Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage Asahi: massage lines and techniques, recommendations, videos, reviews

Yulia Moroz A beautiful woman, like the sun, she wants to shine for everyone


March 11, 2019


Useful tips and recommendations on how to properly perform the Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage Asahi-Zogan Yukuko Tanaka at home for wrinkles: technique for performing it, indications and contraindications for the procedure, rejuvenating mechanism of action on the skin, lymphatic map of the face.

Despite modern cosmetology developing at a rapid pace with its magical procedures and miraculous remedies, every woman understands all its shortcomings. In this regard, I really want to pamper my skin with something natural and natural, but the food products from which you can make homemade masks also contain the same notorious “chemistry” - the scourge of our time.

However, there is a way out of this seemingly dead-end situation: to rejuvenate your skin, try mastering Japanese facial massage from Tanaka Yukuko, a talented stylist from the land of the rising sun. Judging by the reviews of ordinary people who have already tried it, and experienced cosmetologists, it is worth spending time on it.

Japanese Asahi massage: recommendations

It needs to be done once a day, although the author himself says that it should be done as often as brushing your teeth, that is, twice a day. It is advisable to massage the face after moisturizing, without makeup.

Japanese massage Asahi, recommendations:

  • You must first remove makeup and cleanse the skin using non-aggressive substances that do not contain alcohol.
  • The ideal option would be to use micellar water and milk. First, a kind of warming up and dispersal of lymph is carried out.
  • During the massage, it is necessary to lubricate your face with massage oil or some kind of fatty cream. This is due to the fact that the massage is carried out using active massaging and working on the muscles, as well as the dense and deep layers of the skin.
  • Accordingly, during massage, creases and wrinkles may appear, which can be avoided by lubricating the face with milk, rich cream or massage oil.

Cheek work

Basic recommendations for implementation

You can master the ability to properly massage your face. There are instructional videos available for this. The best option is to do 1-2 sessions in a salon with a professional. Then you can do the massage yourself. This way, you can understand the technique of performing the procedure.

Just remember, Tsogan procedures are not a one-time session. Regularity is required to achieve the rejuvenation effect.

The main rule is that all manipulations with the face must be carried out exactly according to the location of the lymphatic pathways

This massage is therapeutic in nature. To gradually get rid of wrinkles, just a little effort when pressing on the face is enough.

  • Cleanse your face first. To do this, use your favorite cleanser: micellar water, foam or gel. Remove any remaining moisture with a paper napkin. It is good to do the procedure in the morning.
  • Before starting, apply a special oil-based massage product. Can be replaced with moisturizer or cosmetic milk. But I still recommend buying an oil base.
  • Carefully study the video instructions in this article. You must clearly know which areas of the face to press on.
  • at the end, be sure to remove the remaining oil base (cream) with a napkin and wash with warm water.

Asahi massage: video in Russian

Please note that during the massage, redness and irritation may appear. But most often it is observed if the skin is very dry, and there has been no pre-moisturization in the form of cream, lotion, or massage oil. Many people believe that acne may appear after a massage. This is due to the fact that when applying massage oil, pores may become clogged. Accordingly, after the massage, it is necessary to cleanse the face using micellar water or lotion to further degrease it.

Japanese self-massage for face against wrinkles at 40 years old

It is known that at the age of forty, irreversible changes caused by aging occur in the body. Therefore, fairly light movements become ineffective. Therefore, they should be more intense, you need to press with medium force.

All massage movements should be well felt, but not cause pain responses from the body. If you feel pain, then you are doing something wrong.

For forty-year-olds, you can supplement the original complex with other exercises.

  • Clench your hands into fists and walk them along the nasolabial folds down and up.
  • Massage your chin with rubbing movements.
  • End the movement at the earlobes.

Asahi massage: reviews from cosmetologists

Zogan massage is quite controversial, and not all cosmetologists approve of it. This is due to the fact that massage in some areas is carried out against the massage lines, resulting in the formation of a large number of creases. Cosmetologists believe that this can provoke the appearance of additional wrinkles, which is important for people with very dry epidermis that lacks moisture. However, users claim that massage is quite effective and really helps restore youth and slow down aging.

