Manual lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

  • Rehabilitation after edema
  • Guasha massage on the face
  • Microcurrent therapy

Morning swelling sometimes changes the face beyond recognition. Almost everyone is familiar with the problem of edema, but few know why it appears, how swelling on the face can be prevented and what methods of eliminating edema are offered by cosmetology.

What is lymphatic drainage facial massage

The lymphatic system is an important part of your immune system. It helps to get rid of accumulated toxins in the body. Lymph flows through the body, a special fluid of the lymphatic system that collects waste and other nasties and sends them to the lymph nodes, where it is all neutralized. At the same time, it delivers the nutrients they need to the cells. When a malfunction occurs in the lymphatic system and the lymph stagnates, lymphatic drainage massage comes to the rescue.

Lymphatic drainage is offered by many cosmetologists. It is done to improve the appearance of the skin, remove puffiness, dull color and irritation of the skin. Some plastic surgeons even specifically refer people for lymphatic drainage massage. Because sometimes the swelling after a facelift surgery, which should go away in a couple of weeks, does not subside within six months. In this case, if you do this procedure three times a week for two weeks, the swelling can quickly disappear. Thanks to facial lymphatic drainage, stagnant fluid is returned to circulation.

Some even believe that lymphatic drainage massage can replace facelift surgery. And this is true, because it is much safer and more effective.

What movements are used in Spanish facial massage?

Spanish massage uses movements that act in several directions:

  • lymphatic drainage - removal of toxins and waste, as well as working with excess or stagnant intercellular fluid
  • myotensive - strengthening of muscle-articular attachments, their stimulation and tone
  • hemolymphatic - stabilization of pressure and improvement of blood circulation
  • neurosedative - stress relief and general relaxation
  • somatoemotional - delicate training of the entire nervous system using movements of varying intensity

Hardware massage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage can be performed with two devices: microcurrent and vacuum.

Microcurrent device.

The effect of current stimulates the muscle fibers of the face. During the procedure, the muscles contract and relax, which improves microcirculation, swelling subsides faster, and the cells begin to receive more nutrients.

At least that's what they say. The impulses, entering the deep levels of the epidermis, irritate and strain the muscles. This will cause the facial muscles to “pump up”, and it will only look even more swollen.

Vacuum device. Have you ever done or heard about cupping massage? So here is the same scheme. For vacuum massage, either a device with small suction cups or the same jars, only with a smaller diameter, are used. In the affected area, capillaries expand, blood flow increases, and metabolic processes are activated in cells and tissues. Also, thanks to the significant expansion of pores in the affected area, the skin is quickly cleansed of sebum and other impurities. Jars for the procedure can be ordered at

Vacuum massage is not recommended for:

  • pregnancy
  • tumors
  • inflammatory processes in the body
  • temperature
  • skin diseases

Execution techniques

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is presented in several variations:

  • superficial to gain freshness, fight swelling, tonic effect;
  • deep in order to stimulate metabolic reactions and eliminate age-related lymphostasis;
  • projection to improve lymph flow.

Manual massage is far from the only technique, because recently hardware techniques have become popular. They involve the influence of special devices on the lymphatic vessels using vacuum, current, and ultrasound.

These methods include:

  • electrophoresis with application of the drug into the deep layers of the dermis under the influence of current;
  • galvanization using low-frequency current to stimulate collagen production;
  • microcurrents for a complex effect on the epidermis;
  • hardware vacuum massage using a compressor and a flask with variable pressure.

The benefits of manual and hardware technology are the same. Therefore, the technique is selected according to the patient's preferences.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

There are three types of manual techniques:

  • Superficial lymphatic drainage.
    During this procedure, the specialist performs circular movements with gentle pressure. This method stimulates the work of capillaries, which are responsible for the accumulation and removal of fluid from the body. This massage activates the work of lymph and relieves vascular spasm.
  • Deep lymphatic drainage.
    This method is characterized by faster and more intense movements. It is thanks to this that the deep muscle layers and lymph vessels are worked out. Deep massage activates blood flow, dilates blood vessels and increases muscle tone. Typically this method is used on the abdomen, buttocks or thighs.
  • Point lymphatic drainage.
    Here the specialist acts specifically on the lymph nodes. This is usually where the session begins.

