Orange oil for cellulite and stretch marks: massage, baths, wraps

To get rid of cellulite, it is enough to include in your self-care ritual recipes that contain essential orange oil. In the fight against “orange peel”, all means are good. In this case, the saying “knocks out fire with fire” turned out to be very true. Try orange oil for cellulite, this remedy has earned only positive reviews.

It effectively copes with skin unevenness, prevents aging, and tightens tissue.

Will orange oil help with cellulite?

Cellulite appears as a result of poor blood flow and lymph stagnation. The reasons may be different: a sedentary lifestyle, heredity, excess weight, individual skin characteristics.

Reducing the lumpy skin at home is quite possible. But this issue should be approached comprehensively.

The following measures will help:

  • Drink more clean water.
  • Increase physical activity.
  • Consume less salt, sugar, and fatty foods.
  • Include a contrast shower, scrubbing problem areas, self-massage, and body wraps in your body care.

The use of orange oil for cellulite and stretch marks cannot by itself solve the problem without an integrated approach.

Contraindications for use

  • Allergy to citrus fruits. Using orange oil may cause a serious reaction.
  • Dermatological diseases and skin damage - scratches, wounds, ulcers.
  • If you have epilepsy, use is not recommended. Possible seizure.
  • Frequent low blood pressure is a contraindication for use. Orange oil lowers blood pressure.
  • Cholelithiasis. Exacerbation is possible due to the choleretic effect of the oil.
  • Taking medications. It is necessary to consult a doctor before using aroma oil.
  • Caution should be exercised when using the oil by nursing and pregnant women.

How can citrus help hide skin imperfections?

Orange oil for cellulite is used in creams, scrubs, wraps, and massage mixtures.

Orange essential oil is rich in vitamins, organic acids, and mineral components.

Effect of oil:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • breaks down fat cells;
  • improves skin tone;
  • helps remove toxins and drain excess fluid;
  • increases elasticity due to collagen synthesis;
  • slows down aging.

Read: How to effectively use jojoba oil for skin and hair care: recipes, reviews .

Properties of orange for beautiful skin

To prepare cosmetic mixtures against cellulite, orange essential oil is usually used. It is quite easy to find, so when you look at the nearest pharmacy or specialty store, you will probably find dark glass bottles with fragrant contents. It is inexpensive, which again adds a plus in favor of this homemade anti-cellulite remedy.

But the main thing is, of course, its beneficial properties:

  • active acids in the composition of citrus ester help eliminate toxins and drain fluid;
  • accelerate cell regeneration processes;
  • stimulate the breakdown of fatty nodules that form cellulite;
  • orange moisturizes, tones and tightens the skin;
  • softens rough and rough areas;
  • treats inflammation and acne;
  • Vitamin C in its composition activates the production of collagen, as a result the skin becomes more elastic;
  • narrows pores, making them less noticeable;
  • fades freckles and age spots;
  • smoothes cellulite, stretch marks and wrinkles, slows down skin aging;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so it is recommended for oily skin.

It’s also great that orange oil is suitable for all skin types, even problematic and prone to irritation. A prerequisite is that the quality of the broadcast should not be in doubt. A counterfeit product may simply not produce results, but often even harm the skin.

Use it correctly

Important: to avoid getting burned, orange oil should not be applied in its pure form .

Either an oil base or other components are required. Ether is added to the composition a few drops at a time.

Citrus fruits are strong allergens . Before use, any composition should be tested on a small area of ​​skin for the presence of an allergic reaction.

Immediately after applying the product there is no need to sunbathe , as you may get burned.

Use only a high-quality product that has not expired.

How to choose massage oil

In order not to provoke an allergy and really get the expected effect from the massage product, it is advisable to check it on four points.

  • Compound. The oil should be free of fragrances, phthalates, mineral oils and other components that are harmful to the skin. It’s great if the product contains vitamins A, E, C, D and microelements such as iron and copper.
  • Purpose. Depending on the type of massage (cupping, classic manual, lymphatic drainage), you can choose oil with different effects. For example, warming, cooling or calming.
  • Manufacturer. Always read reviews, choose stores you trust and don’t test anything that seems suspicious.
  • Texture and density. You can choose a denser oil (like jojoba) or a lighter oil (like citrus fruits), the main thing is that it is well absorbed and does not spread over the skin.

