Masks for strengthening and growing hair at home

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

Hair not only decorates a person, but also acts as an accurate indicator of the state of his health. By the quality and appearance of your hairstyle, you can accurately judge how well your internal organs function, whether you have enough vitamins and minerals, and whether there is a hidden infection in your body. For example, dull hair indicates vitamin deficiency, very dry hair indicates kidney problems, oily hair indicates a weak liver, and persistent dandruff and seborrhea indicate a serious malfunction of the immune and endocrine systems.

It was not by chance that we started the conversation about strengthening hair with this information: it contains the answer to the question why even the most expensive and popular masks often do not help stop hair loss and restore your hair to its former beauty and fullness. It is necessary to approach the solution of this problem comprehensively, and start from within. Neither homemade nor store-bought cosmetics will be able to make your curls thick and strong until the true causes of unhealthy hair are eliminated.

So, to successfully strengthen your hair at home, you need to go through several steps:

  • If the problem is combined with general malaise or specific painful symptoms, visit a doctor and get examined and tested;
  • Try to neutralize external factors that have a detrimental effect on your hair (bad habits, poor, monotonous diet (primarily on strict diets), stress, environmentally unfavorable environment);
  • Get rid of low-quality cosmetics, stop washing your hair every day and styling it with heating devices, combing and varnishing, buy a good comb, wear a hat in cold weather;
  • Regularly do massage treatments to stimulate hair follicles and eliminate blood and lymph stagnation, and also nourish your hair with natural homemade masks.

If you really want to, you can definitely handle the first three points on your own, but we will list and describe the most effective procedures and the best masks for strengthening hair in this article. You will learn simple and affordable recipes for strengthening masks, with the help of which millions of women have been able to achieve rapid growth, healthy shine and thickness of hair at home, without a huge investment of time and money, without dangerous consequences and side effects, without severe disappointments and the return of the problem after a few months after treatment.

Natural oils for hair strengthening and growth

Vegetable oils of the first cold pressing are a real storehouse of nutrients for our hair. If the raw materials have not been heated, all valuable vitamins are preserved in the finished oil, including the most important of them, vitamin E, often called the beauty vitamin. In addition to vitamins E, A, PP and group B, vegetable oils can saturate hair with essential fatty acids (stearic, oleic, lanolin and many others), amino acids, minerals and phytoestrogens that stimulate growth.

Homemade hair strengthening masks are made using the following natural vegetable oils:

  • Hair mask with argan oil
  • Hair mask with castor oil
  • Hair mask with coconut oil
  • Hair mask with sea buckthorn oil
  • Hair mask with olive oil
  • Hair mask with burdock oil
  • Hair mask with mustard

It is very important to choose the right oil - it must be a high-quality product. There are usually no problems with purchasing sunflower, olive, palm, soybean and sesame oils; they can be found in any supermarket. But it is better to purchase burdock, castor, flaxseed, sea buckthorn and coconut oil in pharmacies rather than ordering it online. In the second case, there is a possibility of stumbling upon a counterfeit product with harmful additives.

Homemade masks for strengthening hair with vegetable oils are not suitable for everyone: for example, if you have very oily hair, it is recommended to first normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands using a balanced diet low in animal fats, treat the scalp with natural masks with a soothing effect, and only then start intensively nourishing your hair.

Important: you should not make masks with vegetable oils if you have very oily hair, severe dandruff or seborrhea. First you need to eliminate the fungal infection and establish normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

If you have dry, brittle, dull and split hair, which comes out in clumps after washing your hair and settles on the comb, vegetable oils are an ideal option. It is very useful to carry out preventive hair strengthening with masks based on vegetable oils 4-5 times a month if you regularly color and curl your curls.

For complete treatment, you need to do the procedures 2-3 times a week. The easiest way is to heat any of the above oils in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, rub into the roots and distribute along the entire length, wrap in cellophane and a towel and leave for an hour and a half, and then rinse thoroughly.

