Sodium thiosulfate for psoriasis: reviews, application  

array ( 'ID' => '9646', '~ID' => '9646', 'NAME' => 'Sodium thiosulfate for psoriasis', '~NAME' => 'Sodium thiosulfate for psoriasis', 'IBLOCK_ID' = > '43', '~IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1195', '~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1195', 'DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Sodium thiosulfate - colorless, salty-bitter crystals or granules , easily soluble in water. It has an anti-inflammatory, antitoxic effect, which justifies its use as part of a complex treatment for psoriasis. The active ingredient is sodium thiosulfate. The essence of treatment with sodium thiosulfate is to cleanse the body of harmful accumulations, which strengthens the immune defense and helps fight the symptoms of psoriasis Principle of action: when it enters the intestines, it attracts toxins and harmful substances that enter the gastrointestinal tract, which helps cleanse the lymph and blood.Sodium thiosulfate has a laxative effect, accelerates the removal of toxins from the body, and improves intestinal motility.

For whom is it intended and for whom is it contraindicated?

The drug is used to suppress the reaction to poisoning:

  • cyanide;
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • lead;
  • cadmium;
  • mercury;
  • arsenic;
  • lithium;
  • aluminum, etc.

Sodium thiosulfate is used in the treatment of lupus erythematosus, neuralgia, arthritis, allergies, and scabies.

The only contraindication for medical procedures is individual intolerance to its component composition. During treatment, side effects may occur in the form of allergies or discomfort in the area where the medication was administered.

When is the remedy prescribed?

Sodium thiosulfate is used to combat the manifestations of acute intoxication conditions, in case of poisoning with rare and specific chemical compounds. The most common poisons: mercury elements, hydrocyanic acid, iodine fractions.

The pharmacological product is used intravenously in case of allergies, pathological inflammatory reactions that occur with neuritis and arthritis. The product is prescribed for installation on the dermal tissue when scabies is diagnosed. The anti-scab effect occurs due to the fact that the active substance of the solution is broken down by acid. As a result, two substances are formed:

  • anhydride;
  • sulfur.

The causative agent of scabies dies due to unfavorable living conditions. It is also possible to completely neutralize the parasite eggs. In gynecology, medication is prescribed for infertility and the presence of cystic neoplasms in the ovaries. There are no specific contraindications. Treatment with the solution is not carried out on pregnant women, as well as people with severe hypersensitivity.

Features of sodium thiosulfate therapy

The instructions recommend the following methods and dosages:

  1. Topical application is used for scabies mites. A 60% solution is rubbed into the skin of the entire body. After it dries, additional treatment is carried out with a 6% solution of hydrochloric acid.
  2. Intravenous administration is used to cleanse the body of poisonous and toxic substances. 30% of the drug is administered intravenously, 5-50 ml. The exact dosage depends on the severity of the disease and the type of toxic compound.
  3. Oral – for procedures a 10% composition is used, a single dosage is equal to 2-3 g of medication.

In gynecological practice, the drug is part of complex therapy:

  • endocrine infertility;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • genital tuberculosis.

If necessary, sodium thiosulfate is included in microenemas. This approach is used to detect adhesions in the pelvic area and inflammation of the reproductive tract. A 10% solution is suitable for enemas; 30 to 50 doses of medication are sufficient for one procedure.

Treatment for psoriasis involves taking medication orally. Cleansing the body has a positive effect on the immune system and facilitates the course of many chronic diseases. Therapy for psoriasis continues for 5-12 days; you can take from 10 to 20 ml of the product per day. The exact dosage depends on the weight and tolerance of the component composition.

A measured amount of medicine is diluted in half a glass of water and consumed before going to bed. If the medicine provokes a laxative effect, then the dose is reduced to 10 ml per day.

Sodium thiosulfate can be used to cleanse the circulatory and lymphatic systems. The procedures can improve the condition of nail plates and hair, get rid of allergies, depression, and improve general condition.

