How to remove wrinkles? 10 effective ways to remove wrinkles without harm + step-by-step instructions for facial massage

Have you already noticed the first age-related changes, and wrinkles on your face are more noticeable? Don’t rush to get upset, because in 2021, wrinkles have long ceased to be an unsolvable problem. Massage, cosmetology, well-chosen care - there is an option to suit any request and budget.

In this article we will tell you:
  1. Why do wrinkles appear?
  2. How to remove wrinkles: how to remove different types of wrinkles?
  3. Homemade anti-wrinkle masks How to choose a professional anti-aging face mask?
  • Facial massage for wrinkles
      2 rules of facial massage
  • How to perform a facial massage using a gua sha scraper?
  • Cosmetologist Ksenia Nazarova and facial massage specialist and teacher Evgenia Miroshnichenko .

    Why do wrinkles appear?

    Do you think that everything is simple here - wrinkles reward us for every year we live? In fact, skin aging is caused by a number of reasons that are associated not only with age-related changes.

    Wrinkles are folds in the skin that appear due to lack of hydration, elastin and excessive facial activity.

    7 reasons why wrinkles appear:

    1. Physiological aging.
    2. Negative influence of the sun.
    3. Mimic activity.
    4. Diets and hunger strikes.
    5. Abrupt climate change.
    6. Improper home care.
    7. Emotional experiences and stress.

    Now let's look at each of the reasons in detail.

    Reason 1: physiological aging

    Elastin and collagen maintain skin turgor and moisture.

    Turgor is the elasticity of the skin and its ability to return to its original position.

    The less elastin and collagen produced, the less moisture the skin receives, which is why wrinkles form.

    Reason 2: negative influence of the sun

    Ultraviolet radiation destroys collagen fibers and intercellular structures of the skin. This leads to loss of moisture and the appearance of not only wrinkles, but also age spots.

    Reason 3: facial activity

    Wrinkles appear when we show emotions: we laugh, frown or are surprised. Such folds are called mimic folds. Don’t rush to put on a stony face or stop smiling - facial wrinkles can be removed with the help of procedures or massage.

    Reason 4: diets and hunger strikes

    Are you addicted to strict diets or don’t have time to eat normally? The skin will immediately give a distress signal. If the body does not receive the required amount of food, it will use reserves from subcutaneous tissue to maintain the functioning of internal organs.

    Another sign of skin dehydration is its grayish color.

    Reason 5: sudden climate change

    Moving to a region with a climate that is too cold or hot will affect the functions of the skin and blood vessels that are involved in the blood supply and nutrition of cells. Collagen production is reduced due to lack of nutrients, and wrinkles appear on the skin.

    Reason 6: improper home care

    Choose cosmetics taking into account your skin type, age and ingredients. It’s better to trust a professional and pack your makeup bag after consulting with a cosmetologist. You will definitely be sure that the products will not harm the skin and will maintain its youth for as long as possible.

    Reason 7: emotional distress and stress

    At this time, the skin begins to experience nutritional deficiency and loses its natural color and elasticity. This can lead to wrinkles even at a young age.

    Have you found mistakes in your lifestyle and skin care? Don't worry - they can be corrected and wrinkles can be eliminated. Let’s immediately make a reservation that only superficial and median wrinkles can be removed, and a plastic surgeon will help with deep ones. We will discuss the types of wrinkles in detail below.

    The main thing in the fight for beautiful and healthy skin is an integrated approach. Live a healthy lifestyle, get regular facial massages and try beauty treatments for that wow factor.


    Sagging areas of skin visually deform the oval of the face and add extra years. But even these can be dealt with with your own cosmetic bag. A cream sculptor will help us make jowls invisible. It is desirable that the shade be light brown with a hint of gray, not bright, without reddishness.

    How to draw? The sculptor draws a line along the very edge of the jowl. Then blend the product from the edge to the cheekbones. We work with the brush in upward movements. This creates an additional tightening effect.

    Effective exercises: How to get rid of jowls yourself in 15 minutes a day, says an expert

    How to remove wrinkles: how to remove different types of wrinkles?

    Wrinkles vary in depth and location. Each type has its own nuances and requires a special approach.

    Based on the depth of occurrence, there are 3 types of wrinkles:

    Superficial wrinkles

    Why do they appear? The cause of these faint lines is dehydration of the skin. Dehydration occurs due to insufficient hydration, prolonged exposure to the sun and poor diet.

    How to remove wrinkles? Thoroughly moisturize and nourish the skin well, then wrinkles will gradually smooth out. Properly selected care and a healthy lifestyle while maintaining water balance will help you.

    Which salon procedure to choose? "Biorevitalization".

    How does it work?

    Median wrinkles

    Why do they appear? Without proper care, superficial wrinkles deepen and turn into median wrinkles. The second reason is the destruction of collagen fibers as a result of age-related changes, ultraviolet radiation or lack of nutrition.

    How to remove wrinkles? Use cosmetic procedures: massage or peeling, and do not forget about high-quality home skin care.

