Causes of sores on the head and methods of treating them

Eczema of the scalp

Today there is a very common misconception that eczema is one of the main signs of uncleanliness and poor personal hygiene.

However, there is absolutely no connection between these factors and the occurrence of the disease; such lesions can appear for various reasons and are often the result of a general deterioration in health or pathological processes in the body. Eczema of the scalp is also not an infectious disease; it is not transmitted from person to person.

Features of eczema of the scalp in a child

Eczema of the scalp often appears in children; in newborns, it is often caused by poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. In most cases, no treatment is required, and the symptoms of the disease completely disappear on their own after 2-3 weeks.

The process of regeneration of the skin after an illness takes longer, it can take at least 2 months, but young children virtually never experience discomfort. However, in the absence of positive dynamics, a mandatory consultation with a pediatrician is required.

The following methods of getting rid of the disease are usually practiced:

  1. Lightly massage the scalp and skin with your fingers or with a damp washcloth.
  2. Using special baby shampoos that contain ketoconazole. It is mandatory to obtain prior permission from a pediatrician.
  3. Using mineral oils if other methods have not helped get rid of eczema.
  4. Daily water procedures without using soap or other products that can cause skin irritation.

Where to buy Perhotal

You can purchase the original effective shampoo at the pharmacies listed in the “Where to Buy” section. Thousands of patients, having used Perhotal, forgot about the problems of dandruff, as well as the reasons for its appearance on the head.

By using shampoo in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, the following results are achieved:

  • complete elimination of dandruff;
  • no itching;
  • skin color becomes even and healthy;
  • hair looks well-groomed - elasticity and shine return.

Start using medicated anti-dandruff shampoo to get rid of the problem once and for all.

Causes of eczema on the head

Experts still do not know the exact cause of eczema on the scalp.

However, there are known factors that can provoke the occurrence of this disease:

  1. Predisposition to eczema at the genetic level.
  2. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  3. General deterioration of the immune system.
  4. The presence of chronic diseases that impair the functioning of internal organs.
  5. Changes in hormonal levels.
  6. Disruption of the digestive system.
  7. Disruption of the endocrine system.
  8. Contact with certain types of chemicals, preservatives or plants.
  9. Side effect of taking certain pharmacological drugs.
  10. Complications of an allergic reaction, the occurrence of eczema, are most often provoked by nickel.
  11. Exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  12. Systematic hypothermia or overheating of the head.
  13. Frequent stress, long-term depression.
  14. Mechanical damage to the scalp.

For some time, there was an opinion that one of the causes of eczema was fungal formations, since when taking tests, patients were found to have the corresponding types of infection. However, it was later found that all fungal infections are a consequence of eczema, but not a provoking factor.

What does scalp eczema look like?

As the disease progresses, the external manifestations of eczema change, so the following stages are distinguished:

  1. At the initial stage, the skin in the affected area looks tight and is noticeably dry. These areas are most often hidden by hair and unnoticeable.
  2. Over time, the affected areas become greasy, and characteristic spots appear in the form of thickenings with a yellowish tint.
  3. If left untreated, the lesions continue to spread and move from the scalp to the eyebrows, eyelids, area behind the ears, and nasolabial folds. Redness appears on the neck.


For a visual demonstration, below is a photo showing eczema of the scalp:

"Perhotal" solves the problem, but does not mask it

To find out the causes of dandruff, you need to consult a doctor and carry out the necessary diagnostics. If seborrhea is caused by a fungus, Perhotal shampoo will provide effective help.

The detergent has a number of advantages:

  • ease of use - no different from the method of using regular shampoo;
  • high efficiency - seborrhea, and with it dandruff, stops bothering you for a long time;
  • accessibility – the price of a medicinal detergent is comparable to daily shampoo in the mass market segment.

"Perhotal" is used to treat fungal infections of the scalp at different stages of the disease. Regimen are provided for the treatment of acute and chronic dermatitis, as well as for prevention.

For the convenience of consumers, the manufacturer offers 2 types of shampoo - with a concentration of the active substance (ketoconazole) of 1% and 2%. Different packaging will satisfy different customers, because those with long hair will need a larger volume of detergent, and people with short hair will be able to use 25 ml of shampoo for a preventative course.

Types of eczema of the scalp

Eczema, which affects the scalp, has a number of varieties. Each type has characteristic individual characteristics and specific course.

Types of eczema on the scalp:

  1. Seborrheic eczema. The seborrheic variety of eczema is one of the most common forms of this disease, its main features are as follows:
      Lesions are localized not only on the scalp, but at the same time they can appear on the chest, abdomen and skin folds throughout the body.
  2. At the initial stage, the formation of nodules with a pinkish-yellow color is observed. Later, characteristic plaques develop from them.
  3. The risk group primarily includes people who have been diagnosed with oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp.
  4. Weeping eczema. Weeping eczema can be caused by an acute allergic reaction, as well as exposure to chemicals and other irritants on the skin. The main features of this form are discussed below:
      At the initial stage, an inflammatory process is observed that affects the upper layers of the epidermis, which had direct contact with the irritant.
  5. In places where skin redness and swelling have been noticed, bubbles of small diameter will soon form.
  6. The blisters merge with each other, which leads to the formation of erythema.
  7. The affected area has a constantly weeping surface, which gradually becomes covered with a crust.
  8. This form of eczema is characterized by a strong burning sensation in the affected areas and a feeling of unbearable itching. However, scratching or frequent touching should not be allowed, as wet areas can easily become infected, which can lead to serious complications.
  9. Microbial eczema. Microbial eczema can occur in the presence of existing skin lesions, especially if purulent inflammation appears. At risk are people with extensive head burns, deep wounds and other similar injuries, and erysipelas. Eczema has the following features:
      Small blisters filled with pus begin to appear on the affected areas of the skin.
  10. After some time, the bubbles open, which leads to the formation of crusts.
  11. The skin on the affected areas becomes rougher and becomes frequently wet.

