Parsley for the face: beneficial properties, simple recipes for anti-aging products

Composition and beneficial properties of parsley

Parsley contains many beneficial substances for the face:

  • Vitamin A smoothes the skin, tones, nourishes, protects from ultraviolet rays;
  • vitamin C eliminates fine wrinkles;
  • nicotinic acid improves blood circulation, fills cells with oxygen;
  • vitamin B1 relieves inflammation;
  • vitamin B2 helps cell renewal;
  • phosphorus and calcium are bleached;
  • ascorbic acid prevents the appearance of wrinkles and lightens pigmentation;
  • mineral salts deeply cleanse;
  • flavonoids promote collagen production.

Parsley for the face: benefits and contraindications

Parsley for the face is especially useful when caring for:

  • fading;
  • fat;
  • problematic;
  • dry;
  • tired skin.

This greenery is contraindicated for dark-skinned people; it can lighten the skin unevenly. Allergies or individual intolerances are extremely rare - this herb is hypoallergenic.

Attention! Test any cosmetic product before use - apply a small amount to your wrist or elbow. If there is no reaction after 15-20 minutes, the product can be used.

Possible side effects

With proper use of homemade parsley-based cosmetics, adverse reactions on the skin are rare.

However, those with thin and sensitive skin may encounter the following unpleasant consequences of the procedures:

  • burning;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • peeling and dryness of the epidermis;
  • redness;
  • rash.

To prevent the occurrence of unwanted reactions, it is necessary to do an allergy test before applying the product .

Parsley is a herb that has long been used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Due to the fact that it has almost no contraindications, it can be used to prepare products for any facial skin. Read our materials on how to make cosmetics for the skin around the eyes and ice cubes from parsley.

Parsley helps both in the prevention and elimination of wrinkles. Thanks to the rich variety of recipes, everyone can choose and prepare an anti-aging product in accordance with the type of epidermis and existing problems. The results of systematic procedures using parsley are smoother skin and a tighter face.

Skin preparation

For the best result, before any procedure, the face must be cleansed and steamed. Then the beneficial active substances enter the open pores. Skin preparation steps:

  1. Wash off cosmetics with your usual product.
  2. Make a scrub for deep cleansing - gently massage your face for 3-4 minutes, choose a product based on your skin type.
  3. Steam. Pour hot herbal decoction into a container, hold your face over the steam for 10 minutes, covered with a towel.

Parsley masks

Parsley is a potent remedy, so masks are made from it no more than 2 times a week. To achieve maximum results, make a course of 10 masks, then take a break for several months.

Keep the composition on the face for at least 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.

For aging skin

Ingredients: parsley, mint, sour cream.

Thoroughly grind equal amounts of ingredients. Try to let the herbs release as much juice as possible. Apply an even layer on the face, neck, décolleté, and under the eyes. Wash off after half an hour with warm water.

Result: with constant use, fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles become less pronounced.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Ingredients: parsley, black tea.

Table. Grind a spoonful of finely chopped greens until juice forms, add a teaspoon of black tea. Soak cotton pads in the mixture and apply to eyes.

Result: helps remove bruises and bags under the eyes, refreshes the face.

Egg mask for the cold season

Ingredients: parsley, yolk, olive oil.

Mix 20 g of parsley with the yolk and a teaspoon of oil.

Result: nourishes, eliminates dryness and flaking.

Whitening for mature skin

Ingredients: parsley, white clay, orange essential oil.

Attention! Essential oils may cause an allergic reaction.

Mix clay and water in equal proportions, add half a portion of parsley, 5 drops of oil.

Result: evens out facial tone, lightens age spots, tightens the dermis.

Parsley for face with cucumber for combination skin

Ingredients: parsley, cucumber, vitamin A ampoule.

Grind the cucumber and greens in a blender, add vitamin.

Result: controls sebum synthesis, eliminates oily shine.

Whitening with strawberries

Ingredients: parsley, strawberries, lemon essential oil.

Take the components in a 1:2 ratio, beat with a blender, add a couple of drops of oil.

Result: brightens complexion, pigment spots, fights rashes.

With kefir for dry skin

Ingredients: parsley, kefir.

Beat equal amounts of ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Result: mattifies, refreshes, controls sebum production.

Nourishing for oily skin

Ingredients: parsley, egg white, honey.

Add 200 ml of water to 30 g of greens, boil for 15 minutes, strain, cool. Mix protein and honey with a tablespoon of broth.

Result: tightens, mattifies, refreshes.

Parsley for the face against wrinkles

Ingredients: parsley, butter.

Grind with a blender in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to face and eye area. Remove the composition after 15 minutes with a cotton pad, rinse off the residue with water.

Result: smoothes wrinkles, nourishes the skin.

Garlic for problem skin

Ingredients: parsley, egg white, garlic.

Chop the parsley, squeeze out a little juice using gauze, mix with egg white and 10 drops of garlic juice. Apply to problem areas.

