Yellow peeling Kosmoteros - review of the drug, reviews of the effectiveness of the procedure

Features of peeling

Kosmoteros yellow peeling is a product of Kosmoteros Laboratories (France). The product is intended for delicate cleansing of the skin, due to the presence of the following components:

  • 5% analogue of trans-retinoic acid - a complex of gallic and phytic acids with cleansing, whitening, restorative and keratolytic properties;
  • vitamin E - has a restorative effect;
  • vitamin C - renews, whitens and evens out the skin, gives it radiance;
  • beta-carotene - protects the dermis from the influence of ultraviolet radiation and external adverse factors.

Kosmoteros yellow peel affects the skin, causing severe peeling of the surface layer. This leads to the activation of the synthesis of the intercellular dermal matrix and epidermal lipids, as well as the normalization of the processes of keratinization and differentiation in the epidermal layer.

Note! The product is manufactured in accordance with the Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Goods. And this is confirmed by the relevant declarations.

Line overview

Kosmoteros products are suitable for professional salon care and home use. For convenience and safe use, all products contain detailed instructions.

The procedure protocol will allow you to avoid errors during the manipulation process, since it has a detailed action plan indicating the drug, dosage and method of application.


  • The product is available in a glass bottle.
  • Volume: 30 ml.
  • Price: from 1500 rubles.

A combined surface-acting chemical preparation containing fruit acid extracts and the Vegewhite component based on medicinal plants in high concentration.

It has a sebostatic and anti-inflammatory effect, and has exfoliating ability. Stimulates the production of ceramides and fibroblasts, which activate the synthesis of collagen, fibrin, elastin, which rejuvenate the skin.

Used to correct any cosmetic defects, including after skin diseases.


  • Available in a convenient bottle with a dispenser.
  • Volume: 30 ml.
  • Price: from 1300 rubles.

The drug in liquid form contains a 70% concentration of glycolic acid, chitosan and sodium succinate. The acidity (pH) of the product can be 2.3 and 0.7. The active substance dissolves and exfoliates the excess stratum corneum of the skin, controls the division of the main cells of the epidermis.

Applicable if the following problems exist:

  • uneven surface relief;
  • defects after dermatological diseases;
  • uneven, painful complexion;
  • enlarged pores;
  • excessive rashes;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands (oily or too dry dermis).


  • Available in a glass bottle.
  • Volume: 30 ml.
  • Price: from 2500 rubles.

It contains a 30% acid concentration, pH 1.5. The main active ingredient is mandelic (amygdalic or phenylglycolic) acid, which belongs to alpha hydroxy acids, which is obtained from natural raw materials - bitter almonds.

It has strong antibacterial properties, guaranteeing safe and effective cleansing and renewal. This occurs due to the slow penetration of molecules into the dermis due to their large size.

The ability to dissolve in oils allows the substance to penetrate the thickness of the dermal layers. Ideal for glycolic acid intolerant skin, it reduces the risk of hyperpigmentation after deep cleansing.

Recommended if you have:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • age spots;
  • acne;
  • lentigo;
  • rosacea;
  • facial wrinkles;
  • freckles;
  • uneven tone.

Peeling with mandelic acid is often preceded by laser skin resurfacing and mid-chemical cleansing.


  • The drug is available in a bottle.
  • Volume: 30 ml.
  • Price: from 10,000 rubles.

Superficial-medium retinoic peeling, which is yellow in color due to the presence of tretinoin (retinoic acid) in the composition.

Delicate skin cleansing is provided by the following components:

  • complex of gallic and phytic acids – whitens and cleanses;
  • vitamin E - restores;
  • vitamin C – renews, saturates and evens out complexion;
  • beta-carotene – protects against ultraviolet exposure and negative external factors.

It belongs to atraumatic chemical peels, therefore it is used at any age and regardless of skin type, if you have:

  • hyperkeratosis;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • signs of photoaging;
  • age-related changes;
  • striae.

