Electrocoagulation of external genital warts

Genital warts, commonly known popularly as “genital warts,” are a manifestation of infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). In total, there are about 170 types of such viruses; types 6 and 11 are usually “to blame” for the occurrence of genital warts, less often - 16 and 18.

Infection most often occurs during direct contact, for example, sexual contact. The virus can lie dormant in the body for weeks or years. Once it is activated, wart-like growths appear on the skin. Most often they are found in intimate places, in the genital area and anus:

  • In women: on the labia majora and minora, clitoris, in the area of ​​the vaginal opening.
  • In men: on the head and neck of the penis, near the external opening of the urethra, on the scrotum.

However, genital warts do not always justify their second name “genital warts”: sometimes they are located on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, on the eyelids, and conjunctiva. Treatment of genital warts can be conservative or surgical. The doctor removes the growths and prescribes medications that help destroy the pathogen and boost immunity.

What consequences can condylomas lead to if they are not removed?

Condyloma is by no means a harmless neoplasm. The virus causes changes in cells that resemble those that occur in malignant tumors. Currently, the connection between human papillomavirus infection and cancer can be considered proven.

Genital warts often cause a host of other problems: they can become injured and bleed, ulcerate, and interfere with sexual intercourse and childbirth. In general, if growths in the form of warts are found in intimate places, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and have them removed.

Stages of cryodestruction of condylomas

The procedure for removing condylomas with liquid nitrogen is as follows:

  • After examining the doctor and conducting the necessary research, eliminating contraindications, the patient takes a comfortable position on the couch or gynecological chair, exposing the affected area from clothing.
  • Preliminary anesthesia is not required, since the freezing procedure is short-term (10 to 30 seconds) and tolerable. A tingling sensation and slight burning sensation may be present.
  • Liquid nitrogen is applied to the areas of condylomas using a cotton swab attached to a wooden stick or tweezers, after immersing them in a container of liquid nitrogen. It is also possible to apply non-contact liquid nitrogen in the form of an aerosol through a special apparatus - a cryodestructor. The time and area of ​​exposure to liquid nitrogen and the frequency of cooling are determined individually depending on the size of condylomas and their location.

After the cryodestruction procedure, the patient is able to work, but minimal restrictions are recommended.

Advantages of radio wave surgery using the Surgitron device

Doctors at the ProfMedLab clinic remove genital warts using the modern Surgitron radio wave surgery device. The principle of the method is that the device generates high frequency radio waves. Coming into contact with tissues, they evaporate liquid from cells, that is, they actually destroy them. Radio wave surgery has some advantages:

  • Purposeful action. Only affected tissues are destroyed, while surrounding healthy tissues remain untouched. In this regard, radio wave surgery is a more gentle method compared to laser.
  • Good cosmetic effect. After removal of tumors using the Surgitron apparatus, barely noticeable scars remain.
  • Full control over the process. The surgeon can precisely control the area and depth of tissue removed.
  • Bloodless intervention. There is no bleeding during genital wart removal.
  • Fast recovery. The wound heals completely within a few days. There is virtually no pain or swelling.

Advantages of cryodestruction of condylomas

Among the advantages of removing condylomas with liquid nitrogen:

  • no anesthesia is required, which is important if some patients are intolerant to local anesthetics;
  • there is no violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, no bleeding occurs, the risks of secondary infection are reduced;
  • no scars form after removal;
  • the low temperature of liquid nitrogen has a detrimental effect on the human papillomavirus;
  • If there is metal in the body and a fresh tan, cryodestruction is preferable, since hardware methods are impossible in these cases.

Removing condylomas with liquid nitrogen

If a laser destroys condyloma by heating, then liquid nitrogen does this using low temperature. In the language of doctors, this is called cryosurgery. Compared to laser and radio wave surgery, it has a number of disadvantages:

  • Usually a bubble remains at the intervention site, then it is opened, after which it takes about 2 more weeks to heal.
  • It is more difficult to control the area of ​​influence. Cold damages healthy tissue 1–2 cm around the condyloma.
  • For 1–2 days after surgery, you experience quite severe pain.


If a condyloma has formed on the genitals, then this is a reason to immediately go to an appointment with a gynecologist.

Using a colposcope, which magnifies the image, the affected area is determined. A study is carried out using an iodine solution. The procedure is absolutely painless, but is considered one of the most informative.

