Comedones: causes and methods of correction

Comedones - what are they?

Comedones are signs of acne or acne - derived from the Latin language from acne comedonica. They are deep subcutaneous rashes - black and white dots that appear on the skin due to clogged pores.

Comedones on the face are a common problem for oily and combination skin types. Against the backdrop of excessive work of the sebaceous glands, blockage of pores and sebaceous ducts occurs - excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells, remnants of makeup and external impurities, forming a sebaceous plug.

Important(!): without timely care, an inflammatory element may occur at the site of the comedone: the sebaceous plug creates an ideal environment for the proliferation of acne bacteria, which provoke inflammation.

Treatment methods

A thorough diagnostic examination by an ophthalmologist will determine what caused the appearance of black spots before the eyes and which treatment option will be preferable in a particular case. So, when you first contact a specialist, when the spots in front of your eyes are small in size and have low concentration in the field of view, the doctor usually prescribes therapy with certain eye drops. As a rule, these drugs are: Taufon, Quinax, Emoxipin or Wobenzym.

The properties of these eye drops help stimulate the metabolic processes that occur in the vitreous body. In addition, some of them have a resolving effect. It should be noted that it is extremely difficult to predict the effectiveness of treatment when using eye drops. For some patients, they really help, while others do not notice any positive dynamics at all.

If there is no effect of conservative treatment, the doctor may suggest a surgical way to get rid of this problem. In this case, it is necessary to soberly evaluate all the pros and cons, because moving black dots during the destruction of the vitreous body do not pose a danger to health or vision. Still, when they are extremely irritating, it is worth considering surgery.

The problem of black dots in the field of view can be solved in two ways:

  • A vitrectomy operation, when the vitreous body is surgically removed partially or completely (in the most difficult cases). Serious complications are possible when performing this operation, so an appropriate expert opinion is required to perform it.
  • Vitreolysis surgery. It is performed using a medical YAG laser. During the intervention, the ophthalmologist targets the elements that interfere with vision, literally fragmenting them into ultra-small particles, which in the future will no longer be able to interfere with vision.

Types of comedones

In dermatology, there are two types of comedones, depending on the depth of their formation:

  • Open comedones
    are the usual blackheads - superficial blockage of pores with sebum mixed with external impurities and makeup residues. Open comedones acquire their characteristic dark color due to the oxidative reaction of the sebaceous plug and oxygen.
  • Closed comedones
    are white subcutaneous nodules that look like pimples without purulent contents. They arise against the background of an imbalance of sebum regulation: when excess sebum, mixed with toxins and the keratinized layer of cells, blocks the deep sebaceous ducts and the mouths of the hair follicles, accumulates in the pores and creates a kind of compaction or cyst - a subcutaneous sebaceous plug.

Mechanical (manual) cleaning

The procedure involves removing the stratum corneum of the epidermis, as well as excess sebum from the surface of the skin. Cleaning the pores is done manually, the process is similar to the usual squeezing of pimples. Compliance with antiseptic rules is of particular importance during the procedure.


  • helps remove rashes;
  • deeply cleanses pores.


  • high risk of tissue scarring;
  • discomfort during the procedure;
  • long period of rehabilitation;
  • contraindicated in the presence of purulent and inflammatory formations.

Localization of comedones

Most often, comedones on the face are found in people with oily and combination skin with a tendency to acne. The more sebum is secreted, the higher the risk of clogging pores and forming a sebaceous plug.

Black comedones can also occur in people with dry and normal skin types. Subcutaneous whiteheads are the most common signs of acne due to increased oily skin.

Such imperfections are predominantly localized in the T-zone of the face - on the forehead, but on the nose and chin - areas of the greatest accumulation of sebaceous glands. Often comedones appear on the back, shoulders or chest - the sebaceous glands in these areas are also active, and the pores are enlarged.

Vacuum cleaning

The procedure involves cleansing the face using a vacuum nozzle, which pumps air under negative pressure and draws out the contents of clogged pores. Before vacuum cleaning, the pores are opened by steaming the skin, which improves the quality of the procedure. After cleaning with a vacuum, the face looks refreshed.


