Vitamins for the skin: how can you pamper your body?

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Healthy skin, hair and nails Vitamins and minerals in Complivit® Radiance help maintain optimal condition of skin, hair and nails. The action of the components of the dietary supplement complex. Not a medicine.

Vitamins are special nutrients that the body needs to function properly. The lack of certain micro- and macroelements often affects a person’s appearance, in particular the condition of the skin. Therefore, to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the dermis, it may be recommended to take special vitamin complexes that combine valuable nutrients [1] Lyshkanets S.N. Vitamins in dermatology. Review article by a dermatocosmetologist. 2022.. In this article we will tell you what vitamins are needed for the skin and how to choose the appropriate vitamin complex.

What is good for facial skin

There is a common misconception that youthful skin can be maintained only with competent and regular care. However, this is not entirely true: moisturizing and nourishing creams, peelings and injection procedures provide only a superficial and temporary effect - the skin must receive beneficial nutrients from the inside. With age, the condition of the skin increasingly depends on the internal health of the body, including the content of vitamins and microelements in the blood and tissues.

Vitamins for young skin

For young people and girls 20–30 years old, vitamins are no less important than for older people. Nutrients help maintain the normal structure of the dermis and are needed to protect the skin from UV radiation. In addition, many vitamins are necessary for proper water balance, and therefore for moisturizing the skin.

Skin cells need many nutrients. Let's talk about the most valuable ones.

What vitamins and minerals are needed to improve skin condition?

  • Vitamin A: ensures the integrity of the epithelium. Due to vitamin deficiency, the skin becomes dry and rough, more susceptible to microbes, a rash and peeling may appear on the knees and elbows [2] Litvitsky P. F. Clinical pathophysiology // Textbook. 2022..
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from damage from aggressive free radical molecules[3]
  • Vitamin B1: improves carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism in cells[4]Wikipedia. URL:
  • Vitamin B2: supports cellular respiration and energy production to restore and renew the epidermis. With severe hypovitaminosis B2, skin lesions (redness, peeling), cheilitis (cracks and discoloration of the skin in the corners of the mouth) may appear [5] Litvitsky P. F. Clinical pathophysiology // Textbook. 2022..
  • Vitamin B6: Helps maintain normal skin condition. With a deficiency of pyridoxine, seborrheic dermatosis of the face may develop [6] Litvitsky P. F. Clinical pathophysiology // Textbook. 2022..
  • Vitamin B12: participates in the synthesis of nucleotides (the most important molecules for cell division), increases the ability of tissues to regenerate.
  • Vitamin C: regulates redox processes, participates in the synthesis of collagen, which is necessary to maintain skin elasticity.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinamide): normalizes tissue respiration [7] Shilyaev R. R., Grishina T. R. et al. Modern approaches to vitamin therapy for young children // Pediatric pharmacology. 2007. URL: A possible manifestation of nicotinic acid deficiency - pellarg - is a disease that, among other things, is characterized by dermatitis, especially in places exposed to sunlight, as well as peeling of the skin, pigmentation in certain areas, etc. [8] Litvitsky P. F. Clinical pathophysiology // Textbook. 2022.
  • Folic acid is a component of the synthesis of amino acids and nucleic acids necessary for the proper renewal of cellular composition.
  • Lipoic acid is an antioxidant that regulates the body's energy balance and has a detoxifying effect.
  • Zinc: Helps in the absorption of vitamins by the skin and also promotes cellular regeneration.
  • Copper: participates in collagen synthesis and prevents oxygen starvation of tissues.
  • Calcium is a macronutrient that supports the proper functioning of nerve fibers and facial muscles.
  • Magnesium: prevents overstrain of the neuromuscular component of the dermis. Necessary for the synthesis of fatty acids. With a lack of magnesium, the skin becomes dry and less elastic [9]
  • Iron: plays a significant role in saturating skin cells with oxygen, and also stimulates collagen synthesis, increasing the elasticity of the dermis.
  • Silicon: participates in the processes of maintaining youthful skin: it triggers the production of collagen, which ensures skin elasticity.
  • Selenium: has an antioxidant effect and increases the resistance of the dermis to harmful factors, promotes wound healing [10] Bukin I. A., Magomedova R. A., Bytova K. S. Study of the effect of an organoselenium preparation on the regeneration of skin cells in white outbred mice with inflicting a mechanical wound [Electronic resource] // Bulletin of medical Internet conferences. - 2014. - URL:
  • Biotin: essential for normal skin metabolism. Biotin deficiency can lead to pallor and flaking [11]

The listed substances work best in combination: their combined action supports normal metabolism in the integumentary tissues, which leads to improved skin condition. A lack of microelements can disrupt metabolism and lead to dermatological problems. A convenient way to maintain vitamin and mineral balance in the body is to take special dietary supplements. In pharmacies you can find ready-made solutions - vitamin complexes “for the skin”.

The effect of such drugs is not limited to the integumentary epithelium; they are also useful for other organs and tissues of the body. Taking such food supplements can provide an additional source of nutrients to maintain overall health. However, you should not be thoughtless when choosing a vitamin complex: the most advertised product or supplement recommended by a friend may not bring the expected effect - the vitamin complex must be selected individually, taking into account the composition and other important criteria.