Asahi massage, reviews from cosmetologists:

  • Cosmetologists have ambivalent attitudes towards this type of massage, and do not recommend it to all their clients. Many experts speak ironically about this massage, believing that it should not be done at all due to the fact that most of the movements are carried out not along the massage lines, but against their movement.
  • Accordingly, as a result of such manipulations, you can get significant creases and changes that will worsen the beauty of your face. This is a great way to remove puffiness and stimulate weight loss in the facial area.
  • The massage will be useful for women who have lost excess weight very sharply, so jowls have appeared on their face, their skin has become sagging and slid down. It is in this case that Asahi massage will lift sagging areas and restore the oval of the face.

Elvira, cosmetologist. I am skeptical about this massage because it contradicts what I taught in the courses. I took courses as a cosmetologist and now I work for myself. It is best to massage along massage lines, but in Asahi massage the opposite is true. However, having seen the results of a woman who often did Zogan massage, I can say that it is truly effective. In my practice, I also use lymphatic drainage massages, one of them is the Asahi massage. Mainly used among women with swelling and puffiness of the face. This is an excellent alternative to mesothreads, which help improve the oval of the face and slightly raise the cheekbones. This is achieved by working the muscles in the cheeks and chin, upper and lower jaw.

Scheme of implementation

Mechanism of action on the skin

The Japanese Zogan facial massage (another name for this technique) has a truly wonderful effect if performed correctly and regularly. What is the secret of the rejuvenation that is so easy to achieve with its help? The thing is that with proper stimulation of the right points, skin cells seem to awaken from sleep and begin to work in full force. Here's how it happens:

  • the deepest tissues are targeted, unlike standard techniques, when light stroking movements along massage lines do not affect the underlying tissues, and they remain indifferent;
  • Another significant difference between Japanese massage and European techniques is that it is performed not with the tips of the fingers, as we are all accustomed to, but with the whole palm;
  • a detoxification effect occurs: movements within the Japanese massage are made along the lymphatic vessels, focusing in the areas where the lymph nodes are located;
  • it improves lymph outflow;
  • toxins are actively removed;
  • the muscles of the facial part of the head are toned and strengthened;
  • the oval of the face acquires clearer contours;
  • the severity of wrinkles is significantly reduced;
  • the appearance and color of the skin noticeably improves.

The process of Japanese massage involves skin, muscles, connective tissue and even (surprisingly!) the bones of the skull.

This is the effect that the Japanese Asahi-Zogan facial massage has, the art of which can be mastered by every woman whose dream is to stop time and slow down, as far as possible, the aging processes occurring with her skin. Since the body’s lymphatic system, which is very important for human health, is involved in the process, you need to keep in mind the indications and contraindications for carrying out such a powerful massage.

Asahi massage: contraindications

This type of massage is not suitable for everyone. There are contraindications to this massage.

Asahi massage, contraindications:

  • People with very dry, irritated skin
  • Skin diseases
  • Inflammation and irritation
  • Acne, presence of comedones
  • Fading, lifeless skin, devoid of moisture

Please note that if you have acne, during massaging, the infection can spread to deeper areas of the skin and healthy areas can become infected. Regarding very dry and aging skin, massage can significantly stretch it, causing an increase in the number of wrinkles. Experts believe that this technique is ideal for those who want to correct the oval of the face, remove jowls, swelling, and a large amount of fat deposits on the face.


Does the procedure have any contraindications?

Like every effective technique, Asahi may have unspecified disadvantages, which relate to the manifestation of side effects that occur when massage is performed with contraindications. Before starting the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no such problems: disease of the lymphatic system, rosacea, pathological diseases of the ENT organs, various rashes on the epidermis, ARVI, very thin and sensitive skin, general malaise and chronic fatigue syndrome. Before mastering the technique and starting to implement it, it is recommended to consult with a specialist and make sure there are no contraindications. You can get advice here.

