“Mesoeye” injections around the eyes - description of the procedure, composition of the drug, reviews of injections

Non-surgical blepharoplasty – care for the area around the eyes with MesoEye and Teosyal PureSense Redensity [II].

The area around the eyes is the most sensitive area on the face to age-related changes, the first marker of skin aging. The first signs of aging in the area around the eyes (periorbital zone) can be noticed already by the age of 25: a web of facial wrinkles appears, swelling of the eyelids due to impaired blood microcirculation and dark circles under the eyes can increasingly be noticed. With age, the situation only gets worse: skin elasticity decreases, wrinkles around the eyes become more pronounced.

Even small signs of age in the area around the eyes disharmonize the face, giving it a tired look and adding age to a woman. Comprehensive care based on MesoEye™ and Teosyal PureSense Redensity [II] injections gives a long-lasting and natural effect of rejuvenating the area around the eyes, making the face fresh, young, and rested.

Preparations for skin care around the eyes

The technique is based on complex correction with MesoEye™ (USA) and Teosyal PureSense Redensity [II] (Switzerland).

MesoEye™ (USA) is a drug for the prevention and correction of age-related changes in the skin of the periorbital area, simultaneously affecting

three vascular systems - arterial, venous and lymphatic, restoring normal microcirculation in the eyelid area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids.

The drug contains 3 unique components:

  • peptide Hexapeptide 17 - C 71, eliminates puffiness around the eyes, activates the outflow of lymph from the eyelid, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • PeriOrbitalReptide XP2 peptide helps improve blood circulation, relieves vascular spasm, expands capillary walls, restores and protects collagen and elastin fibers from damage;
  • DRMC complex (dermal remodeling complex), hyaluronic acid with a complex of amino acids and vitamins moisturizes, tightens, increases skin elasticity, and nourishes blood vessels.

The active components are aimed at strengthening blood vessels and normalizing metabolism in tissues, and also promote hydration and have a rejuvenating effect. The drug has no analogues on the market.

The second injection drug is Teosyal PureSense Redensity [II] (Switzerland), designed to eliminate nasolacrimal grooves and circles under the eyes.

It contains:

  • high-density hyaluronic acid, effectively eliminates wrinkles around the eyes and dark circles, regulates the level of skin moisture;
  • a dermo-restructuring complex of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamin B6, zinc and copper, protects the area around the eyes from free radicals - substances that disrupt the structure of collagen fibers, starts the process of tissue remodeling and skin rejuvenation.

Together, the components of the drugs form a therapeutic and prophylactic cocktail that can eliminate aesthetic imperfections in just a few procedures.

Information about the manufacturer and seller

  • The development and sale of Mesoai gel is carried out by the American company ABG LAB LLC, which specializes in the creation of injectable and external cosmetics based on synthetic peptides. In our country, it is well known for such sensational products as Meso-Wharton P199, Meso-Xanthin F199 and MesoSculpt C71.
  • The drug is produced in South Korea, at the plant of BNC Korea, Inc. – it produces several lines of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, mainly for the domestic market and is little known outside its country. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the interests of ABG LAB are represented by the company PremierPharm (“Premier Pharm”). It has exclusive rights to sell all the products of its American partner, and also conducts training seminars on them for cosmetologists.
  • In 2016, Mesoeye C71 was registered by Roszdravnadzor as a “gel-implant for intradermal administration” (registration No. RZN 2016/4773), which fully complies with the current requirements for the legal registration of fillers and other products for injection cosmetology.
  • In the foreign segment of the Internet, there are practically no significant mentions of this and other drugs produced by ABG LAB - thus, we can conclude that the company is focused exclusively on the Russian market. This in itself is neither good nor bad, but for obvious reasons this nuance is not further advertised anywhere.

Indications for non-surgical blepharoplasty

  • Decreased tone and turgor of the skin around the eyes;
  • Pastosity;
  • The initial stage of the formation of periorbital hernias;
  • Pronounced nasolacrimal and palpebromalar (the area around the eyes, closer to the outer corner of the eyes) grooves;
  • Dark circles under the eyes;
  • Wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”);
  • Swelling of the eyelids due to impaired lymph flow;
  • Rehabilitation of the periorbital area after blepharoplasty.

