What the shape of your chin says about your character bookmarks 9

The fact that one can judge a person’s character by the structure of his face was known in ancient times; thinkers such as Hippocrates and Aristotle wrote a lot about this in their scientific works. Nowadays, in some eastern countries, the diagnosis of traditional medicine is based on physiognomy, because health problems are also easy to “read” on a person’s face, even by the chin.

A very good indicator for determining a person’s character, his inclinations and talents, as well as possible behavioral problems, is the chin. It is interesting that the chin becomes fully formed only after the age of thirty - and it is then that the correct conclusions, from the point of view of physiognomy, can be drawn.

Physiognomy - chin in women

According to physiognomy, a woman’s chin can be used to read the character of its owner as if from an open book:

  • Sharp - gives its owner politeness and courtesy, but at the same time - secrecy, cunning, and insincerity.
  • Very long and sharp - the woman will be vindictive and vindictive , sometimes even cruel.
  • Round - indicates that its owner lacks strength of character, but at the same time she is an excellent organizer, capable of making everyone around her work for her benefit.
  • Oval - considered ideal for women who are artistic and loving. But their vitality and health in old age, unfortunately, will be greatly weakened.
  • Square - does not make a woman very attractive, but gives her a strong character and perseverance, increased practicality and a desire for career growth.
  • Forked - in a light form it gives a certain piquancy to its owner, speaks of the passion and sensuality of its owner.

Chin and character in women


After the operation, the patient remains in the clinic until the next morning. The chin area is fixed with a special “invisible” plaster (without using a bandage).

Rehabilitation after chin correction takes up to 14 days. At this time, it is necessary to carefully observe a gentle regimen, avoid intense physical activity, and avoid sudden head movements.

In the first days after surgery, patients may experience swelling of the chin and discomfort in the suture area. To reduce unwanted effects and speed up healing, the doctor prescribes special medications, and physical therapy may be prescribed.

Physiognomy - chin in men

  • Based on the base of the face, the chin, you can analyze a man’s character. And to make it as accurate as possible, examine the chin of the man you are interested in both from the front and in profile.
  • In general , by the shape, size and characteristics of a man’s chin, physiognomy judges the stamina of its owner, his endurance and ability to concentrate on anything. The expressiveness of the entire face as a whole depends on the significance of the chin.
  • By size : powerful, well-defined chins - for confident men who are ready to fight; small - among sensual guys who are sensitive to criticism and who need praise.
  • Width : wide – for strong, hardy men who can easily overcome all obstacles in their path; narrow - for gentle, soft men, distinguished by delicacy and romanticism in relationships.
  • Shape : round - for responsive, caring men with a big soul, ready to help those who need it; angular - among males striving for high ideals, avid debaters; pointed - among lovers of free life, a kind of lone wolves who are extremely difficult to control.
  • In side view : oblique - for lazy, weak-willed men who are ready to keep silent about something and even lie in order to avoid conflict; speaker - very strong personalities who are ready to overcome any obstacles on the path to success; double - for men endowed with power, strong in character, and commanding the respect of others.

Chin in men


Plastic and maxillofacial surgeon Ekaterina Sergeevna Kudinova is a candidate of medical sciences, a leading Russian specialist in the field of plastic surgery of the chin, lower jaw and nose.

As a leading researcher at the best Moscow clinical center of otorhinolaryngology, Ekaterina Sergeevna performs complex facial reconstructive surgeries for patients injured in accidents. This unique experience helps her achieve excellent results in relatively simpler aesthetic chin surgery and complex profile correction surgeries.

Delicacy, tact and the ability to empathize allow the doctor to gain trust and find mutual understanding with each patient.