    Which salon procedure to choose? "Botulinum therapy".

    How does it work? The procedure blocks facial muscle activity and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

    Deep wrinkles

    Why do they appear? The reason lies in weakening muscle tone and sagging tissue. Such wrinkles are pronounced and clearly visible.

    How to remove wrinkles? Cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery will come to the rescue. Deep wrinkles cannot be completely removed, but you can make them much less noticeable.

    What zones of wrinkles are identified?

    Area around the eyes and neck

    Wrinkles on the neck are also called rings of Venus, and around the eyes - crow's feet.

    Why do they arise? The area around the eyes and neck are very sensitive. The reason is that in these places the skin is thin and there are no sebaceous glands, so it lacks moisture. Wrinkles on the neck occur due to incorrect posture.

    What's special? Wrinkles in these areas appear already at a young age. Give them attention as early as possible.

    How to remove wrinkles around the eyes and neck? Try the Biorevitalization procedure to replenish fluid volume or mesotherapy products to nourish and brighten the skin.

    Forehead area and eyebrow area

    Why do they arise? Watch your facial expressions: how you smile or frown, how you are surprised or scared. Eyebrows actively move in response to our emotions, which is why facial wrinkles appear in this area.

    What's special? Expression wrinkles are easy to treat, and you can get rid of them.

    How to remove wrinkles on the forehead? Try botulinum therapy to reduce facial expression.

    Wrinkle area around the mouth

    Why do they arise? Transverse wrinkles above the upper lip are also called purse-string wrinkles. They are located between the lip and nose, and become more pronounced over the years. It's all about age-related changes and loss of elasticity.

    What's special? The area around the mouth is an area of ​​increased facial activity, so it is affected not only by the aging process, but also by the work of the facial muscles.

    How to remove wrinkles around the mouth? The botulinum therapy procedure will reduce facial activity, and filling wrinkles with soft fillers will help consolidate the effect.

    Expert opinion

    Yulia Sinitsyna, makeup artist:

    – If you have a lot of wrinkles, you will have to forget about thick foundation and switch to powder or a light transparent makeup base. The latter, by the way, is preferable. Such cosmetics not only smooth out “cracks”, but also, as a rule, contain moisturizing components. And try not to get carried away with cool-toned cosmetics: they make wrinkles more noticeable and brighter. From now on, beige, brownish, and peach shades should prevail in your cosmetic bag.

    Homemade anti-wrinkle masks

    Do you dream of using home remedies to combat wrinkles and not resort to professional care? Alas, grandma’s old mask recipes are unlikely to rejuvenate the skin and produce any effect. It's all about the composition of homemade products.

    Ordinary products from the refrigerator simply will not penetrate the layers of the skin, and can even clog pores and cause harm. Want to try pharmaceutical products?

    Be careful: drugs like salicylic acid in their pure form have a very high concentration.

    They will irritate the skin or dry it out.

    Don’t rush to get upset, because you can choose professional skin care for any budget. Cosmetics contain the most active substances and undergo serious testing in laboratory conditions. This product will not harm the skin, and the results will not be long in coming.

    Do you want to not only pack the right makeup bag for your age, but also learn how to use skincare products correctly? Sign up for cosmetology courses!

    There are many training options: both beginners, for whom cosmetology is an unknown world, and those who have already mastered basic knowledge of care will find their course. You will learn how to choose products wisely, care for your skin and prevent age-related changes.

    The cost of training starts from 3,500 and reaches 50,000 rubles. It all depends on the intensity of the program and the experience of the teacher. Courses last from 1 day to 1 month.

    How to choose a professional anti-aging face mask?

    1. Choose a mask for your skin type.

    This way the product will not dry out your face or add oily shine. The mask will maintain the ideal balance of skin moisture.

    2. Consider your age.

    Just crossed the threshold of 25 years and noticed the first wrinkles? Don't rush to buy the most intense smoothing masks. Facial tonics are also suitable for you, because the skin has not yet developed deep wrinkles.

    Women over 40 years old should pay attention to nourishing lifting masks.

    They will smooth out wrinkles and restore a healthy complexion.

    3. Choose a mask with collagen or hyaluronic acid.

    The active ingredients will nourish dehydrated skin and restore its elasticity.

    Nasolabial folds

    The secret of the technique is simple: you need to lighten the shadow of the crease. To do this, you will need a concealer that is a shade lighter than your skin tone and a clear powder to set the product. The process of drawing the nasolabium itself occurs in the penultimate stages, when the tone has already been applied.

    If the wrinkles are shallow, then apply concealer along the break line or a little higher (if facial expressions are quite active), and lightly tap it in with your fingers or a sponge. For deep folds, use the product exclusively above the break and blend thoroughly. The main thing is not to go beyond the shadow. In both cases, we finish everything with a light layer of powder.

    Facial massage for wrinkles

    Facial massage is a complex of mechanical effects on the facial muscles, which allows you to improve blood flow in blood vessels and capillaries. It stimulates metabolism in the lymphatic system, supplies cells with oxygen and removes toxic substances from them.

