Genital irritant dermatitis - causes, symptoms and treatment

The causes of itching in the pubic hair area can range from mild skin irritation from clothing to pubic lice. In the vast majority of cases, this symptom does not indicate serious health problems and is quite easily eliminated.

Itching in the hair area can cause some discomfort, especially if it lasts longer than a few minutes.

If a person does not know why he is constantly itching in the pubic hair area, then in such a situation he should consult a doctor who is able to diagnose and, if necessary, prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment for itching in the pubic hair area depends on the underlying cause of the problem.

Below are some common causes of itching that occurs in the area where pubic hair grows.

Pubic lice

Potential causes of itchy pubic hair include contact dermatitis, eczema, and pubic lice.

Pubic lice are tiny insects that feed on human blood and live in hair.

Although pubic lice are very often spread between people through sexual contact, they can appear in any person, since they are able to maintain vital functions for 24 hours after they leave the body of their former owner.

Lice bites cause a skin reaction and lead to constant itching in the groin area. People with pubic lice may also experience irritation and fatigue.

The telltale visual signs of lice are the insects themselves in the hair, as well as their oval eggs, which are usually located on the bottom of the hair. Both insects and eggs are often difficult to detect with the naked eye and a magnifying glass is usually helpful in seeing them.


There are several over-the-counter creams, shampoos, and other medications available to help people get rid of pubic lice. If they are ineffective, then the doctor may prescribe stronger prescription drugs.

In addition, after completing the course of treatment, people need to remove the eggs and treat bedding with hot temperature. This helps kill any remaining lice.

Folk remedies aimed at combating irritants

When asked how to get rid of irritation in the sensitive bikini area, some without hesitation will name several folk recipes. Time-tested tools are available, they are always at hand and are completely free to use. The delicate epidermis more easily tolerates products based on natural ingredients.

How did women get rid of a delicate problem using folk remedies? Removes inflammation

  • fresh sour cream or kefir with low fat content;
  • herbal plant decoctions, which include parsley, mint, string, chamomile, sage, nettle;
  • juice squeezed from homemade aloe leaves;
  • some types of essential oils;
  • tea tree oil;
  • baby powder;
  • glycerol.

Men experience similar problems on their faces. Daily shaving, done quickly or carelessly, can cause skin irritation. All the above mentioned remedies will help the male half to cope with irritation on the facial skin. And if in women the problem is “hidden under the skirt,” then in men it manifests itself in all its glory.

Reliable, time-tested recipes

We offer several of the most convenient and effective recipes that will relieve irritation from aggressive shaving in the intimate area:

  1. Parsley decoction. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried herb spices into 200 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Cool the broth, soak a cotton pad in it and apply to the problem area. After 10-15 minutes, relief will come. Chamomile decoction is also prepared. Sometimes ice cubes with herbs are used.
  2. Sour cream with olive oil. Mix 20 ml of heated olive oil and 50 g of sour cream. The mixture is applied to a delicate area of ​​the epidermis for 10-15 minutes. During this time it will be absorbed. Residues are removed with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. It is enough to use the recipe once a day.
  3. Products containing essential oils. They are usually applied immediately after shaving to the irritated pubis. A few drops of lavender or cedarwood oil are added to a lotion or moisturizer to relieve inflammation.
  4. Tea tree oil. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil to 30 ml of almond oil (a few drops of oil can be added to the emollient cream). They are mixed and allowed to stand for 20 minutes. When the intimate area itches, they perfectly soothe irritated skin. Tea tree oil not only heals wounds, but also destroys bacterial microflora. The product does not require rinsing.
  5. Aloe juice. Use an aloe leaf that is 3 years old. Keep it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, then remove the skin and apply it to the area inflamed after depilation. Itching and redness in the perineum disappears in a few sessions.

If pharmacy or folk remedies do not bring the desired result, then you need to look for an alternative method: try a depilatory cream or sugaring. If the skin is shaved endlessly, then it is injured again and again.

Women strive to look beautiful and well-groomed. Sometimes incredible efforts are made for this, they buy expensive products, and use salon procedures. Delicate, smooth skin without hair, age spots and acne is the dream of every lady. And the intimate area is no exception. With proper care, sensitive skin in the delicate area will not cause any trouble: you only need gentle care “for yourself, your beloved.”

Burns from shaving with a blade

Blade burns can also lead to itching in the groin area. Cutting hair with a razor causes irritation, which can be especially severe if a person shaves too quickly or uses dull blades.

Razor burns usually cause red spots or painful red bumps on the skin. These symptoms are often accompanied by itching.