Release form

Available in 30 ml bottles.

The approximate consumption of funds for 1 procedure is calculated as follows:

  • 3 ml - on the face;
  • 5 ml - on the décolleté and neck area.

The cost of peeling is about 7,200 rubles per unit of product. You can buy it:

  • in specialized online and offline stores - in this case, you should make sure that the products have quality certificates, and the point of sale takes care of the quality of storage and transportation of the products;
  • the official distributor - in Russia and other CIS countries - is the company KTGroup, whose headquarters are located in Geneva (Switzerland).

Service cost

The price for professional cleaning has a wide range and depends on the location of the salon, the qualifications of the technician and the amount of product used.

On average, you will have to spend from 3,000 to 10,000 per session.

You can buy peeling yourself, but along with it you need to purchase a neutralizer and a preparation for skin preparation.

  • Degreasing lotion-tonic for preparing the skin for chemical peeling Lotion Tonique Degraissante – from 1,500 rubles;
  • Bioactivator-neutralizer after peeling – from 1300 rubles.

Kosmoteros products should be purchased only in specialized online or offline stores, having previously read the quality certificates.

There is an official distributor of the KTGroup company in Russia, from whom you can not only purchase goods, but also undergo training.

Indications for use

It is believed that yellow peels are intended for mature skin, so they are recommended for patients over 35 years of age. But since Kosmoteros yellow peel is one of the most atraumatic chemical peels, it can be used at an earlier age for owners of any type of face.

A remedy is used to solve the following problems:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • signs of photoaging;
  • problematic skin - eliminating comedones, acne, excessive oiliness.

Efficiency of use

If yellow chemical peeling is done correctly, then after the recovery period the following changes occur in the skin:

  • color improves;
  • the surface is leveled;
  • signs of rosacea decrease;
  • The production of collagen and elastin increases, resulting in skin rejuvenation and a noticeable lifting effect.

To achieve the desired result, you should complete a basic course, which includes 3 to 4 sessions every 1.5–2 months. In total, such courses can be taken no more than 2 times a year.

Attention! Due to the fact that the drug is one of the most gentle peelings, it can be performed even in summer. But it is worth considering that many cosmetologists do not recommend using peelings of any kind during the spring-summer season.

Application protocol

The use of Kosmoteros retinoic peeling is permitted only by qualified cosmetologists who have thoroughly studied the protocol for applying the product. Unprofessional cleaning can aggravate problematic skin conditions and even cause burns.


To avoid stress and injury to the skin, you need to prepare for the procedure in advance - 7-10 days in advance. Care and products are prescribed by a specialist.

What does the preparation procedure include:

  • washing with gel with AHA acids;
  • applying serum with a small concentration of retinol;
  • moisturizing with a special cream for hypersensitive skin;
  • protection before going outside using cream with SPF-30.

Already during the preparation period, skin discomfort and superficial peeling may occur.


Kosmoteros yellow chemical peeling is applied in several stages:

  1. Cleansing. Gel with fruit acids foams in a small amount in damp palms and is applied to the face and other problem areas. Everything is thoroughly washed off using a sponge, disposable napkins or cotton pads.
  2. Additional degreasing by applying tonic. At this stage, you should wait until the degreaser is completely absorbed. If peeling is performed on patients with sensitive dermis, no tonic is applied.
  3. Protection of delicate areas. A soothing, protective cream is distributed on the skin around the eyelids and lips.
  4. Applying peeling. Using a special fan brush, Kosmoteros yellow peel is applied to the desired areas of the face and body in an even layer.
  5. Next, you need to wait 10 minutes until the product is absorbed, and then leave it to act for 6-8 hours. The degree of peeling exposure is always different and is selected taking into account the patient’s skin condition. Cosmoteros is easily tolerated. There is no discomfort felt during application.

The yellow chemical peel is washed off with regular cool water at home. At this time, a slight burning sensation is allowed.


Special preparation is required before dry cleaning. The products prescribed by the cosmetologist must be used a week before the procedure.

