Contour plastic surgery: facial contour correction with fillers

From this article you will learn:

  • Optimal age for contouring procedure
  • Main types of contour plastic surgery
  • Areas of application of contour plastic surgery
  • Indications and contraindications for contour plastic surgery
  • Types of drugs for contouring
  • TOP 7 drugs for contouring
  • 4 stages of facial contouring using injections
  • Features of facial contouring using threads
  • Recommendations before and after the contouring procedure
  • How much does contour plastic cost?
  • Hardware alternative to contouring
  • Home care methods that will allow you to avoid contouring

Contour plastic surgery is a non-surgical method for correcting facial contours. Thanks to special injections, permanent or temporary drugs are injected under the skin. In addition to injections, threads can be used for plastic surgery.

In both cases, the procedure allows you to get rid of wrinkles and asymmetry, tighten the skin, add additional volume, and smooth out scars. However, like any intervention, there are pros and cons.

Optimal age for contouring procedure

The desire to remain young and beautiful is common to women of any age. But for it to come true, some effort is required, because over the years, the skin of any person becomes flabby and less elastic. The older the lady, the more clearly age-related changes appear, especially on the face and neck. Contour plastic surgery helps solve the problem; it can be performed as early as 35–40 years old, and closer to 50 years old you can resort to a procedure such as lifting the lower third of the face.

At the age of 50 years and older, many women use surgical methods to combat wrinkles and sagging skin, but you can also improve your appearance through masks and special exercises; tightening with an elastic bandage is also effective.

If a woman is over 65 years old, a noticeable and lasting rejuvenating effect can only be achieved using radical methods, but they should also be supplemented by care that includes the use of nourishing creams that help maintain skin elasticity.

Advantages of the method

  • The procedure is carried out without significant damage to the skin. Using a needle or cannula, small punctures are made that heal within a couple of days. After such punctures, there are no scars left on the skin;
  • Natural result. Small volumes of the drug achieve beautiful and natural results, without weighing down the face, without swelling and long-term rehabilitation. The density of gel fillers is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the body and the area;
  • Long lasting effect. Modern fillers slowly dissolve and are eliminated from the body naturally;
  • Universal technique. With the help of contour plastic surgery, you can not only straighten wrinkles and make the skin smooth. This procedure is designed to make people more beautiful, correct defects and correct features. When necessary, contour plastic surgery is used by women and men, young and mature - everyone who needs to improve their appearance and be confident in their appearance.

Main types of contour plastic surgery

Contour plastic, depending on the problems that they want to solve with its help, is divided into several types. Particularly popular are procedures that allow:

  • visually enlarge your lips and give them a different shape;
  • get rid of nasolabial folds and deep expression wrinkles;
  • eliminate scars and scars, make the face more symmetrical;
  • remove folds in the lip and chin area;
  • adjust the size of the cheekbones (reduce or increase);
  • get rid of wrinkles around the eyes and smooth out the nasolacrimal groove.

Based on the depth at which the impact should be carried out, one or another injection technique is selected:

  • hypodermal (subcutaneous);
  • dermal (intradermal);
  • intermediate (between the dermis and surface).

Contour plastic surgery is a good method of prevention. It helps make the signs of aging invisible by promoting:

  • smoothing out shallow wrinkles and facial folds;
  • correction of the nasolacrimal groove;
  • restoration of facial symmetry;
  • maintaining a clear and expressive oval face, firm cheekbones;
  • reduction of pigmentation;
  • getting rid of scars and scars.

How noticeable the effect will be and how long it will last depends on what drug is being injected.

Contour plastic surgery with fillers with natural substances such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and its polymers gives noticeable results; after injections, cell regeneration processes are launched from within. By the way, hyaluronic acid is often used for intimate contouring.

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If synthetic fillers (polydimethylsilicone) are used, it is important that they are not rejected by the body, then the effect will occur with lightning speed. Otherwise, it will be possible to remove foreign substances only through surgery.

Injections of drugs with a semi-synthetic composition of substances, as a rule, do not cause adverse reactions and help maintain skin elasticity, but not for long.

Duration of effect from drug administration:

  • hyaluronic acid lasts for a year;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite lasts up to 24 months;
  • collagen – from 6 to 8 months;
  • polylactic acid – up to two years;
  • permanent fillers – from 10 years and longer.