If you want to learn more about chin plastic surgery, sign up for a consultation on the website or call +7 (903) 790-69-58

Physiognomy: chin shape and character

Physiognomy and analysis of the shape of the chin is an excellent indicator of a masculine character:

  • Round – it happens in men who are responsive, caring, hospitable, generous and open. For such people, caring for others and solving their problems comes first. They are also called kind-hearted.
  • Angular - characteristic of ideological men who spend their whole lives in motion to achieve some high goals, striving for ideals. These are principled people, ready to prove they are right until they are hoarse, and selflessly argue.
  • Pointed - such a man is very independent , not subject to any outside influence, and always takes the advice and recommendations of others with hostility. The only exception can be if the adviser can clearly argue for the need to perform certain actions and convince such a man.

What forms exist

The diversity of women's faces can be described in many ways. For example, classifying this or that lady as having a Slavic, Scandinavian, Mongoloid appearance. Each of them has certain proportions, hair and eye color, as well as other characteristics.

Related to these types of appearance are the shapes and types of faces. This is due to the fact that important parameters when determining them are the height and dimensions of the cheekbones. Their location in relation to other parts of the “business card” is also important.

Today, one of the main classifications of female face shapes includes 7 main types

Similar categorizations were developed in the early 20th century. To describe it, the designations of geometric shapes were used. This made it possible to visualize the features of the contour, as well as the ratio of the lengths of the four lines:

  • cheekbone;
  • forehead;
  • jaws;
  • faces.

Initially, 6 such forms were identified. But with the development of the theory, various variants appeared. They contain a different number of varieties of face shapes for girls.

Ideal face: how to determine

In addition to identifying different types, a physiognomic standard has also been defined. Women subconsciously strive for it when trying to correct their appearance. A model is considered to be a face characterized by smooth outlines and perfectly balanced individual parts.

The face is conventionally divided into three parts. The first is from the eyebrow line to the beginning of hair growth. Another one - from the base of the nose to the eyebrow line. From the chin to the base of the nose is the third part. The reference type is established by correlating them with each other.

You can calculate the ideal proportions and shape of the face by correlating its main parts.

The ideal face shape is one where all these distances have approximately the same values. However, these signs of an exemplary face are not the only ones. It is also important that the locations of the pupils of the eyes and eyebrows be in certain proportions. Measuring these parameters is also important when establishing a standard.

The relative position of the eyebrows and pupils of the eyes are important parameters when determining the proportional shape of the face

What else to pay attention to

The definition of ideal proportions did not appear out of the blue. It is based on the theory of the “golden section”, which has been known since antiquity. Its basic criterion was the assumption of the existence of a proportion of elements of the whole that are capable of creating its most harmonious picture.

The principles of the “golden ratio”, known since antiquity, are used to determine the ideal face shape

Women wonder not only what my face shape is, but also how ideal its proportions are. To answer it, you need to take measurements and make the appropriate calculations. The results will show how harmonious the face is and whether it needs visual correction.

Measurements and calculations will help determine the shape of the face and determine the need for visual correction

In addition to measuring its parts, you will need to check whether a virtual horizontal line drawn through the middle of the pupils will divide the face into two equal parts. It is also important that the distance between the inner corners of the eyes is equal to the width of the base of the nose.

Features of types with wide cheekbones

One of the most common classifications of what types of face shapes women have is categorizing them into seven main types. The three of them, which have the widest part at the cheekbones, are “circle”, “oval” and “diamond”. The so-called elongated version belongs to the same category.

A round face is one of the shapes with the widest cheekbones

Otherwise, the proportional relationship of the individual parts in each of them is different. For example, the oval type is characterized by smooth curves of the contour, just like the “circle” and elongated type. However, its narrowest part is the chin, and the length of the face is one third greater than the width.

An oval face with wide cheekbones is distinguished by its elongation and the presence of a narrow chin.

In women with a “circle” face shape, its length and width are approximately the same size. For an elongated type, the width of the face is significantly less than the length. The diamond shape is characterized by angular contour outlines.

Nuances of other types

Continuing the classification of physiognomic forms, it is customary to include ladies whose width of the lower jaw, forehead and cheekbones are in equal proportions. They are also distinguished by almost identical width and length of the face. Its outline is quite angular.

