What do birthmarks on the genitals mean? Read more about moles on the penis, pubis, labia and the need to remove them

Every person has moles (or nevi) on their body.

They may differ in size, color, shape, location.

If moles are small, then, as a rule, they do not cause inconvenience to their owner.

If there are a lot of moles or they are large, then they require special care.

Often a nevus may be present in the intimate area.

Under certain conditions, regardless of where the mole is located, in the groin, on the pubis or on the labia, it can cause a number of problems to its owner.

Nevus requires special care, as it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

Moles are areas of accumulation of melanin pigment.

They can be congenital or appear during a person's life.

The size of the nevus depends on the depth of its location in the skin.

If the neoplasms are small, then there is no need to touch them.

If a mole changes color or increases in size, then you should urgently go to the doctor.

Why moles appear

The appearance of a nevus can be caused by various reasons, including:

  • the presence of a genetic predisposition - a mole can form during the development of the fetus in the womb
  • changes in the hormonal status of the body - imbalance of hormones in the female body during puberty, during pregnancy, when taking oral contraceptives
  • ultraviolet irradiation - under the influence of ultraviolet rays on the body, melanin begins to be produced in the skin, which leads to the formation of moles on the body or increased growth of those that already exist
  • pathological conditions of the liver or pancreas

Moles on the genitals should be distinguished from warts and condylomas, the appearance of which is caused by papillomavirus (HPV).

Nevi located on the labia can be injured during sexual intercourse, which can provoke their malignancy.

Most often, moles are benign in nature, but when exposed to damaging factors they can degenerate into melanoma.

If the color, shape or size of the nevus changes, as well as if a crack appears, pain, signs of inflammation or bleeding of the tumor, you should contact an oncologist.

The doctor will remove the mole followed by a histological examination for the presence of cancer cells.

Reason for appearing in an intimate place

Moles can appear on the skin in different parts of the body and mucous membranes. They have different appearances, which depend on the depth of their location in the layers of the dermis. Pigment formations located in the intimate area usually have a normal structure, but under the influence of negative factors they can transform into a malignant tumor.

Their appearance is due to the following reasons:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. In women, the surge is triggered by puberty, pregnancy, menopause, taking contraceptive medications and thyroid disease. In men, problems with hormones are rare; the main cause is the use of medications.
  2. Genetic predisposition. The location of a mole is hereditary information transmitted from parents to children.
  3. Pathologies of internal organs - gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver.
  4. Ultraviolet irradiation. When tanning without protection, sensitive skin receives an unusually excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation and reacts with improper production of melanocytes.

According to statistics, congenital pigmented neoplasms have a greater tendency to degenerate.

Types of pigmented nevi on the labia

Moles in the genital area can be congenital or acquired.

The sizes of nevi range from small neoplasms to large ones; the shape also varies - from dotted to warty.

The color of the mole ranges from pale pink to black.

The depth of penetration into the skin also varies.

✓ Hanging moles on the labia

Papillomas have this form - neoplasms that are small in size and flesh-colored or pale pink in color.

Growing rapidly, the new growth becomes similar to a cauliflower inflorescence.

The reason for the formation of papilloma is HPV infection through unprotected sex or through domestic means, ignoring the rules of personal hygiene.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of hanging tumors on the genitals:

  • imbalance of hormones in the body
  • penetration of human papillomavirus infection into the body
  • weakening of the body's immune defense
  • pathology of the endocrine system
  • promiscuous sexual intercourse without the use of protection against STIs
  • insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals into the body
  • chronic stress and anxiety

Hanging growths can provoke the development of an oncological process.

The presence of such neoplasms on the labia can lead to injury with subsequent bleeding, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and interfere with normal childbirth.

Very often, papillomatosis leads to depression and psychosis, developing against the background of psychological discomfort.

If hanging “moles” appear in the intimate area, you must consult a doctor to undergo diagnosis and treatment.

✓ Black moles

Black nevi not only on the labia, but also on other parts of the body are very rare.

If such a neoplasm appears, it requires special attention.

Black moles usually appear in childhood.

They have a uniform color and round shape.

With the onset of puberty, nevi may acquire a darker shade and larger sizes.