Cleansing procedures last 10 days; half an ampoule can be used at one time; the solution is diluted in half a glass of water. The first procedure is designed for the morning - half an hour before breakfast, the second - an hour before dinner.

How to take the drug correctly

In case of classic poisoning, the drug should be taken (up to 4 grams orally) once a day. A more concentrated solution is injected into the human bloodstream through veins. The exact calculation of the administered substance is made according to indicators, taking into account the type and severity of intoxication.


Homeopathy Arnica has numerous therapeutic effects.

Basic drug administration regimens, taking into account the indications and key action of the detoxifier:

  • in case of cyanide poisoning, sodium thiosulfate ampoules are combined with other specific antidotes. The solution is administered extremely quickly, observing the patient for 48 hours from the moment of poisoning. If symptoms occur again, a similar solution is re-administered;

  • Scabies treatment is carried out using a 60% solution of the drug. The product is rubbed for 3 - 4 minutes in turn into areas affected by the pathological process. After rubbing the substance (also allowed for children), crystals should appear on the skin after 7-15 minutes. The skin is then treated with 6% hydrochloric acid. Washing is allowed three days after the procedure;
  • Sodium thiosulfate powder or injection will be included as a component for non-specific treatment of tuberculosis.

The therapeutic combination is formed through several components. The course of treatment is long - over 40 installations of the product.


Manufacturer's instructions

The instructions draw attention to the following nuances:

  • combination with iodides and bromides leads to their lack of effectiveness;
  • combination with drugs that cause rhodanization weakens their effectiveness;
  • immediate administration of sodium thiosulfate is necessary in case of cyanide intoxication; delay causes death;
  • The powder of the drug has a specific smell, reminiscent of the aroma of sodium acetate - you can check the authenticity of the product with iodine, a chemical reaction will lead to its discoloration.

Therapeutic measures for poisoning require constant supervision by the attending physician. If symptoms of intoxication resume after their initial disappearance, it is necessary to repeat the procedure with half the dose.

Topical drug for women

Intramuscular thiosulfate is used in gynecology to treat a number of pathologies. As part of complex therapy, the drug is fully justified. Main directions in the treatment of gynecological pathologies:

  • infertility caused by lack of ovulation;
  • ovarian cysts.

To stop the processes that provoke the occurrence of anovulation, several drugs are administered at once. A dropper of thiosulfate and water is combined with Actovegin injections. Electrophoresis with nicotinic acid is also used.


Sodium thiosulfate can cause reactions in the body. The appearance of side effects or signs of intolerance to the medication requires its replacement. The list of popular analogues is presented:

  • Algisorb, Amyl nitrite, Braidan;
  • Glation, Dipiroxime, Carboxim;
  • Lobelin, Naloxone, Sodium nitrite;
  • Pelixim, Pentacin, Unithiol;
  • Ferrocin, Amber-antitox.

Independent replacement of medication is strictly prohibited. The selection of an analogue is carried out by the attending physician, based on diagnostic data and the reasons that necessitated the need to change the therapeutic course.

When the drug should not be taken

When calculating the dosage, the doctor takes into account everything - the concentration of the drug (percentage of the active substance), the patient’s body weight, and the use of other drugs in the therapeutic regimen. It also takes into account possible contraindications for use:

  • allergy to the active substance;
  • pregnancy;

  • lactation;
  • childhood.

Women during active lactation and when carrying a child are rarely prescribed this remedy. But only for health reasons. It is rarely prescribed by pediatricians due to the fact that the drug has been studied little, and the patterns of its effect on children’s physiology are not fully understood.

Combination with alcohol

Sodium thiosulfate is actively used in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Treatment involves taking medication and alcohol at the same time to cause certain symptoms:

  • attacks of vomiting with nausea;
  • hand trembling;
  • increased sweating;
  • disturbances in heart rate;
  • cough, etc.

This approach allows us to develop an aversion to ethanol. Therapeutic procedures take 16-20 days, take place every day, then three times a week and once a month. The drug solution is administered intravenously, the dosage is selected for each patient separately.


