Spells for warts: on a thread, on potatoes, on the waning moon, on millet

  • November 2, 2018
  • Dermatology
  • Natalie M

A minor nuisance on the skin in the form of warts can greatly poison a person’s life, especially if the number of these growths on the body is large. In modern medicine, there are many different methods of treating this scourge. But if the growth appears in a single copy, then you can use spells for warts, which will be discussed in our article. Of course, many are accustomed to using traditional medicine recipes to combat these tumors, for example, products made from celandine. However, there are also those people who still resort to the help of white magic, claiming that wart spells are very effective in the fight against these unpleasant growths. There are many different rituals that can permanently rid a person of papillomas on the body. Let's look at the most effective conspiracies for warts, as well as the features of the rituals.

Rules for reading the plot

Not every modern person knows how to correctly perform magical manipulations. A huge number of conspiracies for warts have come to the modern world from ancient times. However, it should be noted that modern folk white magic is also often practiced. For example, this includes the rituals of a healer from Siberia, Natalia Stepanova, who help remove warts on the hands and other areas of the body. Of course, an inexperienced person can turn to such a healer for help. However, you can heal warts on your hands, feet, face and other parts of the body yourself at home, if you follow all the rules of the ritual. There should be no difficulties with this procedure if you strictly follow the basic rules, which are as follows:

  1. All conspiracies are read on the waning moon, if there are no other conditions for the ritual.
  2. Before talking about a wart, you need to prepare the room. It should be thoroughly cleaned at least 24 hours in advance, and Thursday salt should be sprinkled along the walls and threshold to cleanse the energy inside.
  3. In addition, before talking about a wart, you need to prepare yourself both physically and spiritually. To do this, you need to take a bath, put on clean clothes, mentally tune in, concentrate, calm down, and if possible, it is best to meditate. Before starting to treat warts with spells, women should remove all jewelry and unbraid their hair.
  4. To achieve any results, first of all you need to believe in yourself, as well as in magic.

If you adhere to these simple rules, then a spell for warts on the waning moon will definitely help you get rid of these growths on your body. Now let's get acquainted with the best rituals.

Rituals and means used by the people

Popular beliefs have their own methods of getting rid of warts.

For example:

  1. Each growth must be pierced with a pin or hairpin. Close your eyes and stick a sharp object into the ground or tree.
  2. Use the flat side of the blade to move along the papilloma. After this, you need to run a sharp edge along the tree bark.
  3. Find a pebble near the river and touch it to each protrusion on the skin. From where you stand, walk nine steps. Turn your back to the water, throw a stone into it over your left shoulder.
  4. Pierce the papilloma, or make a cut so that blood comes out. Transfer a drop of blood to the millet (can be replaced with a coin). If there was millet, it should be fed to the birds, if it was a coin, it should be left at the crossroads.

How to increase the effectiveness of folk rituals

In order for the ritual to be especially powerful and for you to get the maximum effect from it, you need to select a specific day according to the lunar calendar.

How to select the phase of the moon:

  1. New Moon. As soon as the first day of the new moon arrives, the rituals become weaker. Nevertheless, rituals performed on these days are ideal for attracting good luck. It is better to choose the new moon in order to renew the beauty of your body or skin, but in order to get rid of growths.
  2. When the new month just appeared. During this period, magical rituals are associated with improving life. Such days are not suitable for curing warts.
  3. Conspiracy of warts for the waning moon. The passing month allows you to take all negative events with you, overcome troubles and get rid of what you don’t need. The waning moon is used during rituals related to recovery and weight loss. Therefore, this time is good for eliminating papillomas. Days like these give rituals additional power.
  4. Full moon. This is an ideal time to read conspiracies, because rituals receive maximum power. Illumination of the full lunar disk enhances any magic.

The right day also has an impact; it can also strengthen the power of the conspiracy. For women, it is better to stop on Wednesdays or Fridays. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are suitable for men.

Conspiracy on a string

To carry out this ritual, you need to find a red thread made of cotton, the length of which should be 30 cm. What does the plot of a wart on a thread mean? To do this, you need to go outside when the sun sets, touch all the growths on your body with a thread and tie as many knots on it as the number of warts you have on your body. At the same time, you should pronounce the following words: “Young month, take all the warts with you.”

After this, the enchanted thread must be buried in such a way that no one can ever find it. When it rots, all warts should come off the body. With the help of this plot, you can even remove growths from a child.

Self-disappearance of warts

Such growths can sometimes disappear on their own. But more often this applies to flat and ordinary warts. Less often, neoplasms of other types go away on their own, and this is facilitated by a strong immune system.

