Types of female nipples and areolas: colors, shapes, vegetation

Anatomy of nipples and their functions

In addition to the appearance of the bust, the appearance of the nipples is also important. They come in different shades, and unlike their size and roundness, they change slightly throughout life.

The main option of nipples is lactation. In men, nipples are vestigial, while in women they perform the important function of feeding the offspring. If they have a sunken shape, then the mother may have difficulty feeding the newborn.

Externally, the nipples look like small elevations with wrinkles, folds, and depressions, surrounded by skin of a slightly darker shade - the areola. They change color intensity over the course of a lifetime and even a month: during menstruation, during pregnancy and lactation, and when a woman is sexually aroused or cold, the nipples tend to harden and appear through clothing. If pimples on the areola become noticeable, this may be a harbinger of pregnancy.

An important feature of the female breast is increased sensitivity. The slightest touch can cause a severe reaction, not to mention squeezing or shock. Some girls note that even a cotton T-shirt worn over a naked body rubs their nipples. Changes in nipple hardness and fluctuations in sensitivity are completely normal for the female body and depend on various factors: temperature, emotional state, phase of the menstrual cycle.

Anatomy of nipples and their functions

Types and shapes of nipples. Correction methods

There are 8 types of female nipples. Each of them is a variant of the norm. Often women are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their nipples and consider them a flaw. Often, an unusual structure is a unique feature of an organism. Sometimes deformation occurs due to disease. A woman must notice changes in time and find out their cause. Shape correction is carried out for aesthetic and medical reasons. The Butko Plastic clinic performs surgeries to correct the shape of the areola and nipples. All manipulations are carried out using safe anesthesia on modern equipment.

Areola and nipples - what are they?

The shape of the areola is different. The most common ones are a circle, an oval or a blurred circle, the color of which blends with the skin around it. By type, the following groups of nipples and areolas can be distinguished.

  1. Flat
    . Flat nipples are barely visible on the areola. They do not react to sexual stimulation or cold, remaining pressed into the surface, and this is a type of norm.
  2. Convex
    . Protruding nipples look like small buttons that rise 3-5 mm above the surface of the chest. The most typical appearance, characteristic of most representatives of the fair sex.
  3. Not the same
    . Sometimes girls have different shapes not only of their breasts, but also of their nipples themselves. Typically, such a feature is not a cause for alarm or a deviation; rather, it is a variation of the normal state after a girl’s puberty.
  4. Retracted
    . Sunken nipples, if they have been like this since adolescence, seem to be a normal phenomenon, but if this is discovered only after 16 years, then you should consult a mammologist for advice. This will help prevent the development of serious breast diseases.
  5. With vegetation
    . There may be a slight fluff on the nipple - natural vegetation throughout the skin. However, sometimes hair grows excessively, filling the chest, and then we are talking about male-type hair growth. Excessive hair growth indicates hormonal imbalances or is a side effect of taking certain medications. Women can remove hair for aesthetic purposes, but they should definitely find the cause of the phenomenon together with a gynecologist-endocrinologist.
  6. Swollen
    . In this case, the nipple, together with the areola, forms a soft cone, and during menstruation it rises along with the swelling of the mammary glands.
  7. Lumpy
    . If a girl has bumps or even bumps around her nipples, this is almost always a completely healthy phenomenon. However, it is worth regularly self-examining yourself for lumps and visiting a mammologist at least once a year. The lumps on the chest are called Montgomery glands. The nipple circumference with pimples is absolutely natural and normal. The irregularities may increase or decrease, but they do not pose any problem (except perhaps of an aesthetic nature).
  8. Additional
    . Some women may have more than two nipples. Unformed areolas are more like birthmarks and require careful medical supervision.

The most common shapes and types of female breast nipples

How to recognize breast diseases and keep your breasts healthy and beautiful

In pursuit of the external beauty of our breasts, we use many products to change the shape, increase volume and tighten the skin... But we often forget about the main thing - the breasts should be healthy!

Signs you should pay attention to and consult a doctor immediately

  1. Do not tolerate pain in the mammary glands! Pain is your body’s distress signal and its request for help!
  2. Any changes in the shape, symmetry or size of the mammary glands, changes in the configuration of the mammary glands (retracted areas or protrusions).
  3. Condition of the nipple and halos (deformation, ulcers, retracted areas).
  4. The presence of discharge from the nipple and halos, their nature (color, quantity).
  5. Condition of the skin of the mammary gland (redness, swelling, “lemon” peel).
  6. Expanded network of blood vessels
  7. The presence of nodular seals, painful areas.
  8. Enlargement, hardening or tenderness of the axillary and lymph nodes.

