Sulfur. General characteristics, preparation, chemical properties

September 12, 2011

Due to the fetid odor when burning, sulfur was considered an attribute of otherworldly forces. Unnecessary rumors. This substance is necessary for humans to maintain tissue health.

Sulfur has been known to man since time immemorial. Its volatile compounds, which have an unpleasant odor, have given the mineral a bad reputation. Sulfur has long been considered an attribute of otherworldly forces. Each of us also has a lot of “demonic” in us. For one kilogram of human weight, approximately 2 grams are sulfur.

Why is it needed?

After calcium and phosphorus, sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the human body.
Every living cell contains sulfur, since it is part of the amino acids methionine and cysteine ​​- the “building blocks” of a living organism. Beauty recipe

Deterioration in the appearance of skin, hair and nails indicates not only sulfur deficiency. Find out what a woman's diet should include so that cosmetics advertising does not make her feel guilty about her imperfect appearance.

In addition, sulfur is also part of keratin, which ensures
the strength and health of hair, skin and nails
It also plays a significant role in the production of collagen, a connective tissue that helps maintain skin elasticity, joint strength
, and
wound healing
Sulfur is also involved in cellular respiration, helping cells use oxygen efficiently. This substance is considered a powerful detoxifier :
it helps remove toxins from the body.
In addition, sulfur plays an important role in the metabolism of some B vitamins and biotin. Sulfur is often used in preparations to treat various skin diseases
: eczema, psoriasis, diaper rash, dandruff and acne.

Benefits of Various Vegetables Containing Sulfur

Garlic, onions, shallots, leeks and other vegetables from this group of plants contain various sulfur compounds. For example, sulfur, derived from garlic, has anti-cancer properties. At least, this is what scientists believe after several laboratory studies. And a substance from onions improves glucose tolerance in diabetics.

Sulforaphane, an organosulfur compound found in broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, increases glutathione activity, reduces mitochondrial permeability and reduces oxidative stress (essentially, massive production of free radicals) in the body.

Quite interesting research results were shared by scientists who conducted an experiment in one of the Chinese provinces (with a fairly high level of air pollution). It is unfavorable environmental conditions that are called the cause of the frequent occurrence of liver cancer in the local population. However, people who regularly consume broccoli have, so to speak, immunity against free radicals. It has also been observed that broccoli reduces oxidative stress in patients with type 2 diabetes.

And sulfur compounds, present in all types of cruciferous vegetables, have powerful anti-cancer properties and counteract carcinogenic substances, including trans fats.

What if it's not enough?

Sulfur deficiency is extremely rare and only occurs in those who receive virtually no protein foods
. Strict vegetarians should be especially careful when planning their diet. They need to regularly consume plant foods containing essential amino acids. Symptoms of sulfur deficiency are mainly skin and hair problems. A lack of the substance can also cause muscle pain, disturbances in the nervous system, circulatory problems, inflammatory reactions and decreased immunity.

Sulfur in products

The body receives the most sulfur from protein foods - mainly meat.

Turkey, chicken, pork, guinea fowl, beef, rabbit, goat meat and most types of fish are not a complete list of foods high in sulfur. For a healthy adult with adequate protein intake, a serving of meat per day can fully provide the required amount of sulfur. Therefore, most nutritionists in the world do not recommend using pharmaceutical supplements containing this mineral. Dairy products (milk, cheese, sour cream) are also foods with a high concentration of macronutrients, and fruits rich in sulfur include bananas, pineapples and watermelon. In addition, there is a lot of sulfur in nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, coconuts) and seeds (sunflower, sesame).

Eggs are no less good sources of S. A serving of quail, for example, can provide almost the same amount of macronutrients as a serving of meat. Chicken eggs, especially the yolks, are also rich in sulfur. But although egg yolks help in the liver detoxification process, people with high cholesterol and heart disease should limit their consumption of this product. The permissible amount of yolks in food is determined by the attending physician.

Almost all fibrous, leafless vegetables, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, are rich sources of sulfur. This list includes corn, peas, spinach, different types of cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi), mustard, asparagus, okra, lettuce, eggplant. And almost all vegetables rich in sulfur have a common characteristic feature - a specific smell.

The most recognizable sulfur-containing plants:

  • cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Chinese and other types;
  • onions: onions, shallots, garlic, leeks.

Interaction with other substances

The “opponents” of sulfur are Selenium, Barium, and also heavy metals – molybdenum and lead, Mo.

For better absorption of sulfur, the following products will help:

  • fish;
  • honey;
  • bran;

  • pumpkin;
  • oatmeal;
  • peas;
  • poultry and rabbit meat;
  • Rye bread;
  • buckwheat.

What do we know about earwax?

Since childhood, every child’s mother has been told that their ears need to be cleaned at least once every few days. And from then on, every person throughout his life has the conviction that his ears need to be cleaned, that wax is dirt and needs to be dealt with. But is it?