Dark moles that form on the labia can be of the following types:

  1. Melanoform nevus . It is a mole with a smooth or dome-shaped surface, having distinct edges. The size of the formation is no more than 5 mm, the shape is round or oval. Nevus does not pose a danger to its owner in terms of degeneration.
  2. Dysplastic . The size of the neoplasm is more than 0.5 centimeters. The mole does not have clear outlines and is asymmetrical. The surface of the neoplasm is heterogeneously colored and slightly swollen in the central part. Such nevi require observation, as they tend to become malignant.
  3. Melanoma. This is a malignant form of nevus. At the beginning of development it looks like a birthmark, which quickly becomes malignant. The main signs of degeneration into cancer:
      fast growth
  4. lack of symmetry
  5. interspersed with several shades
  6. hurts
  7. bleeding

The presence of black moles on the body does not pose a danger to a person until they begin to change.

If characteristic symptoms of degeneration appear, do not hesitate to contact a specialist.

✓ Hemangioma or red mole

Red moles are called hemangiomas.

Their formation on the body, including the labia, is associated with disruption of the vascular system.

They can occur during periods of changes in hormonal balance in the body.

Externally, it is a small convex formation, filled with blood, which gives it a red color.

✓ Congenital moles

The formation of a nevus occurs in the mother’s womb, and the neoplasm begins to appear in the first year of the baby’s life.

Moles on the labia can be small or large.

Neoplasms require observation, as they can develop into melanoma.

✓ Flat pigment spots

Such neoplasms are usually safe, but like all moles, they require observation.

If the nevus begins to increase in size, changes color, peeling and any discomfort appear in this part of the body, you need to visit a specialist to make sure that it has not degenerated.

Self-removal of tumors, both on the labia majora and labia minora, is very dangerous and can cause serious consequences.

New moles - are they dangerous?

Moles are the most common harmless formations on the skin. They usually appear during childhood and adolescence, but new moles can appear in adulthood.

A new mole appears when melanocytes begin to multiply and create a characteristic appearance on the surface of the skin that is different in color from the rest of the skin. New moles may be harmless but may have a malignant origin, such as melanoma, caused by a mutation.

Possible reasons for the appearance of a new mole:

  • exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation – exposure to the sun;
  • bright light;
  • genetics;
  • weakened immune system.

Symptoms of mole degeneration

If moles appear on the labia, then, as a rule, their presence does not bother the person in any way.

Constant traumatization of the nevus can lead to its degeneration.

If signs indicating the development of melanoma appear, you should urgently seek medical help.

Signs of malignancy of the neoplasm are characterized by the following manifestations:

  • nevus color change or discoloration
  • increase in size more than 0.5 cm.
  • deformation of the mole and the presence of asymmetry
  • change in the shape and structure of the neoplasm
  • the appearance of roughness, cracks and any discharge from the surface of the mole
  • pain when touched

How to distinguish from other formations

Often the unexpected appearance of a mole frightens the owner and raises concerns about the development of other, more serious diseases.

Localization: pubis, clitoris, inside the vagina, perineal area, labia, groin.

Mole color: black, red, brown.

Congenital formations grow slowly. Size: small - up to 1.5 cm, medium 1.5-5 cm, large - more than 5 cm.

Moles are often confused with growing papillomas. They can be distinguished by the following criteria:

Papilloma has a color that can vary from flesh-colored to dark chocolate. The shape of the viral formation is uneven, lumpy, and rises above the skin, in contrast to a smooth or slightly convex mole. Grows in places of greatest friction: skin folds, mucous membrane, etc. Growths appear in open areas.

Growth: papilloma grows quickly, mole grows unnoticeably, slowly.

What can be the consequences of a mole on the labia?

Moles on intimate places can pose a threat in terms of degeneration into oncology, so they are at risk for trauma.

When carrying out hygienic measures, during sex, when wearing tight underwear, there is always a risk of injuring the tumor.

If the nevus is damaged, bleeding develops, and if the injured area is not treated with an antiseptic, it can lead to the development of complications.

As a result of injury to a mole, bleeding may develop, so you should immediately try to stop the bleeding.

You will need a bandage or cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

If the nevus comes off, then an attempt must be made to preserve it by placing it in a 0.9% NaCL solution so that histological examination can be carried out.

After this, you should consult a doctor who will examine the affected area and, if the tumor has not completely come off, remove its remains.

