpleasant creation on our face. The influence of hormones, food or poor quality of life causes a rash to appear all over the head. “I tried dozens of remedies and, it seems, I found how to get rid of them at home” - you can often see a similar entry on the Internet. Don’t think that buying all the most expensive products at the pharmacy will solve the problem. Acne is a larger and internal disease that affects us externally.

Teenagers, people with problem skin, over time came up with “a thousand and one” reasons why acne occurs. Terrible myths have spread across the Internet, and with them “super remedies” have appeared. But not everything is as simple as it seems. If you mix soda and lemon and make a mask, it won’t help. Therefore, having this problem, it is worth approaching it from the profile side. That is, consult a doctor. A dermatologist will diagnose the skin, identify possible causes, and prescribe special medications. And the result will depend on the systematicity and consistency of taking medications and performing care procedures.

Today we invite you to find out once and for all the TOP 9 myths about the causes of acne. In the article we will ask questions:

TOP 9 common myths about acne.

  • Is it worth popping pimples?
  • Is it possible to crush ulcers?
  • Why can't you squeeze pimples?
  • What does a popped pimple look like?

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Interesting Facts:

  • Why doesn't acne appear on the feet, calves, and arms? – It’s simple, acne occurs in the place of the sebaceous glands. They are located on the chin, cheeks, and forehead.
  • In the 1970s, people began to experience acne problems en masse. The disease manifested itself in every 5 young resident of the USSR. So in 1975, the teenage generation suffered from acne, and in 2000 the percentage moved to the faces of adults. Since the 1970s, the disease has spread to 25% of the population of the Russian Federation. Now the percentage has increased, 80-100% of teenagers are treated for acne.

The pimple is ripe, 9 myths about acne

Complexes, bad mood, untidy appearance of the face are the main cause of acne. But many people decided to self-medicate at home. They became their own doctors, diagnosing and prescribing treatment. From the advice of a friend, friend, mother, grandmother, acne became even more than before. In order not to once again run into someone’s “good” hint, let’s dot all the I’s. So, let’s move on to popular myths about acne.

  1. Nutrition does not affect the appearance of acne! No that's not true. Doctors and scientists have long proven that sugar has a significant effect on the condition of our skin. If there is excess insulin in the blood caused by sugar, then get ready for a pimple attack. Also, beware of foods: soda, chocolate bars, candy, beer - they have a high glycemic index. There are people who cannot tolerate milk, namely the hormone that is in it. It produces sebum in the sebaceous glands, clogs pores with blackheads, and provokes acne.
  2. To smoke, not to smoke, that is the question. Using tobacco is certainly harmful, but it does not cause acne. But, having acne and smoking at the same time, the healing process of wounds, acne will go away more slowly, since the smoker’s skin does not regenerate quickly. Give up cigarettes. The skin will look much cleaner and acne will heal faster.
  3. We do not use cosmetics under any circumstances. Many girls think so, although they still try to hide acne with cheap products. But there is a secret here too. You can use cosmetics. It should not contain alcohol (irritates and dries out the skin) and oils (clog pores and prevent breathing). Looking for the right composition of skincare products? – pay attention to aloe, retinols, pitide 10. The components will help improve the quality of the skin.
  4. Tanning removes acne. This is also a myth, but there is some truth. The summer sun dries out a person's skin, the sebaceous glands tighten, and the pores do not become clogged. The action of ultraviolet radiation in special devices enhances the production of sebum by the glands. Don't look for a tan in winter, wait until summer.
  5. Stress is to blame for everything. It is difficult to argue with the statement, but if you have never had skin problems, then they will not appear due to stress. However, existing acne may get worse. The healing process will be slower.
  6. Wash your face all the time, always, constantly. No, this method definitely won’t help. Acne and blackheads are caused by clogged sebaceous glands, not dirt. Particularly strong facial friction will irritate and injure the skin. You need to choose a “wash” without sulfates, with a mild effect from natural substances.
  7. Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, toothpaste - applied and the acne went away. It is highly not recommended to adhere to such a scheme. The products will dry out the pimples, but due to their strong action they will irritate and cause redness and a new rash. Benzoline peroxide will better solve the problem and help eliminate acne in complex treatment.
  8. You can squeeze pimples, they will disappear faster. A misconception among many people. Incorrectly squeezing a pimple will damage the follicles and increase inflammation. But you can use dental floss, mow down the purulent base and treat the affected area with an antiseptic. Of course, under urgent circumstances.
  9. Cucumbers will save the world. Girls often make a mask of cucumbers in the hope of getting rid of acne and clearing their skin. There is a truth here too. Cucumber secretes juice, which makes the face softer and helps eliminate redness. But they do not affect the tumor in any way. It’s easier just not to touch large and small ulcers with your hands; over time they will disappear on their own.