    Do you think that massage is only about relaxation and relaxation? Prepare to be surprised, because this procedure solves many more problems than you thought.

    5 changes you will notice after regular facial massage

    1. The skin of the face, neck and décolleté will tighten and become more elastic.
    2. Wrinkles will become less noticeable, and some of them will disappear completely.
    3. The muscular frame of the face, neck and décolleté will become stronger. This will not only lead to elasticity of the skin, but will also remove the double chin.
    4. The color and quality of the skin will improve. The reason for this is improved skin nutrition.
    5. Your sleep will become sound, because the massage will remove tension and spasms in the neck and improve blood circulation to the brain.

    Can't wait to try the procedure on yourself and feel the changes sooner? Before moving on to the step-by-step instructions, let's figure out how to massage correctly and not harm the skin.

    2 rules of facial massage

    1. Perform massage only on clean skin.

    This way you won't spread dirt all over your face and break out in rashes.

    Use a massage product.

    Perform any massage only with a special product so as not to stretch the skin. Choose a massage oil or cream with a pleasant consistency and smell. Aromatherapy is a pleasant addition to a beneficial procedure.

    Rinse thoroughly after massage to avoid clogging pores. Wash with a deep cleansing gel, not just water.

    There are many options for facial massage: there are Chinese and Japanese techniques. Each of them is unique and effective not only in the fight against wrinkles. We will share a technique for facial massage using a gua sha scraper.

    A gua sha scraper is a tool for performing facial massage using Chinese technology. There are several types of scrapers: they differ in size and the stone from which they are made.

    What is the difference?

    1. Jade will not only have a lifting effect, but will also help relieve headaches and reduce fatigue.
    2. Agate will give relaxation and improve blood circulation.
    3. Rose quartz will start the skin regeneration process and smooth out wrinkles.

    How to perform a facial massage using a gua sha scraper?

    Step 1. Apply massage oil to cleansed face. Choose the one that suits you best. For example: from rose hips, grape seed or aloe.

    Take a few drops of oil and warm it in your palms. Apply it with light pressing movements on your neck and face.

    We start with a neck massage

    Step 2. Use the raised part of the scraper and move it along the back of the neck from bottom to top. The bottom point is in a place that you can reach with your hand, and the top point is on the hairline.

    Stop at the top point and massage it a little with pulsating movements 7-10 times.

    Step 3. Move to the side of the neck. Place the wide side of the gua sha where the neck meets the shoulder. Move the scraper towards the ear with medium pressure.

    Stay at the top point and massage it 7-10 times.

    Step 4: Repeat for the front of the neck. Move from the collarbone to the lower cheekbone.

    Let's move on to facial massage

    Step 5. Move to the face. Swipe the scraper from the chin to the earlobe 7-10 times. Repeat the same on the other half. All movements should go from the center of the face towards the ears.

    Step 6: Use the notch of the scraper and work your way down the nose. Move from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose.

    Step 7. Now use the edge of the scraper to work on the cheekbone area. Slide the tool away from your nose.

    Step 8. Bring the scraper to the ear area and lightly massage this part. Then repeat the action up to 10 times. Focus on your own feelings.

    Step 9. Turn the scraper over with the narrow part up and move to the most delicate part of the face - the area under the eyes. Hold the corner of your eye with your finger and move the corner of the scraper from bottom to top.

    Try to lift and move the skin upward, this will give a lifting effect from the procedure. Be especially careful in this area and do not apply pressure. Be sure to pause at the top point in the forehead area and massage your temple. Repeat 7-10 times.

    Step 10. Move to the forehead area. Use the wide part of the scraper to work the eyebrow area. Guide the tool from the middle of the forehead to the hair. Repeat 7-10 times.

    Experiment and try using different edges of the scraper in this area. Monitor your sensations and pay special attention to places where you feel tightness or tension.

    Step 11. Complete the complex with a lymph drainage movement. This will relieve your face from swelling.

    Place the concave part of the scraper in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold and move up to the temporal area. Do not lift the instrument and move it down, around the auricle and down to the side of the neck. The end point is the collarbone.

    Repeat on the other side of your face.

    Step 12. Remove any remaining oil with gel or foam cleanser and apply a mask to your face. Give him a rest.

    It's all about slowing down the detoxification process, which occurs in the cold. Drink a glass of hot water or herbal tea after the procedure to help the body remove toxins.

    Drooping corners of lips

    Even before applying foundation, use a primer to fill in all the cracks and creases around your mouth. Scrub your lips and apply a nourishing balm. Using light concealer, draw an ascending line from the middle of the lower lip, through the corner and up, then blend. This technique will visually tighten the corners of the lips.

    Next comes the lip pencil. Draw a contour with it, paying special attention to the corners of the mouth - do not overload the bottom so that it does not burden the image. The corners of the mouth should be sharp. Choose natural shades: beige, brown, peach or scarlet. They visually add volume and refresh.

    Don’t do that: Bad facial habits that bring old age closer

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