Earwax is essential for maintaining healthy ears! And it's absolutely not dirt. It is produced in the outer part of the ear canal, where the sebaceous and modified sweat glands are located. Sulfur protects the ear from itching and irritation, from drying out, prevents the entry of bacteria and fungi (and if they do enter, then having immunoglobulins in its composition, it fights them). Normally, wax is removed from the ear during jaw movement (talking, chewing food). That is, we conclude that the ear cleans itself!

Patients often ask the question: what kind of sulfur should it be: wet or dry, light or dark? Many people think that she is “not like that” for them. In fact, the color and consistency of sulfur may vary. Residents of noisy and dusty cities are characterized by sulfur with a gray tint due to the fact that it collects all the impurities in the air and protects the ear. This is the norm. But if, in addition to sulfur the color of “wet asphalt”, you also feel dryness in the ear, and sometimes crackling or “whining” in the ear canal, then there is a possibility that there is seborrheic eczema in the ear (you need to contact a specialist immediately!). If the wax in the ear has always been light, and then for some reason it became darker (brown), then this indicates an increase in stress levels. This can be compared to increased sweating in a nervous situation. (In this situation, you just need to rest). Sometimes patients ask about black sulfur. This happens too. Earwax darkens when it sits inside the ear for too long because it contains fats, which darken when exposed to oxygen. There is also very light sulfur. This suggests that the body as a whole lacks vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is worth paying attention to copper and iron!

And the most common question is, is it possible to clean ears with cotton swabs? There is no need to poke into your ears at all, neither with sticks, nor pins, nor toothpicks, nor anything else! A few years ago, every package of cosmetic cotton swabs appeared with a warning that they should not be used to clean ears.

Firstly, these sticks are not sterile! Secondly, you can pierce your eardrum or scratch your ear canal. Thirdly, as we have already found out above, sulfur is only on the outside of the ear canal, and with a stick, you will push the sulfur inside, from where it will not get out on its own, but will begin to thicken and darken... and a sulfur plug will gradually form. Frequent symptoms of earwax are: congestion in the ear, decreased hearing, “squelching,” a feeling of fullness in the auditory canal. Don't try to get it yourself. You can push it even further, creating a situation where the eardrum may not be able to withstand it and rupture. Do not use ear candles. There is no evidence that they get rid of earwax, but their insertion can seriously damage the ear canal and eardrum. In addition, paraffin may remain in the ear canal. And sometimes it is difficult for a specialist to remove paraffin from the ear.

Maintaining ear hygiene is extremely simple - you just need to wash the auricle regularly. This is enough to get rid of excess wax that has come out without damaging the protective layer inside the ear.

Take care of your ears and consult a doctor if necessary.

Otolaryngologists at the FAMILY CLINIC will provide you with qualified medical care in case of wax plugs and other problems of the ear, nose and throat.

MSM sulfur contraindications and side effects

Methylsulfonylmethane is a substance of natural (plant) origin, and therefore has no side effects. The drug is non-toxic and no side effects have been recorded when taking it. At the same time, the FDA, which is the regulatory body for pharmaceutical products, has issued a certificate for this product indicating its safety. However, when taking it, it is better not to exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. If you feel discomfort when taking it, drink more water. To maintain overall health, you should take at least 1500mg of MSM daily.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a relative contraindication to taking MSM, get your doctor's approval. Most likely there will be no contraindications for you.

How to cook vegetables while preserving the properties of sulfur

Of course, the most beneficial substances are found in raw vegetables and fruits. But to provide the body with sulfur, not everyone decides to eat a head of onion or garlic. This is, of course, possible, but not very pleasant. Sulfur-containing vegetables more often end up on our table either as components in salads or after heat treatment. But how to prepare a tasty dish and preserve the beneficial properties of sulfur?

Onion and garlic

Many people don't like garlic and onions because of their strong smell. The source of this specific pungent aroma is allyl sulfur compounds, the same ones that help fight cancer, increase the antioxidant properties of vegetables, and prevent liver damage.

But if these vegetables are consumed raw, they use very small portions. More often these products are found boiled, stewed or fried. But if you chop the onion or garlic before cooking and leave it for at least 10 minutes, the process of additional production of allyl sulfur starts, which becomes more resistant to heat.


This vegetable is best cooked in a double boiler - this way it will retain the maximum amount of sulfur. But there are some comments here too. Experiments have shown that a lightly steamed vegetable contains at least three times more sulforaphane than a product after severe heat treatment. It is advisable to finish cooking broccoli at the stage when the cabbage still has a delicate bright green color. This usually takes 3-4 minutes in the steamer.

White cabbage

Again, research shows that lightly stewed cabbage contains more bioavailable organosulfur compounds than vegetables cooked over high heat and for a long time. To preserve the macronutrient, before cooking, chop the cabbage, like the onion, to the desired consistency and leave for a few minutes so that the beneficial compounds (myrosinase) “work.” And just as in the case of broccoli, an excellent cooking option is steaming (steam for 4-5 minutes). If the cooking process takes place using a microwave oven, then it is better to resort to low and medium power.


To activate the myrosinin enzyme and make cauliflower sulfur more bioavailable, it is advisable to cut the vegetable into small inflorescences and leave for 10 minutes. Cook by steam or in the oven. For example, if you mix cauliflower with a little curry, cayenne pepper, salt and olive oil, and then bake it all, you will get a very tasty and sulfur-rich dish.