A distinctive feature of a square face is equal proportions of all its main parts

As with categorizing the female figure, there are also rectangle, triangle, and inverted triangle face shapes. In this case, the “heart” type is added to them. The first type has approximately the same width of the jaw, forehead and cheekbones, but the width of the face is one third narrower than the length.

Triangle or heart - the shape of a female face with a very pointed chin

For ladies with “triangles” and those who have a heart-shaped face, the widest part is the forehead line, the narrowest part is the jaw. The latter also have an m-shaped hairline. What differs from them is the “inverted triangle”, which has the forehead line as its narrowest part and the jaw line as its widest part.

Physiognomy: double chin in men - character

  • If a double chin is observed in an overweight man, then it is a completely natural phenomenon that should be gotten rid of as part of the general fight against unnecessary kilograms.
  • But for a fit representative of the stronger sex, the physiognomy of a double chin tells of a good old age, surrounded by children and grandchildren, in prosperity and respect with good health.
  • But the owners of a small but excessively fleshy double chin are noble voluptuous people.

Double chin

Round face shape

The greatest advantage that women with a round face shape have is the ability to remain young much longer than representatives of other physiognomic types. Their appearance contains rounded, soft, almost childlike features. This allows the lady to look younger than her age.

Round soft cheeks and a childish, playful appearance are the hallmarks of women with round faces.

Not all ladies whose cheeks have a gentle roundness can consider themselves chubby. You can tell that a particular lady has a round face shape by making sure that its height and width at the level of the cheekbones are almost the same. The chin should have a rounded shape and taper at the bottom. Women of this type are characterized by a low forehead, framed by a smooth hairline.

Chubby women have a low forehead and smooth hairline.

The contours of the face can be adjusted. The goal is usually to bring the outline closer to a more balanced oval shape. In order to look even more feminine, you should choose makeup and hairstyles that will visually slightly lengthen your face.

Makeup and hairstyles for chubby people

To visually elongate the face, when applying makeup, women with a round face shape should pay special attention to darkening the area under the cheekbones and temples. Light shades should be applied very carefully at the top of the cheekbones and under the eyes.

The main task of makeup for chubby people is to slightly extend the contour

The on-trend eyebrow design should be done keeping in mind that thin, long eyebrows add extra width. Therefore, it is worth choosing short, rounded eyebrows with a high rise. You need to tint your face with two shades of foundation. The lighter one is used in the middle, the one that is darker is used on the sides, the borders should be carefully shaded.

Girls with a circle face shape will benefit from short, slightly rounded eyebrows.

For chubby ladies, hairstyles with loose straight hair and strands on the sides are suitable - they will veil the cheeks and cheekbones. You can choose an asymmetrical haircut, side bangs, or side parting. Soft curls that start below the chin will visually lengthen the face.

Loose straight hair is the ideal hairstyle for ladies with a round face shape.

Chubby celebrities

Among celebrities there are many women with a round face shape. This type not only helps you look younger, but also usually creates the impression of excess weight even if you have a slim figure. Vivid examples of this are Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Swift, Emma Stone, Drew Barrymore.

There are many celebrities with round faces.

They cope with this problem perfectly thanks to well-applied makeup, selected hairstyle and jewelry. As a rule, for public appearances and in everyday life, they choose earrings that have a pendant part. Famous actresses do not shy away from geometric shapes in their designs, which add “sharpness” to the rounded shape.

Stars with a “circle” face shape choose long earrings that visually elongate it

Despite the fact that the round shape of earrings is taboo for chubby people, celebrities appear in large hoop earrings. This is possible because when viewed from the front they look elongated. Just like women with long face shapes, they choose modest studs.

Earrings in the form of triangles add sharp outlines to the round-faced stars in the image

Physiognomy: square chin in men - character

  • Square-shaped chins give the face masculinity, firmness, and a strong masculinity, which is undoubtedly attractive to women.
  • It must be remembered that, in addition to such masculine features, the physiognomy of a square chin can speak of a person’s enchanting stubbornness and willfulness. And if it protrudes slightly forward and sticks up, then add to this practicality, even some commercialism, as well as a craving for power.