Publication date: April 26, 2019

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Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage Tanaka: indications

Therefore, first of all, this massage was created for women with the Baltic type of aging, in whom, during age-related changes, the oval of the face floats, its structure changes, and jowls appear, like those of a Shar Pei. Women with fine-wrinkle aging should choose a different method of lymphatic drainage massage.

Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage Tanaka, indications:

  • Lymphatic drainage massage is mainly needed by women who constantly experience swelling. That is, these are patients with cardiovascular diseases, a lot of fat, obesity, and improper kidney function.
  • This does not mean that women of a thin build cannot do massage, but cosmetologists claim that the procedure removes excess moisture and fat, thereby a thin face becomes exhausted, the cheeks may fall in and the natural plumpness of the face disappears.
  • Therefore, under no circumstances should it be done by women who suffer from underweight.


Contraindicated for whom

Asahi has contraindications that you need to remember:

  • for inflammatory diseases of the ears, nose or throat;
  • in case of existing problems in the lymphatic system;
  • with an infectious disease that can spread through the lymphatic system;
  • for rosacea and other skin irritations;
  • if there are subcutaneous rashes;
  • during menstruation.

One of the most noticeable effects of the Asahi technique is facial slimming. If it is already quite thin, simply focus the massage actions on the upper part of the face.

Asahi massage: technique

There is a certain Asahi massage scheme that should be followed. At the initial stage, the lymph is dispersed. It can be achieved using movements starting from the ears, along the neck line towards the collarbones.

Asahi massage, technique:

  • The next stage is the movement, starting from the forehead area, when movements are made above the eyebrows, and then slowly descend along the line of the cheekbones and neck. After this, a massage is carried out, which helps to get rid of swelling in the eye area, upper and lower eyelids.
  • To do this, circular movements are carried out from the inner corner of the eye to the outer and vice versa. After this, massage is carried out with the middle fingers, from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, in the area of ​​the lower eyelid.
  • Then you need to go down, repeating the flow of fluid along the lymphatic lines and nodes, in the direction from the cheekbones to the collarbones.

Massage Zogan

Exercise sets

Having chosen a suitable set of exercises, start practicing without putting everything off for a long time.

Asahi. Lymphatic

Warming up

  1. Place your fingers (they need to be firmly connected to each other so that there are no gaps) on your temples. Then slowly lead from them to the collarbones. This is how every exercise should end.
  2. Place the 3 central fingers of each hand on your forehead and press them. Lead down to the temples. Slow down near your ears. Lead to the collarbones.

For orbital region

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. Light movement - along the edge of the lower eyelid, from outside to inside. Return along the line of the upper eyelid, along the border with the eyebrows.

For nasolabial folds

  1. Lead your fingers from the central point on the chin - through the corners of the lips - to the nasolabial fold. The pressure should be so strong that it can be felt by the gums.
  2. Place your fingers on the nasolabial folds. Lead upward, bending around the nasal wings, ending the movement on the bridge of the nose. Massage its central point. Fingers down the lower eyelid - to the temples and collarbones.
  3. Lead your fingers from the center point of the chin through the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose, slow down near the eyes, and move your hands to the temples and collarbones.
  4. Cover your cheek with one palm. Lead the fingers of the second hand up diagonally to the bridge of the nose. Stay longer. Do the final exercise. Repeat for both parts of the face.
  5. Place your hands horizontally under your eyelids so that they form a perpendicular to your nose. Move them to the temples, then to the collarbones.

For correction of facial oval

  1. Using the palm of your hand, which is located under the thumb, press on the area under the cheeks, leading up to the eyes. Make the finishing movement.
  2. Tilt your head slightly. Using the same pillow on your palm, pull your cheeks towards your temples. The pressure should be strong at first, and then gradually ease it.
  3. Place the same pillow under the chin and guide it up the lower jaw to the temple. Do it alternately on the right and left. This exercise will get rid of a double chin.

