Recovery after plastic surgery – speeding up and strengthening the WOW effect!

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery

- an important stage of aesthetic transformation, which requires time and collaboration between the patient and the plastic surgeon. When recovery after surgery needs to be accelerated, for example, on the eve of an important event or going out, a cosmetologist can come to the rescue. An esthetician knows:

  • how to relieve swelling after blepharoplasty;
  • how to get rid of bruises after body liposculpture;
  • how to get rid of visible scars after surgery
  • ...and many other beauty secrets

We found out which beauty procedures will make the recovery process after plastic surgery on the face and body faster and more comfortable and have prepared this review for you.
During recovery after mammoplasty, facelift, blepharoplasty and other operations, it is important to follow all the surgeon’s recommendations

, consult with a doctor about procedures and care programs, do not forget about
follow-up examinations
. In combination with proper nutrition (proteins, antioxidants, enough clean water), rest, quitting smoking and alcohol (at least temporarily) - recovery in itself is faster. In some cases, the plastic surgeon prescribes additional medications - painkillers, a course of antibiotic therapy - so that recovery after plastic surgery is comfortable and without complications.

The restorative course of beauty treatments that we offer to our patients allows us to achieve the following results:

  • get rid of swelling and bruises in a short time;
  • reduce pain and discomfort;
  • improve skin quality and its ability to regenerate;
  • get rid of scars after surgery or make them less noticeable.

Rehabilitation after plastic surgery: why do we need special recovery programs?

You can find out more about recovery after mammoplasty, liposculpture and other aesthetic interventions on our website, and in more detail - at an appointment with a plastic surgeon

Hematomas and swelling after surgery, unfortunately, are inevitable. The minimum period required for tissue restoration after blepharoplasty and facelift is 14-30 days.
Rehabilitation after body surgery usually lasts 2 times longer. Of course, much depends on the specifics of the surgical intervention and the individual characteristics of the body.
Each patient always has a choice: to undergo an additional rehabilitation course or not. However, it is important to understand that rehabilitation programs are not only aimed at reducing rehabilitation or reducing pain. Electrostatic and lymphatic drainage massage, ultraphonophoresis and injection procedures have a beneficial effect on the skin at the cellular level. The restoration course is an excellent solution for those who strive for the best aesthetic result, want to take care of their skin and begin rehabilitation after plastic surgery with self-care, which is necessary to consolidate the impressive effect!

Why do you need lymphatic drainage massage?

The benefits of lymphatic drainage massage include the activation and redistribution of lymphoid fluid, stimulation of metabolic processes, and strengthening of cellular and humoral immunity. The doctor’s task is to eliminate the consequences of a malfunction of the lymph flow and delicately force the lymphatic system to work the way nature intended it to. Lymphatic drainage helps remove harmful products of cellular metabolism from the body, accelerate lymph circulation, lose weight, improve skin condition, and strengthen the immune system.

The list of indications for lymphatic drainage massage includes:

  • hemodynamic disturbance;
  • early varicose changes in the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • swelling of the arms, legs, face, neck;
  • skin defects - scars, stretch marks, wrinkles, scars, hematomas of non-traumatic origin, changes in the structure of the subcutaneous fat layer - cellulite;
  • fat deposits;
  • soft tissue injuries (rehabilitation period);
  • muscle weakness;
  • visible stagnation of lymphoid fluid of the upper and lower extremities.

Lymphatic drainage massage produces a complex effect - cosmetological, therapeutic, preventive. After a course of physiotherapy, the skin is rejuvenated, looks smooth and toned. Morning puffiness and bruises under the eyes disappear. Excess weight goes away, the figure acquires clear contours. Pain and heaviness in the legs cease to bother you, and the overall tone of the body increases. Immune defense is restored, which helps to resist infectious diseases, which is especially important during the difficult period of the pandemic. The aesthetic and therapeutic results of lymphatic drainage massage are immediately noticeable. To maintain the active functioning of the lymph flow, treatment and preventive procedures are recommended to be carried out regularly.