Square chin

Square face type

Despite some massiveness, such a face looks very sexy. It gives the impression of feminine strength and power. This type is easy to correct by correctly using makeup and hairdressing techniques.

A square face on women looks powerful and at the same time very sexy.

This physiognomic type also has the same width and height with a fairly angular chin. He is distinguished by a high forehead, the same width as the jaw and cheekbones. The hairline above the forehead is straight, which in its outline resembles a bracket.

Women with a square face shape have the same length and width, as well as an angular chin.

Girls with a square face shape who want to bring it closer to the ideal should set the main goal to camouflage a massive lower jaw. This can be achieved by visually emphasizing the upper cheekbones and especially the eyes. It is also important to prevent visual dominance from clear parallel straight lines from the chin to the temples. In addition to proper makeup, hairstyles that suit your type will help with this.

How to “lighten” a square face

Makeup artists advise ladies with a similar type to make it visually easier to use a dark tone for the forehead near the hairline, cheekbones, and chin. The main part of the “square” shaped face is lightened with the help of cosmetics. A large nose can also be made smaller by applying a darker product.

It is possible to harmonize the proportions of a square face in women by intelligently lightening and darkening certain areas of it.

You should use classic charcoal or smoky smoky, ultra-black mascara, sexy arrows going along an ascending line. Single-color shadows are suitable so that the multi-colored palette does not accentuate the forehead too high. A bright accent can be made on the cheekbones by applying blush and carefully blending the line from the corner of the mouth to the ear.

Eyebrows should not be too long and arched. A straight line or rounded shape is not desirable. The outline of too thin lips can be increased using a contour pencil. Women with a square face shape should rely on graduated haircuts and styling with volume.

Short, arched eyebrows will help balance out a square face.

Famous people with square faces

Most of the titled beauties by nature have a square physiognomic type. At the same time, they remain recognized sex symbols and style icons. They are helped in this by knowing the secrets of how to best present the features of their appearance.

Olivia Wilde, Angelina Jolie, Natalie Portman - owners of a square face shape

Stars with a square face shape, such as Olivia Wilde, Angelina Jolie, Keira Knightley, and Paris Hilton, are always impeccable in their choice of hairstyles, jewelry and makeup. Their choice is elongated oval earrings that visually lengthen the face. Laconic studs and openwork decorations help soften the angularity of features. Their arsenal includes earrings in the shape of flowers, feathers, and hearts.

A star with a square face shape chooses jewelry and hairstyles that visually “lighten” and harmonize it

Famous ladies wear hairstyles with long, soft curls recommended by stylists. Sometimes actresses have to deviate from the rules when the embodiment of the image requires it. However, their makeup artists do everything possible to make the square face shape look as balanced as possible in photos and on screen.

Physiognomy: chin forward - character

  • By looking at a person in profile, you can assess how much his chin protrudes.
  • In men with a strongly protruding chin, according to physiognomy, such qualities as stubbornness and perseverance predominate in their character; they will purposefully move towards their goal, and are very success-oriented.
  • The motto of such men is: “Only victory - and nothing else!” They are not afraid of any obstacles or difficulties on the way to a result.

Why is it important to know your face type?

Just as it is important to correctly determine your body type when choosing clothes, to optimally select the remaining components of the image, you need to determine your face type. Accurate determination of the proportions and shape of a woman’s face will allow her to use the most suitable arsenal of tools that help hide flaws and emphasize the advantages of her appearance.

Experts advise establishing that your “business card” belongs to one of the established types as early as possible. In this case, a woman from a young age will be able to develop her own unique style, which will distinguish her favorably from those around her. There are various classifications in which different names are assigned to a certain type. However, this does not change the essence of categorizing the form.