If you do not adhere to the massage lines, the procedure will be in vain. Here are the main directions:

  • from the center of the forehead to the temples
  • from the tip of the nose to the center of the forehead
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples
  • from the corners of the mouth to the center of the ear
  • from the center of the chin to the earlobes

To feel the results, it is recommended to perform this massage at least once a week. In general, everything is very individual and depends on factors such as individual characteristics and problems.

Features of the procedure

First, the skin is cleansed of impurities, the patient drinks clean water to restore hydrobalance. Next, he lies down on the couch in a comfortable position. Maintaining a straight line between the back and neck is important. A special cream or oil is applied to the skin. The warm-up movements are circular and smooth, they involve a direction from the center to the periphery, working the nose and neck from bottom to top, eyelids - from the cheekbones to the nose.

During the procedure, the patient needs to monitor his own sensations. It is important that the physician does not act on the skin too intensely; nothing should cause pain, otherwise the fragile vessels will be damaged. After the specialist has completed his work, you will need to rest for some time to allow the soft tissues to recover. Then wipe off the remaining cream and drink water.

There should be several such sessions, the frequency is determined individually. The maximum frequency is three times a week.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

A 2015 study found a direct link between a malfunctioning lymphatic system and sagging skin. This massage can also be useful in preventing aging.

Since the lymphatic system plays a huge role in immunity and healing, the benefits of this procedure are endless. When it comes to the skin, problems such as puffiness, acne, dryness, dullness and even skin sensitivity can be resolved with a simple lymphatic massage. The highest concentration of lymph nodes is found on the face and neck, meaning this type of massage can really produce results.

During the procedure, the effect occurs directly on the lymph nodes, which accelerates the movement of fluid in the body. Lymphatic drainage helps cleanse tissues of waste and toxins, remove dark circles under the eyes, and wrinkles on the skin. It returns the skin a healthy appearance and radiance.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the fact that it is temporary. It needs to be done regularly - at least several times a week.

Moreover, its effectiveness also depends on your lifestyle. Do you get a massage, but eat poorly, smoke, drink alcohol? In this case, it will be difficult to achieve a good result.

Disadvantages also include contraindications. Of course, any procedure has them, but here they can appear only after a few weeks - pimples and burst blood vessels.

In addition, this procedure in salons is quite expensive, and to achieve good results, you need to go to 15-20 such sessions.

Factors that cause swelling on the face

So, swelling on the face is a consequence of weak lymph outflow, which in turn leads to stagnation of intercellular fluid. Similar disturbances in the outflow of lymph occur if the drinking regime is disrupted, for example, when an insufficient amount of water is systematically consumed throughout the day. Other factors that cause swelling include:

  • chronic heart and kidney diseases;
  • allergy;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • pregnancy.

If for unknown reasons swelling appears every day, you should consult a doctor. It will help rule out serious diseases that may be causing swelling. If facial puffiness in the morning is not associated with health problems, then you should reconsider your usual lifestyle. The causes of edema can also be:

  • stress – strengthens the temporomandibular clamp and interferes with the outflow of lymph;
  • Excessive eating before bed – the body does not have time to process food and remove toxins;
  • prolonged fasting, unbalanced diets, unhealthy diet;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, long work at the computer - also lead to disruption of lymphatic movement;
  • using fatty creams before bedtime;
  • An uncomfortable pillow, the habit of sleeping face down - blood circulation in the head and neck is impaired.

If there is edema, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime, which means that you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. However, after eight in the evening you can drink a maximum of 1 sip of water every half hour. Before going to bed, it is also undesirable to eat salty and spicy foods, as they retain fluid in the body.

