How to make your face perfect at home

Skin is an organ of the human body

The skin is an organ that protects the human body from the external environment. The tissues have a complex structure with a balanced blood supply system and metabolic processes.

Main functions of the skin:

  • protection;
  • maintaining the body's immunity;
  • thermoregulation.

The organs of the human body are interconnected by metabolic processes.

Well-groomed facial skin is possible with balanced functioning of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system.

Valentino Very Valentino Light-Lasting Perfecting Foundation

Foundation Valentino Very Valentino Light-Lasting Perfecting Foundation Long-lasting semi-matte foundation Very Valentino Light-Lasting Perfecting Foundation combines three valuable qualities: dense but invisible coverage for up to 24 hours, weightless texture and breathability, that is, the skin breathes under this tone . This effect is achieved thanks to Light-Lasting technology and ultra-light powder, which does not emphasize any flaking or unevenness.

Rules for perfect skin

Cosmetologists recommend following step-by-step skin care. You can make your face ideal by doing the following regularly:

  • cleansing;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • exfoliation.

Moisturizing and nourishing masks have a beneficial effect on the skin. In sunny weather, it is necessary to apply protection against ultraviolet rays.


Before moisturizing procedures, it is necessary to achieve clean facial skin. During the day, sebaceous deposits, dust, and pollution accumulate; complex decorative makeup negatively affects the quality of the skin.

The procedures begin with washing. Experts recommend cleaning with water no more than 2 times a day. When selecting products, take into account your skin type. For fabrics prone to oiliness, gel formulations are needed, for dry ones - rich creamy textures. The face can also be cleansed with a toner, but the product should not contain alcohol.

Nutrition and hydration

You can achieve perfect skin through moisturizing and nourishing procedures. Creams are used to saturate facial tissues with moisture and beneficial minerals. The selection of components depends on the type of product (day, night), age characteristics.

The list of common components:

  • vitamin E – has a rejuvenating effect, slows down the aging of the body;
  • vitamin C – activates the blood supply system;
  • liposomes – carry nutrients into the deep layers of the skin;
  • enzymes – increase the plasticity and elasticity of tissues;
  • acids – trigger rejuvenation processes in cells;
  • panthenol – reduces irritation, soothes, harmonizes.

The cream must be applied 2 times a day after cleansing procedures. Daytime formulations are used 0.5 hours before leaving the apartment. In winter, moisturizers are used 1 hour before going outside. Night formulations have a nourishing, restorative, renewing effect. The products are used 1 hour before bedtime.

It is required to use masks 1-2 times a week. Popular compositions contain clay (white, blue), oils, fruit and vegetable components, oatmeal, and mineral complexes. The product can be purchased or prepared at home.


Makeup will help make your facial skin beautiful, but it is necessary to take into account the requirements of cosmetologists for the rules of use and selection of products. Before applying decorative cosmetics, it is necessary to use a foundation or serum to create a protective layer.

For safe use, cosmetics must be hypoallergenic and contain natural ingredients. Manufacturers produce decorative products with vitamin complexes, vegetable oils, and mineral complexes.

Experts recommend checking the production date of products and following storage rules. It is important to tightly close containers with decorative products.

It is necessary to use powder and tone carefully, since the compositions contaminate the pores and interfere with the process of self-regulation of the skin. The products are applied in an even layer to a clean face.


You can make your face perfectly clean by exfoliating dead cells. In care, you need to use scrubbing products that you can purchase in a store or make yourself. Clean skin is created using a scrub using coffee grounds. For cooking you need 2 tsp. grounds and 2 tsp. oatmeal. Sour cream or olive oil can be added to the composition. Gently massage your face with the mixture, then rinse off with water.

Deep care

Deep cleansing will help make your facial skin perfect. In addition to cosmetic procedures in the salon, regular care at home is required. For oily skin, use a scrub made from sea salt (3 tbsp) and cosmetic cream (3 tsp). Natural honey penetrates deeply into the pores and is used to massage the face. The components help remove toxic substances, renew cells, launch rejuvenation processes, and give the skin a glow and elasticity.

Contraindications to the use of home remedies

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated if a person suffers from skin diseases.

The most common contraindications include:

  • lupus;
  • open wounds, herpes, lichen;
  • ulcers;
  • individual intolerance to components, allergies;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • psoriasis.

An allergic reaction can be caused by citrus fruits - lemon or orange, chicken eggs, honey.

Nourishing masks are necessary in case of sudden changes in temperature, prolonged exposure to heat or cold, in dirty, dusty rooms and in contact with chemicals. Nervous tension, stress and depression negatively affect the condition of the skin.

