Exercises to reduce nose size without surgery at home

The nose is one of the most noticeable areas of the face. Disproportionally wide, fleshy or long, it can distort even the most pretty features.

  • Methods for reducing nose at home - a good solution or a mistake?
      Makeup for nose reduction
  • Rhinocorrectors for nose reduction
  • Massage for nose correction
  • It is not surprising that fashion publications describe many ways to cope with the problem, ranging from rhinoplasty to complex makeup. Which ones really help and which ones are ineffective?

    How long does it take to achieve results?

    Most often, noticeable results can be noted 2-4 weeks after the start of gymnastics. It depends on the person’s age and individual facial parameters. If after a month there are no visible changes, perhaps the classes are not conducted intensively enough, irregularly, or the exercise is selected or performed incorrectly.

    Exercises to reduce your nose are recommended to be performed every day for 2 weeks, and when progress is evident, the regularity of training can be reduced to 2-3 times a week. If, having achieved what you want, you stop doing face-building, your nose will gradually return to its original shape and size, so it is recommended not to quit.

    Choosing the right exercise

    To reduce your nose, there is no need to perform all existing exercises; 2-3 aimed at eliminating existing defects will be enough. If your nose is beautifully shaped, it is recommended to perform Carol Maggio’s multifunctional exercise to maintain it.

    If there are no flaws, it will not allow them to appear, and will also shorten a long nose and make its tip narrower, the upper lip sharper, and help disguise a small hump.

    The sequence of actions includes 5 steps:

    1. Take a starting position - any comfortable one: sitting, standing, lying down, and even while walking. The main thing is that the stomach should be pulled in, the muscles of the buttocks and the front of the thighs should be tense, and the rest of the body should be as relaxed as possible. It is not advisable to hold or lose your breath; it should be measured.
    2. Using your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the bridge of your nose like a clothespin; your fingers should be straight and positioned vertically. If it becomes more difficult to breathe, your fingers are probably resting on the cartilage; you need to move them a little higher on the bone.
    3. Place the tip of the index finger of the second palm against the nasal septum from below.
    4. Close your lips and, without opening your mouth, lower your lower jaw so that your upper lip stretches and pulls the tip of your nose, while holding it in place with your finger.
    5. Freeze in this position for a second, return to the starting position and relieve tension. Do one set of 40 repetitions daily. When performed correctly, a tingling and slight burning sensation should appear in the area adjacent to the nose.

    If the redness of the nose bothers you, massaging the ears can successfully cope with it.

    You need to grab them so that your index fingers are in front and your thumbs are in back. Massage the edges of the ears in a circular motion for half a minute, moving from bottom to top. There is no need to stretch your ears. At the top, for convenience, you can swap your fingers. Perform 2-3 sets daily until the problem disappears, and when it returns, resume manipulations.


    Correct application of makeup

    YouTube is full of videos where makeup artists offer to make your nose smaller at home using a complex step-by-step makeup routine. This method requires a certain skill, patience and time (up to 20 minutes) daily. The result after professional makeup is amazing: the length is shortened, the tip becomes refined, wide wings turn into narrow, graceful nostrils. Just miracles. But there are also disadvantages. Unlike rhinoplasty, makeup for visually reducing the nose:

    • does not give results from all angles. Tricks with shading and the play of penumbra only work in frontal view. In profile the shape remains the same;
    • If you sweat heavily (going to the gym, doing outdoor activities), swimming in the pool or on the beach, the cosmetics may wash off and the result of the correction will be lost.

    If these disadvantages of correction do not frighten you, then begin to comprehend the basics of the art of makeup.

    Correcting the length, shape, or wide wings of the nose is based on the principle of chiaroscuro: we hide problem areas under darker tones, and highlight areas that you want to narrow or accentuate with a highlighter or light powder.

    List of cosmetics

    A makeup artist's arsenal will help you straighten your nose without surgery before an important event or photo shoot:

    • wide brush for applying foundation;
    • natural bristle brush for blending shades;
    • foundation in three shades (your tone, a lighter tone and a darker tone);
    • fixing mineral powder;
    • brown color corrector;
    • highlighter.