Full face muscle lift

  1. Place your thumbs under your lower jaw.
  2. Place the edge of your palm along your mouth and nose - as if you want to call someone.
  3. Spread your arms to the sides so that the skin of your cheeks is pulled as far as possible towards your ears.

For forehead wrinkles

  1. Connect the fingers of one hand tightly.
  2. Make horizontal movements, moving from the center of the forehead to the sides.


Repeat the first exercises to warm up the lymphatic system.

Asahi. Tonic

For forehead wrinkles

  1. Fingers - at the points where the eyebrows begin to grow (inner part).
  2. Using pressure, gather the skin on the bridge of the nose into folds and return it to its normal state.

For wrinkles between the eyebrows

  1. 2-3 fingers - in the middle of the eyebrows.
  2. Start an intense downward movement, but at the same time exert resistance with your muscles.

From jowls

  1. Retract your cheeks as much as possible and breathe through your nose.
  2. Lock in.
  3. Open your cheeks and exhale slowly through your mouth.

From nasolabial folds

  1. Make circular movements along the wings of the nose clockwise.
  2. Then place your fingers under your nose and press along the contour of your lips in different directions.

From sorrowful wrinkles in the corners of the lips

  1. Grit your teeth, take a deep breath through your nose, and try to smile as broadly as possible.
  2. Extend your lips and exhale as much as possible, but through your mouth.

From the double chin

  1. Tilt your head back, tense your chin.
  2. Grasp the upper lip with your lower jaw and fixate.


You need to press for 5-7 seconds. on the following points of the face and neck:

  1. Center of the forehead.
  2. Whiskey.
  3. Beginning - middle - tip of the eyebrow.
  4. The outer corner of the eye is the inner one.
  5. Bridge of the nose.
  6. The center of the upper eyelid is the lower one.
  7. Under the cheekbones.
  8. Symmetrical points near the nasal wings.
  9. Center above the upper lip - below it.
  10. Corners of lips.
  11. Center point of the chin.
  12. Points under the earlobes.
  13. Jugular cavity (neck).

General complex

From jowls

Air is drawn into the cheeks (so that they resemble balls) and rolls from one to another. At the same time, you should feel tension in your facial muscles.

For forehead wrinkles

Make a surprised expression on your face: open your eyes as wide as possible, but try not to wrinkle your forehead. Fix your gaze on one point for 15 seconds.

From the mournful folds in the corners of the lips

Pull out your lips with a tube. Try to smile while resisting with your muscles.

From nasolabial folds

Pinch the nasolabial fold with your fingers. Smile, but don’t let go of the skin.

Of all the known anti-aging gymnastics for the face, Japanese sets of shiatsu and asahi exercises are considered one of the most effective. They are practiced by many specialists in salons. So you can always sign up for the initial course with a professional to see how he does all this, and then practice at home.

Is it possible to do Asahi massage after 40?

It is worth noting that all movements are quite strong and are carried out with significant pressure. This allows you to massage not only the deep layers of the skin, but also the muscles. Due to the fact that the muscles begin to work, skin turgor increases, the face becomes denser, the oval is restored, the cheeks are eliminated, and the cheeks that resemble a Shar Pei disappear.

Is it possible to do Asahi massage after 40:

  • This massage is not recommended for all age groups. It is mainly recommended for use by women over 35 years of age. It will be equally useful both after 40 and after 50 years. However, it is worth considering some features of this massage.
  • First of all, it should not be used by women with finely wrinkled aging, highly dry skin, if it resembles paper. This is an ideal option for women with oily to normal skin who have a small amount of excess weight in the facial area.
  • These are pronounced cheeks, Bish's lumps, as well as the presence of a small double chin. Oddly enough, with the help of Asahi massage, the face can be made more sculpted, blurred areas, a swollen oval, and a double chin can be removed.

Asahi massage

Who invented Asahi (Zogan)

Japanese facial massage is a group of exercises aimed at removing unnecessary fluid from the intercellular space, as well as restoring lymphatic flow and blood circulation.