In order for the wart to disappear and the disease to go away on its own, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. avoid stress,
  2. try to get enough sleep and control blood pressure surges,
  3. timely treatment of chronic diseases,
  4. maintain the protective properties of the immune system.

Potato spell

There is also a very effective spell of warts on potatoes. To do this, the vegetable must be cut in half with some harsh, strong thread. Half of the root vegetable should be used to rub the area where the accumulation of these unpleasant growths is located.

During this manipulation, you need to read the following spell: “With this hand I wipe the potatoes and remove the warts. Amen!" You must say this phrase 3 times. After this, the potato halves should be tied tightly with the same thread, and then buried in the ground, saying the following words: “When the potato rots, the wart will go with it.” When the potatoes rot in the ground, the warts on the body will also disappear.

Doctors' recommendations for reducing warts

Doctors do not recommend removing a wart on your own in the following cases:

  • when the growth quickly changes structure, size and color,
  • if such a tumor is very painful or causes unbearable itching,
  • when the wart begins to bleed or fester,
  • if the growth is on the mucous membrane, or is constantly injured.

In all these cases, it is better to consult a specialist and only after consultation use traditional medicine. Otherwise, home disposal may lead to unwanted complications or consequences.

Millet spell

To make a spell against warts using millet, you need to cook this cereal without adding salt. When the resulting mixture has cooled, it is necessary to make lumps from it, which are applied to the tumors on the body, while repeating the following words 13 times in a row: “Wart, nodule, I’ll give you a kick in the ass. I'll make some millet porridge, get out in the morning. Let it be so. Amen!"

When you read the spell, you need to wrap the porridge in paper, where you also need to write the words of the spell with a pen. Then it is flushed down the toilet along with the millet. This ritual must be repeated after 2 weeks.

Rituals on food products

Our ancestors used in magical rituals what they always had in their home. Among other magical accessories, combs, threads, needles, etc. were often used. Many healing recipes include the use of food products.

The most popular in the fight against skin growths are spells for cereals (rice, millet, etc.), milk, meat, as well as fruits and vegetables. There will be no problems with performing rituals. All the necessary paraphernalia is available in every kitchen.

Magic on potatoes

Regular potatoes help against warts. It needs to be cut into 2 halves with a thick thread. The problem area is rubbed with them saying:

Repeat the plot 3 times, and then wrap the potatoes with the same thread. You need to go outside and bury the potatoes far away deep into the ground, saying:

The growths will completely disappear from the patient’s skin when the potatoes rot in the ground. Healing will come in a few months.

Potatoes for ritual can be found in every home

Spell on millet

Charmed lumps of millet, which are applied to problem areas, will help against problematic growths on the skin. The ritual itself is simple. You need to boil the millet, cool slightly and roll it into small balls. They are applied to warts while reading the plot:

You need to read the words 13 times. Afterwards, the spoken words are written down on a sheet of paper in which lumps of porridge are wrapped. They need to be flushed down the toilet. For greater effectiveness, the ritual is repeated after 2 weeks.

To the apple

An ordinary apple will help you overcome skin disease. It is cut into 2 halves, with which they rub problem areas of the skin, saying:

Both halves of the apple are placed on the windowsill, where they should rot. Once this happens, the disease will go away.

The apple should be cut into two halves

Conspiracy for meat

The plot for meat is one of the most effective in treating papillomas on the body. This method is effective and simple. The patient needs to buy meat at the market and cut it into small pieces. The ritual is performed on the waning moon and is similar to the ritual performed with potatoes.

  1. You need to pick up a piece of meat.
  2. Rub it on the problem area.
  3. Read the plot:

After reading the magic words, you should go outside and bury the meat in the ground. When it rots, then healing will occur.

On a chicken leg

You can also use chicken leg against papillomas. The raw product is used in the ritual. They need to tap the growth on the skin while reading the following words:

When the plot is read, you need to go outside in search of any fruit tree. You need to bury a magical accessory underneath it so that animals don’t get it.

Conspiracy for meat

The spell for warts, which is done on meat, is considered to be one of the more powerful ones. To do this, you need to purchase a piece of veal or beef at the market. A square is cut from this piece so that its size completely covers the warts, rub them when the Moon wanes. During this, the following words are said: “When the meat rots, the wart will go away.”

After these words, the meat is buried in the ground. As a rule, this product rots quite quickly, so warts on the body will also go away quickly.

