9 Myths About Acne You Should Stop Believing

July 18, 2012

Why does exam stress make teenage acne worse? How should teenagers with acne eat?

Have your first pimples appeared? You are not alone. Experts believe that almost all teenagers sooner or later suffer from these annoying skin rashes. Acne affects boys and girls equally, regardless of gender or ethnicity. Teenage acne, or as dermatologists call it, teenage acne

, first appear between the ages of ten and thirteen years. Most often, the process begins in the nose area and then spreads to the forehead, chin and cheeks. Sometimes acne appears on the neck, shoulders, chest and back. In most cases, acne problems disappear on their own by the age of twenty. However, acne can also appear in later life. A quarter of adult men and half of adult women experience skin rashes from time to time.

Is it just hormones?

Let's keep calm

Exams are a serious stress for a teenager. Find out how to help a young student survive the first session without getting stressed yourself.

One of the common myths is that acne is exclusively a hormonal problem, which means it is useless to fight it.
This is wrong. Indeed, the change in the hormonal background of the body, which occurs at the beginning of puberty, also affects the condition of the skin. Hormones stimulate the activity of the skin's sebaceous glands, causing them to produce more secretions. Excess sebum becomes the basis for the proliferation of bacteria, which cause inflammation in the sebaceous glands clogged with secretions. However, in addition to the hyperreactivity of the sebaceous glands, scientists often identify other additional factors
for the appearance of acne: stress, poor diet and addiction to acne products, which cause excessive dryness, peeling and irritation of the skin. Excessive use of such cosmetics provokes the appearance of new acne and slows down the healing of old ones.

Why can't you squeeze acne?

  1. Having squeezed out one pimple, wait for 5 more. The skin will turn red, the pus will not come out completely and the “bad pimple” will become inflamed 10 more times, and 5 more of the same will be added to it. You squeeze pimples in any convenient place, with dirty hands, with strong pressure - you can’t do that. The wound that forms on the face will be an excellent place to attract germs. The internal infection will spread throughout all the vessels, resulting in a whole acne attack.
  2. Scars, wounds, scars. The aesthetic condition of the face will suffer in an instant. There are people who, in nervous situations, begin to pick their faces wildly. One pimple takes more than a month to heal, and after it there remains a mark in the form of a spot. Therefore, you shouldn’t do this if you don’t want to earn new complexes and a dozen newbie acne.

What happens if you don't squeeze out a pimple, what does it look like?

It will be great! A pimple that is not squeezed out does not look very beautiful, but at least it will disappear quickly and will not cause 5 more of its “friends”. There are 2 types of acne: internal and external. Internal ones are dangerous, take longer to pass - it is strictly forbidden to touch them. Wait 3-5 days, it will definitely disappear. Spring ones, it is also not advisable to press. At first it is a small red dot, the next day or every other day pus appears. Wait another day, it will disappear on its own, dry up and fall off.

How many days does it take for acne to go away?

The question is common, but individual. On average, without touching a pimple, it will go away in 3 to 5 days, unless you have serious acne and this is an isolated case. But if hands reach out to it, then the wound can heal for a week, two, a month. Therefore, we strongly recommend not to crush acne, and in case of large-scale rashes, contact a dermatologist.


Any teenager who suffers from acne knows the stress that a pimple right on the tip of the nose can cause. Unfortunately, dermatologists say that psychological stress only makes the problem worse. Thus, Singaporean scientists believe that before an exam in teenagers, the number of acne increases by about 23 percent compared to the holiday period. Researchers believe this process is not due to increased sebum production or teens forgetting about personal hygiene. In their opinion, stress can provoke inflammatory processes, including on the skin.

Should I squeeze pimples?

From the start, we recommend not to do this. Most people don't know that acne can kill a person. Unfortunately, this is so, according to expert Elmira Dzybova. The dermatologist explains that the area between the nose and chin has blood vessels connected to the brain. If you squeeze a pimple incorrectly, the pus will not completely come out, but will go through the blood to the brain. This will cause infection and blood poisoning. There are cases when patients squeezed pimples above the lip, and infection occurred = meningitis, and as a result, death.


