Removal of blood vessels on the face - laser or photocoagulation?

Consultation Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Sharubina Karina Petrovna

Trichologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: November 16, 2022

Review date: November 02, 2022

Cuperosis is a condition characterized by impaired blood circulation in the upper layer of the skin. Blood stagnation leads to thinning of the capillary walls due to the heavy load on them. They become fragile and brittle. Capillaries may periodically burst, and the blood coming out of them will be noticeable under the skin. Most often, rosacea occurs on the forehead, wings of the nose, chin, and cheeks. It is usually accompanied by burning or itching of the skin.

In a more advanced stage, rosacea is characterized by the appearance of a vascular network (telangiectasia) that occurs in the area of ​​capillary damage. Couperosis is the initial stage of circulatory disorders, and rosacea is already a chronic skin disease. 10 percent of our planet's population is affected by this disease. At the same time, the disease is much more common in women, although men are more likely to have complicated forms and rapid development of symptoms.

At the first signs of circulatory problems, you should immediately seek help from specialists. After all, treating the initial stages is always easier than the advanced ones.

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Is it possible to get rid of blood vessels forever?

Under the influence of various aggressive factors (frequent visits to baths and saunas, excessive alcohol consumption, harsh weather conditions - extreme heat, cold, stress) - due to increased pressure in the vascular bed, neighboring vessels may begin to appear again. Unfortunately, cosmetology does not fight the cause of blood vessels, but only the aesthetic manifestations. The cause of the appearance of blood vessels on the face is identified by other specialists, and sometimes it can be very difficult to find and eliminate it. Even in this case, the vessels do not disappear on their own, and the patient in this case also turns to a cosmetologist.

Causes of the occurrence and development of rosacea

Before starting therapy aimed at curing rosacea, it is advisable to find out what could have been the impetus for its occurrence, that is, dilation of blood vessels and loss of elasticity. As a rule, there are two main reasons: hereditary predisposition and motivating external factors.

The mechanisms of inheritance of the disease have not been established, but studies conducted by American scientists have proven that in 40% of cases the disease occurs in close relatives of patients.

But if heredity is difficult to change, then you need to pay special attention to external factors and, if possible, try to avoid them. Or minimize it. Such negative external factors include:

Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. Red wine has a vasodilating effect on the skin. This negatively affects the skin of the face.

Eating very hot or spicy foods, which leads to capillary fragility.

Sudden temperature changes. People should avoid prolonged stay in an area with an aggressive climate and avoid temperature changes. This is when, for example, a well-warmed person (after a bath or intense workout) plunges into cold water.

Ultraviolet rays also have a negative effect on the skin. Direct sunlight or prolonged stay in a solarium destroys the capillaries on the surface of the face.

Aggressive products. These include hot chocolate and coffee. They increase blood flow to the surface of the face.

Stress, emotional swings, nervous breakdowns. They increase blood pressure and negatively affect blood vessels.

There are also a number of diseases that provoke changes in blood vessels. These include: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the stomach and duodenum (they are observed in 90% of patients with rosacea); endocrine diseases; disruptions in the immune system; disorders in the blood coagulation system; vegetative-vascular dystonia; skin infections.

The difference between working with blood vessels on the face and on the body:

On the face, the vessels are located more superficially than on the body and have a smaller diameter. Therefore, for different zones there are different methods of influence, devices and specialists.

  • Cosmetologists work with blood vessels on the face (rosacea, rosacea, port-wine stains and other manifestations), selecting the most effective course of treatment.
  • Phlebologists work with blood vessels on the legs. They diagnose the condition of the veins of the lower extremities, including ultrasound (duplex angioscanning), and prescribe appropriate treatment or aesthetic correction.

Who is the procedure recommended for?

Treatment of vascular formations with the Leonardo device is suitable for both women and men. You can sign up for the procedure if you have:

  • areas with bright redness that does not go away
  • isolated red streaks on the cheeks, chin and near the wings of the nose
  • networks of blood vessels, so-called “spider veins”

If you leave the symptoms of rosacea unattended, then over time the metabolic processes in the skin will be disrupted and such negative consequences may appear as:

  • decreased skin sensitivity
  • deterioration of complexion
  • premature aging

Without proper treatment, rosacea will inevitably progress! Make an appointment on WHATSAPP

How many procedures will be required?

Most often, to completely get rid of the manifestations of rosacea, a course of treatment is prescribed - 2-3 sessions with a break of 3 weeks. The exact number of treatments will depend on the initial condition of your skin.


Laser treatment of vascular pathology

Removal of capillary hemangiomas on the body:
1 mm100 rub.
2 mm300 rub.
Removal of hemangioma on the face with a vascular laser1,000 rub.
Cheek (one)6,000 rub.
Nose wings (both sides)1,500 rub.
Full nose3,000 rub.
Chin3,000 rub.
Single vessel (1 cm)1,000 rub.
Local area (1 cm2)1,500 rub.

Treatment methods for rosacea and rosacea

Vascular manifestations on the skin are successfully treated. There are cosmetic procedures that effectively affect dilated and fragile blood vessels. Even with hereditary pathologies.

Laser treatment of rosacea

Doctors at A Clinic recommend a photorejuvenation procedure to effectively eliminate rosacea.

The technique is based on the technology of high-intensity pulsed light (Intensive Pulse Light), where the source is a flash lamp that produces light radiation in the wavelength range from 500 to 1200 nm. The wavelength of the light beam depends on the result that is planned to be achieved. There are three types of effects: on the superficial, middle, and deep layers of the skin.

