Antiperspirants and deodorants against sweat for women: how to choose the best and not harm your health

Proud posture, fashionable clothes, harmoniously selected accessories, impeccable hairstyle, high-quality makeup - all these points that make up the impeccable appearance of a modern woman can be at once crossed out by just one small detail - wet spots on clothes and an unpleasant odor caused by increased sweating. And even just the thought - “what if right now” - makes the fair sex feel awkward in advance.

This problem becomes especially acute in hot weather, during sports training, and also when wearing clothes made of dense non-natural fabrics. Fortunately, cosmetic manufacturers offer specialized deodorants and antiperspirants to the market that help combat both sweating itself and its consequences in the form of moisture and repulsive odor. On the other hand, women learn from the Internet and other sources of information that this product may be unsafe. Plus, not all sweat deodorants provide a long-lasting effect. Which product should you choose if you care about your health? What components can be contained in this skin care product, and which should not be? Today FAN teaches you how to choose the safest and most effective antiperspirant deodorant and offers its own top 10 most suitable products that solve the delicate problem of unpleasant odor caused by sweating.

Rating of anti-sweating products

To protect against excessive sweating and unpleasant odor, different types of products and active formulas have been created. The modern market offers sprays, deodorants, creams and wipes. We have selected the 12 best products for people who sweat profusely, taking into account the following parameters:

  • Composition – active components, their origin;
  • Operating principle – deodorization, gland suppression, disinfection, etc.;
  • An additional benefit is the presence of caring substances and their properties;
  • Release form – deodorant, antiperspirant, spray, cream, paste, wipes;
  • Efficiency – number of hours/days of protective action;
  • Application – instructions from the manufacturer, ease of use;
  • Texture, aroma – absence of stickiness, grease, stains, strong fragrance;
  • Safety – degree of toxicity, hypoallergenicity, shelf life;
  • Restrictions – contraindications, for example, pregnancy, lactation, allergies;
  • Packaging – volume, compactness, cost-effectiveness along with price.

The result of the comprehensive work of the VyborExpert team was a top rating of 12 positions. Their choice was influenced by the recommendations of medical specialists and customer reviews. The latter also helped to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each nominee and to weed out dubious and ineffective products.

The best deodorants and antiperspirants for sweating

The most popular and convenient form of release is deodorants and antiperspirants. The first option is aimed at removing unpleasant odors by suppressing bacteria, the second prevents the secretion of sweat by blocking the functions of the sebaceous glands. VyborExpert analyzed real reviews, the level of demand in the market, highlighting 3 leaders for 2022.

Dry-Dry Classic

One of the most discussed in reviews is the Swedish-made Dry Dry deodorant. There is a whole line of products to choose from that fall under the category of medical drugs. The main difference from analogues is the absence of fragrance and the consistency of water. The basis is two components - denatured alcohol, aluminum chloride hydrate of prolonged action. Comfort lasts 1-2 weeks. Packaging: stick with a soft applicator.

The drug underwent radioisotope analysis, where the safety of the active formula for the functionality of the sweat glands was proven. The principle of action is the temporary formation of an aluminum-protein complex that blocks pores. An antibacterial effect was also noted.

Indications for use: normal, excessive sweating, stressful situations. The area of ​​application can be different - armpits, palms, feet.


  • Guaranteed result;
  • Prolonged action;
  • Antibacterial effect;
  • No fragrance;
  • Convenient stick with applicator;
  • Economical consumption.


  • Alcohol smell;
  • Incompatible with depilation.

Consumption of one bottle is 5 months. To avoid irritation in the application area, it is important to carry out hygiene procedures and dry the skin well. You need to wait 2 days between armpit depilation and using this product.

DryControl Extra Forte H2O

The drug is in the form of a roll-on antiperspirant made in Russia. The active component is aluminum chloride, which affects the cells that produce sweat. It forms insoluble aluminum-protein compounds upon contact with the skin, clogging the gland ducts. During use of the drug, sweat production is significantly reduced.