Foods high in one vitamin or another

A good example of the vitamin content in foods:

Vitamins and microelements Product
  • Yolks, spinach, broccoli;
  • rose hips, carrots, peanuts, beets;
  • beans, pasta.
  • Nuts (walnuts);
  • quail eggs, fish oil.
Group B
  • Tomatoes, bran, wheat grains, nuts.
  • Lemons, peppers (red), tomatoes;
  • veal and beef liver, spinach, apples;
  • cauliflower, radish, parsley, horseradish.
B9 (folic acid)
  • Yeast, green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, legumes;
  • cereals, buckwheat and oatmeal, bran;
  • citrus fruits (mostly in grapefruits);
  • melon, nuts, bananas;
  • mushrooms, pumpkin, apricots, dates;
  • beef, beets, liver, bread;
  • poultry, pork, lamb;
  • fish, eggs, milk and dairy products.
  • Rose hips, green tomatoes;
  • oats, pine needles, spinach leaves;
  • wheat, rye, soybeans.
  • Whole grains, liver, meat;
  • seeds and nuts.
  • Milk, eggs, fish;
  • halva, sesame seeds, poppy seeds.
  • apricot, quince, pineapple, pear;
  • banana, tangerine, plum.
  • Sea kale and sea fish;
  • milk and iodized salt;
  • yolks, champignons.
  • Nuts, bananas, peas, beans.
  • unrefined grains, seeds.
  • Beef, veal liver, wheat bran;
  • pork, lamb, poppy and sesame seeds;
  • cocoa, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts;
  • cashew, coarse soy flour;
  • kohlrabi cabbage, lentils, Brazil nuts;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, barley cereals.
  • Fish, liver, meat and poultry;
  • semolina, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal;
  • yolk, bread.
A nicotinic acid
  • Carrots, yeast, beef liver, broccoli;
  • dandelion leaves, cheese, corn flour;
  • peanuts, dates, milk, fish, eggs;
  • wheat sprouts, potatoes, pork, tomatoes;
  • rose hip;
  • Whole grain products:
  • parsley, sorrel, sage.
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What vitamins can you take to improve your skin?

It is best to take vitamins for preventive purposes, for example to prevent age-related changes or to avoid any skin problems. This is especially true in summer and winter: in the first case, the skin is negatively affected by heat, and in the second - by dryness and low temperatures. Unfortunately, most often people think about taking vitamin-mineral complexes after the fact - when signs of aging or “problems” with the skin have already appeared, for example, rashes, redness, dryness, peeling.

The choice of vitamin-mineral complex depends on the purpose of administration. Preserving youth, moisturizing or maintaining skin elasticity are all different indications that require different vitamins. Before starting to take dietary supplements for the skin, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor: he will tell you what vitamins and minerals are needed in a particular case.


If a person observes a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin (acne, dermatitis, etc.), he should consult a dermatologist: in this case, serious therapy may be required.

What vitamins should you take to moisturize your facial skin?

Dry skin is a condition that causes aesthetic and physical discomfort. Firstly, flaky skin does not have the best effect on a person’s appearance, and secondly, the “side effects” of dryness often include such unpleasant symptoms as itching and burning. Certain vitamins can help get rid of dry skin. These include biotin (vitamin B7), panthenol (vitamin B5), tocopherol (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)[12] With a significant lack of these elements, the skin may become dry.

What vitamins are important for skin elasticity?

Collagen is important to maintain skin elasticity. It is this molecule that maintains the elasticity of the dermis and its resistance to the appearance of facial wrinkles. Collagen is synthesized in the human body, and certain minerals and vitamins contribute to this, such as copper, silicon, iron, and vitamin C.

What “skin” vitamins help against wrinkles?

Antioxidant protection of the skin plays an important role in the prevention of wrinkles. It is provided by vitamins E, C, lipoic acid, and the mineral selenium. Vitamins with antioxidant effects protect cells from the aggressive damaging effects of free radicals.

In pharmacies you can find many options for dietary supplements - vitamins designed specifically to improve skin condition. They differ mainly in the composition and concentration of useful substances, country of manufacture and price category. Here are a few examples of modern dietary supplements with vitamins and minerals necessary for skin health.

"Vitrum® Beauty Plus"

This is a complex of vitamins and minerals for the skin. It contains vitamins E, C, group B, D3, folic, pantothenic acid, biotin and other nutrients. The product, according to the instructions, helps improve the structure of the skin. The complex is indicated for the appearance of wrinkles and excessive dry skin. The dietary supplement is produced in the USA. Cannot be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and not indicated for people with individual intolerance to the drug. Those who have thyroid diseases can take the drug with the permission of a doctor. A pack of 60 tablets costs approximately 1,760 rubles [13] Russian Medicines Register. URL:

"Special dragee Merz Classic"

These are vitamins for improving the condition of skin, hair and nails. The list of ingredients in the complex is more modest compared to the product described above, but it also contains vitamins E, C, group B, iron, zinc, folic acid and some other substances. Country of origin: Germany. Contraindications coincide with the restrictions of Vitrum®. 60 tablets of this German remedy cost about 900 rubles[14] URL:

Rules for choosing vitamin supplements for elderly women

Before deciding which vitamins an older woman needs, check out the following recommendations:

  • Vitamin D should be taken additionally only after tests have been carried out and its deficiency has been identified.
  • Multivitamins are prescribed for a deficiency of several elements, single preparations - for a deficiency of one.
  • Men need complexes that strengthen and tone the body, women need complexes that increase vigor and activity.
  • For chronic fatigue, you need to take drugs with ginseng, for heart disease - with motherwort and magnesium, for joint problems - products with chondroitin.
  • When choosing mineral complexes for older women, it is better to buy foreign products that contain all the microelements the body needs. Domestic analogues may use low-grade raw materials.

The most important thing: before purchasing a vitamin complex for older women, you should consult your doctor. Don't listen to the advice of your neighbors or girlfriends.

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