Proper shaving technique helps prevent irritation. To use the correct technique, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Use warm water when shaving, which helps soften the hair;
  • use a new sharp blade;
  • trim long hair before shaving;
  • use hypoallergenic creams and gels when shaving;
  • Shave slowly and evenly in the direction of hair growth, not against it.

Methods for eliminating irritation in the bikini area

In order to get rid of irritation in the bikini area, you need to understand the reason that triggered its occurrence:

Methods for eliminating irritation in the bikini area after shaving and hair removal

To get rid of irritation in the bikini area, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Follow shaving technique. Before starting the procedure, the skin must be steamed, which will expand the pores and the hairs will come out of their bed more easily.
  • The surface to be treated must be moistened. A special shaving product for the intimate area is suitable for this purpose. It is most preferable because it does not contain additives that irritate the delicate skin of the intimate area.
  • The movement of the razor should be in the direction of hair growth. This will prevent injury to the skin and infection.
  • After every 2-3 movements of the machine, it is necessary to rinse it thoroughly.
  • You need to use new devices that shave well and do not pull hair.
  • After the hair removal procedure, it is necessary to apply a soothing agent to the skin, after rinsing the treated area with cool water and patting it with a towel.
  • The less touches there are to the treated area, the faster the irritation will go away.
  • After shaving, the skin needs to be allowed to “breathe”, so it is advisable not to get dressed for at least the first 20 minutes after shaving.

To disinfect the skin in the bikini area and reduce inflammation, you can use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide with 2 aspirin tablets. You can also wipe your skin with lemon juice diluted with water in a 1:2 ratio after shaving.

Regular baby powder, baby cream or oil helps soothe the skin well. You can also use Zinc ointment, D-panthenol cream, Vagisil cream. If small blisters filled with whitish or yellowish contents appear on the skin, this indicates tissue infection. However, under no circumstances should you squeeze them out. It is enough to take a sterile bandage, apply antibacterial ointment (Ichthyol ointment, Levomekol, Vishnevsky ointment, etc.) and apply it over the blisters. After 2-3 hours, the bandage is removed and the treated surface is wiped with an antiseptic.

If the cause of skin irritation is an ingrown hair, which is often observed with regular hair removal, then it must be carefully picked up with tweezers and then shaved off. In this case, the surface of the skin must be treated with an antiseptic.

Elimination of skin irritation caused by wearing poor-quality underwear

In order to solve this problem, you need to get rid of tight underwear made from synthetic materials. Preference should be given to natural fabrics such as cotton and linen. They perfectly absorb moisture and allow the skin to “breathe” freely.

It is important that the dyes used to add color to underwear are of high quality. They should not have a strong odor, stain the washing water, or leave stains on clothes or skin.

If skin irritation occurs after wearing low-quality underwear, you should get rid of it by thoroughly rinsing the inflamed areas under running water. You can soothe your skin with chamomile lotions. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of flowers into 100 ml of hot water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then you need to moisten the cloth in the resulting solution and apply it to the site of inflammation for 15 minutes.

Elimination of irritation in the bikini area caused by an allergic reaction

An allergic reaction most often occurs within a few minutes of skin contact with the allergen. Especially when it comes to the delicate skin of the bikini area. To eliminate it, you should immediately rinse the inflamed area with water to remove all remnants of the allergen.

Then anti-allergenic ointment is applied to the irritated area. Ointments are applied to the skin in a thin layer and quickly eliminate the main manifestations of allergies: itching, irritation, rash, swelling.

Treatment of bikini area irritation caused by lice pubis

It will not be possible to get rid of irritation in the bikini area due to pediculosis pubis unless the parasites are completely removed. For this, special antiparasitic ointments, shampoos, creams, and solutions should be used. Bedding and underwear should be carefully treated (wash in hot water, iron on both sides). During treatment, it is recommended to shave hair in the bikini area and pubic area.

Elimination of irritation in the bikini area caused by endocrine diseases, hormonal imbalances, obesity

Treatment of endocrine pathologies and hormonal disorders is within the competence of specialists. Only a doctor can prescribe adequate therapy based on the diagnosis.

As for obese people, they should be especially careful about intimate hygiene, thoroughly wash the skin folds and treat them with antiseptic agents of herbal and pharmaceutical origin.

Irritation in the bikini area is a fairly common problem and should not be tolerated, because most often the discomfort is caused by a simple lack of knowledge regarding hygiene procedures or rules for caring for one’s own body.

Author of the article:

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that occurs when something touches the skin and causes irritation or an allergic reaction.