To avoid swelling, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, walk in the fresh air more often and maintain physical activity. It is better to finish all cosmetic procedures 3 hours before bedtime.

How to avoid possible complications

Complications may appear if all contraindications are not taken into account. Also, if done incorrectly, redness or swelling may occur. In order to avoid these and other possible consequences, the specialist must monitor the patient’s condition and reaction. If you do self-massage, then be even more attentive and careful.

We constantly repeat that massage should be performed strictly along massage lines. If you do it against the massage lines, gather the skin into folds, press hard on the skin while stroking - all these actions lead to the formation of additional wrinkles and ptosis (drooping) of the skin, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Who will benefit from the procedure?

Lymphatic drainage massage will be useful for everyone, even as a preventive measure. But you should especially pay attention to this procedure if:

  • Are you worried about constant swelling?
  • Have you noticed an unhealthy complexion?
  • you have sagging and sagging skin
  • the skin began to actively age
  • mimic wrinkles appeared
  • muscle tone has decreased significantly
  • There are skin problems (scars, acne, stretch marks)
  • Are you worried about general fatigue?

All these signs may indicate malfunctions of the lymphatic system.


  • rosacea;
  • problems in the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • respiratory ailments;
  • allergic rash on the skin;
  • excessively thin fiber under the skin;
  • the presence of cancerous tumors;
  • herpes in aggravated form;
  • neuralgia on the face;
  • somatic disorders of the heart muscle, kidney organs, thyroid gland;
  • gestational days, childbearing, feeding.

*Before performing lymphatic drainage, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Preparation for facial lymphomassage

If you are going to a salon for a procedure, there are not many preparatory steps. During the entire course it is recommended not to drink or smoke. You need to monitor your diet and the amount of fluid you drink, especially before bed. If you drink a lot at night, severe swelling is expected in the morning.

In order to do lymphatic drainage facial self-massage at home, prepare everything you need: facial oil or a good rich cream. We recommend trying Squalane from Beauty 365. It is a lightweight sugar cane oil that is great for massage.

Some people take various tools to help them, like jade rollers or gua sha stones. If it’s difficult for you to do a massage with your own hands, then you can take a gua sha scraper, there will be a slightly different technique, be sure to stick to it.

As for jade rollers, you also need to know how to use them. Many people simply take them and roll them back and forth, thinking that now they will smooth out everything that is needed and disperse the lymph. Not so simple. In order to disperse lymph, you need to move in certain directions.

How to massage yourself

If you don’t want to spend money on a cosmetologist, then read carefully how to do facial lymphatic drainage with your own hands. Also stick to the technique we wrote about above.

First - cleansing. Use a special product like soft foam or mousse. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and other contaminants.

Warm up. Take some serum or oil and apply it to your hands. First you need to warm up the cervical lymphatic trunk. Using light circular movements clockwise, first massage your neck, then your face and head. Using circular movements, massage these areas in the following order:

  1. Chin
  2. Cheeks
  3. Bottom of eyes
  4. Forehead

Now tapping, vibrating movements and pinching. All these manipulations help stimulate blood circulation.

Finish the procedure with stroking to now soothe the skin.

Watch the video on how to do a vacuum massage using a miracle jar.

First, apply oil or serum to your face. Start the massage from the chin. Perform the movements first on the left side, then on the right. Gradually move to the upper zones.

How often can you do lymphatic drainage facial massage?

Cosmetologists recommend performing this massage several times a week or even every evening before bed. It all depends on how busy you are. If you do it at night, it will help get rid of puffiness in the morning, and the skin will recover faster after sleep.

Do you want to get rid of swelling, remove wrinkles and restore skin tone? Lymphatic drainage is a great help in solving these problems. But it will be even more effective if you combine proper nutrition, exercise and cleansing the body. In just four weeks at the “Flourish” marathon, you will work on all problem areas, learn how to massage with cups so that there is no redness, cleanse your body of toxins and more. Interested? Then read the details about the marathon below.

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