What affects the condition of the skin?

The condition of the skin is influenced by many factors:

  • following the rules of care in accordance with skin type;
  • state of the digestive system;
  • state of the nervous system and regular sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • selection of a complex of care products;
  • diet;
  • sufficient amount of clean water;
  • absence of bad habits.

Skin type

To maintain facial beauty, it is important to determine your skin type, which can be:

  • dry;
  • fat;
  • combined.


When selecting a care package, age characteristics are taken into account.

Girls under 22 years old need to wash their face with water or cosmetics, apply toner and moisturizers.

Women 22-40 years old require thorough cleansing of the skin, deep hydration and saturation of cells with mineral components and vitamins. Regular protection from ultraviolet rays, wind, and frosty weather is necessary.

After 40 years, cleansing of dead cells, deep nutrition, and cosmetic procedures are required. It is recommended to develop a diet that includes at least 1.5-2 liters of water, fruits, herbs, vegetables, cereals, and vitamin complexes. The secrets to perfect skin include using products with anti-aging additives and antioxidants.


A balanced diet will help harmonize your skin condition.

Inflammation, allergic reactions, peeling can be a consequence of eating junk food, which contributes to the accumulation of toxins and toxic substances in the body.

Experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • 30 minutes before meals, it is important to drink a glass of water with lemon juice to start the digestive system;
  • the body needs a sufficient amount of mineral components and vitamins, in the summer it is important to consume more fresh vegetables, in the fall and winter to include biological additives and mineral complexes in the diet;
  • it is necessary to steam dishes more often, because more nutrients are retained in food;
  • Fasting days are needed 1-2 times a month.


For the stable functioning of metabolic processes in the body, daily sleep of at least 7-9 hours is necessary. The skin looks fresh, rested, and has time to recover with a harmonious regime of wakefulness and sleep. With irregular rest and anxiety, the skin becomes pale and loses its elasticity. Experts recommend falling asleep before 12 am to quickly restore strength and maintain an ideal complexion.

What does complexion say?

How much in the perception of a woman’s image is determined by the color of her face! If our skin tone is sallow, we look tired and aged. And also uneven coloring - can this happen to a young and blooming woman? All those dark circles under the eyes, spider veins, age spots? Of course not.

As you know, complexion is one of the indicators of human health. . Red skin is a sign of fever, heart and vascular diseases. The face becomes yellow when something is wrong with the liver, spleen, or stomach. Blue means there are breathing problems. White is evidence of anemia, stroke, heart attack, and lung pathologies. Darkened skin may indicate kidney disease or bladder infection. An earthy gray hue hints at constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.

But there is such an expression as “blood and milk”. Who are they talking about? About women whose faces are healthy, even in color, with a slight blush on their cheekbones. They are not white, not gray, not red, not blue, not yellow - all these shades are not about youth and health.

In general, we are programmed by nature to perceive a changed complexion as a sign of ill health. And health is an integral ingredient of attractiveness.

But, as a rule, the complexion deteriorates not due to any pathologies. In most cases, everything is to blame for our incorrect lifestyle and bad habits. That is, we ourselves do everything in order to look tired, sick, and old.

They ask you, “Did something happen?”, “Are you sick?”, “Didn’t get enough sleep?”, but everything is the same with you, nothing special. You just live without thinking about the fact that you need to change something to make your skin glow again.

Of course, age decides a lot. It takes away our natural resources, which made our skin look young and blooming. But still more depends on ourselves. Only we ourselves are able to control when age-related changes will occur and how intense they will be.

First, let's figure out what processes in the skin lead to deterioration of color, and then let's see what factors aggravate these negative changes.

How to properly cleanse your skin?

You can achieve perfect facial skin with the right combination of care products and restorative procedures. Cosmetologists recommend dividing care into the following seasons:

  • autumn-winter;
  • spring;
  • summer

Features of skin care in autumn and winter

After the summer season in the fall, it is important to intensively saturate the skin with nutritional components and cleanse it of increased pigmentation. Light creams are replaced with products with a rich nutritional structure. Loss of moisture is compensated by night cream.

To create a clean face, it is recommended to wash your face with boiled water or compositions with mineral additives. Cleanse regularly with a scrub made from olive oil and coffee grounds; the product activates the blood circulation process.

In November, peelings are recommended (at home or with a cosmetologist); when solar activity decreases, deep cleansing procedures are most favorable. Vitamin masks are optimal.

