11 anti-aging face masks at home after 40 years, the most effective against wrinkles

After 35-40 years, the skin especially needs regular and high-quality care. This is due to the fact that natural aging processes are launched. Less elastin and collagen are produced, and metabolism slows down. All this leads to increased sensitivity to external irritants and the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Anti-aging face masks are a simple but effective care product for maintaining the appearance and health of the epidermis. They are suitable for any skin type and have virtually no contraindications. In the article you will find popular recipes for homemade masks that are easy to prepare and use.

Signs of skin aging

The onset of 40 years in women is a kind of milestone for the body, when the aging process is more active than regeneration. Metabolism slows down, processes in cells proceed more slowly than before. All this leads to physiological changes, primarily affecting teeth, hair and skin. Signs of aging of the epidermis and indications for the use of masks:

  • thinning of the skin, increased dryness;
  • the appearance of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, folds of the lips and on the forehead;
  • change in facial contour;
  • regular puffiness under the eyes;
  • decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • development of rosacea in the form of capillary stars.

An unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, climate and bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse, can accelerate the onset of skin aging.

Age-related changes differ among different peoples. Statistically, African Americans, Hispanics, mulattoes and gypsies age slower than everyone else.

Rejuvenating treatments for dry epidermis

You have only learned the top half of ways to prevent wilting. It's time to move on to more effective measures. These are masks, massage, moisturizing, peeling.

Before applying masks, it is necessary to disperse the blood and relieve tension from facial wrinkles. A light massage will help with this. Apply moisturizer and cream to your face and start tapping your entire face along the massage lines with your fingertips. Pay special attention to wrinkles under the eyes. The procedure time is 1-2 minutes.

Massage must be done every day. Soon you will see the return of a youthful complexion and a glow to your cheeks. After the procedure, any mask will act faster and more effectively.

Peeling is another important procedure for rejuvenating the epidermis. By removing the stratum corneum, you allow cells to renew themselves.

But if you have dry skin, you shouldn’t get too carried away with cleansing. Dry skin is already thin, so frequent exfoliation can cause great harm to it. You may not notice when you pass the critical point, that is, the cells stop renewing and deep furrows appear on your face.

Peeling is enough once a month, but no more.

Features of skin care after 40 years

There is no escape from natural physiological processes, but you can reduce the rate of aging and the severity of age-related manifestations on the skin. For this it is recommended:

  • maintain regular activity, get enough sleep;
  • spend time outdoors as often as possible;
  • include vegetables, fruits, and grains in your daily diet;
  • limit exposure to the sun, avoid visiting the solarium;
  • do facial gymnastics, massage and contrast shower;
  • use anti-aging cosmetics.

After 40 years, it is recommended to regularly make masks to restore the skin, strengthen blood vessels and smooth out wrinkles. Both store-bought and homemade remedies are suitable for this purpose.

Components for masks after 40

To prepare homemade cosmetics, you need to take only high-quality and fresh products. Useful components for anti-aging masks:

  1. Vegetable oils. Saturate cells with fatty acids, restore water balance and improve the elasticity of the epidermis.
  2. Gelatin. The most accessible source of collagen has a powerful rejuvenating effect. It also acts as a binding component, which improves the application process.
  3. Dairy products. Cleanses pores and effectively fights pigmentation. Contains fatty acids and protein.
  4. Decoctions of medicinal herbs. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Improves complexion.
  5. Vegetables and fruits. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Due to the content of fruit acids, they have a peeling effect.
  6. Pharmacy fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins A and E are beneficial for skin after 40 years, as they affect regeneration processes and accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and enhances metabolic processes.

Products containing vitamin A.
The advantage of homemade masks is the variability of the composition. By adding and subtracting components, you can achieve different effects and create a product suitable for your skin type and condition.

Honey and other bee products, which are often used to prepare caring masks, should be used carefully. They are strong allergens, and in case of hypersensitivity they lead to adverse reactions.