You must also adhere to certain conditions:

  • stop tanning;
  • do not injure the skin surface;
  • for washing, use gel with AHA acids;
  • apply serum with retinol in low concentration;
  • choose a cream for hypersensitive skin;
  • do several cleanings with home-use products;
  • On the street, protect your face with a product with SPF-30 or higher.

How it goes

The skin is first cleaned of cosmetics, dust and other contaminants.

Multifruit, Almond and Glycolic peels are carried out in the same way:

  • Apply a degreasing compound, then apply a thin layer of the product. Exposure time is up to 5 minutes. After this, it is removed with a neutralizer.
  • At the end, a soothing mask is applied.

Retinoic peeling has a different protocol:

The skin is cleansed with a gel with fruit acids, then it must be washed off thoroughly. Additional degreasing is carried out using a tonic. You should wait until the product is completely absorbed.

The degreaser should not be applied to sensitive epidermis. The areas around the lips and eyelids are covered with a protective cream.

The drug is applied in an even layer, preferably with a fan brush. It is absorbed within 10 minutes, but is not washed off immediately. The exposure lasts 6-8 hours, after which it is removed with plenty of water.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

It’s not for nothing that retinoic peeling is called yellow peeling - after the procedure, the face takes on the appearance as if the skin had been rubbed with carrots. You should remember this effect and not apply peeling before leaving the house.

Course duration

To get qualitative changes after cleansing, you should take a basic course, including 4-7 sessions, depending on the complexity of the problems. The procedure is repeated after 1.5-2 months. No more than two courses are recommended throughout the year.

Healing period

Recovery time after peeling treatment is several weeks. On the second day, intense peeling and other processes occur:

  • tolerable burning, itching;
  • redness;
  • slight swelling;
  • tightness.

These phenomena are considered a normal reaction of the body and disappear on their own. You should consult a specialist if symptoms worsen, as allergies may develop.

Healing period

Chemical peeling Kosmoteros affects the skin in a special way. So, after washing it off, the following phenomena are observed:

  • tolerable burning and/or itching;
  • redness;
  • slight swelling;
  • tightness;
  • intense peeling - on the second day.

If swelling or burning intensifies, you should immediately inform a specialist. Such signals may be indicators of an allergic reaction.

Post-procedure care

To speed up tissue regeneration after yellow peeling, the specialist prescribes special home care. As a rule, it consists of regularly applying special products to the treated areas:

  • cleansing milk - in the morning and evening;
  • tonic with vitamin C, hydroactivator, gels with hyaluronic acid - during the day;
  • masks - up to 3 times a week;
  • creams - protective and for sensitive skin.


In order for the skin to go through the rehabilitation period faster, you need to:

  • Avoid aggressive detergents and cosmetics on the first day;
  • avoid touching the treated areas with your hands;
  • protect the skin from the effects of sunlight;
  • use products intended for post-peeling care.

What not to do:

  • expose the skin to additional stress in the form of tanning, other types of cleansing, hardware procedures and massages;
  • scratch the skin after peeling;
  • tear off lagging particles of the dermis during the period of peeling;
  • epilate in the treated area.

Peeling goes away quickly - within 2-3 days. The total rehabilitation period lasts about 2 weeks.

Facial skin cleansing is one of the most important stages in the cosmetological skin care system.

The professional cosmetics brand Kosmoteros Professionnel (France) offers a line of products for cleansing various skin types with the unique component Hyasealon - a peptide-polysaccharide complex of marine origin. The Hyasealon peptide group is a complex consisting of a mixture of amino acids, oligopeptides, collagen-type proteins and elastin obtained from the tissues of Squalus acanthias (spiny shark). Due to the preservation of the spatial three-helical structure, fragments (from 20 to 50 kDa) of native 3D marine collagen types 1 and 3 activate the processes of synthesis of dermal components, protect endocollagen and prevent the formation of cross-links. The polysaccharide group Hyasealon is a unique mixture of three molecular modifications of hyaluronic acid obtained from natural marine raw materials Pectinidae (bivalves).