Result: dries out acne, relieves inflammation.

Cooking methods

Decoctions are often prepared from the root, but the leaves and stem can also be brewed, since each part of parsley is saturated with valuable substances. Adding some additional ingredients during or after brewing increases the beneficial effect of the finished product.

Reference! Dried parts of the plant do not lose their healing properties and are suitable for further processing.

How to cook with fresh herbs?

  1. Prepare fresh herbs: rinse and finely chop.
  2. Pour two teaspoons of crushed leaves into one glass of water.
  3. Bring the water with parsley to a boil and simmer in a water bath for about half an hour.
  4. Remove the broth from the heat, let cool, then strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.


A decoction is used as the basis for tonics. Ingredients are added to it depending on your skin type. The product cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes the face. It is used 2 times a day - morning and evening after washing. By the way, you can read how to make other useful facial toners here.

Whitening with lemon for oily skin

Ingredients: parsley decoction, lemon.

Mix half a glass of broth with the juice of half a lemon.

Result: gradually brightens, evens out complexion tone, dries out acne.

For sensitive, aging skin

Ingredients: decoction of parsley, sage, rose petals.

Combine the components in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Result: removes redness and flaking; the skin becomes smooth and radiant.

For dry skin

Ingredients: decoction of parsley, linden.

Mix in a 1:1 ratio.

Result: softens, eliminates flaking and redness.

Cosmetic ice

To improve blood circulation, preserve youth and skin tone, you need to wipe your face with ice every morning. In salons this procedure is called cryomassage. Even simple ice made from mineral water will bring noticeable results. And parsley ice will exceed all expectations:

  • will rejuvenate the skin, smooth out even deep wrinkles;
  • will relieve inflammation;
  • eliminates acne, whitens acne marks;
  • improves complexion, removes “grayness”;
  • lightens pigment spots;
  • will remove bruises and bags under the eyes, swelling;
  • tightens and cleanses pores.

Ice is made from a decoction, the recipe of which is selected according to skin type. Then pour into molds and store in the freezer.

Every morning you need to wipe your face along the massage lines. For 1 procedure use 1 ice cube. He cannot be kept in one place due to the risk of frostbite. You shouldn’t wipe your face afterwards; let the composition absorb so that the active ingredients penetrate deeper into the pores.

Attention! The procedure is done at least an hour before going to bed or going outside.

For some reason, not everyone can wash their face with ice. Contraindications:

  • allergy to cold;
  • damaged skin;
  • rosacea – blood vessels are close to the skin;
  • viral diseases;
  • inflammation of the sinuses.


  • Yana, 17 years old: Parsley juice is an excellent solution for age spots and freckles. A mushy mixture of dill and parsley is poured with water and left for 12 hours, then squeezed out. Wipe your face (wash) with the resulting liquid every day. The result is noticeable within a few weeks.
  • Inna, 28 years old: Premature aging and wilting of the skin will be slowed down by a mask made from cottage cheese and fresh parsley extract in equal proportions. Tight, elastic facial skin is guaranteed! I've been using it for 2 years and not a single wrinkle!


In another way I call flower water - a valuable facial care product. It is obtained from plants through distillation. Hydrolate extracts even more useful substances from raw materials than essential oil. This miracle remedy can be bought in specialized stores, or you can prepare it yourself.

Parsley hydrolate is suitable for all skin types.

Preparation process (you can read about the process of preparing hydrolate in more detail):

  • pour half a liter of distilled water into a large saucepan;
  • a sieve is placed in it so that it does not touch the bottom;
  • place a glass bowl on the sieve,
  • pre-washed and dried parsley is laid out around it;

Attention! It is recommended to make hydrolate from fresh raw materials.

  • then the structure is covered with a lid, the handle should be directed downward, condensate will be drawn dropwise into the bowl;
  • the joint between the lid and the pan is tightly wrapped with foil to prevent steam from escaping;
  • After boiling, turn the heat to minimum and boil for about 2 hours.

By this time, a full bowl of hydrolate is collected. It is cooled and poured into sterile containers. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Flower water can be obtained from any plant material: flowers, herbs, nuts.

This water is ideal as a tonic. It does not need to be diluted.

In the summer, the hydrosol is poured into a spray bottle and used as thermal water. It protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, tones, mattifies, makes it soft and silky.

Parsley for the face is a very useful remedy, as it is natural, affordable, effective and versatile. With regular use, it will help preserve beauty and youth for a long time.

Difference from infusion

Before we begin to consider the detailed recipe, it is worth identifying the difference between two types of aqueous extract from parsley - decoction and infusion. The difference lies in the extraction mode. So, to make a decoction you need:

  1. Pour the crushed plant with water and expose it to heat (heating in a water bath is preferable).
  2. Then cool at room temperature.

The heat treatment process takes longer than infusion. Obtaining an infusion, on the contrary, requires longer cooling and less heating (up to 15 minutes).

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