What are stretch marks on the body: what they look like, which doctor to see, treatment methods

Stretch marks are a problem for every second woman who becomes a mother. It is quite difficult to cope with them, but there are means.

Striae (stretch marks)

- cicatricial changes in the skin that appear as a result of damage to the fibers responsible for skin regeneration - collagen and elastin and the formation of connective tissue in their place.

Stretch marks can be light (white), pink (red) or blue-burgundy, the latter turning white over time. In addition, striae are distinguished by length, width and depth. Interestingly, vertical stretch marks occur with sudden weight loss, and horizontal stretch marks with endocrine disorders.

Most often, stretch marks appear on the hips, abdomen, butt, and chest, but if there are hormonal disorders or diseases, they can even appear on the face, neck, and back.

It is important to note that stretch marks on the body are not only a cosmetic defect; stretch marks can be a signal of serious diseases of the endocrine system, expressed by rapid weight gain.

Is the appearance of blood vessels on the legs a cosmetic or medical problem? Congenital or acquired?

Let's go in order. Often in the media, spider veins are positioned as the first stage of some serious disease. That is, if you have stars, then very soon you will encounter problems and diseases of the veins, and even complications. However, this is not true, since it is necessary to distinguish between a cosmetic problem and a medical problem. A person can have spider veins all his life on one or both legs and remain only a cosmetic problem. They are removed for aesthetic reasons using sclerotherapy, laser coagulation or radiofrequency obliteration (most often a combination of these methods is used), depending on the severity of the vessels. The medical problem is varicose veins, i.e. varicose veins, damage to the main superficial veins. This can already lead to very unpleasant consequences, so you need to treat varicose veins with all the seriousness of a medical problem. Although, of course, the aesthetic issue is not indifferent, especially to women.

Is this a congenital or acquired problem? Most varicose veins are a congenital (genetically determined) pathology that begins to manifest itself not from birth, but during life. At the same time, there are a huge number of external factors that influence both the manifestation of such heredity and the appearance of acquired disorders. First of all, this is pregnancy and childbirth, due to the hormonal effect on the walls of blood vessels. It is also a job that requires standing or sitting for long periods of time, excess weight, orthopedic problems (especially flat feet), and regular long-term wearing of high heels. I emphasize that only prolonged exposure to heels - all day long, and standing, can affect the development of this disease.

What can cause varicose veins?

The main provoking factor is the genetic predisposition of varicose veins, i.e. heredity. The main triggering factor is pregnancy. This is why spider veins and protruding veins in women most often appear during pregnancy. But pregnancy itself is not the cause of varicose veins, it is just a trigger moment. The next factor is hypodynamic office work. People who spend many hours in a sitting position and are unable to move are naturally at risk. As for smoking, it does not affect varicose veins, but provokes arterial pathologies.

What types of exercise are beneficial and which are harmful for problems with veins?

Any dynamic loads, without moving heavy objects, are very useful. These include a treadmill, jogging, walking (especially Nordic walking), and exercise bikes. All this will disperse the existing stagnation in the vessels. As for various exercise machines, it is clear that putting a lot of stress on the legs is harmful, but even lifting weights with your arms strains the abdominal muscles, and this greatly affects the blood flow in the lower extremities. But no one has canceled the health benefits of a pumped-up body and a good muscle corset, so it is advisable to consult with a specialist before classes, and it is better to exercise under the supervision of a trainer. The best exercises for preventing varicose veins are swimming and water aerobics. And in general, any dynamics, any sports and physical education are useful! Even if you have problems with your veins, you don’t need to stop doing what you love, because compression hosiery exists. In general, consult a phlebologist to see if you need any restrictions. Statics, static loads for veins are definitely bad. Work and training with weights is possible, but in compression stockings.


Dry massage with special brushes - drybrushing - gives an excellent result in the fight against stretch marks. With regular use of such brushes, the skin is cleansed of dead particles, becomes smooth and soft, cellulite and stretch marks become less pronounced. The main rule of dry massage is that movements should be in the direction of the lymph: from the feet to the heart.

Dry massage is easy to perform yourself at home - the whole process will take no more than 15 minutes. Brushes make the skin elastic and well-groomed, and also relieve stress, relax muscles and activate recovery processes.

For a massage to be effective, it is important not only to do it correctly, but also to choose a quality brush. ARAVIA accessories are made of beech wood and natural bristles. Natural materials will make the procedure tactilely pleasant, and the long handle will allow you to work on hard-to-reach areas.

Brushes vary in degree of hardness:

  • soft, suitable for beginners and those with sensitive skin;
  • The medium one will appeal to those who have already tried drybrushing and want a more intense effect on the skin.

Remember: any massage technique requires prior consultation with a specialist.

How to independently diagnose whether there are varicose veins or not? If a vein is visible, is it varicose veins?