    Tips for applying makeup to make your nose appear smaller

    To begin, cover all skin imperfections with foundation. Next, tint the side parts of the nose (wings) with a brown corrector. Add a little darkening to the tip of the nose. Using a sponge, carefully blend the junction of the foundation and corrector. Apply a narrow strip of highlighter to the central part of the nose (the back). Cunning manipulation allows not only to visually reduce the size of the nose, but also to make it more neat and the bridge of the nose graceful.

    How to visually narrow your nose

    For women who have a wide bridge of the nose, makeup artists advise applying foundation first, and then adding highlighter to the problem area. Additionally, the emphasis from the wide bridge of the nose is shifted to well-groomed wide eyebrows and a classic arrow on the upper eyelid. But owners of a wide nose should avoid arrows on the lower eyelid.

    How to shorten your length using cosmetics

    For those with a long nose, makeup artists suggest applying a brown corrector to the tip of previously cleansed skin. Blend the product thoroughly with a brush, cosmetic sponge or beauty blender. Fix the corrector on top with transparent mineral powder.

    How to make a hump less noticeable

    The hump is the highlight of the oriental type. If you don't like this facial feature, try hiding it with brown concealer. A dark color will remove the protruding part, making the bridge of the nose more even.

    How to make your nose less snub

    You can change the shape of a nose with a perky profile using brown concealer applied along the middle of the back, but without going to the tip or bridge of the nose. For a natural effect, do not forget about shading and powder.

    How to make your nose look smaller with makeup

    Makeup artists correct the typically Slavic profile with wide wings using highlighter and concealer. Apply the corrector to the side parts in the form of long vertical lines. We use highlighter on the back of the nose (middle part).

    How to make a short nose visually a little longer

    While some people dream of using rhinoplasty to make their profile shorter, others suffer from a small nose. Highlighter applied to the back and tip will eliminate the problem.

    Step-by-step lessons with photos

    To see more clearly that you can really change the shape of your nose with makeup, watch the photo tutorial. If you don’t succeed the first time, don’t despair, 2-3 practices and everything will work out.

    Contraindications to nasal gymnastics

    Facebuilding activities should be postponed or stopped altogether if:

    Neck problems (hernia, sprain, osteochondrosis and injuries)Overloading the muscles will aggravate existing problems and prolong the recovery period.Postpone until recovery
    HerpesThere is a danger of spreading infection.Postpone until wounds are completely healed.
    Oncological diseasesInsufficient research into the effects of exercise does not rule out its negative impact on cancer.Specialist consultation required
    Pregnancy periodIt is undesirable to overstrain the abdominal muscles, so as not to cause uterine tone and create a threat of miscarriage.Postpone until after birth
    Injuries, inflammations and unhealed wounds of the nose, traumatic brain injuriesThere is a risk of deterioration, additional muscle trauma and an increase in the recovery period.Postpone until complete healing
    Surgery and facial plastic surgery, immediately after Botox injections and cosmetic proceduresThere is no guarantee that until the muscles have fully recovered from mechanical impact on them, gymnastics will not cause harm.The first 2 years are contraindicated; further consultation with a specialist is required.
    Poor health, hypertension, fever, hypertensive crisis, dilated blood vessels, problems with the lymphatic system, exacerbation of diseases, inflammation of the facial nerves.The risk of worsening existing health problems increases.Postpone until problems disappear; if cure is not possible, stop

    Sets of exercises for correcting the nose at home

    To perform gymnastics competently, control is necessary, so you need to perform it in front of a mirror, carefully making sure that there is no tension in the back of the head, the rest of the facial muscles, neck and shoulders. If puffiness and swelling appear after performing the exercises, you should reduce the pressure on the nasal muscles and reduce the number of repetitions.

    The photo shows effective exercises for reducing nose size.

    It is better to increase the load gradually as the muscles strengthen. You should not be lazy and skip face-building classes until obvious progress has appeared, otherwise your time will be wasted. Regularity is the key to successful results.


    If there is asymmetry of the nose, if the tip is curved to the right or left, the solution will be the following exercise: the starting position, order of execution and number of repetitions are the same as in Carol Maggio’s multifunctional exercise, only you need to press with your finger not from below, but from the edge where the nose is tilted , moving the tip “into place.”