Contour correction of the face with fillers can be carried out in different ways. At the same time, the technique of administering the drug directly depends on what goals are being pursued. The most effective and frequently used are the following:

  • Linear-retrograde technique. It is used to smooth out deep wrinkles and correct the lower third of the face, in particular to eliminate wrinkles above the upper lip. It consists of inserting a needle parallel to the skin at the site of formation of a wrinkle or fold along its entire length. The injection of the drug is carried out at the moment of its reverse stroke, which ensures complete filling of the crease with filler.
  • Fan technique. It has much in common with thread lifting or thread lifting, since it involves the introduction of fillers from one point along lines diverging in different directions. This technique allows you to fill the deficit in facial tissue volume.
  • Bolus technique. It is used to increase the volume of the cheekbones, chin, eliminate nasal wrinkles and smooth out the nasolacrimal groove. It consists of inserting a needle strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin and injecting filler at the periosteum.
  • Net. This technique involves introducing filler along lines that intersect each other at right angles. It is most effective for correcting mild to moderate wrinkles, including those on the forehead, cheeks, marionette lines, nasolabial folds, etc.
  • One injection technique. It involves the use of a microcannula, which is a thin and very flexible tube with holes on the sides and a blunt end. Thanks to its use, it is possible to minimize the degree of trauma to facial tissues, since there will be only one puncture in each area that needs correction. By redirecting the cannula, the doctor delivers filler through it to the required places, and since it is quite flexible, moving the cannula inside the tissues does not lead to injury to the blood vessels, which makes facial correction even safer and more painless. At the same time, the use of a cannula ensures the most accurate distribution of filler within the tissue, which guarantees a natural result. Therefore, this technique is used very often, especially for the correction of the brow ridges, temples, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, and the area around the mouth.

Areas of application of contour plastic surgery

Not every area can be used for facial contouring - it is dangerous to inject drugs into some areas, as this can result in blindness, tissue necrosis, or ischemia. Another adverse reaction is the development of arterial occlusion, causing ulcers and scars, as well as the occurrence of occlusion of arteries and veins (if the drug enters directly into the vessel). In case of such complications, which are recorded infrequently, immediate medical attention is needed.

Important! The volume and density of fillers are not the same in different treatment areas. For deep wrinkles, a more viscous composition is required. Only a professional cosmetologist can determine the optimal parameters.

Complications after fillers

The consequences of complications are extremely unfavorable and can seriously affect the aesthetic result and health of the patient, after which medical intervention is necessary. It can be:

  • tissue necrosis , as a result of compression of the vessel feeding the surrounding tissues
  • neuropathic disorders - long-term loss of sensation at the injection site
  • Contouring of the drug - if the filler is injected too close to the surface of the skin.
  • skin ischemia - can be caused by an anesthetic in the drug, or by blockage of a vessel when the drug gets into it. Accompanied by whitening of the skin and pain.
  • fibrosis, tissue compaction - excessive growth of new collagen and elastin at the injection site.
  • Granulomatous inflammation - nodular compactions, as a result of the body’s attempt to fence itself off from a foreign substance, to encapsulate the drug.
  • Filler migration is a result of improper use of filler, injection into an inappropriate area, or the use of biodegradable fillers.
  • individual intolerance to the drug - manifested by a typical allergic reaction - swelling, redness, itching.
  • skin inflammation - as a result of violation of the rules of asepsis/antiseptics and personal hygiene.

As you can see, the issue of choosing a drug for contouring is very important. There is no need to save money or look for a cheaper way to fix the problem. It is very important to contact a qualified specialist who will select the right drug and perform the procedure using competent techniques.

Indications and contraindications for contour plastic surgery

Facial contouring cannot be considered a panacea; it may not live up to expectations. After all, like other cosmetic procedures, this one has indications and contraindications.

The procedure is usually recommended (and can actually help) in the following cases:

  • the shape of the lips is blurry or with pronounced asymmetry, they are very thin;
  • there are consequences of acne on the face in the form of dents and bumps;
  • the chin has an irregular or ugly shape;
  • earlobes drooped;
  • wrinkles have formed on the forehead and (or) in the corners of the lips;
  • deep nasolabial folds appeared.

Despite the fact that there are no strict age requirements for those wishing to undergo contouring of the lips or other parts of the face, the procedure is not recommended for everyone. So, it is prohibited to carry out it when:

  • hemophilia;
  • skin diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • injected silicone fillers;
  • recent facial resurfacing or chemical peeling.

Carrying out the procedure despite existing contraindications is fraught with complications, including severe ones. Therefore, it is better not to ignore the warnings.

The question of whether facial contouring procedure is painful cannot be answered unequivocally, because everyone’s pain threshold is different. Some patients calmly tolerate the injections and say that everything is fine, while others find them unbearable. In any case, hardly anyone will find injections in the face pleasant. Therefore, specialists who carry out the procedure use various means to reduce discomfort (sprays or creams that contain painkillers).

Jewelry work

Like other injection procedures, contouring should be performed only in a clinical setting and only by a professional doctor who has a diploma and certificates allowing him to practice medicine. Strict hygienic requirements will help avoid infection of puncture sites, and the highly qualified cosmetologist will help you choose the right drug and inject it safely.

