Massage for face lift at home: 8 video lessons

Photo: Injections, surgeries, expensive courses of procedures from cosmetologists - what women do to preserve youth and beauty. But what if we say that you don't need such radical extremes? And you can do it much cheaper, safer, and at home? Keep a selection of massage techniques for a facelift! We have collected only the most effective ones!

Pinch massage

The French technique is not yet very familiar in our latitudes, but it wonderfully rejuvenates and tightens the face. The most important thing is to follow the directions of the massage lines. When pinching, do not squeeze the skin too hard to avoid bruising. If desired, use cream or serum. Repeat the massage every day for 10 days, or better yet, add it to your daily routine.

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Principles and advantages of self-massage

Massage is an invention of Eastern sages, who used it 2000 years ago to improve physical and psychological well-being. Self-massage is called Tao Yin, it is part of the philosophy (or teaching) of Qi Gong.

Face massage

What are the benefits of classic self-facial massage :

  1. Migraines of any degree can pass - this has been proven; it’s just that, as Chinese scientists say, you need to know which point to act on;
  2. Immunity is significantly increased due to the acceleration of blood circulation, and consequently metabolism;
  3. Confident and precise movements help get rid of wrinkles;
  4. With the help of massage, you can remove swelling on the face, in particular in the nose and eye area.

Massage with a roller to combat a double chin

A massage roller, which is sold in any pharmacy and cosmetic store, does an excellent job of tightening the contours of the face and double chin. Before use, apply your favorite serum and distribute it with a roller. All movements go from bottom to top. It is recommended to massage every day during morning or evening care.

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Beauty as a profession - classic facial massage

Classic facial massage is a safe and effective lifting.

Looking great every day is the dream of many people. You can keep your face fresh, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and relax your facial muscles using the classic facial massage technique.

Classic facial massage is one of the methods for preventing premature aging of the skin, preventing its sagging, the appearance of folds and wrinkles.

Any pathology of internal organs, stress, physical inactivity, and improper eating habits lead to the appearance of myofascial dysfunction and lymphostasis in the facial area. Hence the tired look, uneven color and wrinkles. Facial massage, in turn, has an effective effect on the skin, underlying tissues, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, muscles of the face and neck. Moreover, facial massage is equally beneficial for dry, oily and problematic skin.

Massage improves the function of peripheral receptors, pathways that enhance reflex connections of the cerebral cortex with muscles, blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, classic facial massage is used as symptomatic therapy for paresis of the facial muscles, neuritis of the facial nerve, and neurasthenia in women.

The most pronounced and long-lasting effect comes from the integrated use of soft manual techniques to achieve maximum effect. Therefore, classic facial massage can be combined with other techniques in one procedure or alternated between them.

Classic facial massage is one of the oldest cosmetic procedures. The ancient Greeks were the first to use massage for cosmetic purposes. In Ancient Greece, there were special salons for facial and hand skin care, where hygienic and cosmetic massages were performed.

Indications for the use of classic facial massage:

  • prevention of premature skin aging;
  • prevention of sagging skin, the appearance of folds and wrinkles;
  • dry, oily, problematic skin;
  • restoration of facial oval;
  • weakening of the muscles of the face and neck;
  • pastosity and swelling of the facial skin;
  • sallow complexion;
  • residual effects of acne (infiltrates);
  • neuritis of the facial nerve (paresis of the facial muscles);
  • neurasthenia in women during menopause.

Among the contraindications:

  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • stage III hypertension;
  • acute inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • facial skin tumors;
  • acute somatic diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin, abrasions, cracks;
  • pustular and infectious skin diseases;
  • acute skin diseases (dermatitis, rosacea, eczema, herpes);
  • fungal diseases.

Classic massage technique

The face consists of alternating or sequentially performing key massage techniques:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing;
  • kneading;
  • staccato.

To perform this technique correctly, the massage therapist must know:

  1. anatomy, including skin, muscles and nerves;
  2. construction of a protocol of the procedure;
  3. sequence of techniques;
  4. skin tension lines.

All this is taught in massage schools. A good teacher will definitely tell you about the structure of the area of ​​the human body that will be worked with, show how and what needs to be done, position the student’s hands correctly, and give recommendations on cleansing the skin, choosing massage products and using masks. Therefore, not only professional massage therapists, but also cosmetologists, amateur massage therapists and beginners can master this technique. You can please your clients, loved ones and yourself with such a massage.

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Warming massage

The intensive complex is suitable for all ages. Here you will find recommendations for 25, 35, 45 and 50 years old. Be sure to massage every day on a clean face with serum or cream in a course of 10-15 times. After the procedure, it is very useful to apply a mask to a hot face.

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Eye massage

Classic eye palming is a form of facial massage that does not require any friction and can make you look 10 years younger absolutely free.