The “Extra Forte H2O” format, in addition to combating severe disorders, is gentle on the sensitive type of epidermis. The white, plump 50 ml bottle is complemented by a dense roller for smooth, even distribution over the skin. Protection from moisture lasts up to 7 days, but an unpleasant odor may appear earlier (on days 3-5). The texture is light and fragrance-free and can be applied to the armpits, head, feet, and palms.


  • Compliance with GOST;
  • Effective against severe hyperhidrosis;
  • Prolonged effect;
  • Suitable for sensitive dermis;
  • For any parts of the body;
  • No fragrance.


  • Risks of overdose;
  • Prohibition of use if the skin is damaged.

According to the instructions, the product should be used no more than 1-2 times a week, preferably before bedtime and after hygiene procedures. At least 24 hours must pass between this and depilation. At first, minor irritation and itching may occur. The package will last for 5-6 months.

Rexona stick without scent

In third position is a universal antiperspirant deodorant from a Russian brand with a 100-year history, which can be used by both women and men. As with previous nominees, there is no fragrance here and the smell is neutral. But the main advantage is that it is a hypoallergenic formula, which means that this remedy for armpit sweating is safe for sensitive skin.

The manufacturer emphasizes the absence of alcohol, parabens, and dyes. Use is allowed even for those who suffer from irritation, eczema, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women. Effective protection against discharge lasts up to 48 hours. At the same time, the deodorant will not interrupt the aroma of the perfume. Release form: stick pencil, volume 40 ml. Additional skin care is promised by useful additives - vegetable oils, citric acid.


  • Stick pencil with dry texture;
  • Versatility;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Allowed for pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • Feeling of comfort;
  • No marks on clothes.


  • Imperfect composition;
  • Needs updating.

According to reviews, this is the most widely purchased and easy-to-use deodorant that does not interfere with the pleasant smell. It should be applied to the entire surface of the armpits. The declared resistance is justified, but in case of severe hyperhidrosis such protection will not be enough. This is a good suggestion for those who cannot tolerate fragrance.

The best anti-sweating pastes

The next form of release of drugs for hyperhidrosis is pastes. They are most often used for application to the skin of the hands and feet. The main function is to dry, destroy pathogenic microflora and unpleasant odor. Our team reviewed the recommendations of doctors and customer reviews, selecting 2 nominees with the best price-effectiveness ratio.

Pasta Teymurova

A budget anti-sweat remedy in a pharmacy, related to pharmacological drugs. Release form: cream paste with a menthol scent and a refreshing effect. Prescribed to people suffering from hyperhidrosis. The active formula regulates the functions of sweat and sebaceous glands, eliminates odor. Packaging – tube with a screw cap, volume 50 ml.

Boric acid eliminates pathogenic flora without damaging the integrity and protective barrier of even sensitive skin. Sodium tetraborate has disinfectant properties, which prevents the development of fungus. Zinc oxide eliminates itching and flaking by drying the epidermis. Formaldehyde not only prevents diseases, but also successfully treats them.


  • Medicinal drug;
  • Strong deodorizing property;
  • Antiseptic effect;
  • Menthol cooling scent;
  • The composition does not accumulate in the skin;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Extrusion requires effort;
  • White coating after application.

At first, when applying this anti-sweat and odor cream, you may feel a slight burning sensation. It is a little difficult to squeeze out due to the rigidity of the tube. Results are observed within 4-5 days of regular use. After drying, a small residue may remain.

Salicylic-zinc paste

If it is necessary to reduce the amount of secretion from the sweat and sebaceous glands, use “Salicylic-zinc paste” (“Lassara”) with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug is safe, since its components are practically not absorbed into the blood, working locally. Packaging: 25 g tube or glass jar, stored at temperatures up to 25°C.