How are gums treated?

Periodontitis therapy begins with the removal of plaque and tartar.
The use of local remedies relieves the problem only for a short period of time. The latent course of the inflammatory process continues, leading to an increase in the depth of periodontal pockets and increased destruction of the bone tissue adjacent to the element. An abscess in the mouth is a source of infection. The surgeon must open it up and remove the pus from under the tooth in the gum without pain. Infiltration anesthesia is used. The resulting wound is treated with antiseptic solutions. Drainage is used to prevent premature overgrowing and ensure the flow of contents.

Therapy in dentistry

Depending on the severity of the condition, drug or surgical treatment is chosen.

Conservative technique is a long and labor-intensive process consisting of several stages:

  1. Survey. The dentist studies the patient’s medical history and finds out when and under what circumstances a purulent formation appeared on the gum. It is important to know how quickly the pathology progressed.
  2. Clinical examination. The location, shape and color of the abscess are studied. If necessary, X-ray diagnostics of the diseased part of the jaw is performed. An image is required for an objective assessment of the state of the structure of internal tissues. The further method is chosen depending on the severity of the case.
  3. Disinfection of the oral cavity. Thorough removal of food debris, plaque and tartar. Antiseptics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
  4. Treatment of purulent gums by creating an outflow of contents from the abscess. The medical procedure is performed at the Dentika clinic under local anesthesia. The surgeon carefully dissects the affected area and installs a drain into the created incision to cleanse the cavity of infected fluid.

Long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs is required. To prevent re-formation of the infiltration site, antibiotics and local antiseptic rinses are prescribed.

Some patients are bothered by excruciating toothache and complaints that pus is released when pressing on the gums while chewing. At the same time, there is no lump on the jaw. In this situation, the scheme described above will be ineffective. Surgery is required. If there is a filling, the surgeon carefully removes it and cleans the canals, washing out purulent accumulations. A small area of ​​inflammation allows for filling.

If a granuloma or cyst is present, a temporary filling is placed for 3 months. At the end of the specified period, an x-ray is taken. If positive dynamics are observed, filling and crown installation are performed.

Additional procedures

A qualified dentist will tell you how to treat your gums if a purulent sac bursts and pus appears, and will give recommendations for further care of your teeth and oral cavity. To increase the effectiveness of conservative therapy, most doctors prescribe a course of physiotherapeutic procedures: electrophoresis, ultrasound and laser techniques. After passing, positive dynamics are noticeable. If all medical recommendations are followed, there is a decrease in discomfort and swelling, and a general improvement in well-being.


Many patients are wary of going to the dentist and wonder whether treatment for purulent gums can be painless. Dental invasive interventions are performed under anesthesia without discomfort for the patient. Despite this, opening and draining an abscess is additional stress for the body. To speed up healing, you should follow the recommendations:

  1. Follow medical instructions.
  2. Take prescribed medications.
  3. Protect yourself from stress.
  4. Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
  5. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.
  6. Perform daily hygiene procedures.
  7. Use irrigator, floss and dental rinse.

Compliance with the recommendations contributes to accelerated recovery and prevention of relapses.

Should I squeeze pimples?

From the start, we recommend not to do this. Most people don't know that acne can kill a person. Unfortunately, this is so, according to expert Elmira Dzybova. The dermatologist explains that the area between the nose and chin has blood vessels connected to the brain. If you squeeze a pimple incorrectly, the pus will not completely come out, but will go through the blood to the brain. This will cause infection and blood poisoning. There are cases when patients squeezed pimples above the lip, and infection occurred = meningitis, and as a result, death.

