Seals, lumps after fillers: let's talk about fibrosis, what is the danger and how to correct the situation

From this article you will learn:

  • Is it normal for swelling to appear after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?
  • Why does prolonged swelling occur after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?
  • How long does it last and how to eliminate swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid
  • What can and cannot be done to prevent prolonged swelling
  • Where to do lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

If you experience swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, this is not a reason to worry. This is how the body’s normal reaction to any mechanical impact manifests itself. You must be prepared for this. Reactions may vary in strength, duration, and other unpleasant consequences.

Is it normal for swelling to appear after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?

According to statistics, more and more modern women are turning to a cosmetologist to correct the shape and increase the size of their lips using hyaluronic acid injections. It becomes not enough for them to have healthy, beautiful, well-groomed skin. This procedure is quite quick and does not pose any danger, is easily tolerated and has a short recovery period.

It is carried out as follows: the nasolabial area is anesthetized, treated with an antiseptic, then hyaluronic acid filler is injected directly into the lips to a depth of one or two millimeters with a syringe with a very thin needle. The whole process takes 15–20 minutes. During this time, no more than 20 injections are given.

Slight swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is a normal reaction of the body to local microdamage to tissue.

Hyaluronate is a hydrophilic substance; it absorbs and retains water well. This is why swelling appears when the drug is artificially administered during the procedure. Under natural conditions, this acid is produced in the body and maintains youthful and elastic skin. For many women who are faced with the problem of severe swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid (see photo above), the urgent question is how to remove it and what to do if the swelling does not go away for a long time.

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Papules after biorevitalization: what is it?

Papules are small elevations above the skin level that contain a gel-like composition with hyaluronic acid. They appear due to the fact that the drug is injected to a shallow depth. The formation of papules is a feature of biorevitalization, in contrast to similar cosmetic procedures. This is a natural skin reaction that is not a pathology, although it scares many.

If there are no papules after biorevitalization, this may indicate:

  • disrupted technology (the drug was injected very deeply);
  • low density of the substance (HA is diluted with other components);
  • excessive dryness of facial skin, imbalance of water balance;
  • large thickness of the dermis.

The size of the resulting papules depends on the angle of the needle entering the skin, the composition of the hyaluronic acid-based product and the area of ​​treatment. For example, in the décolleté area the diameter of the tubercles is usually 3 mm, while in the periorbital area it is no more than 1 mm.

Why does prolonged swelling occur after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?

Swelling after the injection of hyaluronic acid is inevitable. Before undergoing a lip augmentation procedure, it is important for every woman to know and be prepared for it in advance, since this is a natural reaction in a healthy person. The appearance of edema is not affected by the volume of the injected substance or the thickness of the needle, but by the injection itself, tissue damage, which activates the body’s defense mechanisms. The result is a swelling that is visible to the naked eye. You will have to endure an unpresentable appearance for some time due to swelling.

After the procedure, the specialist should tell you how to care for damaged skin and how to relieve swelling. If you follow all his recommendations, the swelling will go away within a few days (maximum five days). If the swelling lasts longer, there is a reason to consult a specialist to find an explanation for the pathology.

Prolonged swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid can be caused by the following reasons:

  • low qualifications of the doctor who performed the procedure;
  • violation of instrument sterilization regimes;
  • the drug was injected too deeply (deeper than 1–2 mm);
  • disorders of the kidneys, problems with the heart and circulatory system, due to which fluid is retained in the body, forming edema;
  • you were injected with too much of a substance;
  • local decrease in immunity, which led to herpetic rashes;
  • violation of the specialist’s recommendations for caring for damaged skin after the procedure;
  • microcracks or punctures from injections become infected;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

According to statistics, the most common causes of swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid are poor disinfection of the instrument and too large a volume of the injected drug.

If you can prove that the cosmetologist is guilty that you have a pathological swelling, he will pay all the costs of eliminating it.

Women themselves are often to blame for severely swollen lips after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. They strive to get a quick effect after the first session and require the specialist to administer a significantly larger volume of the drug than is allowed at the initial stage. The starting dosage for each patient is calculated by the cosmetologist individually.

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After performing the procedure, it is better for the client to remain in a sitting or reclining position for a couple of hours (for example, placing high pillows under her back). Lying down is not recommended (especially for a long time), as this will cause fluid flow to the face and swelling.

Patients of reproductive age should not sign up for a session during their critical days, as well as two or three days before the start and the same amount after their end. During this period, women's hormonal levels change, which can affect the duration of swelling after the administration of hyaluronic acid. Also, during menstruation, sensitivity to pain increases, and the procedure can cause significant discomfort.

Another reaction of the body to the introduction of hyaluronic acid will be the formation of “balls” at the injection sites. This phenomenon is observed in 100% of women, since the body begins to actively produce collagen after the introduction of hyaluronate.

