The most effective procedures for facial rejuvenation after 35

About skin problems at 35 years old

This is the age of a certain border - the transition to the first real signs of skin aging. If up to 35 years of age the care was complete and of high quality, you don’t have to worry about age-related changes. However, it is necessary to remember that the process has already begun, it is as follows:

  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • the appearance of wrinkles and folds;
  • deterioration of facial tone;
  • loss of smoothness and velvety skin.

At the age of 35, pigment spots and spider veins may appear, but more often such manifestations are associated with general chronic diseases than with age-related changes.

General indications for anti-aging procedures

After 25 years, the elasticity of the skin begins to gradually decrease, the first wrinkles appear, so cosmetologists advise starting to use anti-aging cosmetics from this age .

Signs that you should consider anti-aging treatments include:

  1. change in skin type, tendency to dryness and flaking;
  2. formation of wrinkles;
  3. loss of skin elasticity, the oval of the face “floats”, jowls and sagging appear;
  4. the appearance of age spots, the complexion becomes dull and sallow;
  5. enlarged pores, post-acne, long-term recovery after injury, the appearance of small scars;
  6. increased skin sensitivity - reactions to cold and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Why do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

The basic reason for the formation of wrinkles around the eyes is the prolonged exposure to UV rays and the resulting photoaging, as well as the functioning of the facial muscles responsible for squinting. Ultraviolet spectrum B (UVB) activates the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), causing their excess.

What's happening:

  1. Natural antioxidant systems cannot quickly neutralize many ROS, which causes stress oxidation.
  2. UVB negatively affects the functioning of mitochondria and this further increases oxidation due to ROS directly in the mitochondria. This promotes the activation of matrix metalloproteinases, which destroy collagen in the skin.
  3. Also at this time, the activity of proteolytic enzymes increases, which leads to elastin fragmentation. These and other pathogenetic mechanisms negatively affect the quality of the dermis around the eyes - facial wrinkles and folds are formed.

Smoking increases the negative effects of matrix metalloproteinases and leads to the earliest formation of crow's feet.

Environmental pollution plays an important role in this process - microparticles of urban smog accumulate in the skin, including around the eyes, deteriorate the properties of the dermis, and wrinkles form even more actively.

Features of aging facial skin

The process of withering is almost invisible to the person himself. But those around you involuntarily note that the bright blush and even tone are gradually giving way to pallor and a network of wrinkles. With unfavorable heredity, changes are noticeable earlier. They are expressed in the correction of the thickness of the skin. If they were thin, they will become even more vulnerable, and the epidermis, prone to oily and combination type, will become rougher.

A slowdown in cellular renewal and a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen leads to changes in the contours of the face, the appearance of sagging areas, sagging, and fragmented pigmentation. The question of how to slow down, stop and prevent skin aging is beginning to worry the fair sex more and more, especially since due to the thinning of the hydrolipid layer, the epidermis retains natural moisture less well, which provokes increased dryness. In this case, useful substances are consumed faster, which leads to their deficiency in the body.

The weakening protective functions of the skin do not allow us to adequately and quickly respond to aggressive environmental factors and resist them. Cosmetologists and dermatologists warn that it is necessary to use high-quality skincare cosmetics with a rejuvenating effect, such as Laennec or Curacen, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by experts and numerous positive reviews.

The role of proper nutrition in skin care

Proper nutrition is the basis for the healthy functioning of the body. After all, vitamins and minerals, essential acids and fats penetrate into the bloodstream through the intestines.

At 35 years old, you need to change your usual diet and consume more of the following foods:

  1. Vegetable oils from flax, hemp, olive - they are enriched with vitamins and do not allow the accumulation of fat deposits.
  2. Fatty fish. Enriches the body with vitamin D and B vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids and Se.
  3. Beans, tomatoes, flax seeds. From the age of 35, a woman’s body produces less phytoestrogen (female hormone), which is responsible for beauty and youth. These products replenish the hormone deficiency.
  4. Fruit and vegetable products. Source of vitamins and nutrients.
  5. Soy. Indispensable for preventing aging of the body.
  6. Fermented milk products, cottage cheese 1%, natural yogurt.

But it is correct to avoid strong alcoholic and carbonated drinks, limit the consumption of coffee and very strong tea. Soda and fast food are not recommended at all.

You should not go on mono-diets after 35 years, as this negatively affects the condition of the dermis. The skin will be flabby, sagging, and if you don’t exercise, the result will not be pleasing.