But there are also more effective recipes for firming masks with oils - we bring to your attention the best of them:

  • Strengthening hair mask with burdock oil. Heat 2 tablespoons of burdock oil in a water bath, add two raw egg yolks and one ampoule of liquid vitamins A and E (available at any pharmacy), mix everything thoroughly or beat with a mixer. Apply the mask to your hair, paying special attention to the roots, and keep under a warming cap for 30 minutes.
  • Hair growth mask with castor oil and cognac. Mix castor oil and high-quality, vintage cognac in equal proportions, and select the volume based on the length and thickness of your hair. Rub the resulting mixture into the roots and distribute to the very ends, wrap your head warmly and wait half an hour. You may feel a slight burning sensation, but this is normal - cognac and castor oil stimulate and awaken the hair follicles well.
  • Coconut mask for intensive hair nutrition. Coconut oil is sold in plastic jars and has a pleasant consistency, convenient for applying to hair, not to mention a pleasant aroma and rich vitamin-lipid composition. Heat 50 g of this oil in a water bath, add 1 tablespoon of glycerin to it, rub the mixture into the roots, distribute through the hair, massage a little, and then keep under a warming cap for 20-30 minutes.
  • Olive-lemon mask to strengthen combination hair. If your roots quickly become dirty, and the strands themselves are dry and brittle, use this recipe: heat 100 ml of extravirgin olive oil in a water bath, add the juice of half a lemon, mix thoroughly, apply to hair and leave under the hood for 20-30 minutes . After rinsing, the curls will be soft and shiny.
  • Nourishing mask with sea buckthorn oil and honey. Dry and dull hair, flaky scalp and split ends need the most intensive nutrition. And the mixture of sea buckthorn oil and bee honey will give us the most vitamins. Mix the components in equal proportions and heat in a water bath, apply to the head, distribute through the hair and keep under a hood for 20-30 minutes.

How best to apply?

These simple tips will help you save hours and significantly improve the appearance of any hairstyle:

  • Masks with oils are easier to apply using a syringe without a needle.
  • If you don’t have time to do everything in the morning, do the procedures at night. Then, after waking up, all that remains is to rinse, dry and comb as needed.
  • Instead of a balm, you can spray your curls with a decoction of herbs from a spray bottle.
  • It is more convenient to distribute a thick or semi-liquid mass with a paint brush.
  • Do you want to reduce exposure time without much damage? Cover your head better.

Masks for healthy hair with essential oils

Essential oils differ significantly from ordinary vegetable oils - they are extracted from plants, which often contain virtually no fat, using special technologies: steam distillation and liquid carbon dioxide extraction. Aromatic oil is not an oil in the literal sense of the word, it is an odorous ether that turns into gaseous form and evaporates at room temperature.

The value of essential oils is very high, not only because of the complexity of production, but also because of their unique chemical composition and healing properties. Aromatic oils have been used by humans for many centuries for medical, cosmetic and even religious purposes. They not only enrich us with vitamins, fatty acids and other biologically active substances, but also have a strong stimulating effect: they increase appetite, improve mood, and normalize sleep.

As for strengthening hair, essential oils are very relevant here too - they awaken hair follicles, promote active growth, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, and some even eliminate dandruff. Now the shelves of any pharmacy are full of small boxes with fragrant essential oils for every taste. It’s easy to get confused with such a wide range, but we will help you choose the right option.

The following aromatic oils are best suited for strengthening hair:

  • Bayevoye;
  • Peach;
  • Cedar;
  • Juniper;
  • Cypress;
  • Sosnovoe;
  • Rosemary;
  • Ylang-Ylang;
  • Jasmine;
  • Lavender;
  • Tangerine;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Orange;
  • Lemon;
  • Sage;
  • Verbena;
  • Sandalwood;
  • Mirrovoe;
  • Pink;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Almond;
  • Clove;
  • Petitgrain;
  • Chamomile;
  • Mint;
  • Jojoba;
  • Patchouli;
  • Shea (shea);
  • Tea tree.

