Lip contouring: a list of the most monstrous mistakes

Biorevitalization is a cosmetic procedure in which hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin using a syringe with a thin needle. The injection is performed in a papular manner, that is, with the formation of subcutaneous blisters. In the process of assimilation of the composition, they are absorbed without the need for any external influence.

Papules after biorevitalization: what is it?

Papules are small elevations above the skin level that contain a gel-like composition with hyaluronic acid. They appear due to the fact that the drug is injected to a shallow depth. The formation of papules is a feature of biorevitalization, in contrast to similar cosmetic procedures. This is a natural skin reaction that is not a pathology, although it scares many.

If there are no papules after biorevitalization, this may indicate:

  • disrupted technology (the drug was injected very deeply);
  • low density of the substance (HA is diluted with other components);
  • excessive dryness of facial skin, imbalance of water balance;
  • large thickness of the dermis.

The size of the resulting papules depends on the angle of the needle entering the skin, the composition of the hyaluronic acid-based product and the area of ​​treatment. For example, in the décolleté area the diameter of the tubercles is usually 3 mm, while in the periorbital area it is no more than 1 mm.

Complications and side effects after injection of fillers

Contour plastic surgery with fillers based on hyaluronic acid is considered one of the safest aesthetic procedures. However, complications are still possible. What are these complications and can they be managed?

Contouring specialists are often compared to sculptors. Smooth out wrinkles, give youthful roundness to the cheekbones and cheeks, straighten the oval of the face, add volume to the lips - fillers based on hyaluronic acid can do all this.

Side effect or complication after fillers?

When injecting fillers, two groups of problems are possible: unwanted side effects and complications.

Unwanted side effects after fillers

These include conditions that do not directly threaten the patient's health. These problems include:

  • Hematomas. Small bruises in the injection area occur due to damage to small vessels by the needle.
  • Swelling after injections. It is a natural inflammatory reaction of tissues to any injury. Remember how the bruised area swells.
  • Impaired sensitivity. Appears due to temporary “compression” of the nerves by the filler.
  • The appearance of pigmentation at the sites of filler injection. In response to injury to skin cells, melanocytes sometimes begin to produce the pigment melanin.
  • Tyndall effect. Due to prolonged tissue swelling after trauma, the functioning of skin vessels is disrupted. As a result, when light is refracted, bluish or pinkish stripes “shine through” under the skin, and sometimes nearby vessels become noticeable. Most often, this side effect after injection of fillers occurs when too dense a product is injected close enough to the surface of the skin.

Complications after fillers

Complications can also often be predicted. But. Unlike side effects, their consequences are unfavorable, affecting the health and aesthetic result of the procedure. Complications are always associated with the prescription of some type of treatment, that is, they require direct medical intervention.

  • Tissue necrosis. This is the most serious complication after fillers, occurring due to the gel getting into the vessel or compression (squeezing) of the vessel.
  • Long-term loss of sensation at the injection site. Like short-term, it is a consequence of “squeezing” the nerves with filler.
  • Contouring (blooming) of the drug under the skin
  • It occurs when filler is injected too close to the surface of the skin.
  • Whitening of the skin at injection sites. This complication after fillers occurs for a number of reasons. Instant whitening without pain can be caused by the presence of the anesthetic lidocaine in the drug. Whitening, accompanied by sharp pain-embolism (“blockage”) of the vessel when the drug enters it. Sometimes this condition is caused by ischemia (impaired blood supply) of the capillaries of the dermis - this condition usually goes away on its own over time. - Fibrosis. Thickening of the skin at the injection site, manifested in the production of new collagen fibers and the proliferation of connective tissue, is a natural tissue reaction to any foreign substance. Thus, the body tries to fence itself off from it. But sometimes this growth is excessive - skin thickening becomes too noticeable.
  • Granulomas are tiny nodules that appear on the surface of the skin. Such complications after fillers appear as a result of the body’s desire to fence off the foreign substance. The foreign body is contained in a kind of capsule. Granulomas can be either inflammatory or non-inflammatory.
  • Changes in skin texture in the area of ​​filler injection. Occurs due to filler migration, uneven distribution, or injection too close to the skin surface.

