Oval face shape: haircuts and hairstyles, makeup and glasses

You know, today I would like to talk a little longer about a very relevant topic. Often my patients come to me and say: “My oval has swum.” You know, I think very often, and when I decided to talk about this topic with you, my patients, I think that I didn’t pay attention to it at all: but what a rich Russian language it is! Just tell any American doctor: “My oval has swollen,” and that’s it, he will be in shock, in a stupor. But our language, the language of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, allows us to express such things very easily: “The oval floated.”

So I imagine: you are standing on the beach, you are 25 years old, you are standing all so beautiful in the sun, and suddenly your oval decided to float. Yes, he suddenly decided to swim, he swam. Or maybe he has already swam, but he still has the opportunity to return to shore? Or maybe he swam away altogether and then it would be better for him to land on the surgical shore and not return to the cosmetic shore? And so “swimmed away”, “swam away” - this really fits the definition of the oval of the face in the best possible way. No matter how funny it may be, it is true.

Anatomical, physiological reasons

First of all, we need to figure out why our oval suddenly decided to float? It’s not just like that, so he stood there and suddenly decided to swim? What is this connected with? There are anatomical and physiological reasons for this. And no one is safe from the drift of our collapse, neither men, nor women, no one. He will still decide to swim away from us one day.

So that's why our oval decides to float away from us? First of all, let’s look at it a little bit: the elasticity of the skin itself is lost, and secondly, fat in some places begins to decrease. Let's say the angle of the lower jaw, chin, cheeks and apples - here the fat decreases a little, but in other places it remains the same. Yes, indeed, fat in the face decreases with age in some places, in some places it remains motionless, let’s say, like our paint bag - like a stick of butter in a package. And then the movement of this fat begins, especially in the middle zone, it slowly, slowly flows down, just like an avalanche flows down. It’s really like snow from an avalanche, this fat flows down and falls into the so-called ridges. This is deflated fat from the face.

Shape of glasses for oval face

An oval face can accommodate the vast majority of frames. However, the width of the frame should be equal to the widest part of the face, and the top line of the frame should coincide with the line of the eyebrows.

In addition, it is also worth considering facial features. Soft features mean smooth lines of glasses frames, rounded lenses without sharp corners. Sharp features will be favorably emphasized by more laconic and strict frames.

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Loss of bone structures

The next mechanism for the formation of this floating oval is, of course, loss of muscle elasticity. The next problem is loss of bone structure. You know that the bones of our facial skeleton not only become thinner with age, they also decrease in size. If, say, the body of the lower jaw at a young age is approximately like this, then already at an older age, more than 50, it is already decreasing. Accordingly, all this skin no longer rests on our powerful bone base and also contributes to the already swollen oval.

How much do you weigh

What to do? It’s time to shout, if so by analogy with the nautical theme, “SOS! SOS! Help!" First of all, the word “Help!”, I believe, should again come from prevention. The most important thing, and I'm not saying it's the most important thing, but the main thing, for example, for me, is please keep your weight under control. The first thing girls who are 20 years old should do is buy themselves a bathroom scale. It is very important! Many patients say: “No, I won’t buy scales. I don’t want to look at them, because what I see there doesn’t make me happy.” But why live according to the ostrich principle? There is no need to live by this principle. Buy yourself a scale when you are 20 years old, and let these scales travel with you to all cities, countries and around the world. But you must clearly know how much you weigh in the morning and how much you weigh in the evening in order to take some coordinating measures. So, nothing spoils the oval of the face more than excess fat in the area of ​​this oval of the face. To prevent fat from slipping away and an unattractive chin quickly, buy yourself a scale and weigh yourself every day so that your weight remains fairly stable throughout your life.

Botox injections

These injections smooth out the facial muscles, making the face look younger and fresher. Botox is great at fighting expression lines.

The drug is based on botulinum toxin and blocks nerve impulses going to the facial muscles. The injections will not interfere with facial expressions or distort them.

No anesthesia is required - the needle is so thin that it does not cause discomfort.

Avoid alcohol before your session. Doctors believe that due to drinking alcohol, swelling and bruising may occur after Botox injection. If you have been prescribed antibiotics or blood thinners, do not visit a cosmetologist and wait until the end of the course of treatment.

Botox injections are not suitable for everyone.


  • high sensitivity to botulinum toxin;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • taking strong medications;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • infections.

Do not touch the injection sites. For quick recovery, avoid physical activity for 2-3 days. In the first days, it is not advisable to even bend over. Get all recommendations from a cosmetologist.

What to do if it is quite young?

What should you do if the oval has already floated a little, if you are quite young and you do not have excess fat, you are in excellent athletic shape, but the oval has floated because there are anatomical and physiological reasons for this? It can be solved, believe me, very easily. There is a whole arsenal of tools for this. We can increase the volume of the cheekbones , then the oval will be tightened in the cheekbone area. We can do a procedure called reinforcement , reinforce the entire face, like at a construction site, and the face will be supported by this reinforcement, it will be taut. We can supply threads, after all, we can apply a whole arsenal of hardware techniques. That is, all these methods are good when the oval has floated.