Varicose veins are diagnosed either by symptoms, i.e. according to subjective sensations: nagging, severe pain, heaviness in the legs, swelling, discomfort; or by objective: dilated veins, the presence of one or more nodes. In any case, such symptoms should not be ignored, but it is better to get advice and then monitor the development of the pathology. If the veins are clearly visible on the body, this does not indicate varicose veins. There are such people, they are also called “geographical map”, in whom the vessels are very close to the surface, and the skin is very thin. Varicose veins can only be differentiated using ultrasound, or rather duplex scanning. This diagnostic method shows the operation of the valves that lift blood up through the veins against the force of gravity of the earth. And if the valve does not work, it means that the vein is affected by varicose veins.

Classification of striae

Stage Clinical manifestation
I Fresh, inflammatory, usually purple streak
II-a White, superficial striae without gradation or palpable depression on the skin surface
II-b White, superficial striae without gradation, but with a palpable depression on the surface of the skin
III-a White, atrophic striae with steps less than 1 cm wide, without deep dyschromia
III-b White, atrophic striae with steps less than 1 cm wide, with deep dyschromia
IV White, atrophic striae with gradations greater than 1 cm, with or without deep dyschromia

Table 1. Classification of striae VAS. Adapted from M.Adatto & P. ​​Deprez, “Combination treatment of striae,” Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 2004

In histological examination of immature striae, inflammatory changes predominate; swelling in the dermis is combined with the formation of accumulations of leukocytes around blood vessels. In later stages, the epidermis becomes thinner and flattens with loss of the reticulate pattern. The dermis has thin, densely packed collagen bundles in the papillary layer, located horizontally and oriented parallel to the layers of the epidermis. Broken elastin fibers curl along the sides of the striae, forming a characteristic pattern.

Electron microscopy shows extensive plexuses of convoluted elastin fibers arranged in a random pattern. This arrangement of fibers contrasts sharply with normal skin, which has thick, evenly distributed elastin fibers. When using transmission electron microscopy, elastin and collagen fibers in striae look the same as in healthy skin.

Is taking contraceptives contraindicated?

It is believed that long-term use of contraceptives, and indeed any hormonal drugs, affects the dynamics of the development of the disease. The likelihood of blood clots also increases, as hormonal drugs thicken the blood. In general, it is necessary to monitor the development of the disease and see if there is a combination of varicose veins and blood thickening. Depending on this, it is already possible to allow or prohibit the use of hormones, leg hair removal, and various popular anti-cellulite programs (massage, LPG). If negative progression is not observed while taking any medications, then the use can be continued, otherwise, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a phlebologist and gynecologist, and it is possible to choose another contraceptive.

Ways to eliminate stretch marks

The fight against stretch marks must be carried out comprehensively. Here are the basic skin care steps that will help correct existing stretch marks and prevent new ones from appearing.

  • Exfoliation.
  • Massage.
  • Moisturizing and strengthening.

We have collected all the necessary tools for you in one set. The complex for correcting stretch marks
includes a dry massage brush, stretch mark oil, raspberry cream scrub and lifting cream.
Let’s take a closer look at effective procedures and products that will help you make stretch marks almost invisible on your own.

What are the modern effective methods? How safe are they? When is surgery necessary?

The most popular and effective methods for eliminating varicose veins in Russia and other countries are laser coagulation and radiofrequency obliteration. Compared to classical operations, the safety of these techniques is much higher. For laser treatment, for example, there are now no restrictions on age or stage of the disease. The question of the need for intervention is decided very individually, based on the dynamics of the disease and the patient’s readiness. Sign up for a diagnosis and consultation with a phlebologist by phone.

Is it possible to cure varicose veins forever? May additional procedures or surgeries be required?

Varicose veins cannot be completely cured, since it is a genetic disease and it accompanies a person throughout his life. But those lesions that varicose veins lead to can be removed for quite a long time or even forever. Varicose veins in themselves are not dangerous, but varicose veins are. It is this that poses the threat of thrombus formation, or rather their separation and migration into the pulmonary artery. Depending on the volume of these separated thrombotic masses, the issue of disability or even a person’s life can be resolved. It happens that after surgery for the main veins, veins may appear at certain intervals (usually a year) that require correction. Such an additional operation is usually carried out in the volume of a treatment room quite quickly.


Traditional medicine provides answers to almost any question - how to maintain youth, how to deal with skin imperfections and even overcome serious illnesses. Striae are no exception - there are many tips on how to remove stretch marks on the hips:

  • Homemade scrubs. Honey-coffee scrubs are a compromise between massage and salon peeling. They exfoliate dead skin cells well and help destroy the connective tissue of stretch marks.
  • Homemade wraps. It is most often recommended to use grape puree as a composition. Otherwise, the procedure is similar to the salon procedure, except that you will have to do the wrap yourself.
  • Homemade cream for stretch marks. There are many recipes for such creams, but they have the same principle - mix solid, base and essential oils.

Pros : Most recipes contain simple ingredients that can be easily found in stores. You do not need to pay extra for specialist services or travel to the salon. In addition, all these procedures are pleasant and delight you with the aromas of fruits and essential oils.

Cons : The main disadvantage is one - the effectiveness of traditional medicine recipes is very doubtful. If you have fresh stretch marks, the chances are high that after scrubbing and supporting with vitamins, the skin will cope with the shortcomings, but old stretch marks are unlikely to be overcome. In addition, some home procedures can be dangerous. For example, using a homemade scrub can damage your skin.

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