The main indications for this effect are “crow’s feet” and bags under the eyes. There are some contraindications to this technique: bruises in the treatment area, vision problems, diseases of the mucous membrane (in particular, conjunctivitis or stye). You need to act very gently: our goal is not to stretch the skin, but to stretch it. Hands must be sterilely clean (and this is a requirement of any massage), rub your palms against each other so that they begin to radiate heat, and apply them to your eyes. Hold for 10 seconds, then rub again with your hands, repeat the procedure up to 5-10 times.

Another Abkhabadze technique or massage is tapping the “perimeter” of the eye socket with your fingertips. Execution time is morning. You need to feel the bones under the eyes and very lightly start tapping them with your fingertips, gradually moving to the eyebrows and back to the beginning of the treated area. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

Contraindications and precautions

Can everyone do self-facial massage? Not everyone, but there are few restrictions.

The procedure is contraindicated if there are local skin problems in the acute stage: acne, rosacea, abrasions, injuries, burns, bites, herpes, eczema.

Local vascular disorders are also limiting: rosacea, fragile blood vessels.

In case of damage to the facial nerve and other neurology, it is better to consult a doctor. He may prescribe a therapeutic massage.

General health matters too. You should refrain from self-massage in the following cases:

  • elevated temperature,
  • severe hypertension,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • severe inflammatory processes,
  • oncology,
  • blood diseases,
  • cerebral circulatory disorders.

How effective is facial massage at home for wrinkles?

The incredible effect of proper facial massage against wrinkles is quite simple to explain:

  1. It gets the blood flowing. It moves more actively through the vessels and accelerates all vital processes in the cells. In this regard, the skin receives more essential nutrients, and it begins to actively produce two important proteins: collagen and elastin. Thanks to them, the skin gains elasticity and wrinkles disappear.
  2. The muscles are strengthened, which means loose skin is tightened.
  3. The swelling effect goes away.
  4. Capillaries begin to function better: redness and acne associated with the location of blood vessels close to the surface of the skin disappear.
  5. Facial features are outlined.
  6. Proper facial massage for wrinkles can relieve tension from the skin.

Remember that facial massage removes wrinkles if they already exist, but it can also perfectly help prevent their appearance.

Systematic procedures and precise adherence to massage technology will allow you to achieve a quick effect from the procedure. Existing wrinkles will become less noticeable, and new ones will no longer appear.

Indications for the procedure

Classic facial massage is suitable for those who want to improve the quality of their skin.

Not everyone talks about it, but this procedure has limited functionality. It is more aimed at young rather than mature skin, since it does not provide a full anti-aging effect.

Rejuvenating massage is a different story; it is based on different techniques. We'll tell you more about it, but later.

For now it's classic. What problems can he cope with:

  • dull color,
  • decreased skin turgor,
  • excess oiliness, rashes,
  • dryness, flaking
  • scars, scars.

Classic massage can also be prescribed for therapeutic purposes. With its help, problems of pinched nerves and loss of facial symmetry due to neurological diseases are solved.

Massage with spoons on video

We offer you a selection of master classes on video about facial massage with spoons:

Tags: massage, rejuvenation

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Advantages and disadvantages of facial lifting massage

The advantages of the procedure are obvious and undeniable:

  • painlessness and safety - unlike injections, some hardware procedures or surgical interventions;
  • versatility and simplicity of techniques - procedures can be performed by a salon specialist or at home;
  • visible effect after 1 session - the massage is performed in a course, but the peculiarity of this technique allows you to enjoy a noticeable result after the first session of the procedure;
  • no need for recovery (as after surgical lifting)
  • affordable cost of the procedure.

Lifting massage allows you to rejuvenate your face without the use of invasive lifting methods

The procedure is usually painless and causes only positive emotions. But the degree of intensity of the efforts made may differ among different masters. Like any cosmetic procedure, lifting massage has its disadvantages:

  • the next day (after the first procedure) the facial muscles may ache, like the body after fitness;
  • too intense an impact on the facial muscles can provoke their excessive tone and the effect of a “haggard face”.

If a woman is planning her first visit to a cosmetologist-massage therapist and her face has not previously been subjected to such procedures, then it makes sense to insist on using gentle techniques with little effort, at least for the first few sessions.

Basic rules - how to do a facial massage for wrinkles at home

If you want to perform facial massage for wrinkles at home, there are many instructional videos. However, let's discuss in more detail the simple but incredibly important rules listed there:

  • Approximately 30 minutes before the massage, you need to make a hot herbal facial compress. It will help the muscles warm up and become pliable.
  • Hide all your hair under the cap, never let it get under your fingers.
  • Wash your hands first and clean your nails, otherwise you risk introducing an infection into your facial tissues.
  • Apply a special anti-wrinkle cream or oil to your facial skin before the procedure. Do not forget that the product can cause an allergic reaction on delicate facial skin, so test it on your wrist in advance.
  • Learn the lines of facial massage for wrinkles along which all movements are made. It is through them that lymph moves. If you carry out the massage chaotically, you can achieve the opposite effect: the skin may sag and additional defects may form on the face.