The existence of a connection between the occurrence of acne and the abuse of sweets has long been considered a myth.
However, scientists have found some evidence of how an unhealthy diet affects skin condition. Thus, Australian scientists believe that consumption of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which sharply increase the concentration of glucose and insulin in the blood, can provoke the development of acne. But a diet rich in valuable proteins and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, on the contrary, helps reduce the amount of acne. How should teenagers suffering from acne eat: 1. Avoid fast food and foods containing added sugar. You will also have to say no to sweet soda. 2. Love whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, brown rice and all types of unsweetened porridge. 3. Eat at least five fruits and at least three servings of fresh vegetables every day. 4. Instead of hamburgers, choose lean meat, cottage cheese, dairy products and fish. And do this not occasionally, but every day. Youth without extra pounds

In adolescence, children are worried not only about acne, but also about excess weight. Remember, a teenager’s weight is a parent’s concern. How to help a child lose weight, says the chief physician of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Tatyana Shapovalenko.

Scientists promise that by adhering to such a diet, a teenager will not lose anything except acne and extra pounds, which poison life no less than acne.

The pimple is ripe, 9 myths about acne

Complexes, bad mood, untidy appearance of the face are the main cause of acne. But many people decided to self-medicate at home. They became their own doctors, diagnosing and prescribing treatment. From the advice of a friend, friend, mother, grandmother, acne became even more than before. In order not to once again run into someone’s “good” hint, let’s dot all the I’s. So, let’s move on to popular myths about acne.

  1. Nutrition does not affect the appearance of acne! No that's not true. Doctors and scientists have long proven that sugar has a significant effect on the condition of our skin. If there is excess insulin in the blood caused by sugar, then get ready for a pimple attack. Also, beware of foods: soda, chocolate bars, candy, beer - they have a high glycemic index. There are people who cannot tolerate milk, namely the hormone that is in it. It produces sebum in the sebaceous glands, clogs pores with blackheads, and provokes acne.
  2. To smoke, not to smoke, that is the question. Using tobacco is certainly harmful, but it does not cause acne. But, having acne and smoking at the same time, the healing process of wounds, acne will go away more slowly, since the smoker’s skin does not regenerate quickly. Give up cigarettes. The skin will look much cleaner and acne will heal faster.
  3. We do not use cosmetics under any circumstances. Many girls think so, although they still try to hide acne with cheap products. But there is a secret here too. You can use cosmetics. It should not contain alcohol (irritates and dries out the skin) and oils (clog pores and prevent breathing). Looking for the right composition of skincare products? – pay attention to aloe, retinols, pitide 10. The components will help improve the quality of the skin.
  4. Tanning removes acne. This is also a myth, but there is some truth. The summer sun dries out a person's skin, the sebaceous glands tighten, and the pores do not become clogged. The action of ultraviolet radiation in special devices enhances the production of sebum by the glands. Don't look for a tan in winter, wait until summer.
  5. Stress is to blame for everything. It is difficult to argue with the statement, but if you have never had skin problems, then they will not appear due to stress. However, existing acne may get worse. The healing process will be slower.
  6. Wash your face all the time, always, constantly. No, this method definitely won’t help. Acne and blackheads are caused by clogged sebaceous glands, not dirt. Particularly strong facial friction will irritate and injure the skin. You need to choose a “wash” without sulfates, with a mild effect from natural substances.
  7. Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, toothpaste - applied and the acne went away. It is highly not recommended to adhere to such a scheme. The products will dry out the pimples, but due to their strong action they will irritate and cause redness and a new rash. Benzoline peroxide will better solve the problem and help eliminate acne in complex treatment.
  8. You can squeeze pimples, they will disappear faster. A misconception among many people. Incorrectly squeezing a pimple will damage the follicles and increase inflammation. But you can use dental floss, mow down the purulent base and treat the affected area with an antiseptic. Of course, under urgent circumstances.
  9. Cucumbers will save the world. Girls often make a mask of cucumbers in the hope of getting rid of acne and clearing their skin. There is a truth here too. Cucumber secretes juice, which makes the face softer and helps eliminate redness. But they do not affect the tumor in any way. It’s easier just not to touch large and small ulcers with your hands; over time they will disappear on their own.