It has been established that the inclusion of Reamberin

in the treatment regimen for psoriasis in the progressive stage with concomitant toxic liver damage of alcoholic origin increased the effectiveness of treatment, which was manifested in a decrease in clinical signs of psoriasis (decrease in PASI and DLQI indices) and pronounced positive dynamics of liver tests.

It was revealed that the most pronounced and statistically significant positive dynamics of clinical and laboratory parameters were observed in patients who received Remaxol


Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic skin inflammatory process, which modern medicine classifies as autoimmune (associated with allergies to one’s own tissues). There are many causes of psoriasis and factors predisposing to the development of this dermatosis, and therefore a number of theories of its origin have been put forward.


This is the main theory, since it is well established that the immune system actively reacts to certain types of skin exposure.
The skin of people suffering from psoriasis is very sensitive to mechanical, physical, and chemical influences. Not only epithelial cells, but also the entire immune system react to such influences. Cellular immunity is disrupted: the relationship between individual subtypes of lymphocytes responsible for the formation of a normal immune response. Thus, with psoriasis, the number of helper T-lymphocytes - assistants that regulate immunity - increases, while at the same time the number of suppressor T-lymphocytes, which suppress an overly strong immune reaction, decreases. Lymphocytes and some other cells produce cytokines - active substances that stimulate the immune response. Humoral immunity also suffers, an imbalance of antibodies (immunoglobulins) develops in the blood serum, and antibodies to the patient’s body tissues appear.

Inflammation begins against the background of activation of T-lymphocytes, but why they are activated has not been established. Research is also underway on how to suppress the autoimmune reaction without harming the patient.


Imbalance in metabolism has a significant impact on the skin and immunity. Patients with psoriasis experience an acceleration of metabolism, the appearance of a large number of toxic free radicals and other toxins that support the inflammatory response. Metabolism is disrupted:

  • protein
    – the CDSN predisposition gene stimulates the synthesis of the protein corneodesmosin, which sensitizes (allergenic) the body; The content of albumin proteins in the blood decreases and the content of globulins increases; this condition is called dysproteinemia and further enhances sensitization;
  • fatty
    – the content of lipids and cholesterol in the blood increases; eating predominantly plant foods and a general reduction in daily caloric intake can reduce the activity of psoriatic inflammation;
  • carbohydrate
    – almost always violated;
  • exchange of vitamins and minerals
    – the content of vitamin C in the skin increases, the content of vitamins C, A, B6, B12, iron, copper and zinc in the blood decreases.


This theory was relevant at the beginning and in the middle of the last century. The causative agents of psoriasis were considered to be certain bacteria (streptococci), fungi and viruses. These theories were not confirmed. But dermatologists note that any acute infectious process or the presence of a permanent source of infection can provoke relapses. The viral theory occupies a special place. Recent studies have revealed the influence of retroviruses (RNA-containing viruses - HIV, etc.) on the genetic apparatus with the formation of genes for psoriatic predisposition.


Predisposition to autoimmune reactions is inherited. If someone close to you suffers from psoriasis, then the likelihood of developing this disease increases many times over. There are predisposition genes for psoriasis (local complexes PSORS1 - PSORS9, PSORS1 is especially active, it contains the genes HLA-C, HLA-Cw6, CCHCR1 and CDSN, which are responsible for the development of the disease). Genes influence metabolism, immunity and the development of autoimmune processes. But the presence of such genes does not at all guarantee the development of the disease. The influence of provoking factors is of great importance.


Prolonged stress, high neuropsychic stress, disorders of the autonomic nervous system (innervating the walls of blood vessels and internal organs) can cause the development of psoriasis, causing an imbalance in the endocrine system, disruption of metabolic and immunological processes.


Endocrine disorders in psoriasis are common and mainly play the role of a provoking factor. A clear connection between them has not been proven. Dermatologists note that patients often exhibit dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland. There are disturbances of the menstrual cycle in women and sexual function in men.