So, massage lines should pass:

  • From the middle of the chin to the earlobes;
  • From a point under the center of the lower lip to the earlobes;
  • From the center point above the upper lip to the middle of the temples;
  • From the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears;
  • From the middle of the forehead to the centers of the temples (eyebrow level);
  • From the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones on the lower eyelid;
  • From the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones on the upper eyelid.
  • Learn to make the correct transition during a massage from area to area. To do this, gently press the pads of your index fingers on the temporal area. This is the center of all metabolic processes in the skin cells on the face.
  • Try to do everything gently and carefully. This is most important when massaging around the eyes for wrinkles.
  • If you want to achieve a result visible to the naked eye, then do a home facial massage regularly. For example, 10 days in a row. The time can be from 10 to 20 minutes. A week later, go through the cycle again.

How the method works

Plastic massage is the prerogative of real creators: Masseurs with a capital M. At “A Clinic” we have exactly the kind of Masters of their craft who can create the face of your dreams!

The movements that underlie this technique actively affect the various layers of the dermis and nearby tissues. They:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • nourish tissues with oxygen;
  • activate the activity of the sebaceous glands to regulate the production of subcutaneous sebum;
  • remove toxic products of metabolic processes in the body;
  • relax tense muscles and tone flaccid ones;
  • strengthen and tighten tissues.

As a result of the activation of all these processes, miraculous rejuvenation occurs.

What effect does massage with spoons give?

Facial massage with a spoon carries with it a number of positive properties. Here are the main advantages:

  • Eliminates wrinkles in the eye area, forehead, nasolabial folds, in areas where wrinkles form due to muscle strain;
  • Removes bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • Accelerates the process of blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • Helps in the fight against cellulite;
  • This type of procedure can tighten the facial contour over time;
  • Tightens sagging skin in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin;
  • The skin tightens, becomes more elastic, firm, and its color acquires a beautiful, healthy shade.

To enhance the effect of facial massage with a spoon, you can use a natural fatty cream or cosmetic vegetable oil during the procedure.

Technique and scheme of tonic massage

The main part of the face can also be massaged during everyday rituals, such as washing or applying foundation. Turn on the warm water, warm your hands under it and lightly slap them on the face (not too much, redness is acceptable, but not bruises) and begin to knead your cheeks. Just stretch them a little in different directions. Then wet your hands with cold water and repeat the action, go through 2-4 cycles. We recommend that you also do scrubbing during the session - this way you will get a double effect.

Cosmetic massage is an individual matter; if you have blood vessels located close to the skin , then you need to be very careful when stretching. In this case, we warm up our hands and begin to knead the face in a circular motion; it is recommended to move from the nose to the temples and from the chin to the neck line. From the neck we gradually move to the décolleté area, you can go back up, the main thing is to stroke the dermis with movements directed in the opposite direction from the treatment area:

  1. From nose to temples;
  2. From nose to chin;
  3. From chin to neck;
  4. From the forehead to the hairline;
  5. From cheeks to temples.

Photo - Massage technique
Classic massage is performed in stages, after the preparatory period comes the turn of stimulation. Stimulation will help increase blood flow to the dermis, energize, and tone the face for several hours. We start near the jawline, work with the back of the hand so as not to harm ourselves with the knuckles, move upward from the chin - to the temples and forehead, it is also necessary to stimulate the area around the eyes, carefully squeeze the fold between the eyebrows with your thumb and forefinger, release, repeat the same with all large wrinkles on the face. It is very important that before any procedure that involves friction on the skin, apply cosmetic cream to the dermis. It is better to move the lesson to the first half of the day.

This preparatory classic massage is performed by any plastic surgeon before surgery or laser biorevitalization; this medical procedure helps to warm up the surface of the skin or enhance the effect of painkillers.

Let's consider a tonic massage scheme . We intertwine our hands on the forehead, clasp our fingers together, and begin to move from the forehead to the hairline, without separating the fingers. Next, rub your face from right to left, then change direction. Repeat the movements with the forehead 10 times and move lower to the cheeks and chin. By the way, you can work on the cheeks even more intensely using special massagers (using the Darsonval apparatus will give the effect much faster than a regular rubber roller, and you can buy it at any pharmacy), or improvised means - terry cloth, spoons, etc., will do almost everything that has a relief, the main thing is that the item is hygienic and completely clean.