Brussels sprouts

This type of cabbage, for maximum preservation of sulfur, is also best cooked in a double boiler or baked.
At the same time, the same rule remains relevant: not for long and avoiding too high a temperature. Table of sulfur content in some products

Product name (100 g)Sulfur content (mg)
Sea bass1050
Pink salmon1050
Chicken egg1050
Hard cheeses260
Turkey liver248
Dry peaches240
Beef liver239
Quail egg200
Pork liver187
Duck liver172
Dry apricots170

In some regions, spring drinking water also contains a lot of sulfur. A liquid containing more than 250 mg of sulfates per liter has a pronounced unpleasant odor and taste.

Indications for use

Sulfur is used in folk practice and medicine, for example, in the field of dermatology: with the help of sulfur, doctors “fight” the symptoms of scabies, eczema and folliculitis. The mineral is used for seborrhea, psoriasis or hair loss. Doctors also prescribe it when diagnosing various skin acne, sycosis and herpes zoster.

In the presence of high pigmentation of the epidermis or the presence of freckles, sulfur can be used as an exfoliant, and in case of constipation - as a laxative. Very often, sulfur helps with chronic hemorrhoids. It is also prescribed as an anthelmintic.

When diagnosing polyarthritis or sciatica, the mineral is used as an irritant, and in the presence of progressive paralysis, body temperature is increased using a sulfur suspension. Sulfur is also used for severe poisoning with mercury, metals and hydrocyanic acid. At home, sulfur is used for inflammatory processes of the gums.

The best MSM sulfur on iHerb

Supplements containing MSM can be purchased on the iHerb website. This largest online store offers products from world manufacturers at very competitive prices, promotional code BEF2848 gives an additional discount. Shipping to many countries around the world is usually free on orders over $40, with home delivery over $60. Prices on the site are significantly lower than if you bought the goods in a regular store or pharmacy. Below we highlight the most popular and high-quality options.

  1. Doctor's Best, MSM with OptiMSM, 1500 mg, 120 tablets. Bestseller, only 600 rubles on the day of review.
  2. Doctor's Best, MSM with OptiMSM, 1000 mg, 360 capsules. Here the dosage is smaller, but there is a discount for a large volume.
  3. Doctor's Best MSM Powder with OptiMSM, 250g This is a bargain, as are many powder supplements. If you don’t mind the need to dissolve in drinks, you can take it. An even more profitable option from Now Foods is here.
  4. Solgar, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) 120 tablets. For the sect of Solgar lovers, it’s expensive and rich.

Properties and role in the human body

Sulfur is a chemical element. Outwardly, it looks like a yellow powder. In nature, this element is widespread, and it occurs in various chemical compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide. Among the main functions that sulfur performs in our body, the following should be noted:

  • participation in protein synthesis and providing structures with building material;
  • acceleration of organ recovery after illness or injury;
  • improvement in the condition of hair, nails, skin;
  • activation of collagen synthesis;
  • improvement of blood clotting processes.

Sulfur is an integral element of some important amino acids that are directly involved in metabolism in the liver. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, the neutralization of toxins and the removal of toxins and decay products. The element is also present in insulin. Without it, normal carbohydrate metabolism is impossible. Sulfur regulates energy consumption, suppresses the mechanisms of allergy development, and activates the production of bile. It has a certain rejuvenating effect and improves the condition of muscle tissue. In addition, sulfur has anti-inflammatory properties and supports cartilage tissue structures.

MSM sulfur dosage

The recommended daily dose of MSM can vary from 2 to 20 g, depending on body weight, health status and chronic diseases. In the first couple of weeks, the dose should be increased to compensate for the deficiency. The organic sulfur in MSM is very well absorbed, part of the MSM is delivered to the cells of the mucous membrane, while the rest of the substance is quickly absorbed into the blood. MSM quickly penetrates cell membranes and is well absorbed by subcellular structures (mitochondria, lysosomes, nucleus, etc.). Within 24 hours, the sulfur released from MSM is completely absorbed by the tissues of the body, and its excess is removed with urine and bile.

An overdose of MSM from a normal diet or taken as a supplement as directed by a physician or manufacturer is unlikely because it is a water-soluble substance with no ability to accumulate in tissues. MSM is considered one of the least toxic biological substances, as is water. Regular table salt is much more toxic than MSM. An experiment was conducted in which volunteers took increased dosages of MSM in the amount of 1 g per 1 kg of body weight for 30 days. The experiment participants did not complain of any toxic effects. Considering that some sulfur comes from food, general recommendations for taking MSM in supplement form are as follows:

  1. For arthritis: Take 1000 mg two or three times daily.
  2. For back pain: take 1000 mg three times a day.
  3. For allergy symptoms: 1000 mg twice daily.
  4. Prophylactically: take 500 mg three times a day.

Most people can comfortably tolerate doses of MSM up to 4000 mg. Research shows that taking more MSM will not provide better results, so higher doses are not necessary.

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