During photorejuvenation, light beams are directed at vascular formations, as a result of which the hemoglobin that stagnates in them is destroyed (collapses), and the vascular pattern disappears.

According to research from the Cornell University Medical School (USA), satisfaction with the results of photorejuvenation was 92%, while patients underwent a course of five procedures with an interval of 3 weeks between each. The same studies have shown that with photorejuvenation, not only skin defects go away, but also overall skin rejuvenation occurs. Thus, skin elasticity increases by 60%, wrinkle depth is reduced by 70%, pores are narrowed by 65%.

Photorejuvenation also eliminates post-acne, age spots, and acne. This additional cosmetic effect is one of the advantages of this procedure.

The photorejuvenation procedure is completely safe, painless, and does not leave any marks on the skin. Phototherapy does not require a rehabilitation period - it is enough to avoid direct sunlight and tanning for some time.

To get rid of rosacea, 3-5 photorejuvenation procedures with an interval of three weeks are enough.

Treatment of rosacea at the Istok Health Clinic

It is important to remember that spider veins on the face are not only an aesthetic problem.
They represent an alarming signal that may indicate the development of serious pathological processes in the body. That is why, if there are manifestations of rosacea on the face, it is necessary to contact not only a cosmetologist, but also a therapist. Our Clinic offers:

  • consultations with competent specialists - cosmetologists and therapists
  • phototherapy of rosacea using the latest equipment - Leonardo HYPER PULSE devices (Israel)
  • therapeutic treatment of rosacea
  • large selection of cosmetology techniques
  • sterile conditions for procedures

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To avoid having to carry out complex treatment of rosacea on the face, you must adhere to the following measures:

  • Give up bad habits, switch to proper nutrition.
  • The right way of life. Healthy sleep, moderate physical activity, avoiding stress - all this is very important.
  • Proper skin care. It is best to consult a cosmetologist who will select care taking into account your characteristics.
  • Regular skin protection from the sun. There is no need to be outside during periods of particularly sunny activity (from twelve in the afternoon to five in the evening), and it is also important to always use sunscreen.
  • Protecting the skin from hypothermia - there are also special nourishing creams for winter.

Since the problem is related to the quality of the walls of blood vessels, a very important factor is proper nutrition. Once every year or two, for this reason, you need to visit a nutritionist-endocrinologist, take tests for missing substances and take a course of vitamins, and also adjust the menu in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

How to prepare for the phototherapy procedure for rosacea

If you follow a number of simple recommendations, you can avoid complications and get excellent treatment results.
2 weeks before the procedure you must:

  • refuse peelings and scrubs
  • Avoid visiting solariums and beaches, using self-tanning
  • Use sunscreen with a high SPF level every day when outdoors.

24 hours before the session:

  • do not drink alcoholic beverages
  • do not use decorative cosmetics
  • refuse baths, saunas and spa treatments
  • stop taking blood thinners that contain heparin or aspirin

Results of phototherapy of vascular formations using Leonardo HYPER PULSE

Leonardo easily copes with dilated capillaries and vessels located close to the surface of the skin.
Visually, they have a bright red tint. Violet vessels located in the deep layers of the skin cannot be removed using this device - laser technologies are needed here. During the consultation, the cosmetologist will select the most suitable method for removing rosacea for you. If you choose Leonardo HYPER PULSE, you will be able to immediately evaluate its high effectiveness after the procedure:

  • the vascular pattern will disappear - capillaries, meshes and stars
  • the skin will acquire a uniform tone and healthy appearance
  • skin tone will increase
  • metabolic processes in the layers of the dermis are activated
  • pigmentation, if present in the treatment area, will become lighter
  • pores will shrink

Additionally, you will get a slight lifting effect!

Immediately after the session, slight redness may occur on the face, which will subside in a couple of hours.


If there is an underlying disease that has caused rosacea on the face or body, then treatment begins with its elimination. In this case, the patient is often accompanied not only by dermatologists, but also by endocrinologists, cardiologists, and gastroenterologists, depending on the disease underlying the problem.

When the disease is independent, in the first and second stages, doctors usually recommend proper skin care and monitoring your condition. The third or fourth stage already shows the treatment of rosacea by removing dilated vessels using one of several methods:

  • Ozone therapy. It involves the introduction of a certain mixture into the lumen of a damaged vessel.
  • Laser therapy. A laser beam is used to narrow blood vessels (the best option is a neodymium laser).
  • Phototherapy. When using it, blood vessels are restored using photo flashes.
  • Electrocoagulation is essentially cauterization of blood vessels with electric current.

If there are no additional diseases, this problem can be solved quite effectively on an aesthetic level. For detailed advice, we recommend contacting the dermatologists of Meditsina JSC in Moscow - the clinic’s doctors will help patients at any stage of the disease.

Spider veins on the face. Before and after

These are the spider veins that were on the face of a very young patient. There is no point in leaving them, since they themselves will not disappear and over time, on the contrary, they will become larger in size and quantity.

The procedure for removing them is quite short, a few flashes on the IPL system and you can go about your business. Locally there may be redness for 1-3 days, it goes away without a trace and can be covered with foundation from the very first day.

The number of procedures is 1-4, depending on many factors, all this is discussed at the preliminary consultation. It is better to carry out the procedure in a non-sunny period and not plan it a few days before your vacation.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • From 1 to 4 procedures
  • Short procedures
  • IPL system
  • Rehabilitation up to 3 days
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