Fragrant baths

Healing baths with orange oil for cellulite relax, soothe, at the same time smooth out problem areas, and accelerate metabolic processes in tissues.

The rules for taking baths are as follows:

  • The water should be warm, but not hot. The optimal temperature is about 36–37 degrees.
  • The fluid level should reach the chest, but not cover it.
  • It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.
  • Session time is 15–20 minutes, but no more than half an hour.
  • The dosage of orange ether or a mixture of essential oils is 25 drops per filled bath.
  • The procedure is contraindicated at elevated body temperature, heart disease, or when blood pressure deviates from the normal range.
  • In addition to essential oils, you can add to the water: sea salt, herbal decoctions, honey, milk, clay.

The procedure is carried out in a sitting position; water should not cover the chest.
Here are the options for formulations designed for one procedure:

  1. One liter of milk, 10 drops of orange oil, 2 tablespoons of honey.
  2. 300 g of coarse sea salt, 2 tablespoons of dry mustard powder, 8 drops of orange ether.
  3. 200 g of soda, 100 g of salt, 5 drops of orange essential oils.

Oil massage

A mandatory attribute of any massage session is oils. They facilitate sliding, nourish the skin, soften it, and make it more pliable.

Try adding a few drops of essential oil to the base oil. Orange essential oil is perfect for these purposes.

The recipe is simple: for one tablespoon of base – 5-6 drops of ether. The following oils are suitable as a base: olive, apricot, wheat germ, coconut.

The procedure can be carried out independently. This can be a massage with vacuum cans, or with the help of special rollers, or you can do it yourself.

Having generously lubricated the problem areas with a mixture of oils, the massage should begin from the bottom up. Movements can be circular, rubbing, patting, pinching.

Honey massage is considered effective and easy to perform . To do this, mix 100 g of honey with 10 drops of orange ether. Apply the mixture liberally to the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Then make patting movements on problem areas.

Thanks to honey, the palms will hardly come off the body, which has a mechanical effect on the deep layers of the skin, breaks down fat cells, accelerates blood flow, and has a lymphatic drainage effect.

How to make ether yourself

You can make orange essential oil yourself at home. Such a product will be 100% natural without artificial colors or preservatives. To prepare orange extract, 2 kilograms of medium oranges are peeled, then thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water to eliminate the pesticides used to preserve the fruit.

Grind the orange peels with a blender until oily inclusions appear and transfer to a glass jar. The resulting mass is combined with olive or linseed oil and left in a cool, dark place for 3-5 days.

The resulting mixture is heated in a steam bath, filtered through a bandage or gauze and poured into glass jars for storage. It is recommended to keep the resulting product in the refrigerator.

Homemade wraps with orange oil

Wraps not only help get rid of cellulite, but also perfectly reduce volume by removing excess fluid.

For noticeable results, you should complete a course of 10 procedures, doing them every two to three days.

The sequence of the procedure is as follows:

  1. It is recommended to first warm up the skin with a scrub or dry massage with a brush with natural bristles.
  2. Apply a thick layer of the composition to problem areas.
  3. Wrap in cling film.
  4. Wear warm clothes over the film. Additionally, you can wrap yourself in a blanket.
  5. On average, you should keep the composition for about an hour and a half. But if the skin gets very hot, you need to remove the mass earlier to prevent burns.
  6. Rinse off the product thoroughly. To enhance the effect, take a contrast shower and moisturize your skin with cream.

Read: Ylang-ylang essential oil: properties and uses for face, nails, body and massage, reviews .

Honey wrap


  • 4 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. any base oil (olive, apricot, almond);
  • 10 drops of orange essential oil.

If necessary, melt the honey in a water bath. Combine with oils. Apply thickly to skin. Wrap in film. Wash off after an hour. Honey perfectly removes toxins and water. Orange provides lymphatic drainage. The base is needed for moisturizing.

Clay wrap


  • 50 g blue clay;
  • a tablespoon of mustard powder;
  • two tablespoons of honey;
  • ½ tsp. orange oil;
  • 3 tsp. olive oil.

Add warm water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Keep the composition on the skin for 40 minutes. If you feel a strong burning sensation, rinse off earlier.

Blue clay forms a beautiful silhouette and reduces volume. Mustard and orange oil have a powerful warming and anti-cellulite effect on problem areas.