For the perfect selection of makeup and hairstyle, facial proportions are important. Experts have determined what types of faces exist. By correlating the significant parameters, they derived 7 main types.

Physiognomy: wide chin - character

  • The width of a man's chin, according to physiognomy, is directly dependent on his strong-willed character traits. That is, a man with a very wide chin will be surprisingly resilient, physically strong, stress-resistant, and able to fight the aggressive outside world.
  • Such a man will not be a romantic or talk much about his feelings, but, believe me, he will do a lot.
  • Such men are well suited for leadership positions, as they can take responsibility for large teams.

Wide chin

What is the difference

The main surgical methods that plastic surgery offers to change the chin are mentoplasty (genioplasty) and mandibuloplasty. “Mentoplasty is a surgical intervention directly on the chin area with the aim of reducing or enlarging it,” explains Elena Chirikova. — To reduce the chin, the bone structure of the chin is corrected; for enlargement, individual implants are installed.”

“Mentoplasty allows you to harmonize the face and strengthen the frame of its lower parts,” says Elena Karpova, “which prevents further ptosis of the soft tissues of the face (sagging).”

“Mandibuloplasty is the surgical correction of congenital and acquired defects of the lower jaw,” continues Elena Chirikova.
— This operation pursues not only aesthetic goals (elimination of asymmetry, improvement of the contour of the chin, etc.), but also solves problems of a functional nature (correction of pathological bite, normalization of articulation, chewing, etc.). Depending on the nature of the defect, mandibuloplasty may include osteotomy with lengthening of the jaw segment (for asymmetry), resection of the jaw with bringing together the mental protuberances (for a massive chin) or expanding the distance between the mental tuberosities (for hypotrophy of the chin), etc. Often, mandibuloplasty is supplemented with chin replacement "

Physiognomy: sharp chin - character

Physiognomy - sharp chin:

  • A man with a sharp chin needs to be extremely careful when giving advice or tasks - he can react extremely negatively to this. And the stronger the pressure, the more violently you will receive a rebuff. It may even seem to you that you are “throwing pearls before swine,” but in fact, in this case, it is better not to unfoundedly insist on fulfilling your demands, but to specifically explain to a man with a sharp chin why a certain task should be completed and what the benefits will be for everyone. benefit.
  • Such debaters are candidates for the development of diseases “based on nervousness”: problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergies, and so on. Therefore, owners of a sharp chin should work on themselves and avoid conflicts with others. And also - learn to relax, take a break from irritating factors (best of all - alone in the lap of nature).


How is the operation performed?

To correct a double chin with excess fat deposits, 30–40 minutes are enough; surgery to enlarge the chin using implants or lipofilling will require 1.5–2 hours; chin reduction surgery is the most complex type of operation and can last up to 2–2 hours. 5 o'clock. All surgical interventions are performed in a clinical setting under general anesthesia. To install the implant, the surgeon needs to make an incision. “There are two options for the location of the scar line: in the submental area or in the oral cavity,” says Elena Karpova. In the area between the gum and lip. Any of the prostheses is installed under the periosteum of the lower jaw, which reduces the likelihood of its displacement.

“Rehabilitation takes on average one to two weeks,” continues Elena Karpova. “In our practice, we often combine mentoplasty with facelifting, which allows us to obtain a more pronounced and lasting effect.”

Rhinoplasty is often performed simultaneously with plastic surgery, which allows you to get a completely harmonious appearance in one operation.
“In general, mentoplasty—chin reduction and enlargement—is a fairly simple, short-term operation with a short rehabilitation period,” says Elena Chirikova. “Mandibuloplasty is a more complex operation that requires a long recovery process.” During the first week after surgery, discomfort, swelling, and numbness of the tissue are noted. The final result can be assessed after one and a half to three months. However, many are afraid of more serious side effects that may occur after chin surgery, such as problems with speech and chewing.