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Symptoms of eczema on the head

Below is a list of the main symptoms characteristic of this disease:

  1. Peeling of the scalp, formation of a large amount of dandruff.
  2. Redness of the skin, formation of characteristic scales, covering of the affected areas with crusts.
  3. Increased oiliness of hair, which is not eliminated by washing; the hairstyle begins to look unkempt.
  4. Hair loss.
  5. Parallel development of other dermatological diseases, the occurrence of which is provoked by eczema; fungal infection.
  6. The appearance of purulent lesions is characteristic only of the microbial variety of eczema, however, they can also occur due to a secondary infection.
  7. Itching and burning do not always occur; these symptoms usually appear at later stages. The exception is weeping eczema, for which these symptoms are most characteristic.

How to treat eczema on the scalp in the hair?

Today, there are many ways to treat this disease; many necessary medications and auxiliary products are available without a prescription from a doctor, so most people independently determine the specifics of therapy.

However, it is still better to first consult with a dermatologist to make sure the diagnosis is correct. The most popular treatments for various forms of eczema are discussed below.


There are a large number of over-the-counter shampoos that you can start using even before visiting a dermatologist.

Before purchasing, you need to carefully study their composition; the following components can help in the fight against eczema:

  1. Selenium sulfide eliminates existing inflammation and dryness, eliminates itching, and also destroys yeast fungi, which can provoke the occurrence of many dermatological diseases.
  2. Tea tree oil , the optimal concentration in shampoo is about 5%. Such remedies eliminate not only eczema, but also the infections that arise from it.
  3. Zinc pyrithione. This component eliminates peeling and also destroys all bacteria and fungi. Additionally, it will promote accelerated regeneration of damaged skin.
  4. Ketoconazole can be found in both over-the-counter and prescription shampoos. This is one of the most effective components to fight eczema.
  5. Salicylic acid. The component is added to many medicinal shampoos; it cleanses the upper layers of the skin and promotes accelerated healing of damaged areas.


Various ointments also demonstrate a high degree of effectiveness in the treatment of eczema.

Dermatologists recommend using the following varieties:

  1. Salicylic ointment. You can read what salicylic ointment helps with on our website.
  2. Zinc ointment.
  3. Naphthalene ointment.
  4. Corticosteroids in the form of ointments are used in the most complex or advanced cases; they can only be used as prescribed by the attending physician.

Folk remedies

Various traditional medicines have not lost their relevance; some effective ways to eliminate the main symptoms of eczema are given below:

  1. Applying natural bee honey to your head can reduce flaking and get rid of itching. If necessary, it can be diluted a little with water, after which, for 2-3 minutes, begin to rub into the damaged areas with gentle movements. After the procedure, your hair should be washed using regular shampoo.
  2. Sage lotions can speed up the healing process of damaged skin. To do this, tablespoons of dried sage are diluted in 0.5 liters of water, which is then brought to a boil. You can add one tablespoon of fresh honey to the finished product, after which cotton swabs are moistened with it and applied to areas affected by eczema for 20-30 minutes.
  3. You can prepare a decoction, which is obtained by adding 40 grams of oak bark to 200 ml of water , brought to a boil. The product sits for 12 hours, after which one tablespoon of fresh honey is added to it. All components are thoroughly mixed to ensure uniformity of the structure, after which the decoction is applied to the affected areas of the head. After an hour, you will need to rinse it with warm water.

Features of treatment of the disease

Today there is no universal remedy for the treatment of weeping wounds. The selection of a specific treatment method directly depends on the characteristics of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient. To ensure the highest quality treatment, appropriate diagnostics are performed.

Treatment of weeping sores on the head is carried out by dermatologists and trichologists

Treatment of weeping sores in most cases is carried out by dermatologists or trichologists. Diseases are often treated using mesotherapy or hirudotherapy.

Also quite effective in this case is the laser treatment method. Diseases can be eliminated using biocomplex procedures.

During the treatment period, patients are prescribed specially selected vitamin complexes. In this case, medications that are used externally are quite effective.

With their help, itching is relieved and the possibility of new lesions appearing is eliminated. If the patient fully follows the doctor’s recommendations, he will be able to get rid of the sores in the shortest possible time.

To ensure the highest quality treatment, in most cases patients are prescribed a hypoallergenic diet. Doctors also do everything possible to eliminate neuroendocrine diseases, eliminate neurotic disorders, and eliminate exacerbations of chronic diseases.

To treat the disease, patients are often prescribed antihistamines - Diphenhydramine, Clarotadine, Tavegil, Cimetidine, etc.

In order to strengthen a person’s immune system, he is prescribed immunocorrectors - Pentoxyl, Decaris, Methyluracil. If the disease is chronic, patients are recommended to take calcium gluconate, calcium thiosulfate, and calcium chloride.

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In order to speed up the process of treating weeping sores, patients are prescribed medications for external treatment - Boric ointment, Diprosalic solution, Salicylic ointment, etc.

Treatment of weeping sores involves the use of drug therapy. With its help, you can eliminate diseases of various origins within a month.

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