How to choose the best hair strengthening oil from this list? Focus on the condition of your scalp and curls. For example, if you have sensitive skin that is prone to flaking, use sage, verbena, myrrh, sandalwood, almond, lavender or shea butter. For those with oily hair, any citrus oils, as well as mint and rose, are suitable. Tea tree oil, rich in natural antibiotics - phytoncides, works well against dandruff. And pine and wood oils are used to strengthen any type of hair, bay tree oil, also called bay tree oil, is especially effective.

Important: Bay essential oil, which has a specific spicy aroma, has the most powerful stimulating effect of all currently known aromatic oils on weakened hair follicles.

Hair treatment with essential oils is carried out in courses of 2-3 months with similar breaks. The optimal frequency of using masks is 2 times a week. Aromatic oils are very convenient because they can be added a few drops to any homemade or ready-made cosmetic mask. Of course, homemade hair care products from fresh ingredients will be more beneficial than store-bought ones. The best base options for firming masks with essential oils are vegetable oil and egg yolk. We will talk about the benefits of chicken and quail egg yolks further.

Which mask to choose – homemade or professional?

There are many professional hair restoration products on store shelves. Such masks help fill weak and lifeless curls with strength and restore their lost shine.

Such products contain plant extracts, vitamins, proteins and other components that have a positive effect on the hair structure. The effectiveness of such masks is confirmed by studies.

However, many women prefer to use natural products because they believe that only natural ingredients can benefit their hair.

Masks for split ends are made based on eggs, kefir, honey, fruits, berries, cognac, coffee, gelatin. Vegetable oils are often used - burdock, almond, olive.

In fact, both professional and home remedies are quite effective. But good results can be achieved if you use such masks regularly. A one-time use of even the most effective remedy will not be beneficial.

Strengthening hair with egg yolk

The yolk contains the entire supply of nutrients intended by nature for the successful development of the embryo and the birth of a healthy chicken. That's why eggs are one of the most satisfying and healthy foods. You can feed yolks not only to yourself, but also to your hair, with the help of simple homemade strengthening masks.

The composition of egg yolk is striking in its variety of components:

  • Vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B12, D, and E;
  • Potassium, magnesium and phosphorus;
  • Amino acids and phospholipids - biotin, lecithin, choline.

Important: egg yolk contains the highest content of lecithin, the main natural building material, which the entire human body, in particular hair, really needs.

To strengthen and grow hair, you should use only fresh chicken or quail eggs. The latter have a higher concentration of vitamins, but the difference is insignificant, so good chicken eggs, especially country, homemade ones, will do the job perfectly. Yolks are recommended for normal and dry hair, while for oily hair, whites are better, which are also rich in nutrients, but contain much less lipids.

You need to make egg masks on clean hair 2-3 times a week for three months. After completing the procedure, just rinse your hair with clean cool water - the yolk is washed off perfectly and does not leave any foreign odor on the hair. This is one of the reasons why egg yolk hair strengthening masks are the most popular.

Read the best recipes below:

  • Homemade mayonnaise hair mask. We are accustomed to considering mayonnaise one of the most harmful products, but this only applies to store-bought sauces that are unsuitable for treating hair. If you make homemade mayonnaise, it will be the best nutritious cocktail you can imagine! Whisk half a glass of olive oil with four yolks, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of mustard. Apply this mixture to the roots of your hair, and since the mask contains mustard, it is better to wrap your head to enhance the warming and stimulating effect. Keep the mask on for 30-45 minutes and then rinse with plain water.
  • Beer mask with egg yolk to strengthen hair. Good unfiltered, live beer is very beneficial for hair follicles - it accelerates growth, makes hair stronger and thicker. Mix half a glass of this beer with two egg yolks, beat the mixture with a mixer, apply to your hair, hide under a cap and hold for 30-45 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Carrot-egg mask against hair loss and dull color. Carotene contained in carrots will help give your hair a shiny and well-groomed look, and eggs will provide nutrition. Grate one juicy carrot and mix with a whole chicken egg, apply to the roots of your hair, wrap your head and walk like this for about an hour, or maybe an hour and a half. Then simply rinse your hair and dry it naturally - you will immediately notice that the color has become brighter and the curls have acquired a healthy shine.