“Mentoplasty, like any operation, is associated with certain risks,” states Elena Karpova. — After it, rejection or displacement of the implant, bleeding, and loss of sensitivity are possible, but we have not observed such complications as problems with speech and chewing in our practice. All of the listed cases of complications are extremely rare in the practice of an experienced surgeon.”

Sloping chin - physiognomy

Sloping chin - physiognomy:

  • Looking at a man in profile, you can see a sloping chin. Unfortunately, for representatives of the stronger sex this is not a very good sign, which indicates laziness and the absence of some kind of inner core.
  • These are people who are “both yours and ours,” that is, they want to remain good for everyone, and this is simply impossible. As a result, you may hear half-truths from them, a trick convenient for them.
  • They rarely get into arguments and are in no hurry to defend their rightness, preferring a bad peace to a good war.

Oval face type: features

An oval face shape is considered the standard. It is precisely this type that makeup artists strive to adjust its contours to. It is possible to identify it in yourself if the measurements taken show:

  • a clear predominance of facial length over width;
  • jaws slightly narrower than forehead;
  • The width of the forehead is less than the cheekbones.

A rounded chin gives a completed look to such a face.

Beauty experts consider an oval face to be the most proportional and harmonious.

As a rule, no attempt is made to correct this type. You can choose any haircut and styling for it. The “oval” face shape gives you freedom to experiment with your appearance in terms of using decorative cosmetics.

Women with an oval face type can safely experiment with decorative cosmetics

A woman who is its lucky owner can use a wider arsenal of cosmetics than other physiognomic types. However, makeup artists advise adhering to certain principles for their use. This will help make your appearance even brighter and more impressive.

Oval face – a wide field for cosmetic fantasies

Tips from makeup artists for ovals

Despite the proportionality of the facial parameters, “oval” ladies may need to level out the shortcomings of other elements of the “business card”. For example, make your eyes bigger, visually make your nose smaller, or hide your double chin. Without knowing the rules for applying makeup, you can ruin even the most ideal proportions.

With a harmonious oval face shape, decorative makeup tricks will allow you to veil the imperfections of other parts of the face

If, after examining an oval-shaped face in a photo or in the mirror, you decide that these tricks are not needed, you can just try to make it more prominent. Blush or highlighter will help with this. Experts advise applying to the most convex part of the cheekbones, and then blending towards the temple area.

To look even better, beauty experts advise applying blush to the most prominent part of your cheekbones.

“Ovals” will benefit from bright eye makeup using several tones. For outer corners - darker, for inner corners - light. Stylish smoky eyes makeup is also good for them, characterized by creating a hazy effect with a smooth flow of light shadows into dark ones.

Bright eye makeup is the best choice for women with oval face types.

Which celebrities are “ovals”

Many public figures - famous actresses, socialites, TV show hosts - have an oval or slightly elongated face shape. She gives them less problems with choosing makeup and jewelry than representatives of their professions with other types. They are suitable, for example, for any type of earrings from tiny studs to massive chandeliers and chandelier earrings.

Cindy Crawford - the owner of an oval face can afford tiny studs as a stylish decoration

For fashion shows on the red carpet, they always select the best looks, using the advice of experts. Those of them whose face shape is an elongated oval, as well as a long nose and high forehead and cheekbones, try to choose voluminous, short drop earrings and modest studs. They bring the contours closer to the ideal oval, visually expanding it.

Uma Thurman, the owner of an elongated oval face, chooses impeccable hairstyles and drop-shaped voluminous earrings

Owners of this type include Jennifer Aniston, Cindy Crawford, Sharon Stone, Uma Thurman, Julia Roberts. They appear on screen with different types of hairstyles and makeup. However, their heroines always look absolutely flawless.

Small chin - physiognomy

  • Size , in the case of studying the chin in physiognomy, is of fundamental importance.
  • Thus, men with a small chin are usually very self-critical (even excessively), so adding to this a negative assessment of their activities from the outside, you can end up with real hysteria or depression.
  • Therefore, if you do not want to hurt such a man, then it is better to praise him once again and provide moral support. After all, he adapts very poorly to aggressive reality; he simply organically cannot stand competition.