When contouring first became available, it was used to treat specific problems, such as filling wrinkles or enhancing lips. Nowadays, cosmetologists examine the entire face, as a whole. This approach provides the most natural and attractive result, allows you to harmonize the face, rather than working separately with a specific area, and does not deprive a person of his individuality. For example, to eliminate a nasolabial fold, you can work a little on the cheekbones and cheek area. By introducing filler into these areas, the tissues are lifted and the desired result is achieved: support is created for the tissues, their sagging is prevented, and the volumes in the most deficient area are replenished. This solves the problem of not only the nasolabial fold, but also the lack of volume in the middle third of the face.

Such work is akin to the work not even of a sculptor, but of a jeweler.

A cosmetologist must have a very good understanding of anatomy and physiology in order to achieve the optimal effect.

Under no circumstances should you trust such a procedure to an unqualified specialist: the risk of complications, filler migration, overcorrection, ischemia, tissue necrosis, and even blindness is too great. A cosmetologist must have a diploma, certificates of a dermatovenerologist and a cosmetologist. All these certificates are confirmed by a doctor every five years. If at least one document from the list is missing, it’s better not to risk it and look for another specialist! Your health is only in your hands! You need to trust professionals!

Types of drugs for contouring

Preparations used for injection contain different active substances.

  1. Permanent. They are rarely used because they contain artificial polymers, which are often perceived by the body as foreign substances - they are attacked by immune cells, and rejection occurs. Such polymer components do not dissolve and are not removed naturally - only surgically.
  2. Non-absorbable polymers have a longer duration of action, they practically do not transform at the injection site - only rapid aging of the skin can change the result for the worse.
  3. biocompatible materials. They contain both natural and synthetic substances (polycaprolactone). The introduction is not associated with negative consequences, the effect lasts for about 4 years.
  4. Autologous. These are substances of natural origin (lipofiller or own fat), which are taken from one place in the body and transplanted to another. They are administered without complications, the results last a long time.
  5. Biocompatible. Drugs that are capable of being absorbed in the body, have excellent compatibility with human cells, and can be manufactured on the basis of:
  • hyaluronate;
  • collagen;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • poly-L-lactic acid;
  • acrylic powder.

Absorbable drugs are distinguished by the fact that they activate the work of the skin’s own cells; under their influence, fibroblasts are stimulated, which, in turn, contribute to the formation of more elastic fibers in the body.

Non-absorbable fillers, biodegradable

These preparations are made on the basis of liquid silicone. They do not dissolve, do not require repeated injections and are a much cheaper way to rejuvenate and correct skin imperfections. These tempting advantages force many women to risk their health and beauty, but such fillers have many more disadvantages and complications: such fillers can migrate from the injection area (for example, by adjusting the volume of your cheekbones, you can become the owner of swollen cheeks), form granulomas, with their subsequent necrosis. There is a high risk of developing allergic reactions. In case of complications, it is necessary to perform an operation to remove the fillers.

Top 7 drugs for contouring

Many products are used for cosmetic facelifts. Let's look at the properties of the most popular ones.

  1. Juvederm. A preparation for contouring with hyaluronic acid. Its concentration here is quite high. Fillers are used to change the shape of the lips, smooth out wrinkles, and in cases of eliminating pronounced problems. The product line includes products of different compositions intended for various procedures.
  2. "Restylane" High quality fillers that are very popular. Contains hyaluronic acid of artificial origin (minimizes the risks of rejection of the injected composition and the occurrence of other side effects). The drug is used primarily for lip correction, but it also copes well with other problems: it helps remove wrinkles, straighten the shape of faces, etc.
  3. "Stylage". This French drug appeared on the Russian market not very long ago, but was immediately noted by cosmetologists and users as effective. Its action lasts much longer than other products (this is due to the 3D-Matrix technology), it contains antioxidants that have an additional rejuvenating effect, and is elastic.
  4. "Surgiderm" (Surgiderm). Another French development, but based on 3D-Hyaluronic Acid Matrix technology. These fillers are very effective; over time, they may leave competitors no chance to stay in the market.
  5. "Sculptra" This filler contains artificially produced polylactic acid and can be used to correct any part of the face. Thanks to the action of the drug, collagen is actively produced in the body. Moreover, the stimulation of production is very strong, so experts do not recommend using this product for women under the age of 35–40.
  6. "Ellanse" A drug from Holland based on polycaprolactone (absorbable suture materials for surgical operations are often made from it). It has a long period of action in any zone - this is considered the main advantage of the drug. The line includes products with different periods of exposure.
  7. "Radiesse" Another filler that stimulates collagen production, has excellent performance and a prolonged effect.