It is important not to abuse alcohol, stop smoking, get enough sleep and maintain hormone balance. Therefore, proper nutrition is the path to beauty and health for a woman.

Thread face lift after 50 years

Those lucky women who began professionally caring for their faces twenty years ago look 35 and continue to follow the advice of experts in the field of cosmetology. Women who looked closely at themselves in the mirror only when they turned fifty discovered weak, sagging, wrinkled skin, a double chin, drooping earlobes and cheeks, long nasolabial folds, pronounced furrows around the eyes, and drooping eyelids.

You can't put up with this! A healthy diet and physical activity are wonderful, but without the intervention of a cosmetologist, progress will not be noticeable. A facelift is required. Thread lifting remains very effective after 50 years. Threads for the face after more than 50 years are taken more durable, often non-absorbable.

Plastic surgeries are actively used. Mesotherapy, peelings, and hardware cosmetology can be used as auxiliary ones.

Recommendations for 35 year olds

With proper care and prevention of aging, you can achieve excellent results:

  • observe the water consumption regime - from 1.5 liters per day;
  • adhere to the basics of proper nutrition;
  • exercise;
  • carry out mandatory daily care in the morning and evening - from cleansing to nutrition;
  • carry out maintenance procedures 2-3 times a week - masks, soft peeling;
  • wash off makeup at night;
  • use high-quality cosmetics;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • protect skin from ultraviolet radiation and weather conditions.

This is the age when it’s time to seek help from a cosmetologist. There are many techniques that help effectively combat age-related changes: chemical peeling, mesotherapy, hardware procedures.

How to prepare for anti-aging procedures

To prepare for anti-aging procedures you need:

  • reduce swelling , to do this, limit the consumption of liquids, spicy and salty foods, fish and seafood for 2-3 days;
  • do not drink alcohol for 3-5 days;
  • avoid being in direct sunlight without protective cream;
  • refrain from other procedures that injure or reduce the protective functions of the skin;
  • use moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics;
  • apply self-massage methods.

Prevention of early skin aging

It is necessary to show concern for the beauty of the body, starting from the age of twenty. It is recommended to choose a high-quality cream, remove shadows and mascara from the eyes before going to bed, and wash not with soap, but with micellar water or special foams suitable for the type of dermis. Girls love to sunbathe, and this habit is difficult to break. You should use protective products with SPF, this will protect your skin from injury and dryness.

It is also important to visit a professional cosmetologist. The older a woman gets, the more careful care should be. From the age of 35, to prevent premature aging, you must use:

  • cosmetic products containing vitamins A, E, C (not only inside, but also on top of the skin; injections with these vitamins around the eyes are useful);
  • cosmetics containing collagen substances, hyaluronic acid, peptide elements (this will restore water balance and make the skin velvety);
  • peeling products with lactic acid and deep chemical cleansing promote cell renewal and provide a tightening effect.

You should definitely play sports, this will provide elasticity, the skin will be more taut and elastic.

We must not forget to drink clean water, the norm is individual for everyone - one and a half to two liters per day.

Makeup cosmetics should be high quality, foundation with a moisturizing effect (BB).

From the age of 35, it is necessary to carry out moisturizing procedures for the dermis, nourish the eyelids with cream and apply tonic, but do not rub it into the skin, but apply it pointwise, driving it in with your fingers. A professional facial massage will benefit you. This will normalize blood circulation and make the skin fresher.

How to keep your skin beautiful after 25

All of the above does not mean at all that from the age of 25 old age is approaching you by leaps and bounds, and soon there will be no trace left of your former beauty. Of course, at 25 you are still very young, but you should understand that there is no magic product that, if you buy it, will make you look like a young girl again at 40 years old. All you can do is try to delay the appearance of age-related signs as much as possible, and you can’t do it with cosmetics alone. Your overall lifestyle should be changed. There are several very useful recommendations for this:

  1. Eliminate bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol. This is stress for the body and, naturally, for the skin.
  2. You definitely need to get enough sleep. Going to bed after midnight does not allow the body to properly go through all phases of sleep, therefore, you do not get enough sleep and do not rest properly.
  3. Try to drink enough and eat right. Facial skin care after 25 involves abundant saturation of cells with fluid, as well as useful substances, vitamins and microelements. This prolongs their youth. But salt consumption should be minimized, as it “pulls” moisture from the body. Include fish, meat, nuts, legumes, vegetables, and fruits in your diet. Consume dairy products and green tea. Eat less flour, smoked and fatty foods.
  4. Water helps accelerate metabolic processes in the body, that is, in cells. It makes their recovery process faster. However, you should not drink too much: this can affect your face in the form of swollen and puffy eyelids. Average fluid intake per day: approximately 30 g per kilogram of human weight.
  5. Walking outside, exercising and playing sports have a very good effect on the body. Fresh air helps normalize metabolic processes in the body and prevents the appearance of stagnation, which usually causes acne and excessive oiliness of the epidermis.
  6. One of the recommendations for proper facial skin care after 25 is not to stay in the sun for a long time, because this accelerates the aging process. It is not recommended to sunbathe between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. Even when sunbathing during normal hours, you should use a strong sunscreen.
  7. Choose creams with SPF filters that protect against harmful rays, including radiation from a computer monitor. SPF filters are not necessary for night care products.
  8. Abundant hydration throughout the day is very important. The more attention you pay to this issue, the longer you will be pleased with your appearance without a single wrinkle. An excellent modern and very popular moisturizer for facial skin care after 25 is thermal water. It comes in spray form, making it convenient and easy to use throughout the day. Frequent moisturizing fills cells with moisture, increases their elasticity and vitality. Thermal water can even be used over makeup.
  9. Be sure to try to drink enough, maintaining the water balance in the body from the inside. And you shouldn’t think that if you, for example, have acne, then there is no need for additional moisturizing, this is not entirely true.

  10. Watch your facial expressions, because often facial wrinkles can appear by the age of 20, and after five years they will deepen. Typically, crow's feet are caused by exposure to the sun and squinting your eyes, so wearing dark glasses is a good idea. And of course, frown less.
  11. For facial skin care after 25, cosmetics with o. These are lotions, creams, serums. It's too early to buy anti-aging products. Try to use proven products, perhaps not cheap, but of high quality. It is not recommended to change cosmetics frequently; give the epidermis time to get used to the chosen product and its ingredients, otherwise you will not be able to understand how suitable it is for you. Typically, the cell renewal cycle takes about 28 days, and to notice the effectiveness of using, for example, a cream, it may take even three months.
  12. Do not use low-quality and expired decorative cosmetics. Do not “cover” your face with a thick layer of foundation, powder, etc. This prevents the epidermis from breathing, clogs pores, leading to the appearance of blackheads, pimples and premature aging.
  13. Accustom yourself to contrasting washes, but not with hot water, but with cold and warm water. This procedure tones very well, reduces the abundance of sebaceous glands, narrows pores, prevents clogging and the appearance of acne. You will forget about your shiny, oily face forever.
  14. An important condition for proper facial skin care after 25 is the regularity of procedures, which should be different depending on the time of year or even day. During the cold season, the skin tends to become dry and flaky from frost, and therefore requires more attention throughout the day. You should not use cosmetics that contain alcohol in winter. It is best to apply a nourishing cream at night and leave a moisturizing cream for the morning.

Recommended reading:

  • What not to do after eyelash extensions
  • Which eyelash extension to choose for yourself
  • Eyelash care: advice from professionals

Daily skin care

You need to take care of yourself every day, but for each age the composition of the cosmetic products used is different.

Basic tools (sequence is important):

  • cleansers (de-makeup) – foam or micellar water;
  • moisturizing – tonic;
  • enriching with vitamins and extracts – whey;
  • eye cream;
  • day and night face cream.

When you plan to perform light peeling at home, it is done after using a toner.

After peeling, be sure to use UV protection cream to prevent pigment spots from forming. And most importantly, do not steam your skin before cleansing!

Choosing the right face cream

We asked Anastasia Andreevna why it is important to know what skin type you have before purchasing cosmetics.

– Many clients who come to our cosmetology literally recover before our eyes when correcting their use of the home line. Recently, a 32-year-old woman came to me with lesions on her skin, acne, and a very oily T-zone. In conversation, the woman often said that she had dry skin, which is what she called peeling in the area of ​​her nose and forehead. The woman “covered” the affected areas with a cream for dry skin, further moisturizing her already moisturized face, which was naturally oily. We applied cleansing procedures, prescribed the right set of care products from the home line of the YON-KA cosmetics company, and literally a week later, at a scheduled free consultation, the patient was amazed by the result. Facial cosmetology does not tolerate experiments. The skin instantly reacts to what you apply to it and the results are immediate.

Therefore, dear readers, in order not to harm yourself, not to aggravate the situation and not to bring your condition to a level where only invasive cosmetology can help, come for advice from a cosmetologist. Believe me, by investing in home care today, you actually save!