The author of the Japanese Asahi technique (another Japanese name for this anti-wrinkle gymnastics is Zogan), aimed at combating skin aging, is considered to be cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka. She learned the basics of the technique from her grandmother, and subsequently improved it over years of cosmetic practice by studying the relationships between facial muscles, skin, and bones.

Yukuko was the best advertisement for the method, as she looked much younger than her age. Asahi gained widespread fame after Tanaka published her book on the procedure in 2007.


Japanese anti-aging massage consists of applying pressure to the skin and muscles of the head in the areas where the lymph nodes are located. Thanks to such manipulations, lymph flows out, and along with it, toxins leave, and the muscles become stronger.

Effective use of Asahi's technique requires force. It should be neat, but noticeable. During the session, the patient should not experience pain. If pain occurs, this indicates that the technique is being applied incorrectly.

You must be especially careful when working in areas of the face where lymph nodes are located so as not to damage them.

Japanese Asahi massage: schemes

This massage will be especially useful for women with an underdeveloped chin, as well as an incorrect bite, when the lower jaw goes towards the back of the head. Thus, the upper and lower jaws are at different levels, with the upper jaw protruding significantly above the lower jaw. As a result, the chin is not clearly defined. Even without excess weight, folds can form. It doesn't look very pretty, but don't be upset. Asahi massage really helps get rid of wrinkles in the chin area.

Such manipulations cannot compete with procedures in a cosmetologist’s office, but they can significantly correct deficiencies. This is by no means an alternative to plastic surgery; it is significantly inferior in effectiveness. But thanks to the fact that the muscles begin to work, skin tightness increases, the face becomes denser, the oval of the face is restored, and jowls disappear.

Japanese Asahi massage - schemes:

Japanese Asahi massage: schemes

Reviews and results after the anti-aging procedure

Evgenia. By the age of forty, the condition of my skin began to depress me: it became flabby, and in the morning my swollen face resembled a pillow. I can’t visit expensive beauty salons, so the Asahi massage I found on the Internet was a real gift for me. To perform it, I tried using various oils (grape and apricot kernels, almond). What I liked most was the effect created by oat milk. After six months of use, no visible changes occurred on the face, but I managed to get rid of morning swelling. This is a very pleasant achievement for me.

Anastasia. Japanese massage helped me correct the shape of my face and get rid of excessively plump cheeks. By doing it every day and using almond oil, I was able to get the long-awaited result within two weeks after regular procedures. Now I maintain the effect obtained by performing Asahi massage every other day.

The effectiveness of Zogan Asahi massage can be significantly increased if you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat exclusively healthy foods, drink clean water and avoid exposure to stressful situations.

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage: reviews

This massage is not recommended for all age groups. Below you can read reviews from women who practice Asahi massage.

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage, reviews:

Evgeniya, 38 years old. I do not belong to the category of overweight women, I have normal weight. With a height of 170 cm, my weight is 63 kg. I look quite slim, but after 30 years my oval shape began to float, and my cheeks gradually sank. So there was no clarity, I wanted to fix it. Initially, I was going to correct my face with the help of a cosmetologist by injecting hyaluronic acid into my cheekbones. They had to lift up, thereby eliminating sagging cheeks. But after reading literature on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that hyaluronic acid injections can worsen nasolabial wrinkles and make the face puffy. I really didn't want this. Therefore, I began to use other techniques. Asahi's massage helped me. I did it for two months and a clear result was visible. The oval of the face became chiseled, the double chin disappeared. In general, the skin density has increased, the face has become more youthful. Although I did not notice that the number of wrinkles decreased in any way.