Irritants that can cause contact dermatitis in the pubic hair area include:

  • detergents or fabric softeners in underwear;
  • perfumes or flavorings;
  • chemicals in soaps, lotions and other skin care products;
  • lubricants for sexual activity;
  • latex condoms or gloves;
  • sanitary napkin.

Dermatitis can cause other symptoms, such as hives, peeling skin, and an itchy red rash.


In some cases, people are able to avoid irritation by avoiding the use of certain products and using harmless alternatives instead.

Allergic reactions can be easily treated with antihistamines.

If a person is unsure of the cause of skin irritation, they should consult a doctor.

Causes of irritation in the bikini area

The causes of irritation in the bikini area can be very diverse, ranging from improper skin care to various diseases. The main factors that provoke irritation are the following:

  • Allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products or other chemicals.

    Often the cause of irritation in the bikini area is an allergic reaction. It may occur in response to exposure to intimate hygiene products. We are talking about various foams, gels, shampoos, etc. The reaction can also be caused by household chemicals - powders or other products used for washing underwear.

  • Excess body weight.

    The problem of skin inflammation in the bikini area is very important for obese people. They often suffer from increased sweating and have folds in which sweat is retained, irritating the delicate skin of the groin area. The situation is aggravated by non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules.

  • Inguinal athlete's foot.

    Inguinal athlete's foot is a disease of fungal etiology that affects the skin of large folds. The disease manifests itself in the appearance of itchy and flaky pink spots, which are covered along the periphery with vesicles and pustules. Men most often suffer from athlete's foot. Transmission of the causative agent of the disease occurs through contact and household contact in the presence of predisposing factors (high humidity, high ambient temperature, the presence of minor skin lesions, obesity, a tendency to sweat).

  • Pediculosis pubis.

    Pediculosis pubis is a contagious parasitic disease caused by pubic lice. They inhabit the genital area, including the bikini area. The most common method of infection is sexual contact, when adults crawl from a sick person onto a healthy one. Although the contact and household route of infection cannot be ruled out when using other people's personal hygiene products. Very rarely, infection occurs in swimming pools, baths, saunas, and public toilets. Pediculosis manifests itself in itching and redness of the skin in the pubic and bikini area due to constant scratching. In addition, small blue and brown spots may appear on the skin, which are the result of lice sucking blood. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by the appearance of rashes, which are an allergic reaction to the waste products of parasites.

  • Diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalances.

    Sometimes irritation in the bikini area can be caused by diseases of the endocrine system, namely diabetes. In this case, a person experiences itchy skin in the groin area. The person begins to scratch the itchy areas, which manifests itself in redness and swelling of the dermis. With hormonal imbalances, irritation most often occurs due to dry skin, which becomes thin and vulnerable. This problem is especially relevant for women after 45 years of age who have entered menopause.

Irritation after shaving or epilation

Irritation after hair removal in the bikini area occurs very often. It can have different intensities. Mild irritation is almost always present after epilation, as the hairs are removed from the roots. However, it passes quickly and remains almost unnoticed by people.

More intense irritation of the bikini area after shaving may be due to the following factors:

  • Incorrect preparation for the hair removal procedure.
  • Refusal to use cosmetics that soften and moisturize the skin, making the machine glide smoother.
  • Using unsterile instruments, which can lead to skin infection.
  • Dry skin due to age or individual characteristics of the body.
  • If normal skin irritation after shaving is not dangerous, then when an infection occurs, the situation changes. Infection is indicated by severe irritation, soreness of the skin or rashes when pressed, the appearance of blisters filled with pus, and a local increase in temperature. You can try to cope with the infection on your own, but if there is no improvement after 1-2 days, you should seek help from a specialist.
  • Wearing tight underwear made of synthetic materials. Irritation occurs in the bikini area not only because there is constant friction in this area. An important point is prolonged skin contact with sweat. Synthetics are not able to absorb moisture, resulting in a “greenhouse effect” that provokes the development of irritation.

In addition, manufacturers of low-quality linen often dye fabrics with low-quality dyes, which themselves can provoke an inflammatory reaction.

On this topic:

Itching and burning in the intimate area in women


Eczema is another type of dermatitis.

A study conducted by American scientists in 2015 showed that eczema is common among young children. However, a small proportion of adults also develop the condition.

Eczema can resemble many other skin problems in its appearance. It should also be noted that it can be caused by the same irritants that provoke the symptoms of contact dermatitis. Eczema is manifested by dryness, itching and the appearance of areas of sensitive skin, including in the groin area.