Small chin

Rectangular face type

This physiognomic variety has much in common with the previous type of face. For example, a fairly massive and wide chin. However, its length and width are not identical, as in the previous case. It looks elongated due to the fact that the width is significantly less than the height.

Rectangular faces have less width than length

A distinctive feature of women with a rectangular face shape is a high forehead and straightened hairline. The jaw, cheekbones and forehead are the same width. Beauties striving for perfection must adhere to certain rules in choosing jewelry, hairstyles and makeup in order to visually balance the length and width of their facial proportions.

Distinctive features of a rectangular face shape are a straight hairline and a high forehead.

Beauty industry specialists have developed an algorithm on how to achieve a visual reduction in the length of the face. Hairdressers also have some tips on haircuts and styling. Jewelers give recommendations regarding the choice of jewelry for girls with a rectangular face shape.

Secret beauty tricks for rectangles

A little trick will help you make your face proportions closer to the standard. You need to use two makeup bases of different tones. The areas of the chin and forehead should be darkened, and the middle part of the face should be lightened. The foundations should be well shaded and have no clear boundaries.

Foundations of different tones applied according to all the rules should not have clear boundaries

The upper part of the cheekbones is accentuated by adding highlighter. A faint blush should be applied below the cheekbones, closer to the middle of the cheek. Then shade them so that in the end, if you look at a rectangular-shaped face in the photo, you get a triangle. Rich shadows for eye makeup should form a stripe that expands from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner.

Cleft chin - physiognomy

  • Men with a strong, strongly cleft chin, as physiognomy says, are wonderful lovers, simply sparkling with sexuality. The masculine principle is very strongly expressed in them.
  • If a man’s chin is slightly forked and poorly defined, then its owner is a passionate person, ready for experiments and strong experiences.
  • strongly cleft but weakly defined chin signals his desire for loneliness, homelessness, even a kind of seclusion .


Contraindications for surgery

  • Heart and pulmonary failure;
  • Infections and inflammatory processes;
  • Diabetes;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Elena KARPOVA, (@elena76016) Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Skin Diseases and Cosmetology, Russian National Research Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogova, plastic surgeon at the Danishchuk Clinic, member of the OPREH, member of the American Academy of Facial, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

    Elena CHIRIKOVA, (@doctor_chirikova) plastic surgeon, Ph.D., member of OPREH, ISAPS

A dimple on a man’s chin – meaning, physiognomy

  • A dimple on a man’s chin, according to physiognomy, indicates that the owner of such an anatomical phenomenon will be purposeful , determined in achieving his goals, and persistent .
  • These are men with strong character and iron willpower - and the deeper the hole, the more strongly these qualities will manifest themselves.
  • Women simply adore such men because they intuitively recognize their bright temperament and love of love.

If you are interested in physiognomy, we also advise you to read the following articles:

  • Physiognomy: how to determine character by eyebrows?
  • Physiognomy of lips - what do they mean in the character of men and women?
  • Physiognomy of a man and a woman by the shape and location of wrinkles, moles on the face, facial expressions
  • How to read a person’s character by facial features - physiognomy

Definition of the concept

The name is derived from two Greek words: physis, which means “nature,” and gnomon, which translates as “thought,” “the ability to know.” Physiognomy is a science that determines personality type, character and health characteristics by analyzing the physiological characteristics of the face. It is sometimes called the science of the face.

Ancient China is considered the birthplace of this trend. Then physiognomy came to Ancient Greece, and then spread throughout the East. In Eastern practices, physiognomy was considered as a branch of medicine. The first mentions of the physiognomy we are talking about today are found in the 6th century. BC. And the first person to use the concept of “physiognomy” is considered to be Hippocrates.

Interesting! There is still no single definition and terminological apparatus of physiognomy; it is impossible to name the pioneer of the direction. This makes some people even more doubtful about the validity and justification of this method of studying personality.