How to recognize breast diseases and keep your breasts healthy and beautiful?

Answer a few simple questions:

  • Every month, a few days before your period, do you feel that your breasts are swollen, swollen, and painful?
  • Can you feel lumps of different sizes in the mammary glands?
  • Do you experience nipple discharge when pressure is applied?
  • Are you taking birth control pills?
  • Are you taking menopausal or hormone replacement therapy?
  • Do you experience constant nagging pain in the mammary glands?
  • Are you overweight, have diabetes, or have thyroid disease?
  • How long have you been smoking?
  • Have any of your close relatives had any cases of breast, uterine or ovarian cancer?
  • Have you had a late first birth (after 30 years of age) or have you had an abortion or postpartum mastitis?
  • Have you had breast surgery?

If you answered “YES” to at least one question, you need a consultation with a mammologist.

Risk factors for breast cancer:

  • first pregnancy over 30 years of age;
  • body mass index more than 30 kg/m2, after menopause (insulin resistance);
  • menarche up to 12 years;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • high intake of saturated fat;
  • late menopause;
  • the woman has a family history of breast cancer;
  • carriage of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes

We regularly brush our teeth, go for manicures and pedicures, cut our hair, do makeup - and all these are common hygiene procedures for most women. So why does breast self-examination hygiene remain something unnecessary for most women?

Regular examination is a reliable method of preventing breast cancer, especially in women with recurrent breast pain!

Methods for diagnosing breast diseases:

  1. 1. Self-examination of the mammary glands once a month.
  2. 2. Examination by a gynecologist at least once a year.
  3. Ultrasound of the mammary glands is most informative in women under 35 years of age at least once a year. The advantages of the method are as follows :
  • safety in terms of dose load;
  • no age restrictions;
  • high resolution;
  • assessment of the condition of silicone breast implants;
  • examination of the mammary glands during the acute period of severe mastalgia, injury or inflammation;
  • visualization of regional lymph nodes;
  • conducting targeted puncture biopsies under objective visual control of palpable and non-palpable formations in the mammary gland;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • examination of children and adolescents;
  • dynamic control during treatment;
  • monitoring of benign tumors.
  1. Mammography is an X-ray examination of breast tissue that can detect tumors before they can be felt by palpation. Recommended for all women over 40 years old once a year; for women from 35 to 40 years old, it is performed in case of tumor-like changes during objective ultrasound and other studies. Mammography is necessary before plastic surgery or prescribing hormonal therapy. Mammograms are performed in the first phase of the menstrual cycle (from 5 to 12 days, counting from the first day of menstruation); For menopausal women, images can be taken at any time.
  1. Biopsy with cytological or histological examination - obtaining, under ultrasound control, a small number of cells or a piece of tumor for examination under a microscope (as indicated).
  2. Determination of tumor markers (Ca15-3, CEA) are substances that a tumor releases into the human blood. At the same time, the most significant increase in these indicators is observed in malignant diseases, which allows the use of tumor markers, firstly, for early diagnosis of cancer, and secondly, for monitoring ongoing antitumor therapy and early detection of metastases. However, a slight increase in the level of tumor markers in the blood is possible with benign processes and inflammatory diseases of organs. Therefore, the detection of elevated levels of one or another tumor marker is not a basis for diagnosing cancer , but serves as a reason for an in-depth examination of the patient.
  3. Determination of susceptibility genes BRCA1 and BRCA2

Conducted studies suggest that mutations of these genes are responsible for 30-40% of hereditary predisposition to breast cancer.

OKDC has all the listed modern and relevant methods for diagnosing the condition of the mammary glands.

Breast self-examination

Self-examination should be carried out on the 5-7th day after menstruation or on the same day every month if there is no menstruation.

If you notice any external changes to your breasts or changes in sensation in the breast area, consult your doctor immediately.

Please note that with each passing month, self-examination will become an increasingly simple and familiar procedure for you.