Rehabilitation after facial plastic surgery

Rehabilitation after a facelift (facelift), liposculpture and blepharoplasty is individual, but as practice shows, tissue restoration takes 2-3 weeks

During this period, bruises
and slight
, which increases
2-3 days
after surgery. Pain usually does not bother you and does not interrupt you from rest and daily activities; it can be reduced with the help of mild painkillers prescribed by your plastic surgeon. There is no need to worry about scars after a facelift and blepharoplasty - they are hidden in the natural folds of the skin or under the hair, and over time they will become invisible. If, during recovery after facial plastic surgery, a patient has an individual tendency towards hypertrophic, keloid, atrophic scars or the tissue healing process does not go entirely smoothly, cryodestruction of the scar, lipofilling or injection cosmetology comes to the rescue. Plastic surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic are always in touch with their patients. The key to successful recovery after facial plastic surgery is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations: for a while you need to give up warm baths, solariums, alcohol and smoking.

Why do “jowls” form?

Over time, the skin loses the properties characteristic of a young body.
Aging is accompanied by a loss of elasticity, which leads to a number of age-related changes: wrinkles, sagging skin, vascular and age spots. The changes affect not only the skin, but also the fat deposits located underneath it. Subcutaneous fat in the cheekbone area significantly atrophies, and in the cheek and chin area, on the contrary, it becomes larger. These processes lead to tissue displacement in the lower parts of the face and sagging skin. At the same time, nasolabial folds become pronounced and jowls appear - overhanging soft tissue on the sides of the jaw.

Facial lymphatic drainage

How to relieve swelling after blepharoplasty or facelift, and also get rid of bruises after surgery?

lymphatic drainage
will best cope with this task . This is a soft and painless procedure, the essence of which is manual or hardware impact on the skin in the direction of lymph flow.

A course of electrostatic and microcurrent drainage can be started 2-3 days after facial plastic surgery

- in accordance with the recommendations of the plastic surgeon.
Most often, to achieve the desired effect (quickly relieve swelling after blepharoplasty, get rid of bruises, tone the skin), 3 procedures
For those who strive for excellent results and want to take care of their skin, we recommend a course of 5 procedures

The effect of lymphatic drainage massage after blepharoplasty / facelift

  • Tones the skin, improving blood and lymph circulation;
  • Restores normal metabolism of nutrients in soft tissues;
  • Improves the skin's ability to regenerate;
  • Lifting the skin and muscle layer;
  • Fights wrinkles;
  • Models beautiful facial contours;
  • Strengthens the effect of comprehensive facial rejuvenation;
  • It has a general stimulating effect on blood vessels and epidermal cells and, as a result, quickly relieves swelling.

A course of restorative procedures after plastic surgery on the face reduces the recovery time by 2 times!

This means that after just 1 week, the visible consequences of surgery (swelling and bruising) will be barely noticeable or disappear completely, and your skin will look healthy and well-groomed.

Read more about the cost of a recovery course after plastic surgery

What services does Istok Health Clinic offer?

Depending on your skin type, cosmetologists select the necessary set of care procedures:

Express care for all skin types.

The session includes all cosmetics and procedures that have a quick effect and give instant results. Ideal for those who need to prepare for an important or festive event in the shortest possible time.

Caring for the skin around the eyes.

As a cosmetic therapy, a cosmetologist can offer a huge range of services to eliminate bags under the eyes, wrinkles and visual fatigue. These include such effective techniques as meseotherapy, biorevitalization, darsonvalization, plasma lifting, botulinum therapy, RF lifting, laser therapy and photorejuvenation.

Royal treatment (face, neck, décolleté) using various collagen masks.

A complex procedure, developed on the basis of modern technologies, allows you to provide the skin with excellent hydration, firmness, elasticity and smoothness for a long time. With the help of collagen masks, it is possible to normalize metabolic processes in the body, ensuring a sufficient flow of oxygen to the skin.

Atraumatic facial cleansing.

The procedure is aimed at painlessly removing surface impurities and dead skin cells of the epidermis through peeling. Atraumatic facial cleansing allows you to return the skin to its natural color, correct texture and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Manual facial cleansing.

It is the most effective way to eliminate pimples, blackheads, excess fat, dead epithelium, comedones and acne. When manually cleaning the face, only the doctor’s hands and cosmetic instruments are used - a Uno spoon and a Vidal loop.

AHA/BHA 40-60% peels.