Fillers and their features

All fillers used for contouring can be divided into the following types, depending on their composition:

  • collagen-based fillers;
  • fillers based on hyaluronic acid;
  • fillers based on poly-L-lactic acid;
  • fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • fillers based on polymethyl methacrylate microspheres.

Today, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are the most popular because they are characterized by a high level of safety, ease of administration, effectiveness in correcting various imperfections in appearance and provide good volume.

The duration of preservation of the effect of facial contouring depends on the drug used for it. Thus, with the help of products based on hyaluronic acid, it is possible to obtain a result that will last for about a year, and preparations based on calcium hydroxyapatite or polylactic acid will give an effect for 2 years. When using collagen-based products, the effect lasts 6-8 months.

Permanent fillers last the longest – 10 years or more. But today they try not to use them, since they do not dissolve and in the future they can only be removed surgically.

Fillers based on hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide constantly produced by skin cells to maintain skin tone and normal moisture. Gels based on hyaluronic acid are sterile, viscoelastic preparations that completely dissolve in tissues over time. Thus, they are biodegradable, which makes them absolutely safe.

All of them act comprehensively and not only provide effective and, most importantly, instant correction of facial skin imperfections, but also stimulate the processes of synthesis of their own collagen and elastin fibers at the injection sites. At the same time, they additionally produce a moisturizing effect, which improves the color and texture of the skin, making it radiant, velvety and absolutely healthy.

There are several types of fillers of this type, differing not only in manufacturer, but also in viscosity. In this case, the choice of a specific one is primarily determined based on which area of ​​the face needs correction. Thus, high-density fillers are used to eliminate deep wrinkles and folds of the skin, products with medium viscosity are selected to create the desired volume of the cheeks, cheekbones, and chin, and the softest ones are used to correct the area around the lips and eyes.

The most popular hyaluronic acid fillers are:

  • Restylane (Sweden) - created on the basis of incompletely hydrated hyaluronic acid of animal origin, which is isolated by bacterial fermentation. The concentration of the active substance in it is 20 mg/ml. The fact that the filler is not fully hydrated means that during the first 24 hours of being in the tissue it will absorb moisture. The consequence of this will be an additional increase in volume, which the doctor must take into account when administering. Restylane is usually used to correct nasolabial folds, marionette lines, post-acne, lifting the tip of the nose and correcting its overall appearance. The line of drugs includes several representatives: Touch, Lip, Sub-Q, each of which has its own viscosity, and therefore its area of ​​application.
  • Perlane (Sweden) is a filler that can be classified as a member of the Restylane line of drugs, but it is distinguished by significantly higher viscosity and density while maintaining the same concentration of hyaluronic acid. It is used to correct deep wrinkles and skin folds, and the effect lasts for about 9 months.
  • Juvederm (USA) is one of the most popular fillers based on hyaluronic acid, also obtained by bacterial fermentation. Unlike Restylane, it is completely hydrated, so the final result is formed almost immediately after contouring. The line of drugs includes many fillers, the main ones being Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus. Both of them contain 24 mg/ml hyaluronic acid, but they differ greatly in density. Therefore, the second one, as it is denser, is used to correct deep wrinkles and scars, and the first one is used to eliminate moderate imperfections and correct the appearance of the lips.
  • Belotero (Switzerland) is considered a “smart filler” that is able to independently distribute itself evenly in tissues. This property will ensure the absence of discomfort and the feeling of a foreign body in the face. The product line includes 3 options: Soft (20 mg/ml), Balance and Intense, each containing 22.5 mg/ml hyaluronic acid.

Collagen based fillers

Collagen is a natural component of human skin that maintains its elasticity and strength. Normally, its amount is about 70% of the dry mass, and there are more than 11 types of collagen, slightly different in their structure and functions. The main ones are collagen types I and II. That's why they are used to create modern fillers.

Depending on the origin of collagen, collagen is classified as porcine, bovine, human, or bioengineered. Today, genetic engineering is most often used to produce such fillers, as well as the innovative Glymatrix technology.

Collagen-based fillers have been used in cosmetology since 1981. But in Russia they are not popular due to the short duration of preservation of the result. But they are absolutely hypoallergenic, and are much less likely than others to provoke the occurrence of edema and local hemorrhages.