Fighting deep wrinkles

Wrinkles in the skin are evidence of aging. They are formed when the synthesis of collagen and elastin substances decreases, and the cellular activity of connective tissue decreases. During a consultation with a dermatologist, you can find out how to care for your skin after 35 years and smooth out deep wrinkles.

For folds, one cream is not enough, and any woman wants to stay young as long as possible. In this situation, injection techniques are used:

  1. Botulinum therapy (Botox). The substance, a neurotoxin, creates a block in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle tissue, and it stops contracting and the fold disappears.
  2. Contouring. Involves the use of gels, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. They are injected into the deep layers of the dermis, this adds volume, and the fold goes away.
  3. Plasma therapy. Injecting her own blood plasma (in a small amount) under a woman’s skin creates a lifting effect, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Hardware techniques are an excellent option for those who are afraid of injections or who have contraindications to procedures. They are also effective and safe. Today, thermolifting and laser grinding are used.

At what age is a circular facelift necessary?

A circular facelift is called a classic facelift. This operation is aimed at removing excess skin without affecting the muscles. It is performed along the contour of the face through thin incisions along the hairline, along the ears, and under the chin. Scars after this type of plastic surgery are practically invisible and are located in inconspicuous places. The effect lasts for a long time. If the intervention is combined with blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), the face changes dramatically and looks noticeably younger:

  • all wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • its outline becomes clear;
  • the double chin and sagging cheeks disappear;
  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

The result, the same lifting effect, depends on the time of the intervention. It is not difficult to determine it yourself, but it is better to trust a professional who specializes in modern cosmetology and plastic surgery. Typically, a circular facelift is planned for the age of 45-55 years, but much depends on the individual characteristics of a particular woman and the condition of her skin tissue.

Why is regular skin care important?

Any woman wants to be young and beautiful, no matter how old she is. After 35, this desire comes to the forefront.

First of all, the woman is still working, in the prime of her life. In order not to lose your job or, conversely, change your workplace, it is important to be well-groomed. The modern world requires this. The second point, the beautiful skin that a woman sees every day in the mirror is a 100% positive attitude and self-confidence. Men notice beauty and youth, so it is important to take care of yourself every day. All procedures do not provide a long-term effect; it must be maintained regularly.


  • mesotherapy is performed according to the schedule established by the cosmetologist;
  • hardware methods can be carried out with a frequency of six months to one and a half years;
  • peeling and cleansing of the skin is performed every autumn and winter.

Unfortunately, there is no universal remedy or single injection for all times, after which you can always remain young and beautiful. This is daily meticulous work on your appearance, which should become a pleasant habit.

The skin is the largest organ in area; it is a barrier that protects internal tissues from negative external influences. The environment aggressively affects it: changing weather conditions, dust, sunlight, microbacteria, external damage and a huge number of other factors that can harm the skin of the face and body. Over a 35-year life cycle, leather wears out and requires the most careful treatment. Therefore, in order to keep it young and beautiful for a long time, you need to know how to care for your skin after 35 years, and most importantly, follow all the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

Salon treatments

Many women believe that they can get by with homemade masks or ready-made skincare cosmetics and do not need cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 30 years. Some are downright afraid of them! To dispel doubts, let’s look at each variety separately.


The essence of this anti-aging intervention is the injection of nutrients under the skin. Special “cocktails” are made, which include vitamins, amino acids, extracts of medicinal herbs, hyaluronic acid, etc. The main advantage of injections is that with this method, medicinal substances penetrate not into the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis, but into the deeper dermis .

Indications for mesotherapy are as follows:

  • darkening and age spots on the skin;
  • the appearance of wrinkles in large numbers;
  • decreased elasticity of the epidermis and its sagging;
  • spider veins;
  • pronounced nasolabial triangle.

But there are also serious contraindications under which the session is not performed:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the “cocktail”.

The cosmetic procedure helps restore elasticity, restore a beautiful complexion and stimulate metabolic processes in cells.

How facial mesotherapy is done (video):

Deep peeling

“Just think, I can do the peeling myself at home!”, some readers will think. But there is definitely a difference between a procedure at home and a salon session. With a professional approach, dead cells are removed both from the surface and from the deep layers of the skin.

Depending on the client’s preferences, the master chooses formulations with natural fruit acids or more chemical options. Some peels are painless, while others require minor pain relief. A cosmetologist may suggest removing dead scales on the surface of the skin or “getting in” deeper if the condition of the skin allows this.

