Review of popular liquid prostheses for the treatment of arthrosis

From this article you will learn:

  • Expected effect of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid
  • Types of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid for the face
  • Preparations for the procedure
  • Indications for mesotherapy
  • Preparation and carrying out the procedure of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid
  • Why mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid should be carried out in the clinic

Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective procedures in the fight for the beauty and youth of the skin. The first wrinkles, withering and sagging appear after 35 years, and from this age women strive to maintain freshness for as long as possible. Anti-aging creams and masks are not able to radically transform the face and slow down aging. What is needed here is an impact on a deeper level.

During the procedure, a cocktail of hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. Thanks to such microinjections, renewal at the cellular level is stimulated, water balance and elasticity are restored. From our article you will learn what problems mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid helps to cope with and why you should not be afraid of it.

Expected effect of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

The active launch of the processes of restoration and hydration of the skin occurs during mesotherapy sessions, acting from the inside. As a result of the procedure, we observe visible rejuvenation and improvement of complexion: skin elasticity increases, and the oval becomes clearer.

Mesotherapy is rightfully considered the most popular method of rejuvenation of both female and male faces, because the effect of the procedure is amazing. The use of mesotherapy cocktails (several drugs at once) has become quite common, which help cope with a variety of problems with the appearance and health of the skin.

With the help of mesotherapy, it is possible to effectively solve problems to improve the skin of the face, figure and hair. For example, the procedure helps to cope with wrinkles, pigmentation, rosacea, acne, alopecia, seborrhea, cellulite and stretch marks. If there are no pronounced imperfections, mesotherapy can be used for prevention.

During the procedure, the effect occurs not only locally, but also comprehensively: tissue nutrition is stimulated, blood circulation is enhanced, and the skin is vitaminized. The overall appearance becomes more youthful, radiant and toned. Noticeably less fat deposits, orange peel skin and stretch marks.

The following factors influence the result of the procedure:

  • the state of the client’s body;
  • skin features;
  • age-related changes and their degree;
  • meso cocktail quality;
  • qualification of a doctor or cosmetologist who does mesotherapy.

If therapy is carried out by an experienced specialist, it is possible to eliminate appearance problems that bother the client. When describing the technique, cosmetologists assure of its effectiveness. The procedure helps:

  • get rid of shallow wrinkles;
  • smooth out old expression wrinkles;
  • moisturize the skin;
  • overcome dryness;
  • reduce the shine of oily skin by regulating the secretion of subcutaneous sebum;
  • dissolve acne scars;
  • restore elasticity;
  • tighten the oval of the face;
  • eliminate double chin;
  • remove spider veins;
  • fight acne;
  • improve complexion;
  • eliminate scars and scars.

When administering injections with mesococktail, rehabilitation after various surgical operations on the face is accelerated. Grinding or peeling also requires further restoration of the skin, the procedure does an excellent job with this too. A clear difference between photos taken before and after mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid can be seen below.

Types of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid for the face

Cosmetologists use various methods of performing the procedure. It can be injected or non-injected - it depends on the method of introducing the drug into the skin.

  • Injection mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

This format is classic. Using a needle, the mesococktail with active substances is introduced according to the scheme, which is marked in advance.

Injections of the drug can be carried out using two techniques:

  • manually (with a syringe with a microneedle);
  • factional.

In fractional mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid is simultaneously applied to one area of ​​the skin with several needles using a special device. Using this technique increases the cost of the procedure, but it has many advantages. The method cannot be used on delicate areas of the eyes, neck and nose.

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  • Non-injection mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

With the help of this innovative development, cosmetologists administer the cocktail without damaging the skin. Additional stimulating devices help the components reach the desired layers of the epidermis.

The non-injection technique is divided into:

  • cryomesotherapy (uses cold and electric waves);
  • laser therapy;
  • iontophoresis (use current);
  • magnetophoresis (magnetic waves are used);
  • oxygen mesotherapy;
  • ultraphonophoresis (using ultrasound);
  • aquaphoresis (using laser, electric waves, lymphatic drainage).

Using a non-invasive technique, the procedure can be performed on patients who are afraid of injections or who are prohibited from injections. But for deep penetration of the drug, a larger number of procedures will be necessary.

Preparations for the procedure

In the manufacture of preparations for facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, various components are used in cocktails. In this case, the technique can be:

  1. Allopathic. The cocktail is supplemented with components that improve its effect on the skin. To enrich the composition, synthetic minerals, acids, vitamins A, B, E, plant and animal extracts, and fat burners are used. To achieve different effects, substances are usually mixed with each other; they are very rarely used in their pure form.
  2. Homeopathic. When making a cocktail for the face, homeopathic herbal ingredients are mixed. Thanks to this recipe, the naturalness of the technique increases. The main disadvantage of using homeopathy is the occurrence of an undesirable reaction in people prone to allergies.