Tweezers for mechanical cleaning

This acne removal tool is not as popular as the Uno spoon and Vidal loop, but it is also used during manual cleansing. Externally, it is somewhat different from ordinary tweezers - the tips of the instrument are two curved hooks with sharp edges.263

Indications and contraindications

Tweezers are used for manual facial cleansing. The sharp edges easily pierce the skin (like a Vidal needle), and the curved working part helps remove blackheads. But using tweezers is not as convenient as the tools listed above. One awkward movement can lead to bruising, redness, and skin injuries.

How to use tweezers?

To get rid of a mature comedon, you need to press the rounded part of the forceps on the skin near it and squeeze it. As a result, the contents of the element will be pushed out. If necessary, the skin can be pierced with the sharp side of the forceps.

Why can't you squeeze acne?

  1. Having squeezed out one pimple, wait for 5 more. The skin will turn red, the pus will not come out completely and the “bad pimple” will become inflamed 10 more times, and 5 more of the same will be added to it. You squeeze pimples in any convenient place, with dirty hands, with strong pressure - you can’t do that. The wound that forms on the face will be an excellent place to attract germs. The internal infection will spread throughout all the vessels, resulting in a whole acne attack.
  2. Scars, wounds, scars. The aesthetic condition of the face will suffer in an instant. There are people who, in nervous situations, begin to pick their faces wildly. One pimple takes more than a month to heal, and after it there remains a mark in the form of a spot. Therefore, you shouldn’t do this if you don’t want to earn new complexes and a dozen newbie acne.

What happens if you don't squeeze out a pimple, what does it look like?

It will be great! A pimple that is not squeezed out does not look very beautiful, but at least it will disappear quickly and will not cause 5 more of its “friends”. There are 2 types of acne: internal and external. Internal ones are dangerous, take longer to pass - it is strictly forbidden to touch them. Wait 3-5 days, it will definitely disappear. Spring ones, it is also not advisable to press. At first it is a small red dot, the next day or every other day pus appears. Wait another day, it will disappear on its own, dry up and fall off.

How many days does it take for acne to go away?

The question is common, but individual. On average, without touching a pimple, it will go away in 3 to 5 days, unless you have serious acne and this is an isolated case. But if hands reach out to it, then the wound can heal for a week, two, a month. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to crush acne, and in case of large-scale rashes, contact a dermatologist.

Vidal loop263

The tool was created by the French bacteriologist Fernand Vidal. It is a metal stick with a thin loop at one end. On the other hand, it can be equipped with a needle or Uno spoon.

Indications and contraindications

The Vidal loop is used to remove blackheads and blackheads with white heads. The cosmetic tool can be used to treat different problem areas, but most often it is used to clean the skin in the T-zone.

How to properly remove pimples using a tool?

The technology for using the Vidal loop is practically no different from the principle of using the Uno spoon. The tool must be positioned so that the acne element is in the center of the loop. To remove the contents, you need to apply a little pressure on the tool. The Vidal loop is especially used to remove dense blackheads that give the skin a rough appearance. The tool is practically powerless against flat elements.

A Vidal needle is always included in the acne tool kit, which is used to remove deep subcutaneous acne. The advantage of the tool is its targeted action, but when using it you need to be careful (there is a risk of injury to the skin and the spread of infection). A Vidal needle is usually combined with a loop during cleaning.

Can you die from squeezing a pimple on your face?

  • Another good reason why you shouldn’t squeeze out pimples on your face is the possibility of dying quickly and very stupidly (don’t you think?).
  • The first and most important thing is that any purulent pimple on the face can “sit” quite deep and when squeezed out, the pus will go into the blood, and as a result, blood poisoning.
  • But there is also a “triangle of death” on the face. We have outlined it schematically.

“Triangle of Death” zone
The veins from this zone are connected directly to the brain and if pus or infection gets into them, the risk of rapid and irreversible brain damage is very high. It is this area that becomes the most common cause of death after squeezing out pimples.

It is also worth noting that under stress, the presence of chronic diseases, including diabetes of any type, even a mild infection can rapidly develop in the body to unprecedented heights. The result is rapid blood poisoning with the most disastrous consequences.

Conclusion: yes, indeed, you can die by unsuccessfully squeezing a pimple on your face, especially in the “triangle of death” area.

What to do if you squeeze a pimple on your face?

Let's look at a common situation - what to do if you squeezed a pimple on your face, and instead of a perfect face, half your face was destroyed from one pimple? Why shouldn't you squeeze out pimples on your face? Yes, because later there can be very unpleasant consequences, and solving them is many times more difficult than without initially touching the pimple.