There are three options for cosmetic peeling in salons:

  • superficial with weak acids: fruit, lactic, salicylic;
  • median with trichloroacetic or retinoic acid;
  • deep peeling with phenol, which belongs to the category of surgical interventions and is done only by specialists.

You should not resort to the procedure if the skin reacts too strongly to the effects of acids, there are keloid scars or inflammation on the face. Peeling is canceled during lactation and pregnancy, active phase of herpes or elevated temperature.

Contour plastic with fillers

Rejuvenating facial treatments after 30 years in salons usually include the use of fillers. The sensations during the session are unpleasant, since the substances used for injection have a gel-like structure and are poorly distributed under the skin. The problem of pain is solved by using anesthetics. After the injections, a few bruises may appear, but they will disappear by the next day.

The benefits of fillers are obvious: acting from the inside, they smooth out wrinkles and make the skin elastic, providing a rejuvenating effect. The substances do not accumulate in the body, they are harmless and gradually dissolve, so the procedure will have to be repeated periodically.

Ozone therapy

Its effectiveness is associated with the powerful rejuvenating effects of ozone. During therapy, old cells die, and young ones begin to rapidly divide, renewing the skin. Oxygen supply to tissues improves and metabolism accelerates.

The essence of the salon procedure is the subcutaneous injection of an oxygen-ozone mixture of 1 ml into different areas of the face. At first, a bubble inflates on the skin, but as the tissues become saturated, it resolves. After ozone therapy, the following favorable changes are guaranteed:

  • normal tone of the epidermis is restored;
  • small wrinkles on the face are smoothed out;
  • the skin becomes more elastic;
  • minor inflammations and acne disappear;
  • the vascular network becomes less pronounced.


  • menstruation;
  • history of serious head injuries;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • malignant tumors;
  • allergy to ozone;
  • convulsions;
  • problems with blood clotting.

Before starting ozone therapy, you should definitely consult with an ozone therapist, who will determine the amount of gas required for the procedure. The injections themselves are painful, so the cosmetologist may suggest an anesthetic. After ozone therapy, bruising, swelling, and pain may appear at the site of needle insertion.

All about ozone therapy in one video:


For most people, anti-aging procedures after 30, which are used by modern cosmetology, involve various kinds of lifts. There are several best procedures that provide a lifting effect:

  • Hardware massage courses. Through the use of various devices that apply current, vibration or light pulses to the skin, the production of natural collagen is actively stimulated. Enhanced metabolism in tissues
  • returns a blooming appearance to the face, improves skin color and eliminates swelling and bruises.
  • RF lifting, the essence of which is the effect of radio frequency radiation. Before the procedure, a special contact agent is applied to the face and neck, and then a special device warms up the skin layers using radio wave pulses. RF lifting is completely painless, you only feel pleasant warmth. It should not be given to pregnant women, people with dermatoses, hypertension, tumors, or diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Thread lift. This intervention is classified as surgical and is much more expensive than hardware massage and RF lifting. During the session, gold or platinum threads are introduced to form the frame of the face. Thanks to the procedure, folds are smoothed out, natural collagen begins to be actively produced and accumulate in the places where the threads are located.

Before carrying out any tightening salon procedures, you should definitely consult a doctor and have them done in specialized institutions.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is performed using specialized equipment that literally burns out the upper layers of the skin, due to which the epidermis is renewed. The procedure is effective against wrinkles and age-related changes, as well as against acne scars, freckles and age spots. Polishing helps hide the signs of premature aging of the skin, eliminates dark circles under the eyes and makes the skin of the face and neck more elastic.

The duration for the face area is about 15-30 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the patient’s body. You may feel pain, in which case your doctor will suggest pain medication. The first day after laser resurfacing is the most difficult in terms of rehabilitation, swelling appears, ichor is released, and the face hurts. On the third day a crust forms, which finally disappears after a week.

Resurfacing should not be performed on pregnant women, patients with severe inflammation of the skin, infectious diseases, malignant tumors, or dermatoses.

How laser facial resurfacing is done (video):


The essence of the effect is to stimulate the facial muscles with the help of electrical discharges. As a result, all skin layers are tightened, the double chin is removed, swelling and sagging disappear. But you need to know that electrical impulses have an adverse effect on fillers and destroy the effect of Botox.

Before starting cosmetological myostimulation, the face is thoroughly cleansed, a special gel is smeared on it or a mask is applied, then electrodes are placed. The strength of the discharges is selected individually; if everything is done correctly, then only a slight painless tingling sensation is felt. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes.