The main representatives of drugs in this group are:

  • CosmoDerm 1 and CosmoDerm 2 (USA) - they are based on human recombinant collagen, which is obtained by cultivating fibroblasts (skin cells that produce collagen) in laboratories. These preparations contain 35 mg/cm3 and 70 mg/cm3 of collagen, respectively, and a 0.3% lidocaine solution. Therefore, CosmoDerm 1 is usually used to eliminate superficial wrinkles and scars, in particular smokers' wrinkles around the mouth, and CosmoDerm 2 is used to solve more pronounced problems, including smoothing the skin texture due to post-acne.
  • CosmoPlast (USA) – contains 35 mg/cm3 of collagen and glutaraldehyde. The presence of the latter component ensures a slower breakdown of the filler in tissues, which makes it possible to use it to correct deep wrinkles and scars. In particularly difficult cases, it is combined with injections of hyaluronic acid-based fillers.
  • Evolence (Israel) is one of the latest and most advanced collagen-based fillers to enter the market. It contains completely purified pork collagen types 1 and 3 with a concentration of 35 mg/cm3 and is ideally compatible with human collagen. It is obtained using Glymatrix technology, which implies the production of collagen with a 3-dimensional structure, which significantly increases the effectiveness of contour correction using it. Evolence filler is the only drug of its kind that ensures that the effect is maintained for 12-18 months. It is produced in 2 variations, which allows you to choose a product for correcting wrinkles of different depths, changing the contour of the red border of the lips and changing their shape.

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers

Polylactic acid is a synthetic, absolutely biologically compatible polypeptide that does not cause allergic reactions. It consists of microspherical particles of poly-L-lactic acid and is obtained in laboratory conditions. This compound is the basis of Sculptra filler (UK).

It is difficult to call it a filler in the traditional sense, so many cosmetologists call it a skin stimulant. Poly-L-lactic acid provokes the formation of new collagen in the skin, which ensures gradual smoothing of wrinkles and restoration of the previous volume of soft tissues. The effect of its administration can be compared with lipofilling, i.e., the introduction of one’s own fat suspension in the area of ​​volume deficiency.

Therefore, the effect of contouring is not observed immediately after the procedure, as when working with other fillers, but only after 4 weeks. In this case, the cosmetologist needs to very strictly control the amount of the drug administered to avoid overcorrection. Sculptra filler must be injected regularly every 4-6 weeks until the desired results are achieved. This causes the high price of contour plastic surgery and the impossibility of predicting the final cost in advance. To speed up the desired effect, Sculptra is often combined with other fillers.

Poly-L-lactic acid fillers work best in pre- and postmenopausal women who are receiving hormone replacement therapy. If hormonal levels are not corrected, the drugs will work worse. For men, Sculptra gives good, long-lasting results.

This type of filler is used for:

  • increasing the volume of the cheekbones;
  • replenishment of tissue deficiency in the cheek area;
  • correction of nasolabial folds;
  • smoothing out deep wrinkles, scars, etc.

Working with such fillers requires a lot of experience and special training.

Fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite

Calcium hydroxyapatite is a synthetic analogue of bone tissue that is completely hypoallergenic and does not lead to the development of adverse effects. The most famous filler of this group is Radiesse (USA). It consists of microsphere particles of 30% calcium hydroxyapatite, the size of which is in the range of 25-45 microns. These microspheres are distributed as a suspension in a gel carrier. It acts as a base and dissolves 2-3 months after administration.

From this moment, skin cells directly interact with microspheres of calcium hydroxyapatite, which leads to activation of fibroblasts and the formation of their own collagen in the area of ​​influence. Therefore, the drug is used for contour plastic surgery:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • cheekbone;
  • cheeks;
  • marionette wrinkles;
  • eliminating scars, etc.

Calcium hydroxyapatite provides a visible cosmetic result and at the same time remains in the tissues much longer. Fillers based on it are used more often to correct the face of mature patients and with a pronounced lack of soft tissue volume.

Fillers based on polymethyl methacrylate microspheres

A prominent representative of this group of drugs is Artefill. It is capable of giving a lasting result that will last up to 10 years, but due to the too high cost and complexity of administration in Russia, it is practically not used.

Thus, contour plastic surgery has truly become a worthy alternative to plastic surgery. With the correct selection of filler, it is possible to eliminate almost any imperfections on the face and get rid of the marks of the years. The procedures are almost completely painless and have a short recovery period, which cannot be said about aesthetic surgery. The only drawback is the need to regularly re-correct problem areas, but given the significantly lower price of contouring and the absence of the need to exclude social contacts for several weeks, this drawback cannot be called significant.

Features of facial contouring using threads

For facial contouring, different types of threads are often used.