In women, scrapings must be taken from the mucous membrane of the cervix and cervical canal. Using this type of study, the development of oncology can be detected.

In some cases, a biopsy is indicated. To do this, a small piece of tissue from the area affected by condyloma is sent to the laboratory. Cytology can detect the presence of cancer cells.

We often insist on conducting a PCR test. To do this, a scraping is taken from the mucous membrane of the cervix. The test determines the presence and strain of HPV.

Is it possible to remove condylomas with celandine?

Celandine juice contains substances that can destroy tissues affected by the papilloma virus. In principle, this traditional method of treatment works, but it is low in effectiveness (it will take several days to remove the wart) and is useless for large, numerous condylomas. Modern medicine offers more effective treatment methods, one of them is radio wave surgery.

What happens after removal of condylomas using radio waves?

A small wound remains at the site of the intervention. As a rule, it heals completely within 5–7 days, and new pink skin appears in its place.

How to properly care for the wound after surgery?

After removing condyloma using radio wave surgery, potassium permanganate and other aggressive agents should not be used, and the wound should not be allowed to dry out and form a crust on it: the best cosmetic effect is achieved with moist healing.

What can and should be done:

  • In the first days, carefully monitor the condition of the wound.
  • Treat it with warm soapy water.
  • Take a bath and shower.
  • Drink enough fluids.
  • Consult a doctor immediately if pain begins to bother you, lumps appear, or skin color changes.

What not to do:

  • Tear off the crust if it still appears. This can cause a noticeable scar to form.
  • Apply cosmetics to the wound.
  • Visit swimming pools, baths and saunas until the wound has healed completely.
  • Keep the wound in the sun and visit solariums.
  • Press on the wound, injure it.

You will receive more detailed recommendations from your doctor at the clinic. Feel free to ask questions.

Is additional treatment necessary after genital wart removal?

Genital warts are a viral disease, so removing them alone is not enough. If the virus remains in the body, it can cause a relapse. The risks increase if you have a weakened immune system, have chronic diseases, or if you often change sexual partners. In order to cope with the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs and agents that strengthen the immune system.

Is it possible to remove condylomas during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindications to the use of radio wave surgery. It is better to get rid of genital warts at the planning stage. Other contraindications to the use of the Surgitron device: severe diseases of the heart, lungs and other organs, acute infections, the presence of a pacemaker, exacerbations of chronic diseases, epilepsy, cancer, infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin. If a woman is having her period, she will have to wait until it ends.

To find out if there are any contraindications in your case, visit a doctor at the ProfMedLab clinic.

How can one reliably diagnose human papillomavirus infection in genital warts?

Genital condyloma is easily recognized during an external examination by any dermatovenerologist. The doctor may order additional tests:

  • A Papanicolaou smear (PAP test) helps detect abnormal cells.
  • PCR detects the genetic material of the pathogen in smears and scrapings.
  • The Digene test helps detect high cancer risk viruses and assess the risk of a malignant tumor.

Removal of genital warts using radio waves using the Surgitron device is a quick, low-traumatic and painless procedure. You can take it at the ProfMedLab clinic. To make an appointment with a doctor, call: +7 (495) 120-08-07.

Consequences of the formation of growths

Even if condylomas do not show disturbing symptoms, the lack of treatment can lead to serious consequences:

  • Friction with underwear can provoke inflammatory processes and damage the integrity of the growth, which can subsequently lead to infection.
  • If you have condylomas that are visible to the naked eye, moral discomfort may arise and even inferiority complexes may develop.
  • If condylomas are localized inside the vagina, this can lead to unpleasant and even painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

Do not under any circumstances try to get rid of condyloma at home. Remember that these tumors can develop into malignant tumors.

Features of the procedure

Removing genital warts on the skin does not require any special preparation. If the patient has an allergy to anesthetics and electrical stimulation, or chronic diseases of any nature, they should be reported to the doctor before the procedure. In some cases, the doctor may pre-direct the person to undergo certain tests.

During the manipulation process, the doctor uses a special device - an electrocoagulator. The tip of the device looks like a metal loop, which is heated by electric current.

The surface of the skin with condylomas is treated with an antiseptic solution or ointment, and an antiseptic is applied to it.

The metal loop, upon contact with the changed skin, heats up the tissue, which leads to its death. As a result, a crust forms at the site of the condyloma, which disappears after a while.