In winter, the skin becomes dehydrated due to changes in temperature conditions and may peel. Cosmetologists recommend using a cleansing mousse with a creamy composition. Dry skin is cleansed with cosmetic cream. At temperatures below 0°C, it is necessary to use a protective cream.

At temperatures below -15°C it is necessary to use creams with oil components. Moisturizing compositions are applied 1 hour before going outside. Nourishing masks with the addition of oils, yolks, and cream are required.

Features of skin care in spring

In the spring, it is necessary to ensure that the skin is filled with vitamins and carry out cleansing procedures. Nourishes the skin by washing with decoctions of chamomile, linden, and parsley. You can make your skin clear using frozen decoctions. The compositions are poured into molds and placed in the freezer.

Experts recommend using steam baths. Essential oil (2-3 drops) must be added to the decoction of medicinal plants. You need to hold your face over the steam bath for 8-10 minutes under a towel.

Using a scrub in spring requires changing the application pattern. In the evening, apply a mask with nourishing ingredients, scrubbing is performed in the morning. Massage your face with the mixture for 1-2 minutes.

Salon cleaning methods and cosmetic procedures (deep peelings, polishing) are not recommended. Spring time is not suitable for using alcohol-based lotions.

Features of skin care in summer

In summer, frequent moistening is recommended, ideally spraying 3 times a day. Care products should have a light texture and vitamins. Masks made from vegetables (tomatoes, carrots) and berries (strawberries, currants) are used. The face is wiped with a decoction of oak bark, oregano, and St. John's wort. It is important to provide protection from ultraviolet rays using special masks and creams with protective characteristics. It is optimal to moisturize the face with mineral water or a chilled herbal decoction.

Causes of dull complexion

There are many external factors that lead to a dull and uneven complexion. If they are neglected, the problem of color deterioration can occur even in young and healthy women.

What are we talking about?

  1. Ultraviolet irradiation.
    The sun and solarium are the main causes of premature skin aging. If you do not protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation, the skin will acquire a gray tint and uneven color (hyperpigmentation, dyschromia, rosacea).
  2. Lack of water.
    If you don't drink enough clean water, your skin will become dry and dull. Capillary blood circulation, which should give the skin a healthy color, will be disrupted.
  3. Insufficient exfoliation.
    The accumulation of dead skin cells creates an uneven texture and makes it difficult to nourish the skin.
  4. Incorrect cosmetic care.
    Poor cleansing of the skin is a prerequisite for the appearance of clogged pores, rashes, and dullness. And, conversely, abuse of this procedure will lead to disruption of the integrity of the protective layer and to dehydration. Cosmetics also provide hydration and protection from aggressive external factors - these stages of care should also not be neglected.
  5. Bad habits.
    Cigarettes and alcohol poison the body with toxins and have a destructive effect on the skin of the face. The result is dull color, dryness, loss of tone and elasticity.
  6. Wrong lifestyle.
    The complexion is harmed by inactivity, lack of sleep, nervous exhaustion, and stress.
  7. Eating disorder.
    You can’t: eat toxic foods, starve, undereat, overeat. Necessary: ​​eat only healthy foods, balanced in the content of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Ideal skin: general recommendations

A well-groomed face will allow you to maintain the following recommendations:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • control diet;
  • exercise regularly.

Healthy lifestyle

Experts recommend following the rules of a healthy lifestyle to maintain facial beauty.

Negatively affect appearance:

  • smoking;
  • lack of moisture;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • insufficient sleep.


It is necessary to include useful components in the diet:

  1. Nuts contain a concentration of vitamin E, which accelerates cell regeneration processes. It is recommended to consume 50 g of different types of nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts).
  2. Vitamin A and antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables with red and orange hues. The list includes peppers, carrots, beets, melon, peaches, pumpkin, and strawberries.
  3. It is important to include green tea in your diet, which contains a large amount of antioxidants.
  4. Vitamin C promotes the production of collagen. The component is present in citrus fruits and berries with a sour taste.
  5. Vitamin D and amino acids are found in fatty fish (salmon, trout, herring).
  6. Cereals are rich in B vitamins.
  7. Fermented milk products help normalize digestion and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
  8. You need to add fiber-rich vegetables and whole grains to your diet to harmonize the digestive system.

It is important to reduce sugar consumption, the product contributes to the development of redness and the appearance of rashes on the face. It is recommended to limit the portion to 45 g per day.

What sports rejuvenate?

In the list of sports that help prolong the youth of the body:

  • run;
  • race walking;
  • aerobics;
  • power training;
  • yoga;
  • Pilates.

Running improves blood circulation, promotes the production of new cells, rejuvenates the body, tissues acquire elasticity, tone, and a healthy appearance.