Mesotherapy preparations can be used to influence different areas of the epidermis, some of them improve the overall condition of the skin, while others nourish, help achieve a lifting effect or reduce weight. Sometimes the huge selection can be confusing or confusing. After consultation with an experienced cosmetologist who has been trained in all possible variations and methods of influence, you can choose a meso-cocktail that is suitable specifically for your skin.

What are the differences between drugs based on sodium hyaluronate and synthetic ones?

Means for restoring synovial fluid have appeared relatively recently, and hyaluronic acid, or sodium hyaluronate, its sodium salt, was chosen as the first active ingredient for replacement. It is a natural polysaccharide, a natural component of the connective tissues of the human body. There is especially a lot of hyaluronic acid in synovial fluid.

Sodium hyaluronate molecules have high hydrophilic properties - each of them attracts up to a thousand water molecules. Once inside the joint space, they restore the visco-elastic and shock-absorbing properties of the fluid.

Somewhat later, orthopedic traumatologists had access to synthetic polymer preparations, for example Noltrex, which in many respects surpassed those based on sodium hyaluronate. Noltrex is characterized by absolute biological compatibility with human tissues, therefore it does not cause allergic reactions or rejection.

The drug fills the joint space, enlarges it and normalizes the biomechanics of the joint by restoring synovial fluid. The interval for administering injections of the synthetic agent is increased due to its prolonged action - from 9 months to two years.

To treat arthrosis of the knee joint, one to four Noltrex injections per course is sufficient.

Indications for mesotherapy

To eliminate problems and achieve the desired result, be sure to consider the indications for use. If you identify skin imperfections in advance and compare them with the proposed list for a given cosmetic service, then before going to the clinic you will know whether mesotherapy will help you.

Using the procedure you can get rid of:

  • wrinkles (both small and deeper);
  • dry and oily skin;
  • acne and acne marks;
  • flabbiness of the epidermis;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • fuzzy oval face;
  • acne;
  • rosacea;
  • double chin;
  • scars, scars and stretch marks;
  • age spots;
  • traces of peeling or grinding.

With the help of mesotherapy, you can rejuvenate the skin and eliminate imperfections from the age of 18. With the appearance of the first age-related changes, the lifting effect of this procedure, which is indicated for women with aging skin, is especially effective.

Mesotherapy for rejuvenation is widely used and is practically harmless, but contraindications include diseases that can be caused by injections.

A doctor or cosmetologist must warn you about contraindications for mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. These include:

  • frequent allergies;
  • intolerance to the composition of the meso cocktail;
  • oncology;
  • high blood pressure;
  • decreased immunity;
  • inflammation in the injection area;
  • hemophilia;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels.

It is recommended to refrain from mesotherapy procedures during pregnancy and lactation. At the same time, the cosmetologist is obliged to warn you about the possible negative effects of cocktails, since their effect on the child has not been fully studied. About 85% of cases of complications and side effects were observed in patients who had contraindications for mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid. You need to undergo an examination if you are not sufficiently aware of the health status of your body.

Ways to quickly eliminate papules

In order for the rehabilitation process to proceed as quickly as possible, it is prohibited:

  • touch, comb, knead the bumps;
  • sleep on your stomach, cover your head with a blanket;
  • use decorative cosmetics;
  • wash your face with tap water (in the first 2 days - only filtered water);
  • go outside without UV protection cream, be exposed to the wind and frost for a long time;
  • visit the pool, gym, sauna (for 2 weeks);
  • smoke, drink alcohol.

Sometimes pharmaceutical ointments to relieve swelling and inflammation help reduce the duration of resorption of papules. Before using them, you should consult with a cosmetologist at the Bionics clinic. For 2-3 days you can apply a soothing mask.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

3 days before the procedure, stop taking medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, analgesics. This will reduce the possibility of bleeding during the injection. Also, do not use decorative cosmetics during this period.

If herpes rashes sometimes appear on your skin, do not forget to inform your cosmetologist about this, since herpes tends to worsen due to injections of hyaluronic acid.

Critical days and 5–7 days before their start are also contraindications for the procedure; pain sensitivity may increase, and recovery after injections will be delayed due to the formation of small hematomas. It would be most favorable to carry out mesotherapy in the first half of the cycle or immediately after the end of menstruation.

It is necessary to inform the cosmetologist that you have previously completed injection courses and about the medications that you are currently taking. If you are taking anticoagulants or medications that regulate blood clotting, stop using them 3-5 days before the procedure, but only with the permission of your doctor. Never stop taking medications on your own if you absolutely need them!