Oksana, 45 years old. I don’t consider myself to be a slim girl; I have a little excess weight, which is deposited in the face and cheeks. I wanted my face to lose a little weight, so I turned to a cosmetology clinic for help. I was advised to remove Bish's lumps. I decided to have surgery, but a work colleague dissuaded me. She had this operation performed on herself, and after it dry skin appeared and her face began to age faster. That is why I canceled surgery and began to look for ways to sculpt my face without surgery. I came across a video of Asahi's massage. I’ve been doing it for a month and I’m already seeing results. I massage it every morning after waking up. The effect is noticeable, the face has really lost weight, it has become more defined, the contours have improved, and the puffiness has gone away.

Marina, 47 years old. I can't say that I have a full face, but I often experienced swelling after waking up. This is due to poor kidney function; if I drink a lot of liquid at night, I wake up with a swollen face. I used many techniques, patches under the eyes to eliminate puffiness, which gave little effect. I used Asahi massage and it really helped me. I massage for much longer than shown in the video, especially in the eye area, cheeks, and lymph nodes. In general, the number of repetitions reaches approximately 10. The video says that the number of repetitions can be increased if there are significant problems in certain areas. The swelling has gone, the amount of fluid under the eyes and in the lower eyelid area has decreased significantly. I can say that I really look 10 years younger.


Indications for testing

A relaxing massage will never go amiss, and as a preventive measure for aging, it is perhaps one of the best and most effective procedures.

Therefore, even young girls should undergo several sessions to improve their complexion and even out their skin tone. Older women should contact a massage therapist in the following cases:

  • facial contours have lost clarity;
  • in the morning the face looks swollen;
  • the corners of the lips drooped;
  • mimic wrinkles and creases appeared on the skin.

In addition, the procedure can relieve headaches caused by tension in the neck muscles, for example, from working for a long time in a sitting position. However, this is not the main goal; rather, it will serve as a pleasant bonus.

Asahi massage after 50: video

There is information that massage will be useful for women after 50 years old, with deformation type of aging. Similar manipulations are carried out every day for a month, and then maintenance therapy is introduced, two to three times a week. It is worth noting that, in general, massage has a positive effect on the face of women over 50 years old. Such skin has a significant feature that distinguishes it from young skin. These are narrowed pores through which decay products can leave much more slowly. Asahi massage helps open pores and also remove excess fluid from the cheekbones, cheeks, and lower part of the face.

Tips for beginning massage therapists

Describing Japanese facial massage in her book, Yukuko Tanaka described in detail how, under what conditions and even in what mood it should be performed. Every little thing matters. If we summarize all her useful tips and recommendations for those who want to master the technique of performing Japanese rejuvenating massage, we get the following postulates.

  1. All manipulations must be performed exclusively on clean skin . Therefore, wash your face before the procedure, remove all remnants of decorative cosmetics with any cleanser.
  2. The facial skin should be completely dry . If there is any moisture left on it after washing, blot it with a cosmetic napkin.
  3. The greatest effect can be achieved if you clean the pores with a scrub beforehand. This must be done at least once a week.
  4. Study where the lymphatic vessels and nodes are located on the face and neck, so that you can skillfully influence them during a massage. This is the main condition for its effectiveness.
  5. Each movement must be done in a strict direction created specifically for it.
  6. The force of pressure when manipulating with your fingers should be noticeable, but not painful .
  7. The back should be straight during the Japanese Zogan massage. It is better to do it sitting or standing. But if you cannot keep your posture straight, it is better to lie down.
  8. The massage time is from 10 to 15 minutes.
  9. Before the procedure, your face and hands should be lubricated with a special massage cream. Don't forget to check for allergies.

If you follow the advice of Tanaka Yukuko and regularly perform Japanese facial massage competently and competently, the results will not take long to arrive. These helpful tips will help you make the procedure effective and as beneficial as possible. Don't forget to study the location of lymph nodes and vessels on the face.

Contraindications and precautions

Lymphatic drainage massage has a number of limitations. It is not recommended for:

  • colds;
  • high temperature;
  • atopic dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis;
  • skin rashes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus in severe form;
  • respiratory diseases.

Problems with blood vessels can be considered an indirect contraindication. For rosacea, you can only massage areas without broken capillaries. The pressure should be minimal. At the slightest deterioration in health, the procedure will have to be stopped.