Although many are convinced that balms have properties similar to masks, which is why these products should not be used simultaneously, but alternated, in reality this is not the case. While the mask saturates each hair with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial substances, the balm “seals” them inside the hair shaft.

After washing your hair after the mask with shampoo, rinsing with cool water (this will close the cuticles), you need to apply a moisturizing hair balm to your hair, which will make it possible to properly comb unruly strands, untangle them and “glue” the scales together for a while.

Bee honey for beautiful hair

Speaking about nutrition for weakened hair, one cannot help but recall honey - the rich vitamin, mineral and amino acid composition of this product allows us to consider it one of the best natural strengthening agents. Liquid honey is convenient to add to homemade masks; it is easily washed off with warm water and gives the hair a pleasant light aroma. Even if the honey has already been candied, do not rush to give it up, just heat it in a water bath. There is only one serious reason for refusing to strengthen your hair with honey - allergies.

Important: bee honey is one of the most common and powerful allergens, so before making a honey mask, you need to conduct a skin test - apply a drop of honey to the skin of the elbow and wait 12 hours.

Therapeutic hair masks with the addition of honey are among the most highly nutritious and “heaviest” home cosmetics, so it is recommended to carry out the procedures once a week. You can argue endlessly about which honey is best for strengthening hair: some people think it’s linden honey, while others blame it on buckwheat honey. Focus on the results of using masks to make your choice.

The most popular and effective recipes for honey hair masks are presented below:

  • Strengthening honey hair mask with propolis and mumiyo. In a deep porcelain or glass bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, 1 chicken yolk, 1 teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture and 2 crushed mummy tablets. Apply the mask to the roots, spread over the entire length, wrap your head and wait 30-40 minutes, then rinse your hair with warm water (hair mask with honey).
  • Honey-mustard mask to stimulate hair growth. If your hair is falling out a lot and split ends, try waking up the hair follicles from hibernation with honey and mustard. Mix burdock oil heated in a water bath with liquid honey and dry mustard powder in equal proportions, apply to the roots without rubbing. Cover with a warm cap and keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes. During the procedure, you will feel a burning sensation, and if it becomes too strong, it is better to wash off the composition ahead of time and add less mustard in the future.
  • Hair mask made of honey, lemon and pepper. Another option for a honey mask that strengthens and stimulates hair growth: mix 2 tablespoons of liquid honey with the same volume of freshly squeezed lemon juice and regular pepper vodka. Keep this mixture under a warming cap for up to 30 minutes, focusing on how you feel - if it burns too much, it’s better to wash it off early.

For thin

This mask gives thin hair volume and shine. It allows you to strengthen the hair follicles.

Required ingredients:

  • honey - 50 g;
  • coarse salt - 1 glass;
  • cognac - 250 g.

Preparation and use:

  1. Take a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Mix all the ingredients in it, close and leave for 14 days.
  2. After the composition is ready, distribute it evenly to the roots and along the entire length of the hair.
  3. Cover with film and leave for one hour. Afterwards wash your hair.

Hair masks based on medicinal herbs

Strengthening hair with decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants is not inferior in popularity to the methods described above. The variety of medicinal herbs allows you to choose a herbal mask that is ideal for your hair type and can solve individual problems: split ends, hair loss, brittleness, flaking and itching, dandruff, dull color, quickly dirty roots.

Mother Nature has an answer to each of these challenges:

  • Universal herbs for strengthening hair - burdock, nettle, rosemary, linden blossom;
  • Herbs for dry hair and sensitive scalp - aloe, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, coltsfoot, string;
  • Medicinal plants for oily hair with dandruff – oak bark, hops, tansy, plantain, calendula, wormwood;
  • Herbs for the treatment of mature, weakened, graying hair - laurel, nasturtium, calamus, echinacea, yarrow.