How to properly prepare and apply a mask to your face?

The product must be prepared from natural products, which must be selected carefully. If they are purchased in a store, then you should pay attention to the expiration date. If possible, you should purchase products from farmers who do not use antibiotics or preservatives.

Masks should be applied to the face while warm. They should be preheated in a steam bath. Thanks to this, the nutritional components will penetrate the skin faster. In this case, liquid vitamins are added to the formulations only immediately before application.

Before using the composition, be sure to apply it to the skin of the inside of the elbow or hand. If irritation does not appear after 5 minutes, then masks can be used.

The mask should be prepared only for 1 time, and not in large quantities, since the remaining product cannot be stored - it will lose its value.

Mode of application:

  1. Gather your hair and pin it up so it doesn't get in the way.
  2. Before applying the mask, cleanse your face. For this you can use lotions, foams, and milk. Then you need to use a scrub.
  3. At the end of the preparatory stage, steam the skin.
  4. Apply the mask to the face with a brush strictly along the massage lines. You need to move from bottom to top.
  5. Keep the composition on your face for 15 to 30 minutes. You cannot talk during the procedure. It is recommended to just lie down and relax.
  6. Rinse off the composition with warm water. Otherwise, irritation may occur.
  7. Additionally, moisturize the skin with a special cream.

Operating principle

All caring home masks for skin after 40 years must have a comprehensive effect. It is advisable to select components in such a way as to enhance metabolic processes and restore water balance. This reduces dryness and increases elasticity. In addition, the product should effectively nourish and moisturize the skin, which allows the cells to work comfortably. Anti-aging compounds are also aimed at smoothing wrinkles, evening out color, and removing pigmentation. As a result of this action, physiological processes are restored, and vitamins and minerals help nourish cells for this purpose.

Vitamins beneficial for facial skin after 40 years.

Who needs facial skin lifting

Lifting is a system of procedures necessary to rejuvenate and correct the imperfections of mature skin. In a word, this is a tightening of the skin without surgical intervention. Typically, the need for lifting arises in women after 40 years of age, when they want to look younger, delight others and delight themselves with their beauty.

Many women, due to their employment, cannot visit beauty salons, especially since this requires certain material expenses. Lifting face masks can be prepared at home, regardless of the time of day, which is very convenient and practical. Absolutely all lifting compositions are prepared from natural ingredients, which means they do not cause any harm to the skin.

All women experience post-Balzac age differently. Some look young even at 45, while others need a facelift at 30. It all depends on the woman’s lifestyle and the overall health of the body.

When is it necessary to do tightening face masks:

  • the oval of the face has lost its contour;
  • the skin began to sag above the jaw in the cheek area;
  • skin color is dull, without natural blush.

Homemade mask recipes

There are dozens of types of masks for facial skin rejuvenation. They differ in composition, active action, and purposes of use. Popular mask recipes:

For wrinkles

The product softens the skin and improves its elasticity. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out and the risk of new ones appearing is reduced. In addition, the composition relieves swelling and fatigue. To prepare, you need to mix 1 chicken yolk, 20 g of chopped boiled potatoes, 15 g of vitamin E and A. Mix the components until smooth, apply to the face for 25-30 minutes, then rinse with running water. After the procedure, apply moisturizer.

For the skin around the eyes

This area of ​​the face is characterized by thin skin, which is especially sensitive to external influences. The mask helps relieve puffiness, reduce the number of wrinkles and enhance the protective properties of the epidermis. Mix 10 g of cream, 5 drops of grape seed oil and 5 ml of ground fresh parsley juice. Apply to face with massaging movements, leave for 30-40 minutes, and then carefully remove the product with a sponge.

Vitamins contained in parsley.