The risk of nevus degeneration may be associated with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as when trying to get rid of a mole on your own.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • The nevus began to itch. The doctor will examine you and find out the cause of the itching.
  • if the shape and size of the tumor changes, the doctor will suggest removing it
  • moles become inflamed, change color, groin lymph nodes bleed and are swollen, then the patient will be treated by an oncologist

With a single lesion of a nevus, if it is not malignant, the danger of degeneration is unlikely.

When melanoma is injured, fragments of melanin can enter the systemic circulation, causing skin cancer.

From lyrics to medicine

How aesthetically pleasing and attractive this phenomenon is is an entirely subjective opinion. But there is an important aspect from the field of medicine that you should definitely know about.

  • The moles that a woman is endowed with by nature are congenital and are characterized by extremely slow growth, which stops completely during the process of sexual changes in girls. Usually, they are practically not prone to degeneration into cancerous formations.

    Symptoms of moles on the genitals are very minor, do not bother and cause discomfort

  • Acquired ones have a clear tendency to develop oncology and occur when wearing low-quality underwear and using low-quality hygiene products. Somewhat less often, they can appear in the intimate area as a result of the body’s atopic reaction to care products - soap, shampoos, creams and pads.

The symptoms of moles on the genitals are very minor, do not bother and cause discomfort. They are usually discovered when visiting a doctor. Signs indicating degeneration of pigment formations are as follows:

  1. There is an increase in size.
  2. Manifestations of discomfort, pain, burning and itching in the area of ​​growths.
  3. Redness or darkening, the appearance of roughness, bumps, peeling, and a blurred outline appear.
  4. The upper covers of the nevus bleed, become moist and macerated.

Medicines and treatment methods are chosen exclusively by the attending physician, after a diagnosis as part of a consultation of a gynecologist, oncologist, and allergist. The choice of treatment procedures is quite large - classic topical medications based on potent ingredients, herbs or natural bases. Cryotherapy, laser beam or directed electrical flow are widely used. The main thing is to never treat yourself.

Mole on the labia: prognosis

The appearance of a mole in an intimate place and if the nevus is handled correctly, the development of complications is unlikely.

When melanoma develops, the outcome of the disease is significantly influenced by timely diagnosis and prompt treatment.

Survival is influenced by factors such as tumor depth and the number of layers affected.

If the penetration of melanoma is shallow, then treatment can have a better effect than in the presence of deep damage and the spread of pathological cells with blood throughout the body.

Should I delete

The operation helps to eliminate hanging, convex defects in the intimate area, when the large size of the pigmented area is determined. Removal is performed with a scalpel. The specialist uses an incision to capture healthy skin, the surface layer of cells. The nevus is removed and the wound is sutured using a cosmetic suture. Histology examines the removed tissue.

The method helps to remove the defect in one session so that it does not degenerate into a tumor.

You need to remove a mole when:

  • dimensional change exceeded;
  • when the formation is in the vagina;
  • there is a suspicion of cancer;
  • the spot is divided into several parts;
  • injury to the defect often occurs;
  • there are cosmetic problems.

Inflammatory diseases, infections, and genital herpes are contraindications to surgery.

After surgery, the following measures are necessary:

  1. Treat the skin with peroxide.
  2. Apply an antibiotic to the wound and secure with a bandage.
  3. Perform actions until healing.

If the patient does not follow the rules, infection, complications of the disease, and pigment spots are possible.

Disadvantages of the surgical method: duration of rehabilitation, risk of scars, exposure to the sun is contraindicated.

You can replace the operation with the following methods:

Method nameImpact
CryotherapyLiquid nitrogen eliminates scarring without pain. Several nevi or one lesion are removed.
Electrical destructionHigh temperature promotes painless excision of the defect.
LaserUsing a laser, hanging nevi are removed. The advantage is that there are no traces.
Radio wave methodA scar remains after removal by radioactive radiation.

An effective and painless method of removal is laser.

Some experts believe that a mole can be cured without radical methods. Medicines act more slowly, but help achieve the effect:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • skin changes occur;
  • eliminate germs;
  • there is a healing effect;
  • normalizes the relief of the epidermis.

Popular medical remedies for eliminating nevi:

SolcodermEliminates benign nevi and plantar warts.Cannot be used during pregnancy, elimination of freckles, metastases.
Stefalin It has a high degree of permeability and removes papillomas and moles.Individual sensitivity to the drug.
VerrucacidHelps to cauterize the skin, the growth peels off under the influence of the drug, 5 applications are enough.Swelling, burning, itching.
AldaraElimination of condylomas, papillomas in intimate places.Swelling, itching, burning.