  • minimal discomfort;
  • removal of contaminants in hard-to-reach places;
  • high hygiene;
  • possibility of independent implementation;
  • minimal risk of infection;
  • complex effect (tonic, lymphatic drainage, cleansing effect).


  • not suitable for thin and dry skin;
  • cannot be used for dermatoses, rosacea, rosacea, purulent formations.

What causes comedones: the main reasons

Alexander Prokofiev, a dermatovenerologist, expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, talks about the possible causes of comedones:

  • Incorrectly selected care, for example, some compositions of cosmetics can clog pores, excessive frequent esfoliation with scrubs and peels can disrupt the hydrolipid mantle of the epidermis, to which the skin will react with increased sebum secretion.
  • Insufficient or excessive cleansing of the skin: in the first case, residues of pollution and decorative cosmetics clog pores and cause inflammation. In the second, the skin barrier is damaged, dries out, peels off - the keratinized layer of cells mixes with sebum and creates a sebaceous plug in the pores.
  • Some diseases, for example gastrointestinal disorders, as well as hormonal changes in the body can trigger rashes.
  • Touching your face with your hands stimulates the sebaceous glands, which increases the risk of comedones and other imperfections.
  • Synthetic clothing does not allow the skin to breathe; the skin reacts with increased sebum and sweating, which also causes clogged pores in the back, shoulders, neck, and chest.
  • Poor nutrition and non-compliance with the drinking regime negatively affect the condition of the epidermis: insufficient drinking regime affects the face with dryness, flaking, unbalanced nutrition and bad habits disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Some cosmetics may contain ingredients that clog pores. If your skin is prone to imperfections, choose cosmetics labeled “non-comedogenic” and “for oily problem skin.”

In what cases should you consult a doctor for treatment?

If there are no visible results from home care in combination with cosmetic procedures, you should consult a dermatologist. After an in-person examination and based on test results, the doctor will select individual drug treatment using, for example, hormonal drugs or antibiotics.

Black dots

Small black dots on the face are a type of acne. They are also called open comedones because they are located above the surface of the skin and have an outlet. Such formations almost never become inflamed, but because of them, the appearance becomes less attractive.

Most often, blackheads are located on the cheeks, chin, forehead, and wings of the nose. The rash can be single or occupy a large surface area of ​​the skin.

How do blackheads appear on the face?

Comedones form when a dense plug of excess sebum, dust, dirt and cosmetics accumulates in the skin follicles. When exposed to air, the exposed surface of the nodule oxidizes and turns black.

The first comedones appear during puberty, but many men and women suffer from them in adulthood. It doesn’t matter whether the skin is oily or dry: blackheads form in both cases.

The reasons for their appearance are:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • abuse of fried and fatty foods, sweets and baked goods.

Comedones also occur if cosmetics are of poor quality or do not match your skin type. The development of blackheads on the face can be caused by poor hygiene, exposure to a humid climate, as well as air pollution by dust particles and gases.

How to avoid blackheads?

The best prevention of comedones is proper skin care. The risk of blackheads is significantly reduced if you follow simple rules.

  • Clean your face of makeup every night.
  • Wipe oily skin not with alcohol-containing tonics and lotions, but with micellar water.
  • Exfoliate from time to time using homemade and ready-made scrubs.
  • For enlarged pores, apply masks made from fermented milk products.

If, despite all efforts, comedones still appear, it is necessary to clean the blackheads. This procedure can be carried out at home using available means. A mask made of gelatin or egg white, compresses of hydrogen peroxide, soda slurry, and so on help well. Ointments such as ichthyol, zinc, and retinoic have proven themselves to be excellent.

However, if you want to achieve a quick and lasting effect, turn to professionals. Our clinic provides services to eliminate comedones using modern equipment.

Benefits of professional facial cleansing for blackheads

  • Individual work with the patient. Our dermatologists prescribe exactly the treatment that is optimal for a particular person. We take into account your skin type, its condition, the reasons for the appearance of blackheads on the face, the presence of contraindications, and so on. This allows you to get the best result and avoid harm.
  • A complex approach. We combine hardware procedures and drug therapy. The combination of different methods gives quick and pronounced results.
  • Highly qualified doctors and excellent technical equipment of the clinic. Our specialists use methods that have proven to be effective and safe.