Depending on the time of occurrence, side effects and complications can be early or delayed.

Early adverse events, such as bruising or whitening of the skin, occur immediately after filler injection.

Delayed ones - infection of the injection area, hyperpigmentation at the site of the hematoma, etc. - appear after a few days or later.

What measures can the patient take to avoid these complications?

  • Carry out the procedure only in a specialized clinic/clinic where all rules of asepsis and antisepsis are observed and the necessary emergency equipment is available.
  • Inquire in advance about the doctor’s qualifications. Unfortunately, in the practice of a cosmetologist, adverse events are not so rare. And the more often, the longer the cosmetologist’s work experience. This depends not only on the experience of the doctor, but also on the number of different patients. However, when communicating with an experienced specialist, this risk is certainly less. Besides, he knows how to deal with them.
  • Pay attention to how carefully the doctor collects anamnesis during the consultation - he is interested in previous and existing diseases, medications taken, as well as injections that were done before. Such a conversation allows you to avoid complications and side effects after the injection of fillers. Various autoimmune diseases can cause granulomas, and taking certain medications can lead to immunosuppression. Do not hide information about your health status; this can be extremely important for the successful outcome of the procedure.
  • When performing contour plastic surgery, the doctor must use only certified drugs. This information must be available in the clinic. Before the procedure, their name and number must be entered into the medical record.
  • Strictly and carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations before and after the procedure (do not go to the sauna, do not sunbathe, do not massage the injection sites, etc.). If complications occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Chistyakova O.A.

How many days will it take for the papules to resolve?

Within a few hours after the procedure, the papular tubercles noticeably increase (up to 30%), and then the drug begins to gradually be absorbed with their smoothing. It is impossible to say exactly how long papules last after biorevitalization, because everything depends on the characteristics of the body. The average period is 2-3 days, the maximum is 10 days. But with good skin condition and a high ability to regenerate, the tubercles become barely noticeable or disappear completely already on the 3rd day after the procedure. Those with sensitive skin should immediately prepare for a longer recovery period.

The cosmetologist can give an approximate time taking into account the following factors:

  • skin density at the treatment site;
  • thickness of the surface layer of the epidermis;
  • degree of hydration of dermal cells;
  • circulatory and lymph flow activity.

Reasons for the appearance of seals after lip augmentation

There are several reasons for such problems:

  1. incorrect filler injection technique due to the low level of qualifications of the specialist who performs contouring . Most often, hyaluronic acid is not injected deeply enough or in large volumes. Such seals are especially noticeable in women with thin skin. They look like bluish or grayish formations. You can wait - the filler dissolves on its own within 1-2 months - or remove the excess with the help of special preparations;
  2. migration of hyaluronic acid : displacement of the gel during the first time after administration in tissues due to mechanical action or other reasons. This occurs when the bag holding the substance has not yet formed;
  3. inflammatory process in the area of ​​filler injection : redness of the skin and swelling, local increase in temperature, severe pain. Occurs due to the penetration of pathogens into the deep layers of the skin through punctures or due to the presence of autoimmune diseases;
  4. connective tissue growth : hyaluronic acid stimulates the activity of fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin. Seals can appear after a long time, and getting rid of them is quite difficult;
  5. formation of a hematoma due to severe damage to blood vessels : most often, hematomas are formed on the lips due to the large number of vessels located in them. As a rule, they resolve on their own;
  6. growth of cysts : formations in soft tissues filled with fluid. In the case of contouring, they may occur in response to the introduction of a gel;
  7. the use of low-quality fillers : the easiest way to avoid such a complication is that contour plastic surgery should be performed only in specialized clinics by professionals.

A cosmetologist should warn about the possible appearance of dense formations and explain in which case you should worry, and in which case you just need to wait.