Herbal medicine is a serious science, and medicinal plants contain potent substances that can have a strong effect on health in general, and hair in particular. Therefore, before making strengthening masks from medicinal herbs, you need to correctly determine your hair type and choose the right plant. The exceptions are burdock root and nettle - these herbs are suitable for everyone, are completely safe and perfectly strengthen hair of any type.

Sluggish intestinal infections and parasites are often the cause of deterioration in hair quality, and even baldness. This problem can also be dealt with with the help of medicinal plants: for example, an infusion of wormwood or tansy when taken orally kills bacteria and parasites. Be sure to get examined if your hair loss is combined with unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. And you will find the best recipes for herbal masks to strengthen hair below.

Strengthening hair with burdock

  1. To make an effective mask, dig up a few burdock rhizomes, wash thoroughly, peel and grate. Immediately apply the resulting mask to the hair roots, wrap your head and keep for half an hour, then rinse with running water. Grated burdock root cannot be stored fresh - it quickly oxidizes and loses its medicinal properties. But you can pour it with alcohol and leave it, and then rub it into your hair follicles 2-3 times a week.
  2. A mask of fresh burdock leaves is prepared as follows: chop the leaves with a knife, put them in a glass jar, pour in sunflower oil and simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes, then strain, cool to a comfortable temperature, apply the oil to your hair and keep under the hood for an hour and a half. In essence, you will get natural, concentrated, homemade burdock oil.
  3. A decoction for rinsing hair can be prepared only from the roots, or you can add chopped leaves. Boil the raw material over low heat for 10 minutes, wait until it cools, strain and pour the clean head from the ladle, bending over the basin and again scooping the broth from it at least 20-30 times in one procedure.

Read more: Properties and uses of burdock root

Strengthening hair with nettle

Dry or fresh leaves of stinging nettle, as well as its rhizomes, are used to prepare healing decoctions that are used to rinse hair after washing. If you have dry raw materials, take it at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 500 ml of water, and if fresh - half a glass of chopped nettle per 500 ml of water. The infusion is kept in a water bath for 20 minutes and cooled naturally with the lid closed. You can rinse your hair immediately, but it is better to do it in the morning, after the infusion has stood all night.

Read more: Useful properties and applications, nettle decoction for hair


Under the influence of properly selected masks, coarse hair:

  • soften;
  • moisturized;
  • become obedient, easier to style;
  • stop getting confused;
  • restored (in case of damage, cuts, fragility);
  • smooth out;
  • easier to comb;
  • are saturated with nutrients.

A high-quality and regularly used mask for coarse hair causes the plate-shaped cells of the cuticle to close, which guarantees the return of elasticity, firmness and a smooth surface.

Henna and basma: coloring plus healing

Hair coloring with henna and basma does not lose popularity in the world, despite the length and hassle of the process, and the narrow range of shades obtained. It's all about the absolute naturalness of these natural dyes. It is even believed that henna and basma strengthens hair, but is this really so? After all, there are women who do not like these dyes for their allegedly drying effect on the hair and scalp.

Henna and basma, as such, do not have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. They can only boast of the presence of natural pigments and natural antibiotics - phytoncides, thanks to which they successfully cope with dandruff. However, in the process of dyeing hair with henna and basma, each hair thickens, and the horny scales with which it is covered smooth out and stick together. All this leads to the fact that colored curls begin to look denser and thicker. As for dryness, yes, indeed, dyeing with henna and basma is better suited for those with oily hair.

Important: henna dyeing is a cosmetic procedure with a temporary effect, and not a full-fledged method of strengthening hair. The dye acts on the hair itself, and not on the hair follicles.