    When your nose straightens out, you shouldn’t suddenly quit training ; you need to do gymnastics for at least a couple more weeks in order to consolidate the positive dynamics, after which you can switch to the Carol Maggio multifunctional exercise to maintain progress.


    The exercises for reducing the nose described below, in addition to narrowing, strengthen and tighten the internal muscles of the nose, smooth out nasolabial folds and strengthen the subnasal area.

    • First: open your lips and lift the tip of your nose with your fingertip to expose your teeth. Tuck your lip inward and try to pull it back over your teeth, feeling the resistance of your finger. Do 40 times.
    • Second: lower your chin to your chest and open your lips, while your nose stretches out. Hold for 7 seconds, then close your mouth. It is recommended to do two sets a day of 30 repetitions.
    • Third: bring your chin to your chest and open your mouth, pressing your nostrils with the pads of your index fingers. Looking up is important without wrinkling the skin on your forehead. Flare your nostrils for 10 seconds, then take a short break and perform two more of the same approaches.

    Reducing the nose with a “potato”

    • Using your index finger, press the nasal cartilage from below so that it rises slightly. Deep transverse creases should not appear on it. Contracting the lateral nasal muscles, press your nose onto your finger. Do 20 quick movements, take a 10-second break and repeat the exercise. Shifting your eyebrows and pursing your lips is wrong; your face should be as relaxed as possible.
    • Option two: point out your index fingers, clench the remaining fingers loosely into a fist. There should be no excessive tension in the fingers and hands. With straight index fingers positioned horizontally, you need to tap the area under the nose without touching the tip of the nose. The greatest attention should be paid to the place where the nostrils begin. Perform 35-40 repetitions.

    FlexEffect to strengthen and smooth the sides of the nose

    Wide nasal wings become less pronounced if you place your middle fingers close to them and wrinkle your nose. Stay in this position for 6 seconds. Do it 5 times every day. The ugly shape of the nostrils can be corrected by stroking them with light pressure with your thumbs from top to bottom. Perform 10 times.

    If the nasal wings sink, they can be straightened. Insert your thumbs into the nostrils, and place your index fingers on the cavities of the wings of the nose. Make a movement with your thumb, as if trying to turn your nostrils outward, while simultaneously straining your nasal muscles. Freeze for 6 seconds. Do at least 5-6 repetitions.

    Place your middle fingers on the indentations of the wings of the nose. Wrinkle your nose and tense your nostrils. Using significant pressure, run your fingers along the wings of the nose to its base 3-5 times, stretching the movement for 6 seconds.

    Correction of a hump

    Exercises to reduce the size of the nose will help smooth out a small hump; if it is pronounced, they will not eliminate the problem completely, but will slightly reduce the protruding part. The multifunctional exercise described above from cosmetologist Carol Maggio will help cope with the defect.

    In addition to it, you can simply press hard on the protruding part that you want to smooth out, and hold it as long as you have patience. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise unsightly redness will appear on the skin.

    Leveling the sunken area between the nose and cheeks

    Option one makes a smooth transition from the nose to the cheeks and combats sunken eye sockets. Place the pads of your middle fingers on the hollows near the inner corners of your eyes, your ring fingers themselves will rest comfortably on the bridge of your nose. Wrinkle your nose strongly and slowly smooth out the resulting wrinkles with your fingers, pressing firmly and slowly moving them from top to bottom.

    This movement should end at the bottom of the nostrils and take 6 seconds. 3-5 repetitions are enough.

    Option two makes the furrow between the nose and cheeks less deep. Place your index fingers on the problem area, wrinkle your nose and flare your nostrils. The mouth should be relaxed and closed; there is no need to move it. Then relax the muscles. Recommended number of repetitions is 10.

    Raising the tip of the nose

    Place your index fingers and thumbs around your eyes, simulating binoculars. Your thumbnails should be on the bridge of your nose. The pressure should be noticeable; you should not reduce it, as it prevents the formation of wrinkles in the area around the eyes.