The name tells you what two components are included in the composition. Zinc oxide relieves local inflammation, swelling, dries, and has an adsorbing effect. Salicylic acid has local irritant, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-sweating paste can be applied to any area - armpits, palms, feet, groin folds, back, face. The result is possible only with course application.


  • Bactericidal, drying effect;
  • Local action;
  • Safety for the body;
  • Improvement of skin epithelium;
  • Lasting results;
  • Price.


  • Fatty consistency;
  • Requires a course of treatment.

The paste should be applied to clean, dry skin in the morning for 2-3 weeks. To enhance the effect, the manufacturer recommends adding essential oils of tea tree, pine needles, lavender, etc. The dense consistency is absorbed for a long time.

What else does talc help with?

Cosmetologists suggest using talcum powder to treat acne. But not as a main remedy, but only for the purpose of the final stage of care for irritated skin. The skin is treated with a cosmetic sponge, twice a day: after morning and evening washing. If it is not possible to apply talc throughout the day, then it is better to do it immediately before bed. The layer should be very thin so as not to clog the pores and worsen the acne situation.

During the day, the powder is used exclusively as a drying agent for local application. The most convenient way to do this is with a thin brush, which must be washed after each use. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times. This treatment helps to avoid the formation of scars and scars. The course duration of therapy is at least one month. But reviews of this method of eliminating acne are very contradictory.

Using talc you can speed up the healing of wounds, but it should absolutely not be applied to the surface of weeping and trophic ulcers. Promotes the healing of microtraumas on the skin of the armpits, elbows, and feet.

The best anti-sweating sprays

In composition and principle of action, sprays are similar to deodorants. Their main advantage is their convenient aerosol form and ease of use. The compact can can be taken with you or carried in your bag. There are fewer aggressive components than antiperspirants and pastes. The formula for quickly getting rid of moisture and unpleasant odors was proposed by 2 leaders based on reviews and expert recommendations.


The UK company Bracey's Pharmaceutical produces dermatotropic medicinal products under the trade name Odaban. The aerosol spray bottle contains 30 ml. The main condition for application is the integrity of the skin and the absence of irritation. The active formula includes aluminum chloride, dimethicone and ethanol are added to it. The manufacturer emphasizes the safety of the composition and the permissibility of use even during pregnancy.

The principle of action is similar to previous nominees - it is a “plug” of sweat glands by forming a compound of aluminum with organic proteins. However, their functionality is not impaired at all. The consistency is liquid without stickiness or fragrance, it is not absorbed into clothing or the epidermis. The spray is intended for the armpit area; there is a separate form of powder for feet and shoes, and a lotion for hands. The only exception will be the face.


  • Non-toxic formula;
  • Efficacy against hyperhidrosis;
  • Convenient method of use;
  • Several release forms;
  • No flavoring;
  • Long consumption.


  • Alcohol may cause irritation;
  • Demanding rules of use.

At first, Odaban should be sprayed on problem areas before bedtime for several days in a row (5-7 days). After this, sweating should be minimized; a procedure once a week will be sufficient. To avoid damaging the skin, depilation is prohibited at this time.


The following foot spray is offered by Russian. It is effective in solving several functions - eliminating excessive sweating, neutralizing unpleasant odors, and preventing fungal foot diseases. It differs from previous nominees in a radically different active formula. The main substance is a natural strong antiseptic - tea tree essential oil with bactericidal action.

It is supplemented with tonic menthol and panthenol for hydration and healing. Regular use of the anti-sweat spray guarantees refreshment and overall health of the epidermis, soothing and softening it. The composition excludes flavors and other aggressive substances. The can contains 100 ml of solution, which is quickly absorbed without a sticky feeling. Despite the presence of alcohol, the spray does not dry out the skin at all.


  • Natural caring components;
  • Antiseptic, bactericidal effect;
  • Refreshing menthol;
  • Safe formula;
  • Fungus prevention;
  • Ease of use.


  • For legs only;
  • Alcohol.