Selection rules

You can purchase the product at a pharmacy or online store. Despite the affordable price, the buyer runs the risk of receiving a fake. To avoid this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • The essential product should not be too cheap,
  • Orange essential oil is bottled in darkened glass bottles, since the sun's rays destroy the beneficial properties of the oil.
  • The bottle cap must be sealed. This is how manufacturers protect their product from misuse of the product or its substitution,
  • Essential oil is a dark yellow or orange liquid. When applied to a napkin, the oil leaves a yellow stain that disappears within 1-2 hours. This is explained by the volatility of ether. If the stain on the napkin is very greasy, has no color or does not disappear for a long time, it is a fake product.

Citrus scrubs

Body scrubs contain solid particles of different sizes. This can be: sugar, coarse salt, ground coffee, crushed plant seeds and nuts.

The benefit of the scrub is its exfoliating and warming effect, which helps reduce unevenness and stretch marks in problem areas of the body.

Apply the scrub while taking water procedures, using circular rubbing movements starting from the bottom, gradually moving up.

If there are wounds, pimples, or irritations on the skin, then the scrub should be discarded.

Orange oil in the product works well: it enhances the effects of other components, has a warming effect, helps smooth out unevenness, and restores elasticity.

Walnut scrub


  • 5 tablespoons of white clay;
  • 3 tablespoons honey;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 6 drops of orange ether;
  • 50 g almonds.

Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder. Melt honey in a water bath. Add oil. Dissolve the clay in a warm mixture of oils and honey, add nuts and salt. The consistency should be like thick sour cream.

Massage the resulting cream onto your thighs, buttocks, and stomach. The finished mixture can be stored in a tightly closed jar for up to 10 days.

Nut particles exfoliate the skin. Honey removes toxins and excess fluid. Clay levels out the terrain. Orange essential oil has an anti-cellulite effect.

Solid soap-scrub


  • 200 g neutral soap base;
  • 10 drops of orange oil;
  • 5 drops of lemon oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee beans.

Ready-made soap base can be purchased in cosmetic departments or in craft stores. An alternative is a bar of unscented baby soap.

Melt the base in a water bath, first crushing it. When it becomes liquid, add all the ingredients from the recipe. Stir until smooth.

Pour the mixture into molds. To avoid buying special ones, you can use silicone baking molds. Leave for 8 hours until completely hardened. Remove from the mold, after which the soap is ready for use. From the given quantity, two medium-sized sticks are obtained.

You should rub soap on problem areas of your body while showering. The essential oils in the composition have a warming effect. Coconut oil softens and moisturizes. Ground coffee exfoliates the dead layer of skin, allowing beneficial substances to penetrate deeper into the cells.

Choosing quality essential oil

When purchasing essential oil, be it orange or any other, pay attention to the following:

  1. Package. Only glass and only darkened, there should be no other. The glass bottle does not react with the active components of the contents, and the tinting protects against exposure to ultraviolet radiation and spoilage.
  2. Price. Quality has its price. In pursuit of financial gain, you should not save on your own beauty, or even health, and buy the cheapest essential oil in the area. There is a risk of getting a diluted product.
  3. Test. You can check the authenticity by dropping citrus oil onto a clean white napkin. The natural ether will evaporate in a couple of seconds, leaving no trace. If the manufacturer diluted orange essential oil with regular vegetable oil, a yellow stain and a greasy residue will remain on the napkin. A colorless stain of fat indicates a liquid obtained in a chemical laboratory that has nothing in common with orange fruits.

Making orange oil at home

To be precise, this is not exactly an essential oil, but a so-called infusion solution. But for home treatment of cellulite it is perfect.

Everything is extremely simple. Wash 2 large oranges, peel them and chop them. Place in a dark glass bottle and pour in olive oil, covering the zest completely. Place the container in a secluded corner, away from sunlight and heat sources. After 5 days, remove the bottle and heat it in a water bath. Let cool and strain the mixture through cheesecloth. Store the finished aroma oil closed at room temperature.


Homemade cellulite cream

The task of creams is to deeply moisturize the skin and penetrate active substances into its inner layers.

It is better to apply the cream at night. Before this, it is effective to scrub your body and take a contrast shower.

You can add a few drops of orange oil to a store-bought product, or you can prepare this cream yourself.


  • 3 tbsp. l. glycerin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 3 drops of orange ether;
  • 3 drops of juniper ether.

It is better to store the finished cream in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for no more than ten days.

Glycerin and olive oil are a moisturizing base. Cinnamon in combination with essential oils warms the skin, improves blood circulation, and has an anti-cellulite effect.