Instructions on what to do if you squeezed a pimple on your face and inflammation, fever, etc. develop:

  • If the rashes have increased, and the purulent pimple has “stretched” even more, the following actions should be taken. We wash ourselves 2-3 times a day, then treat with a disinfectant, optimally Chlorhexidine. Apply salicylic ointment to the site of inflammation. We do not cover the area with cosmetics, oils or creams. When the skin becomes completely pale without red areas, and the ulcers “harden” becoming dense with a yellowish tint, you can cleanse and remove what did not resolve during the healing process;
  • If, after squeezing out the abscess, the inflammation intensifies and the temperature goes up, go to the hospital immediately, this is the first sign of blood poisoning;
  • If, after squeezing out the abscess, you have a twitching sensation (pulling the pus), itches and causes pain - apply a compress with Vishnevsky ointment. A fairly effective remedy that will help “break through” the abscess in a natural way and draw out the pus;
  • If you experience severe weakness, headache and dizziness, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, loss of appetite, these are signs of blood poisoning. Go to the hospital immediately as this can be fatal.

You should be as careful as possible with purulent acne

How to remove ulcers: several important nuances

Before removing the abscess, you can try to speed up the release of pus or dry it. To accelerate the maturation of the pimple and the spontaneous release of the purulent core, applications with Vishnevsky liniment or ichthyol ointment are used.


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The first few procedures recommend applying a gauze bandage or cotton pad lubricated with ointment for 10-15 minutes. Subsequently, the bandage can be left overnight. In the morning, no traces remain of a shallow pimple.

If you don’t have any ointments at hand, or you can’t stand their pungent smell, an application is made from the pulp of an aloe leaf. The plant will also help to quickly draw pus out, as well as reduce inflammation and speed up the healing of an open wound.

For cauterization use any antiseptic:

  • iodine (or iodine pencil);
  • salicylic acid;
  • boric acid, etc.

Apply the product to a cotton swab and carefully place a “dot” on the protruding head of the pimple.

Among folk remedies, concentrated tea tree essential oil is suitable for such purposes.

It is necessary to ensure that only the abscess itself is cauterized; avoid contact of alcohol products with healthy skin.

The most dangerous are ulcers located in the nasolabial folds and near the nostrils. It is very easy to introduce an infection into the blood when squeezing, and provoke the development of sepsis.

How to heal a pimple wound quickly?

After removing acne, what is much more important is not how to heal a pimple wound quickly, but how to make sure it heals correctly. The injured area will begin to become covered with a protective crust, which must not be removed under any circumstances. It will go away on its own after 5-7 days. If you try to get rid of the crust yourself, a scar may form at the site of the wound.

Fresh wounds must be treated with Chlorhexedine or hydrogen peroxide. This will help prevent infection and bacterial growth. Products containing alcohol should not be used for this purpose. If you want to remove acne, it is better to entrust this to a cosmetologist. The specialist will free the clogged sebaceous canals from the contents, reducing the risk of infection to a minimum. The cleaning procedure is not carried out if acne worsens.

A cosmetologist can prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs to promote wound healing. Twice a day you need to wash your face using gels or mousses; you can use tar soap, which has a drying, disinfecting effect.

What types of acne are there on the face?

When wondering why you can’t squeeze out pimples on your face, you should understand what types of pimples are and how you can get rid of them.

What types of acne are there on the face?

  • The first and simplest problem is comedones. They are closed and open, black (black dots) and white (pustular white tip). The initial stage, which occurs in many adolescents. If you immediately come to your senses and go to a specialist, adjust your diet and lifestyle, it’s easy to get rid of comedones. Launched option – moves to the next stage;
  • The next stage of rashes on the face is a pustule. These are large red pimples with purulent contents. They should absolutely not be squeezed out until they are fully ripe, which can be identified by a clear white or yellow dot and absolutely calm, red-free skin around the pimple;
  • A papule is a mature pimple that has not come out on its own and remains under the skin, having a clear white dot, and is extremely painful to the touch. The color of the pimple and the area around the pimple is from red-burgundy to bluish;
  • If lightning acne occurs, you should immediately go to the hospital and undergo a course of treatment in dermatology. It is also recommended to cleanse the blood and monitor the proper functioning of internal organs. The rash affects locally, causes severe discomfort and affects not only the dermis, but also leukocytes in the blood, thereby causing complications throughout the body, as well as pain in the muscles and even bones;
  • Nodular-cystic acne is another type of advanced form of acne, when it appears, you should immediately consult a dermatologist. Pimples are located deep in the skin, cause pain, and are connected to each other by fistulous canals.