  1. Non-absorbable. As the name suggests, these threads (silicone, polyurethane and polyamide) are not absorbable. They have a smooth surface and allow manipulation on the deep layers of the skin. High quality of the lift is ensured by fixing such threads, arranged in the form of loops, on the bone tissue.
  2. Mesothreads . The thinnest absorbable materials. They are considered the least traumatic, since when they are used, the tissues are only moved apart and not pierced. The introduction of mesothreads should be carried out exclusively by professionals - any mistake can undoubtedly ruin the client’s appearance.
  3. "Aptos". Threads with barbs, thanks to which they are secured in the tissues. They are introduced through skin punctures and are located at a depth of 3 to 5 mm. Skin rejuvenation is not the only effect of using Aptos threads; they also eliminate deep wrinkles, ptosis and sagging eyelids. The result lasts for 3–6 years.
  4. Cone-shaped, combined. These threads are made of special polypropylene, which is able to dissolve in the body. Throughout the entire thread there are nodules (from 8 to 11), gradually degrading, the material forms connective tissue - which subsequently has a tightening effect.
  5. Gold. One of the most popular threads that have been used for a very long time. The material is hypoallergenic and activates the production of collagen in the body. The threads themselves are gradually covered with connective tissue. Their disadvantage is that in the future it is impossible to use hardware cosmetology.

Contouring of cheekbones and other areas of the face using threads takes 30–60 minutes. The skin is first treated with an anesthetic, since the procedure for inserting and securing the threads is painful. Then you need to wait some time for sensitivity to disappear in the affected areas.

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After removing the anesthetic cream, the places where the needles are to be inserted are disinfected. If the client's pain threshold is low, their skin may be further numbed with a lidocaine spray or injection.

The threads are inserted through small incisions in the skin. After the end of the thread reaches the desired point, reverse tension occurs. Thus, the skin is tightened and the required contour is formed. If the threads are equipped with notches, hooks and cones, they are fixed in the fabrics.

Recommendations before and after the contouring procedure

Although contour plastic surgery of the nose, chin, eyelids and other parts of the face is a non-traumatic procedure, such an intervention in the body still requires serious preparation:

  1. Anticoagulants should be discontinued several weeks before the procedure.
  2. If you are prone to allergies, it is necessary to use test samples to find out whether there is an allergic reaction to the components of the fillers.
  3. For prevention purposes, you must take a course of antiviral or other medications if they are prescribed by your doctor.
  4. On the eve of the operation, you should under no circumstances drink alcohol, play sports, or generally avoid any physical activity.

Not only before contouring, but also after it, a number of restrictive measures should be observed for a month.

On the first day:

  • Do not touch affected areas with your hands;
  • it is necessary to refuse any cosmetic procedures;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics on correction areas;
  • it is advisable to protect injection sites from exposure to moisture;
  • you should not use facial expressions too actively;
  • In case of facial correction, it is recommended to sleep only on your back.

In the next four days:

  • you should refrain from taking anticoagulants;
  • do not resume sports and physical activity;
  • It is prohibited to massage areas where fillers were injected;
  • Do not remove crusts that have formed at puncture sites.

In two weeks:

  • You cannot take a hot bath or steam in a sauna.

Within one month:

  • Before leaving home, be sure to apply sunscreen (SPF at least 20) to the areas of the body where correction was performed, or cover them well with clothing;
  • It is prohibited to sunbathe in a solarium;
  • You should carefully follow your doctor’s recommendations and take the medications prescribed by him.

How is the procedure performed?

Contour plastic surgery does not require hospitalization and is performed on an outpatient basis in an aesthetic medicine clinic. The procedure can last from half an hour to an hour. No rehabilitation will be required after it. You will be able to immediately get back to your usual activities.

The optimal filler and its dosage are determined by a cosmetologist based on the wishes of the patient and the area of ​​correction.

Zhmurina Natalya Borisovna

Director, Chief Physician of “A Clinic” Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

After this, the doctor proceeds directly to the procedure. Makeup and impurities are removed with specially selected cosmetics. Standard antiseptics (miramistin, chlorhexidine) are used for disinfection. Lidocaine cream or spray is most often used as an anesthetic. But a number of drugs already contain lidocaine in their composition. During the procedure, the doctor injects the drug along a pre-planned contour. The filler is injected intradermally, subcutaneously, supraperiostally ((periosteal, deep) using special thin long needles or cannulas. At the end of the injection, the area is disinfected again.

Manual massage helps distribute the gel more evenly. If you need, for example, to bring out your cheekbones or model the tip of your nose, then here the doctor already acts as a sculptor. In order for the effect of the procedure to be exactly what the patient expects, you need to contact only highly qualified specialists with extensive experience and certificates for the injection of fillers. The final chord of contouring is the application of moisturizing and regenerating preparations to the skin, which will help it calm down after the injections.

How much does contour plastic cost?

Since this is a rather complex manipulation - contour plastic surgery, the price of the procedure is determined by a complex of factors:

  • cost of materials;
  • the volume of the drug required for correction;
  • area of ​​impact zone;
  • skin condition.