How to conduct rituals correctly

Conspiracies for warts should be read in a confident tone, in a focused and calm state. It is very important to believe that the rituals will help, since any doubts remove the magical power of the procedure. There are a large number of rituals and prayers. When choosing them, you need to take into account the conditions so that no one disturbs you, since some of them can be carried out in the morning or at night. There should be no discomfort, panic or fear when performing. All energy should be focused on the actions being performed.

The best days of the week for performing magical procedures are considered to be Wednesday, Saturday or Friday; for men, Monday and Friday are favorable, or Tuesday is possible. For quick results, say prayers on the old moon. It is recommended that the prayers be read by a woman, and not by the patient himself. Female energy has a more powerful force, which allows you to get rid of large papillomas.

Chicken leg spell

This ritual helps to get rid of warts on the foot, as well as any plantar growths. To do this, you need to take a chicken foot, tap it on the wart, while saying the following words: “Go away the wart, go to the chicken foot. My foot will become clean, and the wart will go away forever. Let it be so!"

When these words are spoken, the paw should be buried in the ground under some fruit tree, so that even animals cannot reach it. When this paw rots, the wart will also disappear from the body.

The benefits of potatoes

The effectiveness of using a potato recipe is due to its beneficial properties:

  • blocks the spread of the inflammatory process,
  • has antiviral and antimicrobial effects,
  • accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Potatoes contain a huge amount of useful substances, which is why they are often used in folk medicine. There are many proven recipes, rituals and spells for potatoes that really give excellent results and get rid of warts.

Milk spell

To perform this ritual, you must use only fresh milk that you have just received from the cow. To get rid of warts, you need to read the following spell on the drink: “In the name of the father, son and holy spirit. Amen. I will cross myself, I will pray for salvation, I will arm myself with God’s grace. Hey you, hanging, angry ghouls, go away with (name), do it faster, run, from eyes to shoulders, from shoulders to boots, from boots to hummocks, from hummocks to a twig, from twigs to a leaf. Veter Vetrovich, pick this leaf, take it to the field, to the river and across the bridge, into the dark forest. There is an evil beast in the forest. He stamps his foot, and you, hanging sores, leave with (name) forever. My work is tenacious, my word is accurate. Lock, key, tongue. Amen."

After this, the right hand must be moistened with milk, on which the spell was made, with each finger, starting with the little finger, while touching the growths. Then the hand is washed, but the milk is not washed off from the warts.

Coin spell

This ritual will help you get rid of not only warts, but also papillomas, which are no better. To do this, you need to take any coin and apply it to the tumor on the body, while saying the words: “From my womb to another. From a sore and itchy place to a dry and clean place. When the hands change, then the sores will dissipate.”

If there are several growths on your body at once, then you need to take the same number of coins as there are on the skin. The spell must be read the same number of times. Then the coins are thrown into a crowded place. When someone picks up a coin, all papillomas and growths will disappear from your body.

Possible harm and contraindications

Treatment of warts with potatoes has virtually no contraindications, except for an allergy to the product.
Do not use a tincture or compress of potatoes if the integrity of the skin at the intended site of application is damaged. If you follow the recommendations, the risk of side effects is minimal . An important condition for a favorable outcome of the disease is consultation with a dermatologist and adequate treatment of papillomas.

It is recommended to coordinate all actions with a specialist. He must monitor the dynamics of the disease process. If side effects occur in the form of itching, burning, peeling or rashes on the skin, you must stop the procedure and seek medical help.

Various prayers for warts

As a rule, no objects or manipulation are required to read prayers. They must be read at dawn, going out onto the balcony or onto the street, but if this is not possible, then you can simply read it through an open window. You should touch the wart with your hand and say the following prayer three times: “Father, Son and Holy Spirit, deliver me, (name) from such a dirty trick. Help me overcome it." If no results are observed, then the prayer should be repeated after another month.

If you are using ointment to treat papillomas, you can use prayer to increase its effectiveness. To do this, take a tube of ointment, and the following prayer is read three times: “I wash away sores and warts from sweat and remove them without crushing. Just as a pimple bursts and swells, so let the warts fade, shrink, and disappear from my body. Wart, you are a leech, ask for another body, but don’t touch mine. Papillomas, drink some water, go away forever like birds! Amen". These words must be repeated for 13 days, and on the first day the prayer is read on the full moon.