Use medications as recommended by a doctor. The dermatologist will prescribe effective medications.

Diagnosis of moles

To make a diagnosis, the ICD10 classification is used.

Moles, regardless of their size and location, are prone to degeneration and therefore require observation.

The diagnosis is based on collecting anamnesis, patient complaints and examination data.

The doctor determines how long ago the nevus formed, the presence of changes, and also finds out whether the neoplasms have been diagnosed or treated.

Basic methods for studying neoplasms:

  1. Oncocytology . If the nevus is damaged or bleeding, then biomaterial is taken from its surface and subjected to microscopic analysis. The technique allows you to determine the type of mole and the possibility of its degeneration into melanoma.
  2. Biopsy and histology. A piece of pathological tissue is taken for examination. The analysis makes it possible to detect malignant cells at the very beginning of tissue degeneration. The technique is traumatic, which can serve as the beginning of malignancy of the mole.
  3. Computer diagnostics. The method allows you to compare the tumor with samples and make a correct diagnosis, on the basis of which treatment will be prescribed.
  4. Analysis for tumor markers. For the study, blood is drawn and protein C 100 and other tumor markers of melanoma are determined in the laboratory. Based on the results obtained, additional studies may be prescribed.
  5. Dermatoscopy. A special oil composition is applied to the nevus, after which a specialist examines the mole using a special device (dermatoscope). The integrity of the skin is not compromised during dermatoscopy, and the method itself is quite accurate. The study allows us to establish the structure of the neoplasm and the state of the dermal layers.

What women's moles say

In the vast majority of random situations, such pigmented formations can be benign; under the influence of a number of factors, degeneration into melanoma can occur. But be that as it may, for many women, moles on the labia even today become signs of one or another dignity. For example:

The left labia has a small and very impressive mole. This woman is characterized by an outstanding charm, given to her by nature from the first days of her life. She is given the ability to know perfectly well about her secret abilities and skillfully use them in a system for solving her own goals. Usually, small, spectacular formations appear on the genitals in the groin area. At the same time, they have a lot - their rare and touching beauty fades noticeably and quickly. She needs to have a support group in the form of reliable friends and a stable good reputation. If she does not have time to do this, then there is a risk of remaining completely alone in her old age.

Under the influence of a number of factors, moles can degenerate into melanomas

Moles on the right side can indeed be prophetic. The right labia can become the place where all life's beauty and wisdom are localized; women with such a mole have everything. She may be attractive, but not be highly intelligent or have high levels of emotionality. From a very early age, she is destined to be different from everyone, even in her own family. She will be amazingly beautiful, in many ways exceeding even the wildest expectations of men. With all its advantages, it is so interesting that, like a powerful magnet, it will attract a variety of representatives of the stronger sex. Adventurers and swindlers, rich and successful people, business tycoons and criminal personalities will appear near her. Very often in her younger years, her choice is not correct enough, because she is drawn to bright and extraordinary men, but after several mistakes, this woman settles on a calm, good and wealthy life partner. Most of the owners of moles on the right labia are epicu reiki, energetic and restless, enjoying life and all its colors, with excellent health and appetite.

In many human cultures, the beauty of a woman as a continuator of life is glorified. Despite the fact that moles in the intimate area are deeply hidden from prying eyes and only the owner herself, a person close to her and the attending physician can know about their beauty, their beauty has been sung by poets and artists. Particularly common is the description of a lady's “rose”, which has a mole - a drop of dew in Arabic poetry, treatises of Ancient China and Japan. There is even a belief here that a woman with a mole in this place will certainly give birth to talented and intelligent children. And the rarest natural phenomenon is the appearance of a girl whose perineal area is literally covered in moles. Very often they are difficult to count; they can be different in size and color; they are mostly flat, equal to the surface of the skin. Women with similar growths of the innate type have always been considered the chosen ones of the gods and have significant karmic abilities.

Differential diagnosis of mole

The main task of a dermatologist when a patient comes to him is to correctly differentiate a mole from other growths.

To do this, the general condition of the skin is analyzed, including developmental defects, the number of moles and their types.

Difficulties in diagnosis are explained by the presence of a large number of known pathologies of the dermis that accumulate pigment.