The solution must be sprayed from the bottle in a vertical position at a distance of 15 cm. Area of ​​application: dry, clean skin of the feet, fingers and between them. With severe hyperhidrosis, you can repeat the procedure several times a day.

DIY flavored talcum powder

Anyone can create their own scent without going through a complicated chemical process. It is enough to have several different essential oils on hand. This method has one tangible advantage - the fragrant oil has healing properties, and with the right combination of odors, a product can be prepared that is ideally suited to an individual request. You can buy oil at pharmacies and specialized shops.

To make your own scented body powder, you need to take a glass container with a large neck. Instead of factory bottles, clean glass salt shakers are great; with their help, it is very convenient to apply talc to the skin. And a few drops of essential oil. The average ratio is: 30 g of dry powder per 5 drops of essential oil. After adding the oil to the talc, mix everything thoroughly, close the container tightly and set it aside for several days, giving the powder time to absorb the aroma and dry. Only after this can the resulting mixture be used for its intended purpose: against sweating, as a means of hygiene and to combat unpleasant amber.

With the right approach and moderate use, talc has many more advantages than disadvantages. This product deserves to take its rightful place not only in women's, but also men's cosmetics bags.

The best creams and gels for sweating

The use of medicinal creams and gels simplifies the care of feet and other areas with hyperhidrosis and unpleasant odor. It is prohibited to treat with such drugs for purposes other than their intended purpose or in excess of the prescribed dosage. If after completing the course the problem has not been solved, you should visit a doctor. 3 top list nominees received good ratings from doctors and their patients.

Nepotin 911+

Gel-balm from Russian. Its principle of action is to prevent intense sweating and the formation of an unpleasant odor. In addition, the composition has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, and drying properties. All credit goes to the active component - triclosan, an antibiotic, a broad-spectrum antimycotic.

In addition to the synthetic element, there are a lot of useful additives - green tea extract, sage, linden, zinc, menthol, camphor, urea. The consistency is soft, more like a cream, but with quick absorption. The menthol aroma with a tea note is refreshing and pleasantly cooling. Packaging – standard soft tube 100 ml with a screw cap. The effect is observed after the first use.


  • Antibacterial, antifungal effect;
  • Caring components;
  • Cooling, freshness;
  • Fast absorption;
  • Result after first use;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Harshness of smell;
  • Course use.

According to most buyers, this is the best inexpensive means for prevention. But for it to help, it is important to use it regularly in the mornings and evenings after hygiene procedures until the problem is completely eliminated.

GalenoPharm 5D days against sweat and odor

A popular Russian-made remedy for hyperhidrosis, intended for legs. The “5D five days” series includes creams of different effects, lotion, paste, powder, scrubs, and baths. Each drug complies with GOST standards. Packaging – 30 g aluminum tube with a screw cap. The active component is zinc oxide, which has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, which removes excess moisture and dries.

It is supplemented with other substances - skin moisturizing glycerin, powerful antiseptic camphor, fragrant substance farnesol, activator of cold skin receptors menthol. The consistency is dense, thick, but quickly absorbed into problem areas. In addition to eliminating excess moisture, the cream destroys pathogenic flora, preventing fungus. The result appears quickly and lasts a long time.


  • Antiseptic effect;
  • Fast absorption;
  • Softening, moisturizing the epidermis;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Efficient even in hot weather;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Overdose causes dryness;
  • Poor results in advanced stages.

The cream requires regular use according to the instructions for several weeks. If there are omissions, the previous symptoms of sweating will return. For normal penetration of the components, the skin must be clean and dry.


Deodorizing cream for hands and feet is presented by the Russian company. The soft tube contains 50 ml of creamy light texture with an unobtrusive herbal aroma. It takes control of the functions of the sweat glands for a long time, without drying out the dermis. By acting on the root of the problem, the active formula eliminates unpleasant odor and other symptoms of discomfort, and prevents the development of fungus and infection.

