Itching in the groin in men
What to do for women with anal itching and burning
Itching in the groin can occur in men for many reasons. The condition is provoked both physiologically,
white spots on teeth
White spots on teeth: what causes chalk dots and stripes, what does it mean and what to do
The mechanism of the problem The health of dental units is ensured by a number of substances: vitamins A, C,
What to do if you are diagnosed with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)? Diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
What to do if you are diagnosed with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)? Diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
+38 +38 HomeStattiArticlesOn gynecology Nowadays, patients are often diagnosed with the human papillomavirus (HPV)
Doctors make a diagnosis
Melanoma - causes, symptoms and treatment. Why do you need to remove moles?
Melanoma is a malignant disease that affects the pigment cells of the skin - melanocytes. Conducted studies prove that
Homemade cucumber lotion
Smooth and beautiful skin: 15 best face lotions
What are facial lotions used for? The main task of this product is to deeply cleanse the skin.
Salipod for warts
Wart remedy Salipod: description and instructions for use
Unpleasant formations in the form of warts caused by the papilloma virus can occur on human skin. Sometimes
Restoring hair masks: recipes at home
Masks for strengthening and growing hair at home
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
Peeling and biorevitalization
How to prepare the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, and hands for summer using biorevitalization
The modern cosmetology field has a whole range of methods for eliminating various aesthetic imperfections. Among the most popular
Clay: black, white, blue, yellow, green, red, pink - use in cosmetology, beneficial properties of clay
Clay is a mixture of zinc oxide and aluminum oxide, with the addition of coloring ions and
Vulvovaginitis in children: causes, prevention, treatment.
Home > About the clinic > Useful information > Vulvovaginitis in children: causes, prevention, treatment.
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