MesoEye™ (USA) and Teosyal PureSense Redensity [II] injections are perfectly combined with any skincare and hardware procedures.

Session cost

The cost of intervention varies from person to person. The cosmetologist determines the cost after a face-to-face meeting with the patient. The price is influenced by the amount of the required drug, the initial state of the problem, additional services (anesthesia, cosmetics).

The cost of cosmetologist services supplements the costs. The price at the clinic includes a number of associated costs of the organization (rent, consumables, advertising). The cost of the procedure does not fall below 10 thousand rubles. The level of expenses in Moscow clinics is usually in the range of 13–17 thousand rubles.

How is the procedure performed?

  1. The doctor conducts preliminary diagnostics and determines the presence of lymphatic insufficiency.
  2. The stage of cleansing the skin before administering the drug.
  3. Disinfection of injection areas.
  4. Administration of the drug.
  5. Light massage in the injection area for better distribution of the drug in the tissues.
  6. Application of soothing and restorative preparations.

For two weeks after the injections, you must avoid tanning, makeup, visiting baths and saunas, and it is recommended to limit physical activity and alcohol consumption.

Purchasing a peptide complex

You can buy peptide complexes from ABG Lab using online resources. Numerous online stores offer rejuvenating cocktails. First of all, it is recommended to go to the official website of the manufacturer. The cost of a MesoEye syringe with 1 ml of product is 4–6 thousand rubles. The price is similar for other options for mesotherapy cocktails from this manufacturer. The patient is not recommended to independently purchase and use the gel, despite the fact that the drug is completely ready for use; the packaging contains detailed instructions with a description.

Complex effect

The drugs complement each other perfectly, allowing the cosmetologist to work in several directions at once - eliminating aesthetic imperfections, normalizing metabolic processes in the area around the eyes and preventing aging of the periorbital zone.

MesoEye™ treatment is carried out over a course, but positive changes can be seen after the first procedure: the skin becomes smoother and more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, “bags” and dark circles under the eyes disappear, skin microcirculation is normalized, and the process of skin rejuvenation begins.

The introduction of Teosyal Puresense Redensity II allows you to see the result immediately after completion of the procedure: the skin becomes more elastic, firm and hydrated without dark circles and wrinkles, the eyes no longer look tired and sunken. The rejuvenation effect of the drugs is long-term - the result lasts about a year.

Healing period

After the procedure, redness and swelling are visible in the eye area, and the skin is covered with papules. Swelling and bruising may be present. After the anesthetic wears off, the patient feels discomfort. Symptoms are considered typical, last up to 3–7 days, and disappear without additional treatment.

On the first day, the doctor recommends eliminating the usual washing, using standard creams, tonics, and other cosmetics. You cannot apply makeup or try to disguise the manifestations. The cosmetologist will recommend spending the rest of the day at home in a calm environment, without the risk of infection. After the puncture sites have healed, you can lead your normal life.

The recovery period after MesoEye injections is short. In 2–7 days, all unpleasant symptoms disappear. During this period, the doctor will recommend giving up:

  • makeup for the eye area (it is acceptable to use mascara, which is removed without touching the skin);
  • exposure to the sun, tanning in a solarium;
  • sports, physical labor;
  • swimming in the pool, public water bodies;
  • steaming, washing in hot water;
  • various procedures affecting the eye area (massage, physiotherapy, masks).

The result of Mesoai C 71 injections is noticeable after the recovery period is completed: the skin takes on a fresh, healthy appearance, wrinkles are smoothed out. The optimal rejuvenating effect is visible only after completion of the course: tissues and blood vessels are strengthened, the skin is tightened, and swelling ceases to recur.

The maximum positive result develops up to 2 months after the end of treatment and lasts up to 6–12 months. With regular maintenance procedures, positive achievements are visible up to 2–3 years without repeating the intensive course.

Advantages of the EMC Clinic

The area around the eyes is the most delicate area on the face, requiring special skills and great care from the doctor. If the technique of administering the drug is incorrect and there is insufficient knowledge of anatomy, there is a high risk of the formation of extensive swelling, bruising and contouring of the drug.