Peeling-gommage Kosmoteros Professionnel

The new peeling formula ensures an optimal level of metabolic processes in the skin, being included in the mechanisms that control the production of collagen fibers, hyaluronic acid and other components of the dermis, and maintains the necessary level of skin hydration. Thoroughly and delicately removes impurities and dead cells, cleanses pores without irritating the skin, and improves its structure.

Main active ingredients: Hyasealon 1.0%, particles of inert polyethylene, extracts: linden, leuzea, chamomile, almond oil.

For deep cleansing of all skin types, including sensitive ones.

Corrective mask “Enzyme peeling” Kosmoteros Professionnel

Thanks to the keratolytic action of a complex of proteolytic enzymes that loosen the stratum corneum, it has a deeply cleansing and renewing effect, effectively smoothes wrinkles, restores skin tightness and elasticity. Gives skin smoothness, healthy glow and a feeling of freshness.

Main active ingredients: papaya and pineapple extracts.

For any skin type, as well as before facial cleansing, massage or applying an active mask. Facilitates the extraction of comedones.

Cleansing gel with AHA acids Kosmoteros Professionnel

Thanks to a balanced complex of alpha hydroxy acids, it has a mild exfoliating, whitening and antiseptic effect. Smoothes the skin surface, normalizes desquamation processes, and increases the permeability of the epidermis to other cosmetic components.

Main active ingredients: AHA 7.0% pH 3.5%, acids: lactic, citric, tartaric, glycolic, extracts: passion fruit, lemon, grape, pineapple, panthenol.

For regular care of oily, porous, problematic skin.

Cleansing gel Kosmoteros Professionnel

Gently but thoroughly removes impurities while maintaining the necessary level of skin hydration. It has antiseptic properties and provides long-term protection against pathogenic microflora. Reduces the stress response of the epidermis to the influence of the external environment, maintaining an optimal level of moisture throughout the day, and improves complexion. Prepares the skin for further care, leaving a feeling of freshness.

Main active ingredients: Hyasealon 0.7%, Symclariol 1.0%, extracts: sage, eucalyptus, celandine, white willow, panthenol.

For all skin types, including sensitive, but definitely recommended for oily, problematic and rash-prone skin.

Cleansing milk Kosmoteros Professionnel

A highly effective product for quickly cleansing the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Maintains the necessary level of skin hydration, suppresses the activity of the enzyme elastase, which destroys elastin, maintaining the integrity of the hydrolipid film, giving the skin a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Main active ingredients: Hyasealon 1.0%, Proteasyl 3.0%, oils: shea, almond, lecithin.

For gentle cleansing of any skin type.

Cleansing foam for washing Beaute Globale Kosmoteros Professionnel

An excellent product with a foaming agent quickly and comfortably cleanses the skin of impurities and makeup, maintaining the integrity of the hydrolipidic film, maintaining the necessary level of skin hydration, giving it a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Main active ingredients : Hyasealon 0.5%, Proteasyl 2.0%, extracts: nettle, thyme, chamomile, hops, panthenol.

For gentle cleansing of any skin type.

Gel-foam sebum regulator Kosmoteros Professionnel

A special mild, gentle cleanser for oily and problematic skin regulates the oil balance and moisture of the skin, protects it from bacteria and viruses, prevents inflammatory reactions, and gives the skin a matte and velvety feel. Main active ingredients: Hyasealon 0.7%, Evermat 3.0%, extracts: mint, horsetail, panthenol.

For cleansing oily and problematic skin.

Buy and order delivery throughout Kazakhstan of Kosmoteros cosmetics for skin cleansing - KTGroup company

Features of peeling in salons

To ensure that everything goes with the least risk, you should make sure that the dermatocosmetologist has the appropriate education and has been trained in working with chemical peels. You should also take into account that yellow peel is a special procedure that is difficult and dangerous to carry out at home.