    Wrinkle your nose, raising your upper lip and exposing your teeth. After 5 seconds, give the muscles a rest. Do the procedure 10 times. The massive overhanging tip of the nose will take on a more chiseled shape, the back will be strengthened and the contour of the upper lip will be more attractive.

    Correction of the nasal septum

    Exercises to reduce the size of the nose are powerless to eliminate a septal defect. However, they will help relieve difficulty breathing, soothe the mucous membranes, strengthen blood vessels and relieve swelling.

    • Massage the sinuses: apply propolis-based cream to them and rub it into the skin in a circular motion. It is better to perform these manipulations in the evenings before going to bed.
    • Second method: dissolve a pinch of sea salt in warm filtered water. Take the resulting solution alternately with both nostrils, hold it in the nasopharynx for a while, and then sharply push it out. A painful sensation will appear. Repeat until the pain subsides completely. Regular implementation of the procedure will help avoid rhinitis.
    • Lightly tapping your nostrils and the bridge of your nose with your fingers , inhale, then exhale completely without pausing and stop breathing for a couple of moments. Do 2-3 sets a day 10 times at first, and after nasal breathing is restored - 1 time a day.
    • With your mouth tightly closed, hum any song, feeling the vibration in your nose.
    • Open your lips and stretch your upper jaw towards your lower jaw , avoiding the formation of wrinkles in the corners of your mouth. The tip of the nose will move down, the nostrils will move closer together, and tension will appear under the sinuses. Do not frown your eyebrows or forehead. Wait 2-3 seconds, then give all muscles a rest, then continue again, making the largest number of approaches, this will allow the septum muscle to strengthen faster.
    • “Ear-nose” exercise to straighten a deformed septum - place your index finger on the side of the nose in which the septum is displaced, and press firmly so that it stands straight. Do it as many times as you have patience for, and as often as possible.

    Visual effect

    Exercises for a thin nose are accompanied by the right makeup:

    • The wings are darkened, the tip, on the contrary, is slightly lightened;
    • You can use highlighter; To remove a hump on the nose and visually reduce it, you will need a foundation that is a shade darker; it will hide defects and distract attention from the area;
    • It is applied after the first light layer;
    • The boundaries cannot be drawn clearly; light shading and smooth transitions are needed;
    • From the bridge of the nose in both directions, with light movements, the foundation is stretched to the cheeks.

    The perception of shape is also influenced by other signs: suitable hairstyle, facial expressions. Over time, you will be able to find your own way of masking flaws, with which your face will look as advantageous as possible. Shyness will disappear, self-confidence will give a woman a special charm.

    Precautions when performing nose exercises

    • Before you start face-building, it is important to thoroughly wash and dry your hands, rub your palms so that they become warm. Nails must be carefully processed and not leave scratches.
    • In 20–30 minutes. Before performing gymnastics, it is advisable to apply massage oil, cream or ointment to the skin; they will nourish the skin, give it a healthy appearance and reduce the risk of injury.
    • Gymnastics should not cause pain; if pain occurs, the pressure should be reduced.

    Immediately after exercise, fragile muscles become toned, and positive changes can be observed over the course of several hours. This signals that everything was done correctly.

    Not all defects of the nose can be corrected through exercises to reduce the size of the nose, but gymnastics can significantly improve the appearance, prolong youth, prevent facial features from drooping, and restore impaired respiratory functions.

    Author: Liliya Razzhivina (Meerjungfrau)

    Application of threads

    The thread technique allows you to slightly raise the tip. The essence of the procedure is that the doctor inserts strong threads with notches into the tissue through micropunctures with a special needle. Thanks to the counter arrangement of notches on the threads, the skin and soft tissues are raised. Next, the threads are fixed in the desired position and become a frame that prevents the soft tissue from descending. To lift the tip, threads are passed through the cartilage and secured at the top of the nose.

    Two days later, the cosmetologist trims the ends of the threads, after which the final result appears. It lasts for approximately three years.

    Advantages of threads:

    • minimum swelling and bruising;
    • no significant complications;
    • tissues are not affected in large quantities;
    • speed of the procedure – about 20 minutes;
    • no general anesthesia.
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