When race walking, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, tissues and organs are saturated with oxygen and acquire tone. The duration of walks should be 30-40 minutes per day.

Strength exercises and aerobics have a beneficial effect on the body and improve metabolic processes in cells; training is recommended 1-2 times a week.

Pilates, stretching, and yoga improve metabolic processes in the body.

How to get rid of acne to make your face beautiful

According to many people, acne is a purely youthful problem. Indeed, statistics claim that up to 90% of young people aged 15 to 25 suffer from chronic acne. The remaining 10–12% of cases occur in older people.

Acne has 4 stages.

The first two are quite easy. During this period, no inflammatory processes are observed, only single pimples and pustules appear. The first stage is characterized by the presence of open and closed sebaceous plugs (or comedones) only in the facial area. At the second stage, rashes form not only on the face, but also on the back, shoulders, and décolleté.

During the third and fourth stages, more serious processes appear, in which deep inflamed nodules and pustules form inside the sebaceous ducts. The capillary network expands, and the formations subsequently lead to the appearance of rough scars, spots and uneven skin pigmentation.

The main cause of acne is seborrhea, in which sebum is intensively produced, and a large number of dead epidermal cells accumulate in problem areas. Due to the fact that keratinized skin particles clog the hair ducts, sebaceous plugs are formed. Clogged pores become an excellent breeding ground for propionic bacteria, which can develop without oxygen.

To effectively treat acne, you need to properly care for your skin. Proper care consists of several stages:

  1. Regularly remove excess sebum.
  2. There are special cosmetics that help care for problem skin gently and delicately. It is unacceptable to use hot water and soap when washing your face, as the skin becomes dehydrated and the glands begin to produce sebum at an increased rate. In addition, under the influence of hot water, the already large pores expand even more. It is recommended to wash your face with warm water, finishing the procedure with cold water. Rubbing with an ice cube has an even more beneficial effect on the skin, as the cold tightens the pores and tones.

    Cleansing masks and gommages with clay, which should be done 2-3 times a week, are very helpful in getting rid of excess sebum.

  3. Constantly exfoliate dead cells.
  4. It is better to use chemical peels with glycolic and lactic acid for this. Enzyme peels do a good job of loosening the superficial stratum corneum, gently removing dead cells. Products containing salicylic acid have an excellent keratolytic effect.

    If there is inflammation on the skin in the form of nodules, then you should not use scrubs and washcloths that irritate the skin. You need to wait until the inflammation goes away. These products can be used no more than once a week.

  5. Treat the skin with antibacterial agents.
  6. Use lotions with 2% benzoyl peroxide for this. If the treatment is done with a more concentrated solution or alcohol-containing aggressive agents, you can get irritation and severely dry skin. Natural antiseptics containing tea tree oil, yarrow extract, etc. have a good antibacterial effect.

  7. Moisturize the skin.
  8. This will help in healing and make your facial skin beautiful. To replenish the water balance, you need to use products containing urea and hyaluronic acid, which have a natural moisturizing effect.

  9. Protect skin from exposure to sunlight.
  10. It is necessary to use creams with physical UV filters (for example, zinc oxide), as they are less irritating to the skin.

  11. Adjust your diet.
  12. Try to eat less fried, spicy, salty, and sweet foods. Replace them with vegetables, bran and other fiber-rich foods. It is also useful to eat low-fat cottage cheese and whole grain porridge, drink kefir and yogurt.

  13. Increase immunity.
  14. Immunostimulants of plant origin will help solve this problem. The composition of such preparations includes extracts of echinacea, Schisandra chinensis, ginseng and eleutherococcus.

    The body's protective properties will increase if you take vitamins A, B, C, E and preparations with sulfur, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium and calcium.

Recipes for scrub and rub masks, essential oils

Self-made cosmetics will help you make your face beautiful at home:

  • scrubs;
  • masks;
  • compositions for wiping;
  • light creams.

Homemade scrub

A salt scrub that provides deep cleansing is effective against blackheads and inflammation. You will need sea salt and egg white. The components are mixed, applied to the face, and washed off with water.

To add radiance to the skin, make a scrub of 1 tbsp. l. sour cream or yogurt, coffee beans. Mix the ingredients, apply for 15 minutes, massage the face, rinse with water.