The effect of the procedures will be noticeable after 5-7 regular sessions.

Efficiency of the procedure

The Japanese Asahi technique works by normalizing lymphatic flow. Lymph nodes are responsible for neutralizing toxins, as well as various pathogenic bacteria.

To avoid the accumulation of microbes in the body, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the lymphatic system of them.

With regular, properly performed massage, not only does the appearance and complexion improve, muscles are tightened, but the general condition of the immune system is also strengthened.

Alternative techniques

Asahi is not the only technique for lymphatic drainage. East Asia has given us other, no less interesting, massage techniques.

Shiatsu acupressure massage

Among other oriental techniques one can name Shiatsu, which became especially popular in the middle of the last century.

Its characteristic feature is that it is simple and can be used at home. The targeted impact of this technique activates healing processes in the desired areas of the body; after the first sessions, a clear improvement is observed. This technique is especially effective for headaches, back problems, and stressful conditions. It promotes relaxation and relieves nervous tension.

Shiatsu has the following contraindications:

  • problems with blood vessels;
  • skin lesions or skin diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • musculoskeletal problems that require medical intervention;
  • wounds and skin damage.

To properly prepare for Shiatsu, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin, steam it with a warm compress or steam bath, and apply a well-moisturizing cream.

Pressing is performed with three fingers connected together: middle, index and ring fingers. The thumb is used if necessary.

The pressure should be intense enough to feel some pain. Massage movements should be slow and light. The pressure should be vertical so as not to stretch the skin. It is worth pressing for 5–7 seconds.

Pressure points are selected depending on the needs and the desired result. To give your face a fresher look, just press on the main zones for 5-7 seconds for 15 minutes every morning.

The main points responsible for skin rejuvenation and tightening:

  • royal point Tenyo - relieves swelling, improves complexion;
  • royal point Koreo - smoothes wrinkles, strengthens the contour;
  • royal point Sokkoko - helps with general tightening.


Another Japanese anti-aging massage technique is Kobido. This technique became famous for being used to preserve the beauty and youth of a geisha. The essence of Kobido is pinching, rubbing and stroking the skin. When performing this type of massage, it is important to be careful not to harm the subcutaneous epithelium.

It is based on the theory that there are certain lines on the human body that affect the functioning of its internal organs. Thanks to the correct development of these lines, the functioning of the relevant organs improves and the elimination of toxins is accelerated.

How often to massage

Beauty salon clients are interested in the question: how many sessions will be needed for noticeable rejuvenation? With severe ptosis and profound age-related changes, massage is best done daily, without breaks. Some doctors suggest performing procedures in sessions. After 10-15 courses there is a week break, then massages are resumed.

In order for the procedures to have the maximum effect, it is recommended to make changes to your diet, giving up strong tea, coffee, sweet juices, canned food and smoked meats. Alcohol, which retains water and causes swelling, is absolutely excluded. Regular moisturizing creams should be replaced with a complex of serum and products with a tightening and firming effect. Creams with plant collagen, retinol, tocopherol, peptides, and caffeine are suitable. Taking vitamins and capsules with hyaluronic acid, which improves skin tone, will help consolidate the results of the massage.

Is it permissible to massage with rosacea?

Couperosis often becomes the reason for refusing a massage, but in some cases the procedure is still acceptable. Contraindications in this case may be contradictory. On the one hand, it is better to refrain from the procedure, but if the client insists and the attending physician allows the session, then there will be a massage. But we should not forget about the mandatory precautions for rosacea:

  1. The use of cosmetic scrubs or peels is prohibited.
  2. The presence of a venotonic component in the oil base for massage is mandatory.
  3. Kneading the affected areas is not allowed.
  4. You should first enrich your diet with silicon.
  5. A few days before the procedure, it is better to refrain from visiting the sauna, bathhouse, or solarium.

Women diagnosed with rosacea should understand that the desire to look younger should not cause harm to health.

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