The whole procedure takes from 5 minutes to half an hour - its duration depends on the number of condylomas.

Large tumors cut off in this way should be sent for histological examination.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure: when is electrocoagulation prescribed?

Usually, the appearance of pointed warty growths on the skin is not immediately apparent to a person, and, moreover, does not always become a reason to visit a doctor. Firstly, at first they do not cause noticeable discomfort or pain, and secondly, condylomas can be localized in hard-to-reach places where it is extremely difficult for a person to notice them on their own.

If formations of any nature are detected on the skin, the best decision would be to visit a doctor. In this case, you should contact a dermatologist, gynecologist, urologist or virologist. It should be understood that condylomas themselves are only an external manifestation of the presence of disorders in the body. Removal of condylomas is only one of the stages of treatment, which must also necessarily include determining the genotype and titers of existing viruses, and, in addition, prescribing special antiviral therapy when certain strains are identified. As the viral load on the body decreases, the attending physician will prescribe an electrocoagulation procedure.

In some cases, the patient, noticing the appearance of tumors on the skin, turns to a cosmetologist to get rid of them. This approach is not correct, since a cosmetologist cannot independently treat condylomas and their viral root cause.

Direct indications for electrocoagulation are the presence of genital warts on the skin or mucous membranes.

Among the contraindications to the procedure:

  • exacerbation of herpes viruses;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • somatic diseases in the acute stage;
  • the presence of allergic reactions to anesthetics and electrical effects;
  • malignant nature of the neoplasm;
  • leukemia and other systemic blood diseases;
  • installed pacemaker;
  • mental disorders;
  • severe endocrine disorders.

What is the healing rate after coagulation?

If you are planning to remove condylomas, the main question will be: “How quickly does healing occur after coagulation?”

Before the procedure, the doctor will carefully examine the formation and make an accurate conclusion.

The timing of skin restoration will depend on the volume of the removed lesion.

You should take into account the number of condylomas removed and your state of health.

The average time frame is 1.5 – 3 weeks.

Usually this time is enough for complete regeneration.

The procedure for removing growths

At the Alzoriya medical clinic, when prescribing treatment, doctors take into account all the nuances: the number, size and location of condylomas, characteristics of the body, etc. Regardless of the chosen method of removing growths, the procedure is carried out quickly and painlessly, thanks to high-quality local anesthetics. You can find out the price of treatment during a consultation with a doctor. The cost is based on the chosen treatment tactics, location and number of growths.

The essence of the electrocoagulation method

Despite the fact that electrocoagulation is a medical procedure, it is often used in cosmetology. Removal of condylomas of the penis or female external genitalia involves the destruction of their structure due to the effects of electric current, accompanied by their death.

The term “coagulation” is not used by chance: it is derived from the Latin word “coagulatio”, which translates as “coagulation”. When condylomas are exposed to high-frequency current, they are burned to the base and necrosis occurs. During the procedure, the doctor can hold the top of the condyloma with tweezers, cutting it off at the base. The technique is not only effective against condylomas, but also allows you to effectively remove papillomas, spider veins and atheromas.

What is the cause of relapses during coagulation

Relapse after coagulation of condylomas may occur after some time.

No one is immune from this.

To reduce the frequency of relapses, the doctor usually prescribes antiviral treatment.

Its duration is determined individually.

Promotes relapse:

  • dysfunction of the immune system
  • reinfection
  • poor nutrition
  • disturbance of sleep and rest patterns

If the formations reappear after a while, repeated removal is possible; coagulation of condylomas is performed.

In this case, a long course of anti-HPV drugs must be prescribed.

This is necessary to prevent the progression of the disease.

Pros and cons of electrocoagulation of external genital warts

The procedure is quite traumatic and can lead to the formation of scars, so it is recommended to be used to remove small single condylomas. In this case, it will give the desired result and eliminate any negative consequences. As for its positive aspects, they are as follows:

  • affordable cost and simplicity;
  • efficiency from 90% to 95%;
  • versatility, allowing it to be used to remove tumors on the genital mucosa;
  • possibility of elimination in one session;
  • allows you to eliminate not only the tumor, but also the affected cells of the epidermis.

It is important to understand that removing condylomas exclusively without appropriate therapy does not eliminate the risk of relapses, so it must be carried out in combination with other treatment methods.

You can make an appointment with Doctor Nearby specialists by calling the 24-hour line: +7 (495) 153-01-77.

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