Over-the-counter creams often help control eczema symptoms, such as itching. By using hypoallergenic products, many people also manage to alleviate or prevent problems.

Athlete's inguinal

Other fungal infections, such as athlete's foot, can also cause itching in the pubic hair area.

Athlete inguinal is a very common medical condition that most often develops in moist and warm environments, such as the groin of people who frequently exercise.

The affected areas become inflamed and irritated. In areas of the skin where itching occurs, red, scaly patches may also form.


Several over-the-counter medications help treat athlete's foot. If these drugs are ineffective, then stronger prescription medications will come to the rescue in the fight against the fungus.


Initially, intertrigo may develop from dermatitis. Intertrigo is characterized by the appearance of a red rash on moist parts of the body, such as skin folds, armpits, and the groin area.

Humidity and heat near the intimate area can lead to overly active development of bacteria and fungi. The intertrigo rash may be dark in color, smell unpleasant, and be accompanied by severe itching.


Over-the-counter antibacterial creams can reduce excess bacteria that cause problems. Similar antifungal agents can reduce the development of fungi.


People with psoriasis may develop what are called plaques in the groin and also on the upper parts of the legs.

According to the US National Psoriasis Foundation, 33 to 66% of people with this condition experience symptoms in the genital area at some point.

Although most people with psoriasis develop plaques on other parts of the body, some may notice the first symptoms in the pubic hair area. These symptoms include itching and red, scaly patches.


Your doctor may prescribe oral medications to treat genital psoriasis.

Genital psoriasis is difficult to treat due to the high sensitivity of the skin in the intimate area. However, doctors may suggest the following therapeutic strategies:

  • topical creams;
  • oral medications;
  • light therapy;
  • biological drugs (usually given to people who do not respond to other treatments).

How to get rid of "troubles"

If irritation cannot be avoided, it is necessary to take measures to soothe the skin. For this, both pharmacy products and traditional methods are used.

Pharmacy products

The abundance of pharmaceutical products is amazing, but before you smear irritation in the intimate area after shaving with drugs from advertising brochures, let's figure out what you should pay attention to and what the composition of such products should be.

When studying the composition, pay attention to the following components: salicylic and glyceric acids, aloe vera, witch hazel.

  • Salicylic acid is a topical antiseptic that is popular for treating all sorts of irritations. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Side effects may include allergies, burning, and hyperemia.

Did you know?
In 1992, Gillette first introduced a shaving system for women - the Sensor Excel System For Women.

  • Irritation can be relieved with aspirin. The tablets should be ground into powder, glycerin should be added and the resulting mixture should be rubbed into the damaged areas of the skin. Do not rinse off.
  • The drug "Vagisil" was created specifically to combat skin irritations after shaving. Available in the form of a cream or gel, it is based on herbal ingredients. Recommended to apply after every shave.
  • The drug "Panthenol" is used to restore the skin in case of irritation. The most effective “Panthenol” is in the form of a spray, although its price is higher than a similar ointment. The active ingredient of this product is dexpanthenol, which is capable of perfectly regenerating the skin. However, it can be used immediately after the appearance of irritation; Panthenol is not used for prevention.
  • An analogue of "Panthenol" is "Bepanten", the drug is available in the form of cream and ointment. If the skin itches after shaving your bikini area, apply a thin layer to the problem area. Its use is permitted during pregnancy and lactation.

  • Ayurvedic cream "Boro Plus" has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects and is an excellent antiseptic. The composition includes herbal ingredients: aloe vera, turmeric, sandalwood, tulsi, vetiver, neem. Use 1-2 times a day until symptoms disappear.
  • Anti-irritation creams are also popular. They can be used both before shaving to soften the skin and after to soothe it. Some creams have a cooling effect. Popular brands that produce such products are Nivea, L'Oreal, Garnier. An effective remedy is also the usual baby cream , which often includes chamomile, string, and celandine.
  • If your skin is prone to irritation, despite preventive measures, the use of anti-irritation ointments would be appropriate. The most popular and proven is hydrocortisone ointment 1%, it relieves itching, burning, and redness.

Hydrocortisone ointment is a hormonal drug and is therefore not recommended for daily use.

  • Zinc ointment works well for disinfection and drying. It perfectly relieves burning sensation on the pubic area in men and women. It is applied to the affected area up to 6 times a day, lightly rubbing.

Traditional methods

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, traditional methods are widely used. You can make your own soothing ointments and lotions at home. Most popular recipes:

  1. aloe vera leaf puree with vegetable oil and rub into the bikini area.
  2. Mix ground oatmeal, honey and any essential oil , apply to the skin with massaging movements.
  3. If your pubis itches after shaving, brew chamomile and mint herbs and use the resulting infusion to wipe the irritated skin.