Description of orange extract

The product is made from citrus peel. Therefore, orange ether has a rich aroma and a bright yellow-orange color. It is rich in the content of useful substances in its composition, due to which it is widely used.

Many manufacturers produce products not only from the zest, but also from the leaves of the orange tree.

Chemical composition:

  • high content of hydrocarbons (limonene, decanal);
  • myrcene;
  • caryophyllene;
  • linalool;
  • auroptene;
  • vitamins of groups A and B, high content of vitamin C;
  • antioxidants.

Due to its healing qualities, it is used in professional and folk medicine, cosmetology, and cooking.

Enrichment of ready-made funds

On store shelves there is a wide selection of ready-made products that promise to help in the fight against cellulite. Using orange oil can really make the product even more effective.

Ether is added to scrubs, creams, lotions, milk, shower gels, and body wrap compositions. For 50 g of product, no more than 6–8 drops of oil.

Important: the formulations should be mixed before use. It is not recommended to store the product enriched with ether for a long time.

You can also add orange oil to neutral products, such as baby cream. Thus, the product will acquire new properties.

Orange oil will enhance the anti-cellulite effect, help break down fat cells, give the skin elasticity, normalize metabolic processes, and give a pleasant aroma.

Causes of cellulite

Cellulite most often appears in women in the subcutaneous fat tissue. Skin affected by cellulite becomes uneven and lumpy, resembling an orange peel. Experts call metabolic disorders, fluid accumulation and stagnation in adipose tissue the main causes of the pathology. Fat cells grow and compress lymphatic and blood vessels, forming a cosmetic defect in the skin.

Cellulite often occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and a tendency to obesity. The problem can occur even at a young age. After 50 years, due to the slowdown and disruption of metabolic processes, cellulite appears in most women.

Possible side effects

Like any other ether, orange oil should be used with great care, strictly following the recipe.

Orange essential oil is an allergen and can cause irritation, itching, and swelling. Before use, be sure to do an allergic reaction test. To do this, apply a mixture of orange and olive oil to the crook of your elbow. If after an hour no red spots, blisters or other side effects appear on the skin, then you can use products with the addition of orange ether.

If you do not follow the dosage or apply a diluted base, the product can cause skin burns.

Precautionary measures

  • Before starting the procedure, you need to conduct a tolerance test. Apply a small amount of aromatic product to the skin of the inner elbow and leave for several hours. If redness occurs, the use of oil is contraindicated.

  • After use, avoid exposure to sunlight. The oil's ability to attract ultraviolet rays can lead to sunburn. You can go outside in the summer and visit the solarium an hour after using the fragrant product.
  • Be sure to adhere to the recommended dosages and treatment times. An overdose of the drug is fraught with the appearance of an allergic reaction on the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

Reviews on the use of orange oil for cellulite

  • “I love using natural ingredients in my personal care, but I don’t always have enough time to prepare them. I found a way out - I add essential oils to ready-made store products. Orange oil is my favorite in body care. I drip it into my daily lotion, shower gel, and sometimes add it to my bath. In addition to smooth skin, I also enjoy the fresh aroma during bath procedures.”
  • “Recently, due to health reasons, I have not been able to play sports. As a result, cellulite began to appear on the thighs and buttocks. It’s impossible to resume training yet, so I decided to get rid of unevenness with proper nutrition and a daily scrub. I add orange oil to a handful of ground coffee. I massage my thighs with this mass for so long until my hands get tired. The method did not disappoint. The skin returned to its original state, became smooth, and the unpleasant bumps disappeared.”
  • “After losing a lot of weight, my skin sagged and cellulite became very noticeable. Various forums advised making wraps using cling film. There are a lot of recipes, but I liked the blue clay wrap with the addition of orange essential oil the most. The skin tightens very well. And most importantly, the products are very inexpensive and are sold in any pharmacy. I’ve already had 8 procedures, but the results are significant.”

Prevention of cellulite

The most effective way to avoid cellulite is to prevent it.

To do this you need:

  • balance your diet and avoid sweets, fatty foods,
  • do sports every day,
  • quit smoking,
  • take care of your body and regularly carry out a variety of anti-cellulite procedures.

Despite the high effectiveness of this procedure, to achieve a lasting anti-cellulite effect, it is necessary to follow a diet, exercise, and use suitable therapeutic techniques.

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