The essence of the session is to eliminate dull skin color and restore its radiance with additional cleansing of pores. An additional benefit of AHA and BHA acids is that they increase the skin’s sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation,

Classic facial and décolleté massage.

Application is suitable for most women and men due to its universal effect. It helps to improve skin tone, improve blood circulation and prevent premature aging.

Therapeutic massage of the face and décolleté.

Thanks to this technique, it is possible to correct the contours of the body, eliminating the double chin and deep wrinkles. In addition, therapeutic massage is used in cosmetology to restore the sensitivity of nerve endings and the functions of facial expressions.

Facial massage according to Jacquet.

During the session, the cosmetologist uses plucking techniques, and movements in different areas differ in the force effects. To achieve real results, you need to work on the deepest layers of the skin.

Lifting massage of the face and décolleté.

By influencing the epidermis through special massage lines, it is possible to tighten even the most problematic areas of the skin without the use of plastic surgery. With this approach, aging can be postponed indefinitely.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the face, neck and décolleté.

The technique acts exclusively on lymph. With the help of massage, you can perform light modeling: raise cheekbones, reduce cheeks, slightly correct the shape of lips and tighten the skin to give elasticity.

Acupressure facial massage.

The essence of the procedure is maximum relaxation of the facial muscle frame. A targeted effect on special reflex zones of the human body activates internal energy, directing it to the healing of specific organs or systems.

Relaxing massage of the face, neck and décolleté.

The procedure is aimed at strengthening the body, normalizing metabolism, relieving muscle pain. Also, the use of massage is recommended to improve immunity. The final result is a relaxing effect.

4D-lifting massage.

Under the influence of a special massager, the specialist accelerates the patient’s metabolism, due to which toxins are removed from the skin much faster. All this has a positive effect on the health of subcutaneous tissues and epidermis.

Passive facial gymnastics (buccal massage).

The massage is aimed at intensively working the facial and chewing muscles, which will help restore the muscles to their original length, tone and elasticity.

Stone therapy for face and neck.

A complex method based on a combination of deep tissue heating with the treatment of biologically active points. Semi-precious stones used during the procedure effectively eliminate venous congestion, improve lymphatic drainage, and normalize the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands.

Rehabilitation after liposculpture

Body liposculpture allows you to instantly get rid of “fat traps”, recreate an athletic profile and compensate for the lack of soft tissue volume (enlarge your breasts, buttocks). Liposculpture includes liposuction and lipofilling and is a minimally invasive operation (without incisions), since the surgeon performs all manipulations with a special cannula through small punctures in the skin. Our clinic has installed the latest vibration liposuction device PAL Liposculptor

, which makes such a serious and complex operation as gentle as possible - it eliminates damage to blood vessels, extensive hematomas, and bumps on the skin.
However, rehabilitation after liposculpture of the body cannot be called simple, especially if the plastic surgeon worked on more than 2 zones. After the operation, it is important to wear compression garments
, temporarily give up sports training (later it is not only possible to return to it, but it is highly desirable - to consolidate the result) and follow other doctor’s recommendations.

How to prepare for lymphatic drainage massage

There is no special preparation for the health procedure. To increase the effectiveness of the result, doctors advise following simple rules:

  • Avoid dishes with a high content of animal fat on the eve of lymphomassage;
  • refrain from eating 2-3 hours before the session;
  • reduce the number of drinks you drink before bed;
  • choose the afternoon for lymphatic drainage;
  • drink warm water immediately before the procedure.

Before and after a lymphatic drainage body massage, you are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages (of any strength).

Zhelezny Sergey Nikolaevich


Privolzhsky Research Medical University

25 years of experience

Effect of lymphatic drainage after liposculpture

  • Tones the skin and muscles, improving blood and lymph circulation;
  • Restores normal metabolism of nutrients in soft tissues;
  • Improves the skin's ability to regenerate;
  • Fights cellulite;
  • Models slender and toned figure contours;
  • Relieves swelling and bruising;
  • Promotes rapid healing of cannula marks;
  • Helps consolidate and improve the results of body contouring surgery.

After body liposculpture, a course of 5-8 procedures or more is recommended so that you can evaluate the result and return to an active life as soon as possible.

How does thread lifting work?