Reasons for the long resorption of papules

If the papules do not disappear within 10 days or increase with the formation of edema, you should consult a cosmetologist. This skin reaction is usually observed due to the following reasons:

  • allergies to drug components or excipients;
  • presence of contraindications to biorevitalization;
  • connective tissue density in treatment areas;
  • low quality of the drug or violation of its storage regime;
  • ignoring the cosmetologist’s recommendations for aftercare;
  • failure to maintain distance between injections;
  • incorrect injections;
  • violations of hygiene standards.

Why do white dots appear on the lips?

Most often, small white formations, felt like lumps on palpation, appear in women after the lip augmentation procedure. And the reasons for this may be:

  • incorrect injection of filler - the depth of injection is not maintained;
  • violation of lip care rules after the procedure;
  • allergic reaction to anesthetic drugs;
  • reduced general immunity.

But there are other reasons why white dots appear on the lips:

  1. Fordyce granules. They can occur in both men and women; doctors assess them as microcystic formations localized in the sebaceous glands. They are formed against the background of excessive production of sebaceous secretions, which leads to blockage of the glands. They also appear due to hormonal imbalance, physiological characteristics of the body, and narrowing of the sebaceous ducts.
  2. Dysbacteriosis. Accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, which reduces overall immunity and promotes the accumulation of toxic substances. This is due to an imbalance of healthy and pathogenic microflora in the intestines.
  3. Avitaminosis. Small white dots also form when there is a lack of minerals and vitamins in the body. It can be triggered by an unbalanced diet, a strict diet, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  4. Zhiroviki. Whitish spots (lipomas) appear under the skin; they are defined as soft, mobile in consistency, and belong to the category of benign neoplasms. They can form due to hormonal imbalance, problems with the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, and the use of low-quality cosmetics.
  5. Herpes. It usually occurs on the upper lip, appears as a bubble, is accompanied by itching and swelling, and sometimes causes mild pain. This is an infectious disease that occurs when the immune system is weakened.

White dots on a child’s lips can form:

  • with candidal stomatitis – the fungus of the genus Candida is activated and begins to actively multiply;
  • due to herpes virus - transmitted from mother to baby during the birth canal and during breastfeeding;
  • with allergic stomatitis - the body’s reaction to internal irritants (food, milk formula, purees), usually localized on the inside of the lip.

When such formations appear, consultation with specialists is necessary.

Ways to quickly eliminate papules

In order for the rehabilitation process to proceed as quickly as possible, it is prohibited:

  • touch, comb, knead the bumps;
  • sleep on your stomach, cover your head with a blanket;
  • use decorative cosmetics;
  • wash your face with tap water (in the first 2 days - only filtered water);
  • go outside without UV protection cream, be exposed to the wind and frost for a long time;
  • visit the pool, gym, sauna (for 2 weeks);
  • smoke, drink alcohol.

Sometimes pharmaceutical ointments to relieve swelling and inflammation help reduce the duration of resorption of papules. Before using them, you should consult with a cosmetologist at the Bionics clinic. For 2-3 days you can apply a soothing mask.

Seals in the lips after correction: normal options

If dense balls appear in some cases, do not panic:

  1. a dense filler was used : even when the gel is injected to the correct depth and in the required quantity, lumps will be felt inside the lips for some time, and then they will disappear;
  2. Little time has passed since the procedure : the gels dissolve in the tissues quite slowly. You can speed up this process with the help of a special massage. But it is strictly forbidden to knead the seals yourself - this must be done by the doctor who performed the injections.

To determine whether you should worry, you need to answer a number of questions:

  1. Are gel accumulations visible under the skin?
  2. Is there deformation of certain areas of the lips due to displacement of the gel?
  3. Is there lip asymmetry that was not there before?
  4. When examined, are there white balls on the mucous membranes after a few days?

If the answer is positive to at least one of the questions, then you need to schedule a visit to a cosmetologist in the near future. The decision to prescribe any procedures is made only by a specialist based on examination.

Where to do lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can get lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid at a reasonable cost, and your face will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Side effects of lip contouring

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic fillers is a safe and affordable procedure that provides impressive results with a minimal recovery period.

