Lip contouring with hyaluronic acid: types and benefits

Cosmetology and aesthetic medicine come to the aid of cosmetics in these matters. Both directions do not stand still and in recent decades have constantly offered us options for wonderful transformations and adjustments to our appearance with a lasting effect. The study of various substances and their properties, the search for unique methods, the combination of natural ingredients with vitamins and minerals - all this is aimed at the emergence of compositions and techniques that seem to have some kind of magical characteristics that return us youth and help us become more beautiful. Now we have the opportunity to improve our appearance without the use of decorative cosmetics or plastic surgery.

Lip contour correction deserves special attention. It is very popular among those who want to change their shape and volume. Thousands of women around the world visit aesthetic medicine clinics every day to resort to a safe and effective procedure - injections with hyaluronic acid, which give their lips a new, even more attractive look.

What is lip contour correction?

When we talk about lip contouring without invasive surgery, we often mean a correction procedure using hyaluronate, which allows you to correct the shape and increase the volume of the lips. In addition, hyaluronic acid, which is used in this technique, is itself a magical agent that returns to our skin the property of stimulating youth and freshness. No matter how surprised we may be, our lips also change with age, lose their shape, and become drier. To help the body maintain the natural beauty and elasticity of the skin for as long as possible, nature provides the action of a non-sulfonated glycosaminoglycan, which we call hyaluronic acid. The most popular formulations used for lip contouring with hyaluronic acid are safe, almost do not cause allergies, and are recognized as non-toxic and non-harmful to the body. In addition, they are very rarely rejected by them.

Initially, hyaluronate is present in our body from birth in saliva and other fluids, and is part of connective tissues and epithelium. It is thanks to him that our skin looks fresh, radiant and toned before the aging period begins. Injections with hyaluronic acid are a chance to restore the natural balance of this substance in the body and tissues. At the same time, with the help of hyaluronic filler compositions, the possibilities of this drug become much wider: lip augmentation in contour and shape becomes possible. There are also cases when such manipulations are a chance to correct more serious deficiencies, for example, to correct noticeable asymmetry of the mouth or even a “cleft lip.”

There are other types of lip contouring.

  • Botox injections. As facial wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin around the lips is tightened, they may also visually increase. Their contour changes, but they do not become larger in volume.
  • Injections with lipids (lipofilling). This is an injection of purified natural fats extracted from the body into the lips. The procedure is expensive, but effective and with the longest possible result (2-3 years).
  • Electroporation. Nourishes the skin around the lips with hyaluronic acid using electricity. The composition is applied to the surface.
  • Threadlifting. Active collagen synthesis starts after special threads are introduced under the skin into the lip area.
  • Injections with polymers. Such compositions are synthetic and often do not act as we would like, since they are artificial for the body: unnecessary compactions and unnatural asymmetrical tubercles may appear.
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In our clinic, you can increase the volume of your lips with hyaluronic acid fillers, correct problems in the area around the mouth, and also moisturize and emphasize the contour of your lips with the following medications:

  • "Belotero Basic" (Germany);
  • "Teosyal RHA2, RHA3" (Switzerland);
  • “Juvederm Volbella;
  • Volift;
  • Ultra 3;
  • Ultra 4;
  • Smail" (France);
  • "Ivoir classic s" (Korea);
  • "Neauvia Intense Lips" (Italy);
  • "Viscoderm 2.0%" (Italy), etc.

How to recontour your lips with hyaluronic acid

The procedure involves the introduction by a specialist of the composition through a special needle. There are different techniques for this process. The choice of method depends on the desired result and on the specific drug, since gels with hyaluronate come in different densities. Cosmetologists use different fillers. During the consultation, they select the best option based on your desires and the individual characteristics of your body. Drugs used in specialized clinics must be tried and tested.

Preparations for lip contouring with hyaluronic acid:

  • Juvederm
  • Sudzhiderm (Surgiderm)
  • Perlane
  • Restylane
  • Belotero

By the way, the high cost of the gel often does not matter. The point is not in price, but in quality, reliability and the right composition that is right for you. Manufacturers who care about their reputation make sure to monitor the quality of the formulations they offer, carefully clean them of excess, and think about our health.