Types of acne on the face

Pros and Cons of Squeezing

A large percentage of people are prone to constantly squeezing out all the pimples that appear on the body, regardless of their location. Doctors and cosmetologists insist that this process is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. The reason that a pimple appears on the face or body is an inflammatory process progressing inside the sebaceous glands. Under its influence, excessive production of subcutaneous fat occurs, accumulating in a closed pore.

When an infection penetrates, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction and vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, because they feed on substances collected in the clogged space. This is where the abscess appears.

If the squeezing process is handled incorrectly, the infection spreads locally throughout the body. And if the immune system is weak, then the person will suffer from multiple rashes all over the body. The body is represented by a complex mechanism, and when it senses danger, and this is an infection that has penetrated inside a closed pore, it tries to protect itself as much as possible from its spread. That is, it creates a protective barrier for the deep layers of the skin. With physical activity, pressing with your fingers, this barrier is destroyed, bringing part of the contents out, and the rest is released into the blood.

Moreover, doctors claim that the risk of infection directly depends on the location of the pimple. If it is localized in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, then it is better not to touch it at all. This is due to the close proximity of the nerve endings to the skin. If the barrier is destroyed, then there is a high risk of infection spreading through the bloodstream directly to the brain. The consequences can be very varied, even death. Here everything depends on the level of the protective function, whether it can suppress pathogenic bacteria. The least that can happen is the appearance of new abscesses in nearby pores.

There is also a high probability that after squeezing, scars will remain. Doctors say that the only correct solution to the problem is to contact a specialist, a dermatologist, who will accurately tell you the reasons and prescribe a treatment regimen.

However, if the pimple is small, then if you follow the rules of squeezing, you can remove it yourself.

Can I wear makeup if I have acne on my face?

When wondering why you can’t squeeze out pimples on your face, of course, a natural question will come to mind: is it possible to apply cosmetics if there are pimples on your face?

There are no direct contraindications, but there are a number of restrictions:

  • It is better to refuse cosmetics from the masmarket and apply base, cream, etc. to your face. from pharmaceutical products created for people with acne;
  • Brushes, sponges, etc. wash at least once every 2-3 days, and if the rash is severe, then after each use. Be sure to use a disinfectant spray;
  • Remove makeup every evening, do not exercise while wearing makeup, and thoroughly cleanse and care for your facial skin.

A cosmetologist is your best friend in the fight against acne

What to do if the purulent pimple is deep and does not go away on its own when it matures?

And here’s another counter-argument from teenagers - why can’t you squeeze out pimples on your face if they don’t go away on their own? Should I live with them my whole life?

  • Firstly: some pimples mature in 1-2 days, others in 10-14 days.
  • Secondly: 14 days have passed, and the skin around is red, there is liquid pus inside which, upon palpation, has not become harder? Is there severe pain when touched? See a dermatologist immediately, most likely you have reached the stage of lightning acne. In other cases, you can clear a mature pimple from a cosmetologist or yourself at home under sterile conditions.

Is it possible to exfoliate your face if you have acne?

For many people, facial cleansing involves scrubbing. But, firstly, we note that the scrub “tears” the delicate skin of the face, and is useful only for a small number of people who have thick, oily skin. Most often these are men on whom light peeling has no effect.

Why you shouldn’t squeeze pimples on your face to avoid tearing the skin, causing infection, and spreading the rash across your face. What does a facial scrub do? It tears the skin, especially where there are pustules, and also spreads infection throughout the face. Therefore, scrubbing is only available to those who do not have an inflammatory rash on the face.

Conclusion: if you have a rash, scrubbing is not for you.

Photos before and after

See how to treat acne vulgaris. Causes of acne on the forehead in women. Find out further.

Why do whiteheads appear on the nose?
The answer is here. Such methods are applicable only if the acne is not currently inflamed. And it is best to use similar methods to prevent the formation of acne.

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