A mole is differentiated from such neoplasms as fibroma, basal cell carcinoma, papilloma, condyloma, wart, etc.

Some types of nevi can mimic a tumor.

For example, congenital moles can be large in size and asymmetrical in shape.

They are also subject to degeneration.


Hanging moles are not recommended to be removed in the following cases:

  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Acute infectious and inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • A decrease in the body’s protective properties as a result of surgical interventions undergone in recent months.
  • Skin damage in the area of ​​intervention.

Mole removal is not recommended during menstruation and at high body temperature. If there are relative contraindications, the doctor will suggest postponing the procedure for a while until the body recovers and is ready for outside intervention.

Where to remove a mole on the labia

Often women do not know which doctor monitors the condition of moles, as well as where to go to get examined and, if necessary, remove a mole in an intimate place.

  • You can go to your local clinic and make an appointment with a dermatologist, who will conduct a diagnosis and take biomaterial for examination.
  • If a woman is found to have condylomas on the labia majora and minora, a gynecologist or venereologist will treat the patient and remove the growths.
  • In the event that the results show the degeneration of a mole, you will have to contact an oncologist to begin treatment without delay.

Can a benign mole grow?

Moles grow, as already mentioned, under the influence of internal and external factors. They change appearance throughout life - they evenly thicken, turn pale, darken, and grow along with the skin. And if the mole begins to grow, but its increase in size occurs slowly, in proportion to the growth of the body, then this condition should not cause any special concern. These are natural changes in which the risks of the tumor degenerating into melanoma are minimal. Well, if this growth is rapid, the mole shows signs of a dysplastic nevus, it is recommended that it be examined and removed.

Removing moles on the labia

The results of the study will determine what treatment the doctor chooses.

The main method of therapy, if there is a possibility of injury to the nevus or the neoplasm causes inconvenience, is excision.

To remove a mole, the doctor chooses one of the most suitable methods:

  1. Cryodestruction. The technique is based on exposing pathological tissue to low temperatures. The nevus is treated with liquid nitrogen, which promotes its freezing and subsequent death. After the mole falls off, healthy tissue forms in its place. The main advantage of this technique is that scars never remain at the site of removed tumors. When removing a nevus, there is no need for anesthesia, and no damage to healthy tissue occurs.
  2. Electrocoagulation. Excision of the tumor is carried out under the influence of electric current. Using an electrode with a loop at the end, the growth is cauterized. The procedure is quite painful, so before removing the mole, the area of ​​the skin is first numbed. The advantage of the procedure is that it is bloodless, but only small nevi can be removed.

  1. Laser therapy. Excision of tumors is carried out using a laser beam. The method is applied to any part of the body. The laser is not used to treat large formations. After removal of tumors, complications may occur in the form of scar formation.
  2. Radio wave therapy . A nevus is removed using a radio wave. The method is one of the most common, since after removing the tumors, the affected area of ​​the skin heals quickly.
  3. If there are large moles, removal is possible only with the use of a scalpel. After excision of the tumor, the doctor applies stitches. The disadvantage of the procedure is the formation of a postoperative scar. The operation requires anesthesia.

To diagnose and remove a mole on the labia, contact the author of this article, a dermatovenerologist in Moscow with many years of experience.

How to accurately determine whether a mole is growing or not?

Sometimes it may seem that the mole that we have been carrying all our lives has grown in size. Sometimes it may seem that it has increased greatly. Unfortunately, the words “seems to have increased” will not help the doctor make a diagnosis. Accurate data required. There is an easy way to get them:

  1. Take a good photo of the mole against the background of a ruler with millimeter divisions. It's better to use a camera with a flash in macro mode. The photo must be taken by another person.
  2. If you have the slightest doubt about the size of the mole, you need to attach a ruler to it and compare the size with that in the original photo.

Why do you need to remove hanging moles?

Hanging moles are one of the most traumatic neoplasms on the body. If you carelessly touch and tear off a mole, it can cause severe bleeding. Therefore, when a mole is located in an area that is regularly exposed to external influences, it is better to remove it.

Particularly attentive to hanging moles should be patients who have been diagnosed with the human papillomavirus, which can provoke the degeneration of benign neoplasms into malignant ones. Also, with hanging moles, the risk of developing Coca's disease and diabetes mellitus increases.

After removing a mole, you need to monitor your condition. If there is itching or bleeding, severe redness of the skin, or pain, you should consult your doctor.

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