During a lip contour correction session, the doctor carefully makes injections under the skin according to the shape of the mouth and thus distributes the hyaluronate in the right places. This allows you to correct even the innate features of your appearance. To help the specialist achieve the desired effect, show him a photograph of an example of the lips you would like to get after the procedure. The skillful work of a cosmetologist can be equated to art. The main task of the cosmetologist is to introduce the composition carefully, trying to minimize traces of injections and make them along the required line. Correcting the contour of the lips without increasing the shape allows you to get rid of scars and restore tone and brightness to the lips. For women over 45 years old, this is an additional opportunity to get rid of wrinkles and nasolabial folds.

Depending on your desire, the composition can fill the contour of the lips and create a semblance of artificial swelling; the skin will be pleasantly stretched, taking the desired shape. A series of vertical injections is gentle on your natural facial expressions and will not affect it. Most often, the upper lip is enlarged, since the lower lip naturally has greater volume. Some do contouring of both lips. Photos in many clinics demonstrate that pumping only the lower lip with hyaluronate is a very rare procedure; it is used when correction of the consequences of an oral injury is required or to get rid of defects.

Varieties of techniques

There are several options for the procedure (the specialist takes into account the facial features and patient preferences).

Popular techniques:

  • Microinjections are shallow punctures along the contour of the lips. Suitable for minor corrections.
  • Linear - the needle is inserted deep enough.

Often these techniques are used in combination, alternating one with the other.

Other possible ways:

  • Filling the contours . Fillers are injected to a certain depth, after which swelling occurs. Within an hour, it swells, and the cosmetologist kneads the lips to evenly distribute the drug and give the desired shape and volume.
  • Parisian technique . The first injection is at a distance of 0.44 mm from the corner of the lips, and then every 2 mm. The end point is 4 mm from the upper lip. On the other side of the mouth, the procedure for administration is the same. Injections are made vertically, so it is possible to achieve naturalness and preserve facial expressions. The volume can be adjusted within 24 hours.

Types (techniques) of lip contouring with hyaluronic acid

There are various injection techniques in cosmetology, their choice depends on the type of procedure and area. The most commonly used are linear-retrograde, fan-shaped, point-by-point injection of the composition, and the mesh technique. To generally improve the tone of the lips and the skin around them, the last method of making injections is used, creating a dotted pattern of parallel and perpendicular lines, reminiscent of a grid. In case of lip augmentation on the opposite side, injections are made in a fan pattern. This type of technique additionally corrects nasolabial folds, lifts the corners of the mouth and makes the lips fuller. It gets its name from the pattern of the injections, which looks like an open fan.

The angle of direction of the needle when injecting fillers is also of great importance. In some cases, it is inserted under the skin at an angle or parallel to the skin. The amount of filler injected is determined individually; a lot depends on its viscosity. Injection lip contouring is based on a simple rule: the greater the level of correction required, the more composition is injected under the skin. At the same time, they are guided by the natural shape of the patient’s lips. When you need to greatly increase the volume, the amount of gel can reach 2.5-3 milliliters. If you need to add a slight enlarged shape to natural thin lips, then half as many fillers are injected. It is important not to overdo it and you should listen to the opinion of a specialist. A clear mouth contour and natural-looking swelling will add charm to your beauty.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts consider contouring to be a very serious procedure, so you should approach the preparation stage responsibly, take into account possible contraindications and follow all recommendations received.

Injecting yourself is prohibited; this should only be done by professionals.

Cosmetologists pay special attention to the selection of fillers and advise choosing injection needles for each drug.

How is lip contouring done?

After consulting with a specialist, choosing the required form, and determining the amount of gel, you can move on to the intricacies of the injection session. Even during your first visit to a cosmetology clinic, the doctor will definitely tell you any contraindications and give you a list of recommendations on how to prepare for the procedure in advance. After this, you will decide whether lip contouring is right for you. Before and after photos are taken by a cosmetologist on the day of the procedure or at a preliminary meeting, and then a few days later, when the swelling subsides, so that you can compare the result. You can photograph the effect again after two weeks; this is exactly the period required for the composition to harden in your lips for several months.

What you should pay attention to during the lip contour correction procedure

  • Certification and validity period of the drug

Formulations for injections in a cosmetology clinic must have certificates guaranteeing that the drug has been tested and is reliable. If you wish, you can request them from a specialist. In your presence, the cosmetologist must make sure that the expiration date is valid and the packaging is not damaged.