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Lip contouring: consequences in the form of inflammation

Inflammation cannot be called a direct side effect. Non-sulfated glycosaminoglycan (hyaluronic acid) is completely biologically compatible, but despite this, after its administration the body activates its standard protective reaction. As a rule, biological processes return to normal within a few days and inflammation goes away on its own. But in some cases, redness remains. There are two possible options:

  • Along with the puncture, an infection entered the body . But this is not always the cosmetologist’s mistake. The viruses could have been developing for several days, and the injection triggered their launch.
  • Autoimmune diseases reacted to the drug injected into the lip area, activating an inflammatory reaction and an increase in connective tissue.

In terms of neutralization, each of the points requires different therapy. In case of infection, you must make an appointment with a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and take pharmacological medications. If an autoimmune disease is to blame, then it is worth undergoing steroid therapy - it effectively reduces the immune response. But only a doctor prescribes the prescription and regimen for taking any medications. Self-medicating the consequences after contouring is extremely dangerous. Instead of reducing inflammation, you can, on the contrary, provoke suppuration and the formation of permanent scars.

Find out which method of correcting scars and stretch marks is optimal for you!

doctor Svetlana Viktorovna Ogorodnikova.


How long does it last and how to eliminate swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

All patients who are faced with the problem of swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid ask the question, how long will it last? Unfortunately, the recovery process can be very lengthy. In the best case, the swelling subsides a few days after the injection of the filler (it completely disappears after about ten days). But sometimes it persists for a longer time. For each patient, the duration of recovery is individual, and it is possible to say how long the swelling will last only after assessing its current condition.

To relieve swelling, experts recommend medicinal ointments, compresses, a special diet, and taking antihistamines.

Medicinal ointments include the following:

  • "Troxevasin".
  • "Lyoton."
  • "Troxevenol".
  • "Troxerutin."
  • "Venoruton".
  • "Troxegel".
  • "Venorutinol".

The drug is applied to the swollen area of ​​skin in a thin layer twice a day (or in accordance with the instructions for use) until the swelling subsides. External products that contain badyaga help a lot. It has a local antibacterial and soothing effect on the damaged skin area.

To relieve swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you can use the following compresses:

  • Wrap several large ice cubes in a specially prepared (disinfected) cloth and then apply to the area where the swelling has formed.
  • Ice can be replaced with cutlery: place three or four spoons in the freezer. After they have cooled, they can be applied one at a time to the site of swelling.
  • Moisten the cloth with tea leaves or herbal decoctions (walnut leaves, chamomile, string or marigold), and then apply it to the site of swelling.

It is important to remember that when removing swelling using frozen objects, you should not overcool the injured areas of the skin.

As for the diet after the introduction of hyaluronic acid, it should be treated with special attention: remove smoked foods, cheeses, salty foods, sausages and other foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body. Also, during recovery, avoid very hot and hard foods - you can further injure the damaged area of ​​skin.

Antihistamines relieve swelling. You can use drugs such as Suprastin , Zodak and Loratadine .

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Gymnastics is appropriate only after complete recovery. Not earlier than 2 weeks after the injection.

How to do:

  • Pull your lips out with a tube.
  • Stretch as wide as possible.
  • Compress.
  • Sing vowel sounds.

Gymnastics are performed 2-3 times a day for 3-4 minutes. A specialist will show you specific exercises.

What can and cannot be done to prevent prolonged swelling

Most of those who are faced with the problem of swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid are worried about what to do, how to remove it as quickly as possible. The answer is obvious: follow the recommendations of specialists in caring for damaged skin after the procedure, and also avoid some common things during the recovery period that can increase swelling.

Remember that, in addition to special means, the duration of healing is influenced by many different factors: food, lifestyle, physical activity, and environmental conditions. At this time, anything can lead to complications and increased swelling. For example, fluid accumulation in the body, intense training regimen, sunbathing.

After undergoing the procedure, to ensure that the swelling subsides quickly and without complications, you should follow some precautions.

  1. Is it possible to smoke cigarettes after lip augmentation?

First of all, remember that smoking is harmful to your health. True, quitting this bad habit is not so easy. In the article we will not consider the medical aspect of smoking, but will only talk about its effect on swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, that is, how it can affect the swelling of injured soft tissues.

The first undesirable effect is mechanical. While smoking, muscles work, which should be at rest during the recovery period after surgery. Remember how, when smoking, you form your lips into a tube and squeeze the filter to draw in the smoke.

The second effect is thermal. Hot smoke comes into contact with injured lips.

And the third is chemical influence. Nicotine and other compounds irritate and burn damaged tissue, causing further damage.

You will need to give up your addiction for at least two weeks after the procedure, and preferably forever. Thus, you can smoke a cigarette only when the swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid subsides.

  1. Is it possible to stretch lips after lip augmentation?

If your lips are very swollen after augmentation with hyaluronic acid, then most likely you will not be able to stretch them. There are a number of factors that will deter such actions. For example, pain and simply unpleasant sensations, as well as fear of increasing swelling and worsening the condition of damaged tissues after microtrauma. And it is right.