The main difference between the nominee is its environmentally friendly composition. Oak bark extract works as an antiseptic, prevents inflammation, soothes and tones. Cypress essential oil balances sebum, reducing the secretion of moisture from the glands, and also slightly deodorizes. Bergamot essential oil strengthens nails and prevents the development of fungus. Cocoa butter has been added to them for hydrolipid balance, vitamin B3, which stimulates micrometabolism, and wax.


  • Multi-component formula;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Impact on the root of the problem;
  • Deodorizing properties;
  • Caring additives;
  • Wide range of activities.


  • Weak effect in advanced cases.

The natural preparation is based only on plant extracts, esters, and oils. Suitable for allergy sufferers and sensitive skin types. On the one hand, this is safety, a comprehensive action. On the other hand, with severe hyperhidrosis, one such cream may not be enough.


In order to reduce sweating, you need to:

  • normalize nutrition : exclude strong coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, spicy and salty foods from the diet;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene : take a shower in the morning and evening and remove hair in the armpits;
  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics : they should be loose and not restrict movement.

To reduce the severity of hyperhidrosis, it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene

The cause of hyperhidrosis can be endocrine diseases, hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause, infectious diseases or neoplasms.

Therefore, if, despite treatment at home, sweating does not decrease, you should consult a dermatologist or endocrinologist.

Best anti-sweating earplugs

The last category of the top rating will present the best sweat pads for armpits - a modern device in the form of a pad to absorb moisture. The first layer consists mainly of natural components, the second acts as an adsorbent, and the third is polyethylene to protect against leakage. We have selected 2 liners that are characterized by effective moisture absorption and hypoallergenicity.

Secrets Lan with aloe HD-95

Hygienic stickers against armpit sweating from the Asian cosmetics manufacturer “Secrets Lan”. One set offers 5 single use pairs, each individually packaged. For reliable fixation, a sticky layer is provided, while a soft, delicate surface made of natural cotton will come into contact with the skin.

The inner layer is impregnated with absorbent gel, antimicrobial aloe vera extract. There is no fragrance, which means the gasket will not overwhelm the perfume. In general, the manufacturer offers 2 sizes – S, M, and also indicates that the product is “hypoallergenic”, due to which it can be used by allergy sufferers, those with sensitive skin, and women with menopause.


  • Natural cotton;
  • Absorbent layer;
  • Aloe vera impregnation;
  • Reliable fixation;
  • Different sizes;
  • Comfortable to wear.


  • Only for clothing made of opaque fabric;
  • Consumption.

To ensure that the stickers do not come off the clothes, the fabric must be thoroughly leveled during gluing. The middle of the tab should lie along the seam. The product is not suitable for reuse. Reviews confirm that long-term wearing does not cause irritation.

Elfarma 1-2DRY BV

Reusable inserts developed by Dutch specialists for those who suffer from excessive discharge from the sweat glands. They come in two colors - white and black, as well as three sizes - L, M and S. The first layer of cotton is soft, pleasant to the body, and is supplemented with cellulose to quickly absorb liquid.

The outer side is coated with adhesive that provides a strong adhesion without staining the fabric. The composition minimizes aromatic impregnation, so “1-2DRY BV” is intended for people who cannot tolerate perfume. In this regard, the deodorizing properties are not so pronounced. The number of pads in a package may vary, starting from 4 pieces.


  • Different sizes, colors;
  • Individual packing;
  • Minimal fragrance;
  • Soft cotton;
  • Thin layer;
  • Safety for things.


  • Weak camouflage;
  • A little noticeable on thin fabric.

According to reviews, the protection of one pair lasts 4-6 hours, after which the liner loses its shape. Unlike the previous nominee, there is a choice of colors - to match light or dark clothes. But the deodorizing properties are weaker.