Acne treatment at home

Acne can be treated at home on your own using medications prescribed by a dermatologist. How long you will have acne* on your face depends on your genetics, proper skin care, whether you follow your doctor’s recommendations and other factors.

Acne is a chronic disease that is prone to recurrence, so it is impossible to guarantee that having cured it once, you will never encounter it again. But you can reduce the risk of exacerbation and the appearance of new acne by following a proper diet, visiting a cosmetologist and caring for your skin at home, using products for problem skin, and using medications prescribed by a dermatologist.

Clindovit® gel and teenage acne*: until what age can the drug be used?

Clindovit® gel can be used from 12 years of age6. The drug is prescribed by a dermatologist for mild to moderate acne6,18. The drug contains clindamycin phosphate, which is hydrolyzed on the skin to form clindamycin, which exhibits antibacterial activity6. The Clindovit® gel also contains auxiliary components - an emollient that softens and moisturizes the skin, and soothing allantoin4,5.

It is recommended to use Clindovit® gel together with azelaic acid (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide to reduce antibiotic resistance28. In pharmacies the drug is sold in 30g tubes.


How to cure acne - advice from a dermatologist

Acne is not only a skin disease, but also a heavy burden on the psyche of patients, whose imperfect complexion often deprives them of self-confidence and joy in life. The good news is that almost all acne can be successfully treated.

Treatment for acne in teenagers and adults is basically no different. The remedies are selected individually depending on the severity of the skin lesion and the number of inflammatory lesions. Both local and systemic drugs can be effective.

Therapy must follow a specific pattern.

  • Treatment usually begins with the use of local drugs with a different, additional mechanism of action.
  • If this fails, an oral antibiotic is added to the topical medications (tetracycline is used as first-line treatment).
  • The next step is to take oral retinoids.
  • Another option is hormone therapy combined with topical treatment and eventually oral antibiotics.

Oral Antibiotic for Acne Treatment
Acne treatment should always be comprehensive. It is a mistake to use only antibiotics (topical or oral), their effect must be coupled with topical retinoids or other exfoliants.

Acne is caused by four different factors, the antibiotic only protects against two of them: it affects germs and skin inflammation. Retinoids are necessary to treat hyperkeratosis at the mouth of the hair follicle and excessive sebaceous gland activity.

To address all four factors that cause acne, it is necessary to combine the action of various drugs, most often antibiotics, with retinoids.

Oral isotretinoin is the only medication that targets all four acne triggers, but the medication is intended to treat severe acne that does not respond to general treatment. In addition, isotretinoin is useful for treating scars. Although it is not the first choice drug for treating acne, it should be considered for people prone to acne scars. Then you can skip treatment with an oral antibiotic.

It is also important to administer benzoyl peroxide during long-term use of antibiotics, which, in addition to having a beneficial effect on the acne process, inhibits the development of drug resistance to antibiotics.

Treatment of rashes

Daily washing is necessary to cleanse the skin of dirt and dust. To do this, it is better to use gels and foams for washing. Some products contain salicylic acid, which helps degrease and dry the skin. Supplements of aloe, calendula or chamomile heal minor cuts and restore skin. Salicylic acid and tar soap help fight acne. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to use lotions and tonics. After this treatment, the skin rashes will end. But since people's skin varies, an individual approach is necessary. Therefore, before choosing a product, it is better to consult a cosmetologist.

The following tools help:

  • Clean&Clear;
  • "Propeller";
  • Clearasil.

In some cases, Skinoren will help.
In serious cases, doctors prescribe ointments. The most commonly prescribed are “Zinerit”, “Skinoren”, “Eclaran” or “Vesanoid”. Retinoids, hormonal agents and antibiotics are used in cases where previous treatments have not helped. For some girls, acne disappears after starting to take birth control. If the rash does not go away and continues even after careful care, then you should consult an endocrinologist with suspicion of thyroid disease.

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