Cosmetologists at the EMC clinic have passed mandatory certification to work with injections, have extensive experience in correcting the periorbital area and are fluent in the technique of correct administration of the drug. All EMC patients were satisfied with the results of the procedure.


  • Mesoeye C71 is produced by a company whose products have been presented in our country for several years and are positively assessed by professional cosmetologists. The drug is registered and sold in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; there is also no negative information about the official distributor.
  • Sales of this biorepair began relatively recently, so there are reviews from cosmetologists and patients about its practical use, nuances, side effects, etc. very little. We were also unable to find independent studies that would determine the extent of its effectiveness.

Precautionary measures

Identification and elimination of contraindications is a mandatory stage preceding the procedure. This is in the interests of the doctor and the patient: it helps reduce the risk of complications and contributes to the formation of the expected result. Contraindications to the procedure using MesoEye are:

  • age up to 25 years;
  • inflammatory processes, open wounds in the correction area;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • active oncological processes;
  • individual intolerance to Mesoai components, accompanying products used during the procedure (anaesthetics, antiseptics, cosmetics);
  • epilepsy, other complex psychosomatic disorders;
  • blood coagulation disorder.

Procedures using Mesoai are not performed on pregnant or lactating women. The doctor will be more attentive to the risk assessment if the patient has diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels, or endocrine disorders.

Do not intervene in the acute course of any disease. Poor health, predisposition to keloid scars, peak menstruation are reasons to postpone the procedure.

If you follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist and the professional work of the doctor, Mesoai injections do not provoke complications.

Side effects in the form of long-lasting papules, redness, swelling, bruising, and discomfort are normal and do not require additional intervention. You should be concerned if symptoms are visible for more than a week; the extent of the manifestations is widespread. In rare cases, the following may occur:

  • inflammation;
  • numbness, severe pain;
  • manifestations of allergies (rash, itching, red spots);
  • seals.

Attention! If such complications are detected, patients are advised to consult a doctor. A cosmetologist will help avoid worsening the situation.

What is MesoSculpt C71

Lipolytic "Mesosculpt" was created specifically to solve known aesthetic problems that arise after 30-35 years - the facial contour begins to “float”, accumulated fat deposits change the oval, moving down and forming jowls, sagging cheeks, a double chin and nasolabial folds.

Previously, to correct such defects it was necessary to resort to surgical interventions, but the injectable drug MesoSculpt C71 allows you to solve these problems in the cosmetologist's office.

  • There is no need to prepare and recover after sessions for a long time.
  • Forget about a scalpel, this is a completely safe injection procedure.

MesoSculpt C71 is a complex liporeducing drug that has a fundamentally different mechanism compared to classical lipolytics. “Mesosculpt” does not destroy fat cells, but degenerates them, transforming them into a state of beige fat. Cells shrink and become energetically capacious. The volume of facial fat is noticeably reduced, while the skin is tightened.

Patient reviews

Patients expect more from Mesoai. Those who evaluate the effect of the drug positively usually have mild problems. In difficult situations, clients complain that Mesoai does not work and aggravates the situation.

The patient sees the result, but expected more.

The patient does not like the results from using Mesoai.

The patient does not like the effect of Mesoai and recommends against injections.

How much does it cost? Prices for procedures with MesoSculpt C71 in Moscow

To get maximum effect, you need to complete the full course.

Clinic "El.En." offers you a unique opportunity to save by reducing the cost of sessions depending on their number:

  • Package of 3 procedures – 42,000 rubles. instead of 45,000.
  • Package of 5 procedures – 65,000 rubles. instead of 75,000.

The drug is more expensive than conventional lipolytics, but practice and expert opinions show that this price is justified. Many experts call Mesosculpt C71 a revolutionary development that allows one to obtain excellent results equal to the effect of surgery.

In addition, by undergoing injection procedures in our clinic, you save money - since the price decreases as the duration of the course increases. Sign up for sessions with MesoSculpt C71 in Moscow to evaluate the effect of the unique lipolytic as soon as possible.

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