Important! There are no similar products for home use, since household cleansing cosmetics provide only superficial peeling and do not affect the deep subcutaneous layers.


The price for yellow peeling differs depending on the prestige of the salon, its location and the qualifications of the specialist. The amount of money spent is also taken into account. To do retinoic peeling, you will need from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles.

Is the procedure carried out in salons?

Cosmoteros peeling care should be carried out by trained specialists. Carrying out the procedure at home is undesirable, as it carries a risk of complications.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

When carrying out peeling at home, you should remember the main rule - the initial exposure should not exceed 4 minutes, regardless of the composition of the product. Burns are possible, the treatment of which significantly affects the quality of the procedure.

The product is unsafe and is intended for professional use, so it is better to perform the manipulation in a salon, where responsibility for the process lies with the cosmetologist.


The use of Kosmoteros yellow peel should be avoided if:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • hypervitaminosis A;
  • while taking retinoids, tetracycline;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • any infectious skin diseases;
  • scratches and other damage to the dermis at the site of peeling;
  • demodicosis;
  • fresh tan - less than 2 weeks;
  • liver failure and other somatic diseases.

also recommended to avoid retinoic cleansing if you are planning a pregnancy. Here, we take into account the fact that retinoids act systemically on the body and are eliminated within 3 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

Yellow peeling has its advantages:

  • acts less aggressively than cleaning with other types of acids;
  • noticeable lifting effect;
  • the result lasts up to 3 months;
  • can be used as an additive to recipes for multi-component care products.

The disadvantages of Cosmoteros include:

  • you need to leave it on your face for a long time before washing it off;
  • during the recovery period, the skin has an unattractive appearance;
  • improper use can result in burns;
  • price.

A little about the Kosmoteros brand and pricing policy

Cosmoteros is a French company that has gained popularity around the world. A special feature of the cosmetic line is that most of the products are recommended for use in home care. Availability, ease of use, safety for the dermis, rare side effects are only part of the advantages of drugs from this brand.

The prices of Kosmoteros preparations for facial cleansing start from 1000 rubles, depending on the composition. This pricing policy is accessible to ordinary users - you can compare it with the price of cleaning in a salon.

Comparison with other means

There are other popular peelings with similar effects.

Block Age Peel Gel is a more aggressive product with a good effect. Less economical because it is available in two-phase bottles of 2.3 ml and 2.7 ml. Before the procedure, the phases must be mixed, and leftovers cannot be stored.

Cosmetologists also use yellow peelings from Mediderm and Arcadia in their work. Their post-peeling period is almost the same as that of Kosmoteros. But packaging is designed for each client separately.

Opinion of cosmetologists

The cosmetologist from this review likes the yellow peeling Kosmoteros. She notes that the product gives a good lifting, whitening and tissue tightening effect.

He says that Kosmoteros yellow peel is well tolerated, the cosmetologist in the next review. According to her observations, itching and severe discomfort during the post-peeling period are rare phenomena. But the skin peels well.

The specialist from this review is satisfied with the product. He intends to apply it in practice in the future.

Patient reviews

The patient from this review decided to experience the features of the Kosmoteros yellow peeling. He notes that after the procedure, the dermis was renewed, cleansed, and became more elastic and firm. Overall, I’m happy with the result, but I don’t think my skin is perfect.

The next patient says that, despite the itching after the procedure, she considers the rehabilitation period tolerable and plans to use peeling in the future.

The girl from this review tolerated the peeling well. He notes that after 5 hours of exposure, the skin began to peel off, and then became noticeably renewed. I didn’t notice any effect of pore narrowing or lifting. I applied the product myself, since I am a cosmetologist myself.

Kosmoteros yellow peeling has many advantages. But, as in any other case of using chemical treatment procedures, the main thing here is not to do harm. An experienced specialist, proper preparation and following instructions after treatment will give a pronounced effect of skin rejuvenation. And they will help you avoid unnecessary health problems.

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