What program is there to choose a hairstyle?

Anyone can choose a hairstyle; they don’t even need to look up from the computer screen. In the modern world, this opportunity is provided by a special program for selecting hairstyles.

“Virtual Stylist” is a program created for everyone! Anyone can choose for themselves:

  • The perfect hairstyle. This includes styling and haircuts. You can choose an option for your hair type, texture and length. The hairstyle database that the program has provides a huge selection of both women's and men's hairstyles. If you wish, you can also find children's haircuts. Users find hairstyles for any occasion on this service. In addition to everyday hairstyles, they can choose an evening hairstyle, be it a wedding, anniversary, party, official reception - you will always find a suitable option.
  • The service is not limited to choosing a hairstyle - you will also find many accessories that will go perfectly with the chosen look.
  • Make up - of course, it is impossible to find your own style without deciding on makeup.
  • Hair color. This feature can showcase multi-level hair coloring. You may consider multi-color coloring or highlighting as options.
  • Demonstration of changes in appearance during weight correction. It's just a magical option. If you need to lose excess weight or gain a couple of missing kilograms, then you will be able to see in advance the changes that await you. As a result, you can immediately begin making changes to your appearance.
  • If you intend to resort to the services of a plastic surgeon, then this program can prepare you - you can correct your facial features virtually. Then you will come to your doctor’s appointment with a full understanding of what you want to achieve from the operation.
  • Changing the length and configuration of hair. If you haven’t yet decided to make changes in reality and don’t know how to choose a hairstyle, what’s stopping you from experimenting with your virtual appearance? Having shown plenty of imagination, you can settle on a suitable option and confidently go to the hairdresser.

Let's talk about how to start using the computer stylist program. First, download the file to your storage device, then install the program itself. Open it and upload your photo. Please note that the image must meet the following parameters:

  • The image quality is only high, no blurry pictures.
  • It is best if the initial hairstyle in the photo is not voluminous, for example, a ponytail, or a smooth combed back. Remember that your ears and neck should not be covered.
  • Pay attention to the background. Choose white or another solid color.

If you do not have a suitable photo, the program selects a person similar to you. The selection should be based on type and characteristic features of appearance.

How to choose a hairstyle using a special program:

  1. When uploading a photo, make sure that its scale is equal to the scale of the templates that are in the program. The virtual stylist can scale your image.
  2. Having figured out the scale and size of the photo, you begin to try on different wigs, sometimes changing the size of the wig template to the size of your photo, then you will see the most natural result.
  3. The choice of hairstyles and haircuts available in the program is so huge that the list of options is divided into several types. For example, hairstyles for short hair are presented separately. By selecting this category, you will see all short haircuts.
  4. In addition to the ability to adjust the size and shape of hairstyles, the program can also change the features of your face. This feature can show the user's visual traits in a new weight category, for example, when gaining or losing weight. Some people who are interested in a virtual stylist are afraid that their photos may end up on the World Wide Web. We hasten to assure you that such worries are absolutely groundless, because any file that you have not saved will be automatically erased from the program. Those files that have been saved will be available only to you.
  5. The last step in choosing a hairstyle is choosing the most optimal hair color. To implement this function, the program has a huge number of different tones and shades. From the usual and natural, to the most extreme artificial.
  6. A bonus of the program is a choice of makeup and accessories. This is a very useful function for creating a complete image. This way you will take into account all the details and be ready for changes.
  7. Having chosen a new image, you have the right to save the final images in the memory of your storage device, or you can send them to an email address.

What are the advantages of choosing a virtual hairstyle:

  • An outstanding advantage for users of a virtual stylist is the ability to evaluate changes in their image without risk to their hair.
  • In addition to a bright photo, the virtual master will give useful recommendations that can help in the care and health of your hair.
  • Many programs of this principle have a useful function that allows you to open a picture and look at it from different angles, which will help you more fully imagine the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen hairstyle.
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