On average, on the Russian market, 0.5 ml of drugs used for contouring will cost 6–22 thousand rubles. For example, the price of the popular Restylane, which helps restore facial contours and smooth out wrinkles, is about 12 thousand rubles, and a dose of Dysport, used to solve the problem of excessive sweating, costs only 120 rubles.

Judging by numerous reviews, most clients are satisfied with the results of contouring. Photos before and after correction, posted in large numbers on the Internet, confirm this.

Gel lifting

Allows you to strengthen the oval of your face without surgery. With the help of modern gels, you can perform a similar bioreinforcement procedure - create a frame under the skin that will keep it from sagging.

Properly performed reinforcement provides natural lifting. The face simply “flies” up: the jowls are tightened, the nasolabial folds are smoothed out, and the contours of a youthful face are restored. The procedure is perfectly combined with thermolifting and fractional thermolysis.

Rosa Syabitova. Cheekbone augmentation in combination with gel lifting with Radiesse. Photos before the procedure and 7 days after. Done by Andrey Iskornev.

The result is high, youthful and plump cheekbones. Elimination of nasolabial folds. Smoothing the lower jaw line. General pronounced lifting. The skin got rid of the “spider web effect” - a network of small wrinkles.

The effect of contouring will increase over several weeks. The result will delight Rose for up to 1.5 years.

Hardware alternative to contouring

To lift the chin and neck, hardware techniques are often used, even for preventive purposes - to prevent premature sagging of the skin of the face and neck, or ptosis. This phenomenon has several degrees of development (initial, medium, deep), to correct each of them certain methods of influence are needed, including surgical ones (used for deep ptosis, which cannot be corrected by hardware techniques).

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Hardware cosmetology does not pose a threat to the health of clients; after exposure there are no scars or other deformations. Most often, preference is given to laser tightening, which provides an effect for a period of 2 to 5 years. By influencing healthy cells, the laser stimulates them to produce a protein responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin - collagen. As a result of this activation, tissue tone increases and the skin becomes more toned.

Laser tightening can be performed using different types of devices. Typically, local anesthesia is used during the procedure, which lasts about 1.5 hours, but in some cases it is not required.

For about 5 days after laser exposure, the skin is characterized by increased sensitivity, pigmentation, redness, and peeling appear, but this is a temporary reaction that soon disappears. The disadvantage of this technique is the need for repeated sessions - for the effect to be noticeable and lasting, you need to do at least 3-4 procedures with an interval of 1 month between them.

It is recommended to carry out the first hardware procedures starting from the age of 30–40 years. They provide a visible rejuvenation effect, do not leave scars, and allow you to get rid of minor cosmetic blemishes. The recovery period lasts 5–7 days. Repeated sessions are a must, as is limiting time spent in the sun during the rehabilitation period.

Radiofrequency lifting is a non-surgical method of skin tightening that stimulates elastin production. The procedure is carried out using special equipment that emits radio waves at a frequency that is safe for humans. The result obtained from RF lifting lasts approximately 2–3 years.

The essence of the manipulation: high-frequency waves locally heat the skin in the areas that the device captures (the level of penetration of the waves is constantly adjusted). Thus, blood supply and metabolism are stimulated inside the skin, toxins are released, which are subsequently removed by the body’s excretory system. Thanks to this effect, the cellular composition of the skin is renewed, the complexion improves, its contours become clearer, more toned, and the shape of the chin and neck is corrected.

For three days after RF lifting, you should refrain from baths and saunas, and you should also protect your skin from sunlight. This alternative procedure to contouring can be used as early as 30 years of age (or older). The advantages of the technique are that the client does not experience pain, no scars remain on the skin, and essentially no recovery period is required (except for restrictions in the first 3 days). The disadvantage of this lifting can be considered its ineffectiveness in case of highly developed ptosis.

Common hardware facelift methods

Hardware rejuvenation techniques are carried out using special equipment that allows you to influence problem areas with the following types of energy:

  • microcurrents;
  • laser;
  • radio waves, etc.

Laser tightening is considered one of the most effective hardware methods of rejuvenation. The essence of the procedure is the deep impact of infrared radiation, which warms up soft tissues, triggering the production of collagen and elastin. The effect after laser lifting lasts up to 3 years. The main advantages of the technique are:

  • positive changes are noticeable after the first session;
  • the procedure is painless and does not require long-term rehabilitation;
  • the skin noticeably improves, tightens, becomes young and radiant.

Among the rejuvenating procedures involving the use of laser, laser resurfacing has proven itself well, which accelerates the exfoliation of dead cells, activates regeneration processes and the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

Another effective rejuvenating hardware technique is radio wave lifting. The essence of the procedure is the effect of high-frequency electromagnetic waves on soft tissues. There are 2 types of RF lifting:

  • monopolar;
  • biopolar.

