Dysport - interview with a doctor about the drug Dysport

The drug Dysport, which appeared on the cosmetology market, immediately made people talk about itself as a new effective product that restores freshness and youth to the face. Already two days after the first procedure, the first results become visible - facial wrinkles disappear and smooth out, eyebrows rise, and the look becomes more open.

Dysport injections became incredibly popular immediately after their introduction to the market. Its main advantage is its rapid impact. For this reason, the product is especially often used in cases where it is necessary to urgently remove signs of age.

The most effective injections are in problem areas of the upper third of the face - the forehead, the hollow between the eyebrows, and the area of ​​the outer edge of the eye. The relatively easy penetration of the drug into muscle tissue ensures smoothing and even complete elimination of facial wrinkles.

What is Dysport

Dysport is a botulinum toxin-based product that has the ability to neutralize nerve impulses for a certain period of time. Thanks to this, the muscle completely relaxes and stops contracting. The result is that the muscle tissue “pulls” the skin along with it and straightens it.

The drug is designed to neutralize precisely the muscles responsible for facial expressions. It will not help tighten the oval of the face, remove the double chin or nasolabial folds. But its effect on the frontal, interbrow and eye zones is striking in its results.

In what cases is the use of Dysport indicated:

  • in the presence of obvious and just emerging facial wrinkles;
  • with neurological defects of the face;
  • if necessary, “open” your gaze.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Dysport

The botulinum toxin type A complex blocks the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, which leads to the elimination of muscle spasm at the injection site. The effect is observed for 3–4 months after administration. The resumption of nerve impulse transmission occurs gradually as new nerve endings are formed and contacts with the postsynaptic motor terminal plate are restored. Studying the pharmacokinetics of botulinum toxin is difficult due to its high toxicity, large molecular weight, low doses used, and difficulty in applying a radioactive label. After intramuscular administration, the reaction delay time is 2–3 days, and the maximum effect is observed between the 10th and 21st days. The average duration of action is 8–12 weeks.

Possible consequences of the procedure

During the normal course of the process, after the manipulation, mild ailments such as headaches, injection marks and small hematomas, and mild pain at the injection site may appear. In a very short time, the unwanted symptoms will go away on their own.

Everything is much more serious if the doctor does not have sufficient experience with the drug. In case of incorrect identification of injection points, overdose and spontaneous spread of the solution under the skin

Dysport has side effects:

  • noticeable drooping of the eyebrows with the inability to raise them;
  • persistent swelling in the eye area, which can lead to visual impairment;
  • hematomas.

It should be noted that such phenomena are temporary and, as the effect of botulinum toxin wears off, muscle activity will be restored.

How does the procedure work?

An anesthetic cream is applied to the face, left for 15-20 minutes, after which the doctor begins administering the solution. During the procedure, it is possible to lightly press the injection area with your fingers in order to prevent the drug from spreading “in the wrong direction.” The manipulation takes 10-15 minutes; after completion, ice is applied to the face to reduce the likelihood of hematomas and usual swelling from injections.


The doctor is obliged to warn the patient (and give him a reminder) about the rules that must be followed before and after the procedure.

These include:

  • Prohibition on taking anticoagulant drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen). Failure to comply with this condition increases the risk of hematoma formation and pinpoint bleeding.
  • A few days before and after the manipulation, you should not perform any actions face down. This includes mopping, massage, and even trying on shoes.
  • You cannot visit the bathhouse or sauna, or play sports.

All restrictions apply for approximately two weeks before and after the manipulation.

Important. If you lead an active lifestyle, do a lot of sports and move around, using Dysport may not be effective. Due to the low concentration of the drug in tissues and increased metabolism, the effect of botulinum toxin will be short-lived.

Contraindications for use are standard, as for all drugs containing botulinum toxin (Botox, Xeomin).

These include:

  • pregnancy, preparation for pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, lungs - in acute and chronic stages;
  • herpes, inflammatory processes on the face;
  • muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis).

Dysport and Botox in comparison

Dysport is the most famous and used analogue of Botox. There is a misconception that the drugs are completely identical, but this statement is not true.

A less concentrated solution diffuses more easily into the tissue, which can be assessed as both a positive and a negative point. The drug disperses more easily, which means you can get by with less solution. On the other hand, if the doctor does not correctly calculate the dosage and injection sites, asymmetry, persistent swelling and numbness of the face may occur.

Dysport is used mainly to eliminate facial wrinkles on the upper part of the face; Botox can also be used to correct nasolabial folds. Preparation for the procedure, contraindications, care after the manipulation are identical and have no differences.

Where is the procedure performed?

Injections of drugs containing botulinum toxin are carried out exclusively in specialized beauty salons, studios, and clinics. If you are offered an injection at home or at a hairdresser, refuse such a service.

Only qualified cosmetologists or plastic surgeons with appropriate certificates have the right to perform the procedure. Otherwise, you risk serious problems, ranging from appearance to serious health problems. When you go to a clinic or salon, they will definitely find out whether there are any contraindications for this procedure, and only after that the doctor will begin the injections.

Dysport injections in cosmetology

Dysport beauty injections are a procedure that has no equal in effectiveness. Injections can quickly smooth out wrinkles and restore youth to the face.