For wiping the skin

To maintain skin tone, the following wiping compositions are recommended:

  1. You need to mix dry chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus, and yarrow. Mixture in a volume of 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of hot water, boil the composition for 10 minutes over low heat, cool, filter. Add 2 tbsp to the decoction. l. calendula tinctures. The product is recommended for oily skin.
  2. To create a chamomile infusion, you need 2 tablespoons of medicinal herbs and 0.5 liters of hot water. The composition is boiled for 5-7 minutes over low heat, cooled, filtered through a sieve, and used as a tonic.

Effective homemade masks

Popular masks for perfect facial skin:

  1. The apple mask requires 1 apple, milk and yolk. The fruit is grated. Milk and yolk are added to the pan, the ingredients are mixed and brought to a boil. The warm mixture is applied to the face and washed off after 5 minutes.
  2. To make a yolk mask, grated carrots, apples and yolks are used. The components are mixed, applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off.
  3. Cucumber juice mattifies and moisturizes the face, the composition is applied to a swab and wiped over the face, the residue is washed off with water.

Making fragrant cosmetics from oil

Natural cosmetics will help you make your face feminine:

  1. For dry dermis, a honey-cream composition with oils is used. You will need a raw egg, 10 g of natural honey, 3 drops of essential oil (rosemary or tea tree), 150 g of cream. The components are mixed and placed in a container. The composition is used in the evening.
  2. To make a nourishing cream for women over 30 years old, you will need 20 g of Shea and macadamia oils, 10 g of jojoba and avocado concentrates. The composition includes 2-3 drops of patchouli and rosewood essential oils. The ingredients are mixed, beaten and placed in a container, applied in the evening.

A product for removing puffiness from the face in 1-3 days

It is recommended to drink a decoction of corn silk prepared as follows: pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp. raw materials, leave for 3 hours, strain. The resulting decoction should be consumed within 24 hours in 5 doses of 40 ml each, for 1-3 days.

In combination with taking stigmas, to enhance the effect of relieving puffiness, you can use a potato mask. The procedure stimulates blood circulation and gives a fresh glow.

Boil potatoes in their skins. Mash one tuber and add 2 tsp to it. fat sour cream, 1 tsp. fresh dill minced through a meat grinder. Apply the mask to your face, spreading it evenly over the skin in a thin layer, wait until it dries, and then rinse with warm water.

The most common mistakes in the struggle for flawless skin

A mistake in care is to use foundations with a dense structure to correct the tone of the face.

Powdery components of cosmetics contaminate pores and interfere with oxygen exchange. A light base as a base for makeup will help make your face beautiful.

A common grooming lapse is cleaning makeup with hot water. The procedure injures the skin. Warm water or milk is recommended.

Using cosmetics that do not match your skin type is harmful to your face.

Rejuvenating tinting cream Rhea Cosmetics MagiCover Light

Rejuvenating tinting cream Rhea Cosmetics MagiCover Light Diatoms in MagiCover Light take care of preserving eternal youth and beauty of the skin, vitamin E resists free radicals, providing an anti-aging effect, and the wax complex prevents dehydration and works as an anti-pollution. Another feature of this tinting cream is that it instantly adapts to individual skin tone, becoming almost invisible even up close.

Foundation Catrice All Matt Shine Control Make Up

Catrice All Matt Shine Control Make Up foundation Catrice experts have improved the formula (now it is vegan) and expanded the shade palette of their best-selling All Matt Shine Control Make Up foundation. The Evermat active complex normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents the production of excess sebum, that is, the appearance of shine on the face. And it doesn’t print on clothes and doesn’t wash off under the mask.

BB cream with Erborian ginseng

BB cream with ginseng Erborian Inside a small tube of BB cream from the Korean-French brand Erborian hides a real natural treasure. A mix of antioxidant extracts, including ginseng, horsetail, licorice and yam, has an anti-aging effect and strengthens the protective epidermal mantle. At first glance, the cream simply evens out the skin tone, hiding any unevenness and erasing signs of fatigue, and adds radiance.

Guinot Creme Newhite UV 50 brightening toning cream for skin radiance

Lightening tinting cream for skin radiance Guinot Creme Newhite UV 50 The main feature of the Creme Newhite UV 50 tinting cream is lightening: in the short term, it instantly improves the complexion, hiding imperfections, and in the long term, it eliminates pigmentation, including post-inflammatory ones.
In addition, it restores the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and also retains moisture in the epidermal cells. What kind of foundation does Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Zendaya and other stars use? Read

Maybelline New York Fit Me Foundation

Maybelline New York Fit Me foundation Fit Me foundation will help out those who cannot do without cosmetics even in the gym.
At the same time, you will have to look for it on the skin with a magnifying glass and a flashlight, the coating is so invisible and delicate. 3 reasons why you need foundation with SPF right now Read

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