Prevention of psoriasis

Prevention of exacerbations is:

  • active lifestyle;
  • dietary nutrition;
  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • proper skin care with the selection of individual hygiene products;
  • prevention of skin injury;
  • the habit of promptly treating all foci of infection;
  • limiting contact with any skin irritants;
  • combating prolonged stress and high emotional stress;
  • taking any medications must be agreed with your doctor;
  • wearing loose clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • if possible, annual sanatorium-resort treatment of psoriasis at sea.

Symptoms of psoriasis

The main symptoms of psoriasis are skin rashes. But there are other signs as well. The very first manifestations usually appear in adolescence or childhood against the background of hormonal disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia and prolonged stress.

The disease begins with a feeling of constant fatigue and mood disturbances. Characteristic are small, pinkish formations (papules) rising above the surface, powdered with whitish peeling on top. They are surrounded by a brighter, raised rim.

Elements of the rash grow and unite into large plaques of bizarre shapes. The base of the papule is an inflammatory infiltrate. Based on the nature of the rash, psoriasis is divided into:

  • point
    – elements no more than 1 mm in diameter;
  • teardrop-shaped
    – papules-droplets up to 2 mm in size;
  • coin-shaped
    – round papules-coins up to 5 mm in size.

Ulcerative rash

Guttate rash

Coin rash

Characteristic features of the rash:

  • stearic stain
    - if scraped, the surface of the papule;
  • terminal film
    - having thoroughly cleaned the surface of the papule from scales, we will see a transparent film;
  • bloody dew (Auspitz phenomenon)
    - after scraping the film and violating its integrity, we will see small bloody droplets protruding on the surface.

Is psoriasis contagious?

Numerous studies have confirmed that this is not a contagious disease. If infectious pathogens take part in its development, then only through a general effect on metabolism, immunity and the genetic apparatus.

Patients often ask:

  • How is psoriasis transmitted?
    Psoriasis is not transmitted from person to person.
  • Is psoriasis inherited?
    The answer is again negative, but there is a hereditary predisposition in the form of metabolic characteristics and the functioning of the immune system, which is passed on to close relatives.

Diet is an important factor in all treatment

When a patient is undergoing treatment for psoriasis with sodium thiosulfate, a special, light diet must be followed. It is important to completely avoid foods that are difficult to digest:

  • meat;
  • cereals;
  • potato;
  • pasta.

You should also take plenty of vegetables and fruits. Bake them, boil or steam them. The menu should be light and varied. For breakfast it is better to eat porridge with chicken, fish or rabbit. It would be good to eat cucumber or tomato, cabbage, zucchini (boiled).

It is strictly forbidden to use the following:

  • coffee;
  • sausage or milk;
  • baked;
  • canned meat;
  • chocolate products;
  • alcohol;
  • smoked.

In order for sodium thiosulfate to be better absorbed by the body, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. It is also better to replace black tea with green tea or brew herbs. Compotes, juices (for example, orange or lemon), mineral water, etc. are good options.

Stages of psoriasis

There are three stages of the disease:

  1. progressive
    - the first elements of the rash appear, their number increases, and more and more new areas are captured; rashes also appear when scratching itchy skin or exposing it to some external irritating factors (Koebner phenomenon); in the initial stage of psoriasis, papules begin to merge into large plaques;
  2. stationary
    - there are no new elements, and those that appeared earlier do not regress;
  3. regressing
    - the rash turns pale and its base becomes less dense; the rash gradually regresses, the process often begins from the central part, so the plaques may have the appearance of rings; if plaques in psoriasis resolve from the periphery to the center, then they simply gradually decrease in size and a white ring forms around them - Voronov’s pseudoatrophic rim; where the rash was, white areas devoid of pigment remain - psoriatic leukoderma.

Occasionally, papules at all three stages of development are present on the skin at the same time. There are also summer and winter forms with a predominance of exacerbations in summer or winter.

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