We use various methods - galvanization, chemical, mechanical, laser peeling, vacuum, ultrasonic, magnetic cleaning from blackheads, and apply professional masks. A long-term effect is achieved with the help of meso- and oznotherapy. All procedures are carried out in a sterile and comfortable environment.

You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling
+7+7 (495) 980-13-16

Cosmetology procedures for removing comedones in the salon

A corrective home routine can be supplemented with salon beauty treatments on a regular basis or courses. Procedures and salon care are selected individually by a cosmetologist based on the type, condition and needs of your skin. Aesthetic procedures do not replace the basic steps of regular home care: daily cleansing, toning, moisturizing and mattifying will help oily, problem skin stay clear and look healthy for a long time.

List of salon treatments for comedones:

  • Cleaning (mechanical, ultrasonic, hardware);
  • Peels of various types and depths of exposure (superficial, medium, deep);
  • Phototherapy – the procedure reduces acne, smoothes post-acne (pigmentation and scars);
  • Biodermabrasion or Microdermabrasion (resurfacing) - procedures fight hyperkeratosis and enlarged pores, improve microcirculation, help skin cells regenerate faster, reduce post-acne, and are suitable for treating non-inflammatory forms of rashes.

Combined cleaning

In this case, we are talking about a combination of hardware and manual techniques. Most often, combinations of vacuum and mechanical or vacuum and ultrasonic cleaning are used to deep clean clogged pores. A combined approach is usually used for combination or sensitive skin, which allows different areas to be treated more effectively.


  • the possibility of using different treatment methods for areas with varying degrees of contamination;
  • minimal trauma to the skin.

Disadvantage: when using gentle techniques, some areas need to be treated several times.

Operating principle of ultrasound

The cleaning effect of ultrasound is based on high frequency vibrations. Ultrasound waves emitted by a metal plate exert alternating acoustic pressure on a conductive substance, which must be applied to the skin before the procedure. As a result, microjets are formed that weaken the bonds between the keratinized cells of the stratum corneum, facilitating their easy removal.

The procedure has not only cleansing effects, but also other effects:

  • micromassage;
  • activation of redox processes;
  • skin hydration;
  • stimulating effect on the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • acceleration of skin cell regeneration.

But these effects are weakly expressed, since ultrasonic waves penetrate only 0.2 mm during the cleaning procedure.

But you can expect the following effects from ultrasonic cleaning:

  • local inflammatory process decreases;
  • the skin acquires a healthy tone;
  • pores are cleared of blackheads;
  • skin elasticity increases.

Retinoids - why are they the drugs of choice?

Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A, which normally enters the skin and is perceived absolutely physiologically.

How do retinoids work in the skin?

  • Seboregulation - reduces the amount and normalizes the composition of sebum. Skin secretions become smaller and their density decreases, which prevents the formation of blockages.
  • Exfoliate excess horny masses - one of the components of the mechanism of formation of blackheads.
  • Anti-inflammatory – prevention of the occurrence of inflammatory elements – acne.
  • Stimulate immunity at the local level - restoration and healing of the skin.

How to use retinoids and according to what rules?

A specialist cosmetologist prescribes retinoids; he also recommends the drug and the regimen for its use.

If you have comedones, you can start using retinol on your own in small dosages, as well as retinol in the form of retinaldehyde - it does not provoke redness and peeling.

Renewing cream with retinaldehyde DermaQuest

This healing cream contains a new atraumatic form of retinol - retinaldehyde - a form of retinol without the slightest irritating effect. Retinaldehyde is approved for use even on delicate, sensitive skin.

  • Safety – does not cause irritation, redness, dryness, discomfort,
  • Suitable for all skin types , including sensitive, and even with irritation,
  • Daily use - as an evening cream, use daily.
  • Contains Bakuchiol - a vitamin A simulator, an additional boosting effect of retinol, antioxidants and plant extracts - for ease of use

Combined with mechanical cleanings , which will be required at the initial stage of treatment. It is enough to take a break from using the cream 2 days before and 3 days after mechanical extraction.

The result of using retinoids is clear matte skin, clean and narrow pores, and the prevention of skin rashes.

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