Anti-aging based on gelatin

The composition saturates the epidermal cells with collagen and elastin, thereby achieving a rejuvenating effect and tightening the contour. The skin becomes velvety and matte. To prepare, mix 20 g of gelatin, 40 ml of chamomile decoction, 1 ampoule of vitamin B2 and 10 ml of shea butter. Distribute evenly over the entire surface of the face, neck and décolleté. Rinse off with running water after 25-30 minutes.


It has a strong lifting effect, allowing not only to tone cells, but also improve blood flow. With regular use, pigment spots are eliminated and the likelihood of jowls is reduced. Mix 1 egg white, 1 tbsp. l. low-fat mayonnaise, 10 ml lemon juice and 5 mg glycerin. Bring to a homogeneous mass, apply the product to the skin of the face, especially the chin and cheeks. Rinse off after 20 minutes.


Allows you to get rid of sagging skin, enhances metabolic processes, the ability of cells to process oxygen and nutrients. Accelerates regeneration and enhances tissue elasticity. Mix 15 g of rye flour, 10 g of honey or propolis, 5 ml of cognac and 4 drops of freshly squeezed orange juice. Leave on face for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. After the procedure, it is recommended to wipe the skin with an ice cube.


Improves skin tone and texture, increases blood flow and oxygen saturation of cells. With regular use, it gives a velvety feel, refreshes and enhances tone. Mix the pulp of 1 peeled cucumber, 10 g of blue clay and 5 g of coconut oil. Bring to an even consistency, spread over the face, neck and décolleté. Rinse off with running water after 20 minutes.

For dry skin from cottage cheese and banana

Recommended for excessive dry skin and severe flaking. The mask normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, nourishes and cleanses pores. Mix 15 g of full-fat cottage cheese, 1 chopped banana and 5 ml of strawberry juice. Before the procedure, wipe the skin with thermal or micellar water, apply for 20 minutes, then rinse.

For combined

Copes with a wide range of tasks. Eliminates inflammation, redness and tightens cell pores. Removes toxins and cell breakdown products. Softens the stratum corneum, which increases the effectiveness of peeling after the procedure. Mix 20 g of blue clay, 5 ml of vitamin E and 1 tablet of Ascorutin. Apply a thick layer to your face, leave for 15-20 minutes, and wash thoroughly with cold water.

For the fading

The product is suitable for working with pronounced wrinkles, gives the skin freshness and elasticity. Improves shade, reduces pigmentation, and restores water balance. To prepare, you need to mix 10 ml of chamomile decoction, 10 g of oatmeal and 20 g of low-fat sour cream. Apply over the entire face and neck area for 30 minutes, then wash.

For fatty

The mask normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses clogged pores, and also fights redness. Eliminates greasy shine and evens out color. Mix 10 g of cosmetic clay, 5 g of ground buckwheat, 5 g of coffee and add 20 drops of mango essential oil. To give it a liquid consistency, you can add a little green tea. Distribute the product in an even layer, leave for 15 minutes and wash.

For problematic

Recommended for severe inflammation, peeling and irritation of the skin. Normalizes metabolic processes and nourishes weakened epidermal cells, and helps against acne. Take 20 g of dark chocolate or cocoa, 10 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice and 5 g of white clay. Stir until a viscous mixture is obtained, heat for 10 minutes in a water bath. Apply with massaging movements and then rinse after 20 minutes.

The effect of using homemade anti-aging masks is achieved only after several procedures. To maintain results, products should be used regularly up to 2 times a week.

To maintain the proportions of a homemade recipe, it is recommended to use a kitchen scale, and for liquid ingredients it is convenient to measure the volume using a measuring cup, a teaspoon or a tablespoon.

What should be included in anti-aging face masks?

If you regularly use masks with avocado oils , you may notice a slowdown in the development of wrinkles. The oil moisturizes, locks moisture into the skin, and prevents further dehydration. The product can be easily combined with other natural ingredients for anti-aging masks.