As with any other intervention that involves, albeit minimal, damage to the skin, the possibility of undesirable side effects cannot be completely excluded.

Rarely, but still, sometimes after using hyaluronic acid fillers, nodules, bubbles and balls form in the lips. This side effect may occur for the following reasons:

  • The drug was administered too superficially, in large quantities, or was incorrectly distributed in the tissues (balls form in the first days after the procedure);
  • But these balls can also be fibrous formations that arise as a result of increased collagen production (balls form a few weeks after the injection of the filler). The result of their appearance is increased sensitivity of the lips and distortion of their shape;
  • Balls are formed due to local inflammation. Small lumps may resolve on their own. But sometimes, if the inflammation does not disappear long enough, there is a risk of granulomas forming.

These lumps cause a lot of trouble and discomfort, even if they are invisible from the outside. What can we say if the balls in the lips are noticeable to others.

In the vast majority of cases, nodules and balls represent an accumulation of the injected drug and resolve on their own after some time. The process is facilitated by a light lip massage. But you can resort to more radical actions. Namely, injections of hyaluronidase - an enzyme that dissolves the excess volume of the injected filler, but does not cause harm to the skin. In this case, failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner may result in the need for surgical removal of the seals.

There are other possible side effects of filler injections:

  • Swelling is a natural reaction to damage and foreign matter in tissue. This problem is significantly reduced within 24 hours and completely disappears 2-3 days after the procedure. But if the swelling persists, and it is accompanied by itching and pain, you should consult a doctor.
  • Bruises occur as a result of damage to blood vessels. Bruises disappear within a week. You should not use drugs to resolve hematomas, since they thin the blood and usually contain alcohol, which is not advisable at this time.

Make an appointment for a consultation by phone: +375(29)168 22 88

You might be interested in:

  • Moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid;
  • What you need to know before lip augmentation with fillers;
  • Lip augmentation with cannula.

Negative reaction to hyaluronic acid is a reality that can be treated

The patient had a pronounced reaction to hyaluronic acid, which led to inflammation of the lips. It turns out that the cosmetologists she contacted did not know about the complications of hyaluronic acid or that it can be removed. If the specialist had at least basic knowledge in the field of aesthetic medicine, she would have dissolved the acid. Due to late treatment, treatment and recovery took three weeks. If help had been provided immediately in the office where she had lip augmentation done, it would have taken 3-5 days.

By the way, the patient was very lucky that she came 2 weeks after the operation, and not, for example, a month later, when the skin on her lips had already stretched. In this case, it would be impossible to return to the previous form.

Lip augmentation: swelling after the procedure is an unpleasant side effect

Despite all the charm and effectiveness of this mechanism for adjusting the shape of the mouth and filling it with splendor, the method provokes redness and swelling. Injections are made with very thin needles to minimize trauma to the skin. But it is inevitable, an injection is an injection, and the integrity of the epidermis is violated, barely noticeable dots appear. Sometimes such spots transform into severe bruises after lip augmentation.

The area of ​​manipulation undergoes a process of inflammation. The doctor must warn you about this and give professional recommendations on what you will need to do: how to care for the piercing area after the session, what you should not do, what you need to do so that the swelling of the lips after the injections goes away as soon as possible. By following the advice of a specialist, you will help your body easily cope with swelling and redness quickly and without consequences. Most often, the first noticeable positive changes take from 2 to 7 days. Then the process goes faster, and after 10-12 days you will see the final result of the procedure without inflammation.

Of course, a week, ten days is quite a long time. And all this time you will have to walk around with an unpleasant side effect on your face. But if you had manipulations done in the clinic and your skin is not overly sensitive or allergic, then swelling after lip correction will be quite acceptable. Discomfort and unpleasant sensations in this case will be minimized. May you be reassured by the fact that no hyaluronate mouth correction procedure can be done without this side effect. Such painful, alarming swelling is just a consequence of internal changes in the lower layers of the epidermis. You will see daily changes for the better.

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