Now not only brunettes, but also blondes can apply henna to their hair exclusively for health purposes - fortunately, colorless henna has become available for sale. Try experimenting with it, perhaps this product will suit you and help strengthen your hair. But keep in mind that the technique is controversial, and it does not give a stable, long-lasting result - while you dye, your hair is thick, as soon as you stop, it starts to look weak again.

Reviews from real people

How do they take care of their hair? How do they ensure that their hair is thick and healthy?

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There are a lot of reviews. But each person is individual, so to achieve beautiful, healthy hair, you still have to make an effort.

Strengthening hair with kefir, sour cream and yogurt

Fermented milk products contain B vitamins and vitamin E, milk protein, calcium and live microorganisms, thanks to which kefir, curdled milk, yoghurt and sour cream effectively nourish, strengthen and soften hair. For medicinal masks, it is best to use farm, homemade products with medium or high fat content. Dietary low-fat fermented milk products are mainly water and lactose, and the lion's share of the nutritional components in them is lost.

Important: kefir and yogurt quickly wash out the coloring pigment from the hair - keep this in mind if you regularly dye your hair.

Kefir masks, like any other strengthening masks based on fermented milk products, are considered an ideal product for caring for dry hair. However, by adding a few refreshing and cleansing ingredients to the mask, you can get a product that is perfect for those with oily hair.

Below you will find the 5 best recipes for masks based on kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream and natural yogurt:

  • Strengthening mask for oily hair made from kefir and mustard. Using a mixer, mix half a glass of warm kefir, 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon of dry mustard powder and a few drops of any citrus essential oil. Apply the mask to your hair and keep under cellophane and a warm hat for 30-45 minutes, then rinse without using shampoo.
  • Mask of curdled milk and burdock oil for very dry hair. Take 50 ml of burdock oil, heat in a water bath, pour into a quarter glass of kefir, stir, then add 1 yolk, mix thoroughly again and apply to hair. You need to cover your head, and it is recommended to keep this mask on for at least an hour.
  • Sour cream mask with onions against hair loss. If your hair is falling out a lot, the best remedy is onions combined with rich sour cream. Mix lukewarm kefir with finely chopped onion. Select the volume based on the length of your hair; the mask should be applied very liberally. Wrap your head in cellophane, and wrap it with a towel on top, and walk like this for at least 45 minutes, and preferably an hour. Then rinse your hair thoroughly and rinse with a mild apple cider vinegar solution several times to neutralize the onion smell.
  • Universal mask made from fermented baked milk and black bread. Black bread, best of all Borodino bread, is perfect for strengthening hair - it saturates the hair follicles with vitamins, and the crumb, when applying a mask and massaging the head, acts like a soft peeling. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, dandruff, flaking and itching disappear. Soak 2-3 slices of black bread in warm fermented baked milk, apply to hair, massage, wrap and leave for 1 hour, then rinse with clean water without using shampoo. Your hair won't get dirty for a long time.
  • Nourishing mask made from yogurt and bran. For this recipe, oat or wheat bran is suitable, or even better – sprouted wheat or soybeans. They can be sprouted at home, on a plate, simply wrapped in a damp cloth. Wheat germ contains a fantastic range of vitamins, amino acids and valuable lipids. Grind half a glass of bran or a handful of sprouted grains, mix with the same volume of heated natural yogurt, leave in a warm place for 1 hour, then apply to hair, wrap and wait another hour. Rinse off without shampoo.

Find out more: Kefir hair mask: what is the effect?

Fruit and vegetable hair strengthening masks

Fresh vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins, and vitamin deficiency is the most common cause of weakness, brittleness and hair loss. First of all, you need to try to enrich your diet with fruits, berries and vegetables so that your hair gets enough nutrition from the inside. But homemade masks made from fresh and juicy fruits will be a good help in solving our problem.

You need to select a product based on the type and characteristics of your hair:

  • For dry hair, masks made from avocado, peach, apricot, persimmon, guava, melon, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, papaya and banana are very useful;
  • It is better to strengthen oily hair with cucumber, cabbage, apple, lemon, potato, orange, rhubarb and tangerine;
  • Dull, lifeless, thinning hair is treated with onions, carrots, cranberries, kiwis and strawberries.