This method of face lifting is based on the introduction of threads made of organic materials into the skin with thin needles. After a certain time, the threads break down into carbon dioxide, water or organic acids, which are then utilized by the body. One of the main effects of threads is stimulation of the synthesis of collagen fibers and enhancement of the reparative properties of the skin. Moreover, water molecules formed after resorption are retained in the dermis, increase skin turgor and prevent it from sagging. Thread lifting allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • Move the subcutaneous fat and fix it in the right place.
  • Form an additional frame that prevents sagging of soft tissues.
  • Stimulate collagen formation.
  • Eliminate sagging skin and increase its elasticity.
  • Improve the general condition of the skin.

Not all threads have a lifting effect. Some perform only a frame function. The result is influenced by many factors: material, composition, installation depth, initial condition of the skin.

The threads are made from several biomaterials: polydioxanone, polylactic acid and caprolactone. Polydioxanone is absorbed the fastest, and caprolactone remains in the tissues longer than others. To achieve a lifting effect, the threads are introduced not into the epidermis, but into the deeper layers of soft tissue. Passing through the subcutaneous fat, the thread slightly pulls it along with it to the place of its fixation. The threads are usually fixed near the ligaments of the face. When correcting jowls, the thread is most often held by the zygomatic ligament.

The final result is also influenced by the surface of the thread: smooth, spiked or notched. The even texture of the thread does not allow the skin to be tightened and fixed, so after the procedure the threads “slide” from the installation site, and the lifting effect is quickly lost. Barbed threads are best suited for tightening. They are well fixed in tissues for a long time and lift them.

With thread lifting, several correction options are possible. The choice of method depends on the severity of age-related changes and prolapse of soft tissues.

The first option is suitable for patients aged 30–40 years with initial age-related skin changes. It is used to slightly correct the shape of the face and eliminate the initial signs of aging. For this, a small number of threads (2–4) are usually used to tighten problem areas. This option is not suitable for patients with pronounced subcutaneous fat due to the inability of the threads to hold the tissue.

The second method of thread lifting is used in patients 40–50 years old with significant signs of aging, but without significant fat deposits. Typical complaints of patients are the appearance of jowls, pronounced nasolabial folds and general sagging skin. To correct age-related changes, the doctor uses a large number of threads (from 3 on each side).

The third option is applicable for patients over 50–55 years of age or in case of a large amount of subcutaneous fat. The goal of the procedure is to firmly fix the soft tissues and prevent their further prolapse. The doctor may use up to 10 threads or more. The effect of this correction option is the longest lasting.

When can injections be given?

PRP therapy (plasmolifting)

Skin restoration after plastic surgery on the face is facilitated by PRP therapy (plasmolifting)

Swiss plasma lifting RegenLab
is today considered the “gold standard” and one of the world leaders in injection cosmetology. Facelift (surgical facelift) eliminates deep wrinkles and ptosis of the face, but in itself it does not affect the quality of the skin. PRP therapy (plasmolifting) saturates the skin with platelets, triggering at the cellular level the processes necessary for rejuvenation from the inside (stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid).

Do plasma lifting

it is possible already
3-4 weeks
after plastic surgery, sometimes earlier - it depends on the specifics of the surgical intervention, the recommendations of the plastic surgeon and cosmetologist.

PRP therapy
works well with facial lipofilling
, as platelet-rich plasma improves cell survival.

Methods for correcting facial contours

Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery offers many options for correcting age-related changes, including jowls:

  • Administration of drugs based on botulinum toxin.
  • Ultrasonic lifting.
  • Contour plastic with fillers.
  • Various types of plastic surgery.
  • Thread lifting.
  • Lipolitics.

Not all methods are equally effective and applicable to every patient. Surgical correction has good results, but is used to a limited extent due to postoperative risks and long recovery times. Fillers add volume, but are not suitable for patients with a sufficient amount of their own fatty tissue, since the result of the procedure will be an unnatural puffiness of the face. Botulinum therapy affects muscle tissue, helps smooth out wrinkles, but has no effect on the cause of sagging.

Available and effective methods in this case are thread lifting and the use of lipolytics. They affect the main component of age-related changes - subcutaneous fat deposits. The methods combine safety and good cosmetic results.

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