Cucumber – contains antioxidants and vitamins that smooth out wrinkles and lighten age spots. The vegetable fights the effects of solar radiation and soothes the skin. Contains vitamin K to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Vitamin B-5 helps retain moisture in the skin. The product is rich in silica - the main fighter against wrinkles.

Dead Sea mud has beneficial properties for skin rejuvenation. Tightens, increases blood flow to cells, smoothes fine lines and wrinkles. Removes toxins, stimulates the skin's ability to better absorb vitamins, proteins and minerals, improves the effectiveness of other masks.

Carrots are a source of antioxidants and contain vitamin A, which promotes healthy and healing skin and reduces wrinkles. Homemade carrot mask recipes are labor-intensive and require boiling carrot juice with the addition of corn starch or sour cream. If you don’t have time, look for ready-made masks with carrots.

Aloe has many benefits for the skin. The plant is effective in combating loss of elasticity and sagging skin. Improves collagen production, reduces the number of wrinkles.

Honey refreshes and tightens sensitive skin. It acts as a gentle exfoliant - removes dead cells and stimulates the appearance of new ones. Great for hydration. The product goes well with avocado oil or coconut oil

Banana is another source of antioxidants, rich in vitamin E and A, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. They also contain vitamin B-6, which prevents dryness and cracking of the skin. Banana is combined with avocado pulp and oatmeal - this combination will exfoliate dead cells and moisturize the upper layers of the epidermis.

Purchased anti-aging masks should contain:

  • alpha lipoic acid – prevents signs of aging, soothes it, improves energy production in cells, reduces inflammation;
  • biotin – fights dry, flaky skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth. Natural resources of biotin: soy, avocado, eggs, cauliflower;
  • caffeine is a powerful antioxidant, constricts blood vessels, makes the skin elastic, protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • glycolic acid – enhances collagen production, reduces skin signs of aging;
  • green tea has antioxidant, regenerating, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Hyaluronic acid is one of the best moisturizing products that maintain skin elasticity.

Rules of manufacture, use and precautions

In order for the home care product to be as effective as possible, you should follow simple rules for preparing and applying the composition. The main ones are:

  • Before the procedure, you should remove makeup, wash thoroughly and cleanse the skin;
  • to prepare the mask, use only fresh products;
  • You can store the composition for no more than 12 hours in the refrigerator, covering the container with cling film;
  • It is better to apply the mask with massage movements over the entire surface of the face; some compositions can be used for the neck and eye area;
  • It is not recommended to exceed the duration of the procedure, avoid drying out the composition on the skin;
  • You can remove the mask with plain water, a cotton pad, sponge or ice cube.

Despite the fact that only natural ingredients are used to prepare homemade cosmetics, they can cause allergies and other side effects. Before first use, apply a small amount of product to the skin of your elbow and wait 1 hour. In addition, it is not advisable to use anti-aging masks for young skin, with open wounds and purulent inflammation.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Anti-aging face masks are considered safe ways to slow down aging. Although it is undesirable to resort to them before the age of 25, they can still do a “disservice” to young skin, becoming one of the reasons for the formation of new wrinkles. In addition, homemade lifting masks will not be beneficial if you have:

  • allergy to ingredients;
  • there are open wounds and injuries;
  • purulent or inflamed acne;
  • dermatological, fungal, infectious, viral and other diseases;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic illnesses.

An allergy to a face mask can be expressed as temporary itching or swelling, or serious problems - acne, painful burning, ulcers, persistent redness, etc.

If contraindications are excluded, negative consequences may occur if masks are used incorrectly. In this case, the only real danger is allergic irritation. Other unpleasant effects usually disappear soon after stopping the procedures:

  • redness;
  • edema;
  • peeling;
  • parchment of the skin;
  • pigmentation;
  • severity of wrinkles.

To avoid allergies, a test is done before the first use: the mask is applied according to the instructions, but on the skin of the elbow or wrist. If after 48 hours irritation still does not appear, the product can be used on the face.

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