Any of the listed fruits and vegetables can be chopped 2-3 times a week and applied to the head for 30-45 minutes. But the most effective masks for strengthening hair are made from onions. Despite the advice of trichologists and enthusiastic reviews from patients, not all girls are in a hurry to repeat this feat and apply onion paste to their hair. The problem is an incredibly persistent odor that remains in the hair even after repeated washings, and is intensified by humidity. However, believe me, the game is worth the candle.

Important: onions contain a rare and extremely necessary mineral for healthy hair - sulfur. It is sulfur that onions owe their specific aroma.

There are little tricks on how to get rid of onion trail: you can add a few drops of a strong-smelling essential oil (pine or citrus) to the mask, and after the procedure, thoroughly rinse your hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar.

We invite you to find out the onion mask recipe, as well as several of the most effective recipes for fruit and vegetable firming masks:

  • The best onion mask to accelerate hair growth. Take 2 tablespoons of fresh, live yeast (compressed, not powdered), mix it with 1 teaspoon of honey (or sugar if you are allergic to honey), leave the mixture in a warm place and wait until it foams. Add 2 tablespoons of burdock oil and 4 tablespoons of freshly squeezed onion juice to the yeast. Mix everything thoroughly, apply to hair, wrap and keep the mask for 1 hour, then wash your hair with mild shampoo. Do these masks every other day for two to three months, and your hair will begin to grow, even if you have severe baldness!
  • Banana-yogurt mask for thin, dry and brittle hair. Ripe bananas are rich in potassium, which, like sulfur, is very beneficial for hair. However, bananas, unlike onions, are easily applied to the hair, are easily washed off with plain water and do not leave any unpleasant odor. What's not a reason to nourish your hair with this wonderful fruit from time to time? Grind a couple of bananas with a blender until a homogeneous puree is formed, add half a glass of thick natural yogurt or rich sour cream, apply to your hair and hold under a hood for 30-45 minutes. Rinse with running water.
  • Potato mask to strengthen oily hair. Raw potato juice normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, perfectly cleanses and strengthens hair. If you have very oily hair with dandruff, you need to add a little onion and garlic to the grated potatoes - these vegetables effectively kill the fungus that causes dandruff. There is also a less “fragrant” option: drop a few drops of tea tree essential oil. If there is no dandruff, but you just need to strengthen your hair and eliminate excess oil, mix potato pulp with warm kefir. It is recommended to keep the mask on for at least 45 minutes.
  • Citrus juice for shine and beauty of mature hair. Aged, dull hair can be brought back to life with the help of regular citrus masks. Take any citrus fruits that you have - for example, half a lemon, an orange and a grapefruit, pass it through a juicer or squeeze it by hand, and pour it on your head, trying to make sure that all the pulp settles on the roots of your hair. Wrap your hair and leave the mask on for 30-45 minutes, and then rinse with clean water.

Find out more: Onion hair mask: what is the effect?


The main advantage of express masks is the speed of their impact. Unlike ordinary ones, they cope with their tasks much faster. There is no need to sit for hours with a cap on your head. Usually fifteen minutes is enough. The reduction in time does not have a negative effect on the result: there is definitely an effect.

In addition, quick hair masks:

  • Makes hair manageable . It will become easier to twirl curls, straighten them, and even create a multi-layered hairstyle.
  • They straighten and give elasticity to the strands by tightly sealing the scales.
  • Add softness to any hair.
  • Returns natural, natural shine.
  • Eliminates the effect of electrification.
  • Increases the volume and density of curls.

Important! Quick masks usually only mask minor damage for 10-12 hours, “gluing” broken or excised hairs.

It turns out to be virtually universal cosmetic care. All defects will be visually hidden and the condition of the hair will improve. Complete healing will not occur, but the appearance will definitely please you.

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