Regarding massage, it is best to consult with the doctor or cosmetologist with whom you had the procedure. It happens that experts immediately give such recommendations. At the same time, it is important to ask what techniques can be used so as not to cause harm to the injured area of ​​​​the body and not cause an increase in swelling.

As a rule, if a cosmetologist prescribes self-massage sessions to a patient after administering hyaluronic acid, he recommends that they be carried out with the application of special preparations for external use (ointments, creams, gels to relieve swelling and reduce bruises).

  1. Is it possible to play sports after lip augmentation?

How long the swelling will last after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid depends, among other things, on the intensity of the load.

It is best to stop playing sports for at least a week, since during physical activity the blood circulates faster, prolonging the period of swelling.

The load on the body can be given only after the swelling has subsided. At the same time, you need to return to the usual rhythm of physical activity gradually.

  1. Is it possible to sunbathe or go to a solarium after lip augmentation procedure?

Hyaluronic acid is very sensitive to high temperatures. It disintegrates under any thermal influence. That is, when visiting a bathhouse, sauna, solarium and sunbathing, the duration of the effect of the procedure is reduced.

Usually, the natural breakdown of the active ingredients of the filler occurs over a year or more (this depends on the condition and individual characteristics of the woman’s body). In case of exposure to high temperature, the rate of resorption of hyaluronic acid increases several times.

In addition to reducing the effect of the drug, you can get a thermal burn of injured tissues and, as a result, increase swelling.

  1. What if you want to nibble on some seeds?

Your lips are already injured and sensitive after the procedure. There will be swelling at the injection sites in any case. As you understand, seeds are an additional damaging factor.

The peeling process involves exactly those muscles that were affected by the introduction of hyaluronic acid. That is, you can not only scratch your already inflamed lips with sharp skins, ruin their shape (the drug collects in one place and forms a “bump”), but also contribute to an increase in swelling.

Therefore, it is better to refuse seeds during the recovery period after the procedure.

  1. Is swimming allowed in the pool?

After a session of hyaluronic acid injection, microdamages in the form of punctures and cracks remain on the skin. Through them, infection can easily enter the body. In any pool or open body of water (lake, sea) there are more than enough pathogenic bacteria.

In addition to microtraumas and swelling, during the recovery period after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, the overall immunity of the body decreases and sensitivity to various negative factors increases.

Therefore, while there is swelling, you should refrain from this type of water procedures.

  1. How long after can you eat after lip augmentation?

After the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the lip area, certain food restrictions begin to apply. How soon and what food can I eat after the procedure?

To ensure that the effect of the manipulations does not disappear and the pain does not intensify, it is recommended to consume the first dish after four to six hours.

Food should be soft and easy to chew. The jaws and lips should move without much effort.

Until the swelling disappears, you should not overuse spicy, salty, spicy and smoked foods.

Contact of damaged skin with food should be minimized in order to reduce additional irritation and eliminate possible infection.

  1. Is it possible to drink alcohol after lip augmentation?

Alcoholic drinks, including weak ones, cause the blood to move faster, which is contraindicated after the procedure. To effectively relieve swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you must completely abstain from drinking alcohol, even in small doses (including red wine, which is beneficial, according to many doctors).

The reason for this ban is obvious: the alcohol contained in these drinks is irritating, and in high concentrations it burns even healthy skin and mucous membranes (without microtraumas or swelling). The decision is yours.

  1. Do you have a habit of licking your lips?

Women suffering from dry skin have this habit. Even lipstick won't bother her.

In addition to severe (sometimes) swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, dryness of the injured surfaces occurs. And then the habit, reinforced by the desire to somehow moisturize the skin, takes over. You won't even notice how this happens.

Remember! Microorganisms contained in human saliva are not always beneficial. The habit of licking your lips can easily cause infection in small puncture wounds.

  1. Is it possible to kiss after the procedure?

Until the swelling goes down after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you can kiss, but the touches should be gentle, delicate and very light.

There is no direct prohibition, but it is better to hold off on these caresses, since even with a slight mechanical effect on damaged tissue, uneven distribution of the filler and an increase in the degree and duration of swelling can occur. Not to mention that passionate kissing can lead to the formation of “bumps” on your beautiful lips.

Based on the above, while there is swelling, it is better to hold off on kissing.

How long does the result last?

The results last from several weeks to several years. On average from 4 to 18 months.

Duration depends on:

  • individual characteristics,
  • the chosen drug,
  • compliance with the recommendations of a cosmetologist,
  • number of procedures (the result of each subsequent procedure lasts longer).

Where to do lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can get lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid at a reasonable cost, and your face will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Reasons for the long resorption of papules

If the papules do not disappear within 10 days or increase with the formation of edema, you should consult a cosmetologist. This skin reaction is usually observed due to the following reasons:

  • allergies to drug components or excipients;
  • presence of contraindications to biorevitalization;
  • connective tissue density in treatment areas;
  • low quality of the drug or violation of its storage regime;
  • ignoring the cosmetologist’s recommendations for aftercare;
  • failure to maintain distance between injections;
  • incorrect injections;
  • violations of hygiene standards.
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