After radio wave lifting, regeneration processes are launched, which contributes to the effective rejuvenation of the skin, the disappearance of pronounced age-related defects, and the general improvement of the dermis.

Microcurrents have a healing and rejuvenating effect on the skin, and the procedure using them is called darsonvalization. The dermis is exposed to alternating currents of high frequency and low strength. Results of the darsonvalization course:

  • relieving inflammation;
  • disappearance of the rash;
  • getting rid of fine wrinkles;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • increased tone, tightness, elasticity;
  • strengthening local immunity.

Cryolifting is another hardware technique, the essence of which is to treat the skin with a nozzle cooled to -20 °C. Exposure to low temperatures causes the skin to experience a shock, as a result of which the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated, blood vessels are strengthened, swelling disappears, and toxins and waste are removed. The average duration of a cryolifting course is 6 – 10 sessions.

The essence of the photorejuvenation procedure is to expose the dermis to light pulses of varying intensity, triggering cell regeneration and the active production of collagen and elastin fibers. Results of the photorejuvenation course:

  • smoothing of shallow and medium wrinkles;
  • disappearance of folds localized in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • facelift and double chin lift.

Home care methods that will allow you to avoid contouring

You can increase the elasticity of your facial skin at home, for example, by performing special exercises and massage.

  • Massage for tightening the skin of the neck and chin

For independent anti-aging procedures, preparation is required, in particular, you need to buy cream and special oils to get a tightening effect. Rosemary, lavender, orange are suitable - they stimulate skin tone. It is not difficult to prepare the composition for massage: you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. baby cream or other fatty base with a few drops of the listed oils (to your taste).

Carrying out the procedure does not cause difficulties, the main thing is consistency and regularity of actions. First, the composition should be applied to the chin and neck, and then gently rubbed in with massaging movements, paying special attention to problem areas. Next, the area of ​​the chin and neck is affected by pinching, moving from top to bottom. This should be done for about 1 minute. The next step is tapping with the backs of your hands for 2 minutes. And the final stage is light stroking.

As a result of this massage, the skin will become more toned and fresh, and its elasticity will increase. But to achieve a noticeable effect, you need to do the procedure every day for a month.

  • Exercises for the muscles of the neck and chin

You can effectively tighten the skin of your neck with the help of a set of special exercises, but again, provided that they are performed regularly. Course duration is 2 months.

  • Starting position – standing or sitting. It is necessary to throw your head back while pushing your jaw forward. The exercise requires caution and smooth movements. You need to try to fix yourself in a pose with your head thrown back for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  • Turning the head back and forth. Having reached the maximum possible amplitude, you should stay in this position for several seconds. The number of turns is 15 in each direction.
  • Lips like a tube. Pull your pursed lips slightly downwards and feel the gradual tension in your neck muscles. Stay in this position for 1 minute.
  • Working with the tongue. Stick out your tongue so that your head remains motionless at this time. Hold the position for 15–20 seconds.
  • Masks for chin and neck lift


Of course, homemade masks will not replace facial contouring, however, they are recommended for both young girls and mature ladies, as they improve the condition of the skin. The effect will be more noticeable and will occur sooner if done in combination with massage and exercises.

A tightening mask can be prepared from 1 tsp. wheat germ oil, 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tsp. lemon juice. The composition is applied to clean skin for 20 minutes, then washed off. The procedure must be carried out twice a week for a month.

Another mixture for a lifting effect is prepared from one tablespoon of oatmeal, one yolk and one teaspoon of olive oil. The result is a cream-like mass that needs to be applied to the face and neck for 15 minutes, then washed off. To tighten the skin, such a mask should be done once a week.

To prepare a moisturizing mask, you will need heavy cream (1 tbsp) and essential oils of patchouli and ylang-ylang, 1 drop of each. The mixture is applied to the neck and chin, left for 20 minutes and washed off. For maximum effect, you need to repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

  • Lifting with an elastic bandage

Lifting the lower part of the face with elastic medical bandages is considered a highly effective way to improve skin condition and increase elasticity. Systematic slight compression leads to tight fixation of the muscles and gives them a beautiful shape. A phenomenon called muscle memory also plays a role in this process - constant use of the bandage over a long period allows you to tighten your neck and eliminate a sagging chin.

The bandage should be wrapped daily (not only at night, but if possible during the daytime) and worn for about 5 hours. This material is breathable, so the skin breathes well in it. The fixation of the bandage should be tight, but you should not allow discomfort in the chin area, especially not to squeeze your face too much. There should be 10–15 such procedures.

No matter how effective home remedies for facial skin care are, in order to get a more noticeable and lasting rejuvenating effect, it is still better to resort to the services of a beauty salon or cosmetology clinic.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

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