In case of irritation in the bikini area, it is better to carry out intimate hygiene with laundry soap; it perfectly dries and soothes the skin.

Skin cancer

In rare cases, itching in the pubic hair area can occur due to skin cancer.

If this disease begins to develop on the penis or vulva, it can lead to the formation of red spots that constantly itch. In such cases, fluid may be released from the skin. In addition, the affected areas of the skin may become more sensitive and more prone to bleeding.


For skin cancer, your doctor will perform a complete medical examination to determine the most appropriate treatment.

Preventive measures

Let's move on to the issues of preventing this unpleasant phenomenon. Many people wonder how to avoid irritation? To minimize the risk, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Scrub your skin regularly - this will help reduce the number of ingrown hairs;
  • regularly moisturize the skin, preventing it from drying out;
  • keep shaving tools clean and keep the blades sharp;
  • take care of your skin before and after the hair removal procedure;
  • After the procedure, use a clean towel to avoid introducing germs or infection to the injured skin;
  • Burning after shaving can be avoided by using an electric razor.
  • resort to hair removal procedures no more than once every two days.

For long-term prevention, use waxing. It is performed once every 3-4 weeks, and the damaged skin has time to fully recover by the next procedure.

In the video, the beauty blogger talks about her observations about the depilation procedure in the bikini area without irritation.

In this article, we covered the main points on how to relieve symptoms and get rid of irritation, and looked at preventive measures. We hope you find this information useful.


Mild irritation in the pubic hair area can mostly be prevented with the following steps.

Avoid scratching the skin

When people scratch itchy areas of the body with their fingernails, they usually experience a short-term relief of the itching. However, nails can damage the integrity of the skin and thus aggravate symptoms.

Scratching also increases the risk of developing other problems, such as bacterial infections.

Maintain hygiene

Regularly washing the groin area helps prevent the buildup of germs that cause irritation.

Keep the affected area of ​​the body dry after washing if possible.

To prevent the development of moisture, it is necessary to wear loose clothing made from natural materials, and also dry thoroughly with a towel after taking a bath, shower or swimming.

You should not spend a lot of time in wet clothing, such as a swimsuit, swimming trunks or training suit.

Avoid allergens

By switching to hypoallergenic products, such as appropriate cleansers, soaps and lotions, you can reduce your body's exposure to allergens and avoid skin irritation in the pubic hair area.

Irritant dermatitis on the genitals - treatment

The most important step in treating genital irritant dermatitis is recognizing the irritant and avoiding it.

Cold compresses and baths can help relieve symptoms, and topical corticosteroid creams can be used in the short term.

The patient should reduce frequent washing of the genitals with scented soaps and stop wearing tight synthetic clothing, which may cause irritation. Women should stop using wet sanitary napkins, panty liners, and scented and colored toilet paper.

When should you see a doctor?

You should consult a doctor if the itching does not go away for a long time.

If people develop itching in the pubic hair area that recurs regularly over an extended period of time, people should see a doctor.

The doctor will examine the affected area of ​​skin and then may suggest tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or other medical conditions. In addition, he may refer the patient to specialized specialists, such as a dermatologist or allergist.

If symptoms do not go away after using home treatment methods, then people should go to the hospital in such a situation.

A meeting with a doctor allows you to conduct a full diagnosis and develop an optimal treatment regimen.

Itching after waxing

Many cosmetologists believe that after waxing, irritation and itching are the body’s natural reaction to the resulting stress. It is believed that the first procedure in almost 95% will lead to itching on the skin, which may not occur after subsequent sessions. People with very fair skin are especially susceptible to this reaction after waxing.

An essential sign of irritation and itching after waxing is redness of the skin. It can appear as a single spot, but most often small red dots are formed, abundantly scattered over the treated surface. Redness is accompanied by itching, which often reaches such a degree that you want to scratch the skin.

Causes of itching after waxing:

  • low quality wax;
  • incorrect implementation of the procedure, violation of the instructions for using the product;
  • sensitive skin; allergy to wax or auxiliary elements of hair removal products;
  • the presence of damage to the treated area of ​​the skin (scratches, wounds);
  • recent depilation of the treated area with a razor or epilator;
  • contact after the procedure of the treated skin area with synthetic materials;
  • applying foundation or creams or other products that contain alcohol to the treated skin.

If the waxing procedure in the bikini area is done according to all the rules, then irritation and itching should be minimal

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