6 Easy Steps to Perform a Breast Exam

(it’s best to do this while standing in the bathroom with soapy hands)

Step 1

Self-examination begins with examining the mammary glands in front of a mirror. Stand up straight, lower your arms along your body. Carefully examine the mammary glands, paying attention to changes in the volume and shape of the breast, as well as changes in the color of the skin, nipple and areola.

Step 2

Raise your hands behind your head. Examine the mammary glands in this position: their shape, the presence of retractions or bulges. Make sure there are no areas of lemon peel or discoloration on the skin. The shape and size of the mammary glands may differ slightly from each other, this is not a sign of a disease, but if these differences suddenly appear or increase, you need to consult a doctor

Step 3

Lightly squeeze the nipple with the thumb and index finger of your opposite hand. Check to see if there is any discharge from the nipple. If there is discharge, be sure to pay attention to its color.

Step 4

Raise your right arm and throw it behind your head. Using the pads of three or four fingers of your left hand, in a circular motion, slowly palpate your right breast.

For a more thorough examination, divide the mammary gland into 4 parts (quadrants) and conduct the examination sequentially - quadrant by quadrant. Repeat the same with the left breast (mirror).

Step 5

Examine the mammary glands in quadrants while lying down. This will allow a more thorough examination of the lower areas of the mammary gland.

Step 6

Feel the armpit and try to locate the axillary lymph nodes. If they have recently become palpable or their shape has changed, then pay attention to this and tell your gynecologist about your observations.

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Shade of nipples and areola

The color of the nipples and circumference may vary depending on the initial skin tone, metabolic characteristics, phase of the cycle, and the general state of the body (pregnancy, puberty, and others). Pink, beige, brown, coral and even chocolate for dark-skinned beauties - the shades can be very different. If the bulge itself differs from the color of the areola, this is not a deviation, although more often they still merge.

After breastfeeding, women note that the areola and nipple become brighter, darker, and more expressive. There are women whose nipple shade matches their skin tone or differs slightly - in this case, it is not easy to understand at first glance where the circumference ends and the bust itself begins. This makes some women uneasy. Fortunately, there is a procedure for permanent tattooing of the areola, which helps correct imperfections and make the circle richer, giving the breast a complete look and saving its owner from a possible complex.

Different color nipples

Nipple correction

Correction for hollowness

Plastic surgery is performed to correct congenital characteristics of the nipple or changes after breast lift. The essence of the procedure is to transfer the milk flow to the base of the nipple. The surgeon makes an incision at the base, tightens the nipples and cuts the ducts that support it. Then he puts a suture. The sutures are removed 5–6 days after the intervention.

Correction for bulge

A long female nipple, in addition to aesthetics, can also bring physical discomfort. He is prone to frequent injury. The surgeon makes a circular incision 0.5 centimeters from the base of the nipple. Then another circular incision is made 1 mm below the apex. Excess skin is removed between incisions. The ducts are reduced to the base and a continuous suture is applied. The nipple decreases in size.

With an unclear outline

Hypertrophic changes and ptosis of the mammary gland often cause deformation of the nipples and areola. The doctor removes a section of the areola in a circle and places a continuous intradermal suture along the entire circumference. As a result, the contour is aligned and becomes outlined.

Plastic surgery is performed in the absence of contraindications. This is confirmed during a medical examination and examination.

Reputable plastic surgeon Igor Aleksandrovich Butko successfully performs breast correction. The doctor uses proven techniques and modern instruments. Each patient is guaranteed comfortable conditions and confidentiality.

Call us and make an appointment with a doctor. We will make your body perfect and improve your quality of life.

Nipple direction and methods to correct it

The papillae can “look” in different directions, just like the breasts themselves. Straight, slightly down, in different directions, up. The direction changes depending on the tone of the breasts: if you are excited, the breasts rise, the nipples swell and protrude forward and slightly upward.

When the breasts swell before menstruation or in the first weeks of pregnancy, the nipples along with the areolas droop, while the mammary glands themselves increase (sometimes by 1-2 sizes). With age, the tone of the muscles that maintain volume and shape is lost, the breasts become flabby and sag. By the way, you won’t be able to pump up your chest with exercises; you can only strengthen the muscle frame and ligaments that hold the bust.

Where your nipples point can be adjusted in two ways. The first expensive and risky one is plastic surgery. The second is everyday and simpler: choose the right underwear so that your breasts look attractive in clothes, and accept the fact that every girl, girl, woman is individual and beautiful, regardless of the shape and size of the breast.

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