  • Anesthesia

To make the injections as comfortable as possible for you, anesthesia is given. It can be different. For example, a special anesthetic cream or ointment is applied to the lips and skin around them, and a thin film is placed on top. This is an application anesthetic procedure. Some people prefer an injection with an anesthetic; the injection itself is painful, but you will not feel subsequent injections with hyaluronic acid. In addition, the anesthetic lidocaine may be part of the injection gel so that pain will be minimized during the procedure. If you are allergic to lidocaine, be sure to tell your doctor.

  • Hygiene and sterility.

Before starting injections, the face must be cleansed. The specialist performs the procedure wearing gloves. Session duration varies from 30 to 60 minutes.

  • Composition distribution

After the injection session, the cosmetologist will do a light massage of the lips so that the gel remains in the right places and is distributed evenly, without forming unnecessary irregularities, dents, balls and asymmetry.

Bruises after the procedure

A common side effect after lip augmentation is bruising. As a rule, they occur at the injection sites of the filler. This reaction is also considered normal, since the skin on the lips is especially sensitive and delicate.

When the needle penetrates soft tissue, damage to blood vessels and capillaries occurs. Because of this, the space between the cells fills with blood, resulting in a change in color in the damaged area.

Bruising may be affected by the use of an anesthetic during the procedure, as well as recent use of fish oil, vitamin E, and pain medications.

You should be alarmed if the bruise after the procedure does not go away within 5–7 days. In this case, it is better to consult a cosmetologist.

If during lip augmentation a large vessel is touched and an infection occurs, the bruise will only increase. Such a reaction can be dangerous, so under no circumstances should you postpone a visit to the doctor.

Lip contouring: how long does it last and when can the procedure be repeated?

In some cases, the result lasts up to one and a half years, and on average – six months. To maintain the effect as long as possible, you must follow certain rules.

Doctors are of the strong opinion that it is necessary to carry out the next series of injections with hyaluronate once every 6-9 months (the period depends primarily on the individual properties of the body and on how quickly the injected gel is absorbed specifically for you). And also from your desire for the desired effect, since if you do not repeat the injections, your lips will return to their previous volume and shape. Along with them, no matter how much we would like to admit it, the wrinkles and imperfections that we would so much like to get rid of will return. Since hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in our body, repeated series of injections will be safe for the body. True, there are patients who after a couple of months ask for a second increase, although they still have the effect of the first series of injections. Think about the fact that frequent injections can cause skin injury and scarring on the lips. Everything is good in moderation.


Patients note that with anesthesia, inserting threads is completely painless. According to reviews, minor changes in the lips are noticeable immediately after the procedure. Some patients experience hematomas, bruises, swelling and numbness at the injection sites. These symptoms may last up to two weeks. Complications in the form of inflammation or suppuration are very rare. They are possible if sterility was not maintained during the procedure.

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Some patients note that they have a rash and itching around their lips after thread lifting. Such allergic reactions are possible if a woman has increased sensitivity to the anesthetic solution or to the material of the threads.

The benefits of correcting and reshaping the lip contour with hyaluronic acid.

  • If you want quick results, then this procedure is for you. A slight swelling lasts for several days (usually 1-2), then it actively subsides.
  • The recovery period is minimal, after 5-10 days you will appreciate an excellent result that will delight you for many months.
  • The procedure is safe if all the above requirements are met. The reliability of the clinic and the qualifications of the doctor play an important role.
  • The naturalness of the composition minimizes the occurrence of allergic reactions and other side effects in the form of scars.
  • There are no age restrictions as such (but it is recommended not to do these injections under 18 years of age).
  • Combination with other cosmetic and aesthetic procedures.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that the sponges will take on a new look after the procedure, not everyone can do this procedure. Here are the contraindications to its implementation:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • elevated temperature;
  • infectious or chronic diseases at the acute stage;
  • oncology, HIV, hepatitis;
  • “interesting position” or lactation period;
  • wounds or areas of inflammation in the lip area.

In order to be completely confident that you are right to carry out the procedure, before a beauty session it will be important to visit a doctor (a therapist to start with).

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