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If the drugs are prescribed by your doctor, then warn him about the procedure and take a break from taking it as much as possible. But in such a situation, the likelihood of bleeding may increase, and each injection will cause a small hematoma. If you're concerned about aesthetics, this might confuse you. After 5–7 days, small bruises from punctures will resolve.

You should not plan to carry out mesotherapy in hot weather; it is better to choose cool days. Avoid drinking alcohol before the procedure. The day before, do not overuse salt, which will most likely lead to swelling on the face.

The therapy begins with cleansing the skin and applying an anesthetic cream to it. Anesthesia is not necessary, but it can significantly reduce discomfort. After the cream begins to work, the doctor cleanses the skin again.

Next, the procedure itself begins. The cosmetologist evenly saturates a certain area with a healing meso-cocktail. The doctor makes many micropunctures with injections at the same distance from each other, while injecting small doses of the drug to a certain depth (it depends on the cocktail itself and is usually 2–4 mm).

At the end of the procedure, the doctor cleanses the skin and applies a soothing mask, if necessary. After therapy, the client can immediately return to his business.

Be sure to take into account the fact that the skin at the puncture sites will most likely turn red, bumps (papules), small hematomas and moderate swelling will appear. All this usually disappears after a couple of hours (maximum after 1 day), but it is better not to plan important events or romantic dates immediately after the procedure.

After visiting a cosmetologist, for several days avoid activities that can cause increased sweating, such as going to the bathhouse or sauna, playing sports and walking in the heat. At first, do not use decorative cosmetics, do not work in dirty rooms and do not touch the skin at the injection sites. All this is necessary in order to limit the entry of dust and sweat until the microwounds are completely healed.

Mesotherapy is usually carried out in courses of 4–10 sessions every 1–2 weeks. At this time, protect your skin from sun rays and avoid going to the pool, sauna or bathhouse. Don't drink too much alcohol or exercise too hard.

During the course of mesotherapy, it is also prohibited to take drugs that affect blood clotting. After 2 weeks from the last administration of the mesococktail, you can return to your normal lifestyle.

Reasons for the long resorption of papules

If the papules do not disappear within 10 days or increase with the formation of edema, you should consult a cosmetologist. This skin reaction is usually observed due to the following reasons:

  • allergies to drug components or excipients;
  • presence of contraindications to biorevitalization;
  • connective tissue density in treatment areas;
  • low quality of the drug or violation of its storage regime;
  • ignoring the cosmetologist’s recommendations for aftercare;
  • failure to maintain distance between injections;
  • incorrect injections;
  • violations of hygiene standards.

Why mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid should be carried out in the clinic

For the procedure to be successful, the correct selection of the drug is necessary. In this case, many aspects must be taken into account: the specifics of the meso-cocktail, its components and their effect on the body, the client’s age and the condition of his skin, the presence of urgent problems. It is very important to choose a meso-cocktail that is ideal for a given client, and not just a high-quality drug. Therefore, for the procedure, it is recommended to choose a certified dermatovenerologist who has a cosmetologist certificate. The price of a course of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid will vary depending on the qualifications of the specialist.

Also, the effect of the procedure depends on how it is carried out. Mesotherapy involves a slight disruption of the skin at the injection sites, so the doctor should not cause an infection. Opt for a beauty clinic that is known for its hygiene standards.

In order to evenly distribute the active substances in different layers of the skin, the cosmetologist must make several punctures that are located at an equal distance from each other and at the same depth. The doctor definitely needs experience to perform this task. In cosmetology, there are many ways to administer meso-cocktails, so the doctor must know them all. Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is carried out on the lips, eyelids, cheeks and other parts of the face - the cosmetologist is obliged to study the procedure for each of them.

In addition to the mesotherapy itself, it is necessary to prescribe proper home care, which should be prescribed by a cosmetologist.

If, in addition to professionalism, your doctor also has a light hand, then you can be congratulated - you can safely entrust any procedures related to injections to this cosmetologist. Injections should not only be technical, but also easy, painless and fast - not everyone has this skill.

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What it is

Biorevitalization is a type of mesotherapy. During the procedure, a small dose of hyaluronic acid is injected into the middle layer of the skin. Biorevitalization differs from mesotherapy in its almost instantaneous effect, as well as in the drug used.

The procedure is indicated for various areas of the face and summer. One of the most common is biorevitalization under the eyes. Thin skin is highly susceptible to the aging process, any unfavorable factors quickly leave an imprint on the appearance, so the skin around the eyes is one of the first to need help.

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