How to choose an anti-sweating remedy

There are many different cosmetic and medicinal products to get rid of sweating. If the problem is not so pronounced, you can solve it yourself. Otherwise, we advise you to consult a doctor. When looking for an effective drug, pay attention to several criteria - composition, application features, including taking into account the application area, safety, effectiveness.


When choosing medications, be guided by the sensitivity of the epidermis and predisposition to allergic reactions. Mild hypoallergenic products with natural substances are suitable for daily use. Products with chemical elements, if used frequently or excessively, can lead to darkening or whitening of the armpit area. The former are sold everywhere, the latter - in pharmacies.

Ease of use

The ease of use depends on the form of release of the drug. The most comfortable, according to most buyers, are deodorants and antiperspirants. The sticks are compact in size, the applicators are pleasant to the body during application. Gels, creams, pastes promise skin care in addition to their main function. Sprays are the fastest in terms of application. The inserts are suitable for occasional wear.

Application area

Consider in advance the fact which problem parts of the body you will treat with the chosen drug. Deodorants, antiperspirants, and sprays are suitable for the armpits - they regulate the functioning of the glands and neutralize odor. The skin of the legs, arms, head, back, and groin folds can be protected from hyperhidrosis with creams, gels, and pastes. Inserts are recommended for those for whom all of the listed types of products are contraindicated.


Products with natural ingredients demonstrate a high degree of safety. This will be enough for the prevention and treatment of the initial stages of hyperhidrosis. In advanced cases, you will have to resort to the help of potent, but synthetic compounds. It would be good if the formula was free of parabens, aluminum (preferably zinc), and dyes.


The effectiveness of remedies for heavy discharge is determined by the time interval, how long the protection will last. The best results are demonstrated by deodorants and antiperspirants - from 10 to 72 hours, depending on the degree of disturbances in the body. Creams, gels, pastes, sprays will be a little weaker. The inserts are disposable pads that last from 2 to 12 hours.

Get rid of underarm hyperhidrosis with Botox injections

Today, the injection of Botox, Dysport and Relatox is recognized as the most effective and safe method for helping to get rid of armpit hyperhidrosis for a long time. The introduction of weakened botulinum toxin into problem areas locally stops the release of acetylcholine and blocks the activity of the sweat glands. The method allows you to forget about the problem of “wet armpits” for a long time and has a number of advantages:

  • the procedure is completed as quickly as possible;
  • does not affect general well-being;
  • does not leave visible marks on the skin;
  • relieves hyperhidrosis for a long time - up to a year;
  • the procedure is absolutely safe and has no complications.

Treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis at the CosmetoMed clinic

  • The doctors at our clinic have extensive experience and skill in treating axillary hyperhidrosis.
  • In our work, we use only certified botulinum toxin preparations from leading dealers.
  • We have very low prices for injections for hyperhidrosis compared to many commercial clinics.

What is the best anti-sweating remedy?

Loud promises from manufacturers and advertising sometimes do not coincide with the real capabilities of products. That's why we offer 12 reliable, proven candidates. The results of the comparative analysis of will tell you which one to choose and buy:

  • Rexona odorless stick is a popular choice, a product proven over decades;
  • Teymurov's paste is a pharmaceutical remedy for sweating feet and odor with antiseptic, deodorizing properties;
  • Odaban is a spray from the category of dermatotropic cosmetics with a minimal level of toxicity and high efficiency;
  • Nepotin 911+ – fast-acting gel-balm with an antibiotic, antimycotic;
  • Chistostop-Deo is a multi-component, eco-friendly form of cream that targets the root of the problem;
  • Elfarma 1-2DRY BV – comfortable to wear reusable inserts made of soft cotton of different sizes and colors.

The topic of the safety of constant use of deodorants is more relevant than ever, so we have presented to your attention the best formulations for controlling secretions from the glands, neutralizing odor, drying and preventing hyperhidrosis. 12 nominees demonstrate complex action, antiseptic properties, and minimal toxicity.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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