Injections into facial wrinkles with Dysport are carried out only after a comprehensive consultation with a cosmetologist. The entire session will take no more than 10 minutes, and the results will be noticeable for months. The procedure is performed with an anesthetic gel and is therefore completely painless.

Side effects (bruising, headache) are extremely rare after Dysport injections. To avoid unpleasant consequences after the procedure, it is not recommended:

  • Visit baths, saunas, solariums
  • Take antibiotics for 2 weeks after the procedure
  • Massage your face the first day after the injection

In this article we tried to tell everything about Dysport injections. But before the procedure, you should definitely consult a cosmetologist.

Next two months

When the skin calms down a little, you can begin hair removal and light facial massage. All this should be done with extreme caution. There are several types of cosmetic procedures that will have to be completely excluded for the entire duration of Botox or Dysport. We are talking about manual massage, myostimulation and microcurrent effects on the facial skin. In addition, cosmetologists have noticed that the duration of the anti-aging effect is significantly reduced by subcutaneous injections of B vitamins. You can take tablets and powders with these vitamins.

Contraindications to the use of Dysport

  • hypersensitivity to the drug
  • myasthenia gravis (excessive fatigue of striated muscles) and myasthenic-like syndromes
  • soft tissue infections in injection areas
  • taking aminoglycosides, spectinomycin, relanium, anticoagulants, baclofen, antiplatelet agents
  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • age up to 2 years
  • generalized movement disorders
  • bleeding disorders
  • exacerbation of herpes
  • hemophilia
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
  • renal or liver failure

Dysport injections are successfully used to smooth out deep wrinkles. Due to the relaxation of active muscles, the skin becomes smoother. By systematically repeating the procedure (the number and period are set by the doctor), deep folds are neutralized and the formation of new ones is prevented. The maximum positive effect can be achieved through the combined use of Dysport with chemical peeling, biorevitalization, and contouring.

Before and After Results

The many years of experience of the doctors at the Telos Beauty Prof expert cosmetology clinic allows us to guarantee 100% safety and maximum effect from the procedures.

If you want to get rid of wrinkles, leave a request in the feedback form on our website. Administrators will call you back within 10 minutes.


Why clients choose Telos Beauty Prof clinic

  • The Expert Cosmetology Clinic has valued its impeccable reputation since 2009!
  • Our doctors have developed proprietary programs to effectively solve even complex problems.
  • Specialists will never perform a procedure if it is not indicated for you.
  • We attach great importance to your safety and compliance with sanitary standards. Checko systems control the microclimate in the clinic premises.
  • We carefully select our staff; the procedure is performed only by cosmetologists.
  • We use only original drugs and equipment to ensure that the procedure is as safe and accurate as possible.
  • We have our own parking, no need to waste time looking for a space on neighboring streets.
  • We have done everything possible to ensure that you are surrounded by love and care from the doorstep!

Call the Telos Beauty Prof clinic by phone or

Effect and required number of procedures

The muscle relaxant effect appears a few days after injection of the drug. Impact at the cellular level is provided for:

  • endocrine glands and skin - after 1-5 days;
  • limbs, neck and large muscles - from one to two weeks;
  • face, hands and laryngeal muscles - after 2-7 days.

But in practice, personal deviations from the norm are also observed. Often after injections there is an immediate effect. But a four-week delay is also possible. Reinnervation appears a couple of months after the procedure. This is a guarantee of 100% restoration of muscle contractions within 4-6 months. The effect of Dysport injections may last longer. There are cases when the period reached one year. The individual characteristics of patients play a large role in this matter. Numerous studies in the field of histology show that even several dozen repetitions of injections into one muscle group do not lead to atrophy.

Post-procedure care

The price of Botox for the face also includes a detailed consultation with a doctor. After carrying out the manipulations, he will definitely explain how to care for the treated area:

  • You cannot lie down for 4 hours, only a vertical position is allowed - this reduces the risk of side effects;
  • for two days after the procedure, it is recommended to regularly make facial movements, but not pump the muscles;
  • refuse solarium, sauna and steam baths, as well as hot baths for a period of 1-1.5 weeks.

It is worth abstaining from alcohol throughout the recovery period and limiting physical activity for a week.

How is botulinum therapy performed?

At the preliminary consultation, the doctor will definitely collect an anamnesis to find out if the patient has any contraindications to the procedure. After this, he will examine the skin and determine which drug is best to use.

Then the specialist performs basic manipulations:

  1. Helps the patient position himself in the chair.
  2. Asks you to frown, smile, be surprised and show any other emotions - this will allow you to correctly apply markings to the problem area.
  3. Checks the markings and treats the facial skin with an antiseptic solution.
  4. Prepares syringes, fills them with the required amount of ml of the drug and carefully injects them into the desired areas.

The required doses are selected strictly individually, and they depend on a lot of different parameters - the amount of fat, the activity of facial muscles, the patient’s physique.
2 weeks after the procedure, a second consultation is scheduled to assess the effectiveness. If the patient is not interested in the price of the Botox procedure for the face, but in the elimination of hyperhidrosis, then at the preliminary consultation they will conduct a special iodine-starch test “Minor’s Test”: applying an iodine solution in the armpit area and dusting it with starch. Sweating is accompanied by the appearance of dark blue spots - this allows the specialist to determine the areas where the drug is administered. Injecting Botox to treat excessive sweating is also simple and painless. The procedure itself is carried out with an insulin syringe and takes up to 25 minutes.

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