Preparing for a massage

Preparing for manual self-massage is very simple. It can be done anywhere, no special conditions or equipment are required.

Are your hands still there? This is the main thing. Clean facial skin and clean hands.

At first, while you are still getting to know your face, it is better to practice in front of a mirror. Once you get used to it, you won’t need it anymore. You can do self-massage in front of the TV, in a bathhouse, on the beach, in public transport, even at work (if you are willing to sacrifice makeup).

The only thing you need to take care of before self-massage is cleansing. There should be no makeup, dust, sweat, or sebum on your face. The most convenient and gentle option is to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in hydrolate (plant distillate). For this, you can choose one of the Beauty365 hydrolates: mint, sage or lavender (look for them at If you are not doing the procedure at home, use wet wipes.

For deep self-massage, nothing else is required. We perform it on dry skin for better contact with the hands.

After the procedure, we saturate the face with a cosmetic product. Warm skin will be ready to absorb everything it needs. Natural remedies will be especially useful: oils, squalane, balms. Look for them in the line of the brand

If you still do a simple classic massage, then before it you need to moisturize the skin with cream or light oil. This is required for hand glide and smooth movements.

Efficiency of the technique

Classic facial massage, despite the simplicity of its execution, has a pronounced hygienic, restorative, and rejuvenating effect. Regular implementation of procedures allows you to:

  • prevent and eliminate the appearance of small, facial wrinkles;
  • achieve improved quality of integument (smoothness, elasticity, color);
  • eliminate puffiness, dark circles, spots;
  • even out the skin structure (get rid of blackheads, acne, scars).

As a result of massage sessions, blood circulation and lymphatic drainage improve. This has a combination of cosmetic and health-improving effects. Nutrition and oxygen supply to tissues improves. The skin acquires elasticity, “glow”, and a healthy glow is visible.

The contours of the face become clearer, the features more expressive. Double chin, jowls, and drooping eyelids are eliminated. The eyes become more open, the lips acquire additional volume. Cosmetics (cream, oil) used during the massage process provide skin care.

The procedures are indicated to obtain a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. The sessions are called a real alternative to expensive rejuvenation programs and plastic surgeries. It is recommended to resort to procedures from 25–30 years of age as a preventive measure against age-related changes.

Note! Additionally, a classic massage will help you relax, relieve tension, and minimize depression. Sessions are indicated for general recovery of the body after suffering from various diseases.

Results, photos before and after facial massage

Look at the results the participants of the MelAnnett beauty marathons managed to achieve.

With the help of competently performed anti-aging self-massage of the face, in 2-3 weeks you will see a younger self in the mirror.

What will you achieve:

  • wrinkles, folds, creases will be reduced and completely gone,
  • the skin will become elastic, smooth, even,
  • swelling, bags under the eyes, looseness will be eliminated,
  • cheeks will be tightened, nasolabial folds will be smoothed out,
  • a perfect clear oval without bulldog cheeks will be “drawn”,
  • the double chin will be erased, the “angle of youth” will be restored,
  • eyebrows, upper eyelids will rise, eyes will open,
  • the corners of the mouth will rise, the lips will become fuller,
  • the nose will acquire an elegant appearance (due to the removal of excess fluid), its pecking tip will rise (relieving spasms of the lateral muscles of the nose),
  • The complexion will improve and even out.

What is sculptural-buccal facial massage?

Beware of trying it on yourself - it's better to go and get professional treatment. If you want to try it, seek professional advice and recommendations first. But ideally, don't put your fingers in your mouth!'

There is a type of internal facial massage called buccal massage, which is a more holistic technique for relieving jaw tension and headaches. This also involves using two hands inside the mouth.

The technique uses the index finger and middle finger inside the mouth and then the thumb on the outside of the face. The massage starts from the mouth and moves upward towards the nose in a semi-circular motion in the shape of the letter “C”, following the natural contours of the face.

Benefits of sculptural-buccal facial massage

  1. Relieve jaw tension and stress
  2. Relieves headaches and migraines
  3. Contour and sculpture of your face
  4. Reduces wrinkles around the jaw area
  5. Stimulates the lymphatic system
  6. Re-balances the third eye chakra


  • If you have oily skin, then you should avoid active facial treatment. Such stimulation not only improves blood flow, but also promotes increased sebum secretion.
  • Massage is contraindicated for people who have large moles, rashes, redness and various skin diseases.

Interesting! Massage techniques will also be useful for young people in order to prevent the occurrence of wrinkles at a more “respectable” age.

You no longer need to “pump” your face with silicone and other means to smooth out wrinkles. Unnaturalness is no longer in fashion. With just a little effort, you can naturally restore your skin to its former freshness and youth.

Choose the technique you like best and take action. And most importantly, the result will not be long in coming - within 10 days significant improvements will be noticeable.

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