She offers two ways to do it:

  • endoscopic lift. It is effective at the first signs of facial sagging. The operation is carried out as follows: a puncture is made in the area of ​​the temple in front of the ear, through which an endoscope is inserted into the skin, into the incision and tightens the soft tissues and fixes them in the desired position. The advantage of this method is the short recovery period;
  • SMAS lifting or tightening of muscular aponeurotic tissues. The doctor makes two incisions in front and behind the ear, and through them he tightens the tissues and then fixes them.


But what to do if the oval of the face is swollen and not even just swollen, but he has a life preserver with which he can swim far and for a long time, a life preserver made of such good fat? First of all, we need to remove this life preserver, put it away, because without this we will not be able to return the oval. What means do we have to remove excess fat specifically in the oval area of ​​the face? In the first place, of course, is liposuction - this is a simple procedure performed by plastic surgeons.

What procedures are completely useless and cannot tighten your face?

Advertising promises of various clinics and cosmetologists often do not correspond to the effect of the procedure. Let us briefly analyze those methods that cannot affect the redistribution of tissues and volumes of the face.

Plasmolifting. This is a patented name for the procedure of injecting one's own plasma into the skin. The procedure is good for stimulating and restoring the skin after aggressive influences, but it does not provide any lifting or tightening of the face.

Biorevitalization, mesotherapy. Procedures for moisturizing and treating the skin perfectly rejuvenate the skin, but do not in any way affect the shape of the face as a whole.

IPL - lifting or photorejuvenation is usually used to eliminate pigmentation and vascular networks on the skin, as a “bonus” a slight lifting effect is achieved, fine wrinkles disappear, and the skin becomes less flabby. After the age of 35-40, this procedure can effectively combat some age-related changes, however, photorejuvenation cannot remove jowls, skin folds, and a double chin.

RF lifting will also not help much in tightening your face. The basis of this method is the impact on skin proteins (collagen and elastin) with radio waves of a certain range. Under the influence of radiation, the proteins heat up and, as it were, “shrink,” providing skin tightening. This is a widely advertised procedure, but you need to understand that you should not expect a pronounced result, since the effect is only on the upper layers of the skin.

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Botulinum therapy

Botulinum therapy for muscle tightening, various types of contouring. But with contour plastic fillers, if we fill, say, the corners of the jaw, correct the chin, thereby we visually stretch the oval of the face and bring it into the state of, say, a youthful face. This is very good; if we add volume to the cheekbones, to the corners of the lower jaw and to the chin, we seem to stretch and elongate the oval, giving it a more youthful appearance. But for this correction you need to understand that quite large volumes of fillers are also required.


Any manifestations of aging are an indication for the use of a wide range of correction techniques. The most pronounced indications for the use of lifting programs:

  • blurring facial contours,
  • nasolabial folds become noticeable,
  • drooping of the corners of the eyes and lips,
  • drooping eyebrows and upper eyelid,
  • wrinkles appear on the forehead and between the eyebrows,
  • bags form under the eyes,
  • a double chin appears
  • wrinkles and folds form on the neck,
  • there is facial asymmetry.

Let's sum it up

So, let’s summarize: if you swam with your lifebuoy, then we remove the lifebuoy using some kind of lipolytic drugs, stretch your face using threads, stretch your face using hardware methods, using contour plastic surgery, that is, fillers, but of a fairly large volume . Here we can use very good drugs with a stimulating effect, those that stimulate collagen production, such as Sculptra, and some doctors use Radiesse. That is, these drugs are not based on hyaluronic acid, they will not cause unnecessary swelling. They will stimulate collagen production, thereby tightening the face.

But if we are already in the third stage and the oval has floated away, then, as I already said, it would be better if it floated to a plastic surgeon. But if there is a categorical denial of surgery (and I understand this perfectly well, and there are quite a lot of such patients), then a struggle begins, which is probably called “you can’t spoil porridge with butter.” That is, the entire arsenal of means to combat facial oval is added. That is, everything I said before, plus two times, plus three times, and also for life. This is the story of the fight against facial oval.


The list of indications directly depends on the type of procedure, the patient’s age and the presence of health problems. Here are the main contraindications for hardware lifting sessions:

  • damage to the facial skin: ulcers, cuts, scratches, abrasions;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • metal plates, permanent fillers and threads, and a pacemaker were installed;
  • oncological diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • systemic diseases.

Contraindications for injection and thread procedures:

  • oncological, infectious, inflammatory processes,
  • allergic reactions on the skin of the face,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • chronic skin diseases,
  • bleeding disorder,
  • age less than 18 years,
  • any diseases in the stage of exacerbation and decompensation.
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