Skin requires high-quality care at all stages of a woman’s life, but after 35 years, this issue should be treated especially carefully. Consult with cosmetologists, don’t be afraid to do procedures and be healthy, beautiful and happy!

Stage 1 – cleansing the skin.

If you have oily or normal skin, then you should choose foams or gels for washing. For dry skin, the best option would be to cleanse with products with an oil or cream texture. Some girls prefer to use soap to cleanse their skin, but you should be careful with it. It is better not to use it more than 1-2 times every 7 days. Tightening of the skin after washing with soap is a bad result. It is still worth choosing soap with a neutral pH factor and that the composition includes cream. It is very important to remove makeup from your face daily and under no circumstances go to bed without cleansing your skin!!! And it’s best to wash off your decorative cosmetics as soon as you get home, without waiting until the evening when you wash your face before going to bed.

And of course, it’s worth taking a close look at the already so popular Asian system of two-step skin cleansing.

When decorative cosmetics, BB foundations and CC creams are washed off using hydrophilic oil and foam. This cleansing is primarily necessary if you use:

  • Sunscreens, since such cosmetics with UVA/UVB filters are much more difficult to wash off from the skin than regular foundation;
  • BB or CC cream, which have a denser and more flexible texture, filters.

Also, the use of two-step cleansing is recommended for people with excessively oily, problematic or acne-prone skin. It is a mistake to be afraid to apply hydrophilic oil to oily skin. In fact, it improves the condition of problem skin significantly, as it deeply cleanses the pores and washes out the fat plug from clogged pores. How does two-step skin cleansing work?

The first stage of two-step skin cleansing is dissolving makeup using hydrophilic oil. It is applied to dry skin with light massaging movements. At the same time, the oil immediately begins to dissolve makeup, which seems to disappear from the face. Then the hands are moistened with warm water and the light massage continues. The oil, in contact with a small amount of water, turns into a white emulsion and is gradually washed off from the skin. It is recommended not to “splash” water in your face, quickly washing away the remaining oil, but gradually, each time wetting, continue to wash the oil until it is completely removed from the face. Rush is not recommended here. It’s better to make the water lukewarm; colder water liquefies the oil worse; hotter water is simply useless.

You can also use a thick oil balm or cleansing cream for the first stage of cleansing.

Next, in the second stage of two-phase cleansing, it is recommended to continue cleansing using a foaming product, this can be foam, soap, or gel. Usually, a very small amount of foam or gel is enough, if we are talking about foams made in Korea, about the size of a pea, to get a thick foam.

We should also not forget that there is a certain category of quick analogues - “universal cleansers”, which replace two-phase skin cleansing, while effectively washing away BB and CC cream, but do not require further cleansing of the skin with foam.

There is another type of skin cleansing - removing dead skin cells. Of course, it is necessary, because ordinary cleansers will not rid the skin of dead cells. There are various means for this, in particular, many people like to use abrasive facial cleansers that contain natural or synthetic scrubbing particles that polish the skin. Pay attention to deep cleansing cosmetic products based on acids. Acids gently exfoliate dead skin cells without causing microtrauma to the skin that it can receive from abrasive scrubs. The use of acids is recommended for oily skin types, as well as for those who suffer from acne and blackheads. They should also be used carefully in the summer, as they increase the skin's photosensitivity. If exposed to direct sun, dark spots may appear. Don't forget to use products with UV protection.

Using tonics after cleansing is a second important step that is often neglected. This is not the right decision! The purpose of toners is to refresh, soothe and slightly moisturize the skin after washing, and these products should not contain alcohol.

Stage 2 - hydration/nutrition

This stage is the final stage of daily care. It is very important to choose the right creams for yourself. After all, a rich nourishing cream applied to combination skin can easily clog pores and provoke inflammation. Always try to choose products that contain ingredients without artificial colors or fragrances.

The main cream for people aged 20-25 is still a moisturizer. Nourishing creams will be an addition to basic care. Again, remember to choose a cream that suits your skin. Normal skin will not need extra strong hydration and nutrition, so creams with a light texture are suitable for it. Dry skin, on the contrary, needs more intense hydration, so the creams will be especially rich in moisturizing elements. For oily skin, hydration and nutrition are also necessary. Many people think that if the skin is already constantly oily and shiny, then it doesn’t need creams; they will only make things worse. No! This kind of skin just needs special care. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to light creams with a sebum-regulating effect that mask oily shine. If you have problem skin, accompanied by constant inflammation, acne, and are afraid to use anything, then you should consult a specialist.

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