Ritual with celandine

If you want to get rid of warts on your hands, you can use a very effective ritual that uses the celandine plant. You need to squeeze fresh juice out of this plant and let it stand for at least a day. On the waxing moon, you need to go outside, wet all existing warts on your hands and other areas of the body with this juice, and stretch the problem areas for a month. During this manipulation, certain words are repeated three times: “You are a young month, you are an early month, quickly take me with you, take away the warts from me, and quickly return me home.”

Strong text against papillomas

The waning moon is the best time to remove papillomas on the arms, legs and other parts of the body. The most effective way is to perform the ritual when the moon is still visible in the sky, i.e. at the beginning of a favorable period. After waiting until evening, you need to perform a specific algorithm.

  1. Choose clothes so that all the warts a person has are open.
  2. Go outside and stand under the light of the moon. It should illuminate problematic skin.
  3. Warts are wiped with a finger moistened with saliva.
  4. The patient should spit over his left shoulder.
  5. The following words are read:

The plot is read 7 times. Then they go home without talking to anyone. The disease will go away in less than 30 days.

Coin treatment

The simplest wart spell is carried out using an ordinary coin. Any money will do. The size and denomination will not affect the quality of the magical performance. The main thing is to count the number of papillomas on the arms, legs and other parts of the body in order to prepare the same amount of coins. They are applied to neoplasms while reading the plot:

The spoken words will be valid if the number of repetitions of the conspiracy corresponds to the number of new formations. After the ritual, the coins must be thrown onto the ground. It is better to do this where there are a lot of people (on avenues, parks and squares). The disease will go away when someone picks up the coins.

Text of the plot for papillomas

A very powerful ritual for warts

If a large number of warts appear on your body at once, this may be the result of some kind of severe damage. To get rid of this effect, you need to use a special magic ritual. To perform this ritual, 13 knots should be tied on a long thread. Each knot is tied over each wart on the body, after which a piece of thread with a knot is torn off and tied to the leg of a living frog. For this you will need 13 frogs in total. And then all of them will need to be released at the edge of the forest, while pronouncing the following words of the conspiracy: “13 devil brothers, take 13 swamp toads, and each go their own way. Remove warts from God's servant (name). When these 13 toads do not converge in one place, then the warts will never return to me. Lock, key, tongue. Let it be so".

How to get rid of damage

Small growths on the skin can also be caused by spoilage. It is not difficult to identify. If all traditional and non-traditional methods have not brought the desired effect, warts continue to appear on different parts of the body, a strong energy program of destruction has been sent to the person. And papillomas will begin to disappear only after the necessary, effective, anti-damage method is applied.

Fighting corruption will require effort. So, in the most effective cleansing ritual, you will need to prepare:

  1. 13 frogs (it is important to catch them alive);
  2. glass jar;
  3. yarn.

The toads are caught and placed in a jar. A small piece of yarn is used to tie papillomas on the skin, breaking the thread at each problem area. Each growth is tied with a knot. Their number must be equal to the number of captured creatures. The cut threads are tied to the paws of the toads and sent outside the city, to a river or headquarters, to release them into the wild. When releasing them, they read the plot against warts:

Spell after sunset for warts

This ritual should be performed immediately after the sun has hidden behind the horizon, but it is still light outside. To carry out the conspiracy, an old bone of any animal is taken. It must be passed over all the warts on your skin, while pronouncing certain words of the spell: “Where the warts came to me from, go there from me.” Then you need to pass the bone through yourself. In this ritual, you can only use the bone that you found on the street. After the ceremony, the bone is returned to the same place from which it was taken. In this case, you should put it exactly as it lay before.

As you can see, there are many different rituals that can rid you of warts. Many people noted the effectiveness of treatment with magical rituals. For them to work, you just need to adhere to all the rules that were described in this article and believe in their effectiveness.

Getting rid of the problem with an apple and soap

In terms of popularity, charming an apple is second only to using millet. The method is effective, removes any problems, even the largest and most unpleasant ones. A beautiful, large, juicy apple is chosen for the ceremony. Success is possible if the magician sincerely believes in the result.

The product is divided into 2 equal parts, one of which is eaten, the second is left for the ritual. They concentrate, looking at their other half, and set themselves up for success. Rub all areas with the product, saying:

The used item is wrapped in clean natural textiles and taken out into the fresh air. Do not touch a used apple with bare hands. On the street they throw it away in a deserted place.

The ritual with soap lasts a little longer - several days. First, 3 small remnants are found. After waiting until the moon begins to wane, they soap the disturbing areas several times daily, saying:

All treated areas are carefully washed, the used soap is hidden in a place inaccessible to strangers. The ritual is repeated until the remnants are gone.

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